public FeatureLine GetFeatureLine(ObjectId curve, CivSurface targetSurface)
            Database    acCurDb = _hostDocument.Database;
            Transaction acTrans = acCurDb.TransactionManager.TopTransaction;

            ObjectId    perimId = FeatureLine.Create(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), curve);
            FeatureLine perim   = acTrans.GetObject(perimId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as FeatureLine;

            perim.AssignElevationsFromSurface(targetSurface.Id, true);

        // TODO: Revoew this method

        /*private SurfaceProperties? ExtractSurfaceInformation(CivSurface targetSurface)
         * {
         *  Document acDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
         *  Database acCurDb = acDoc.Database;
         *  Transaction acTrans = acCurDb.TransactionManager.TopTransaction;
         *  Polyline boundary = (Polyline) acTrans.GetObject(this.BaseObject, OpenMode.ForRead);
         *  Point2dCollection points = new Point2dCollection();
         *  for (int i = 0, size = boundary.NumberOfVertices; i < size; i++)
         *      points.Add(boundary.GetPoint2dAt(i));
         *  SurfaceProperties result = new SurfaceProperties();
         *  using (Database destDb = new Database(true, true))
         *  {
         *      using (Transaction transDest = destDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
         *      {
         *          Database db = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database;
         *          HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase = destDb;
         *          // TODO: Review if exception handling is the answer
         *          ObjectId newSurfaceId;
         *          try
         *          {
         *              // This errors out when surface has ben copied
         *              newSurfaceId = TinSurface.CreateByCropping(destDb, "Surface<[Next Counter(CP)]>",
         *                  targetSurface.ObjectId, points);
         *              TinSurface newSurface = transDest.GetObject(newSurfaceId, OpenMode.ForRead) as TinSurface;
         *              GeneralSurfaceProperties genProps = newSurface.GetGeneralProperties();
         *              result.MaxElevation = genProps.MaximumElevation;
         *              result.MinElevation = genProps.MinimumElevation;
         *          }
         *          catch (SurfaceException e)
         *          {
         *              return null;
         *          }
         *          finally
         *          {
         *              HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase = db;
         *          }
         *      }
         *  }
         *  return result;
         * }*/

        public FeatureLine GetPerim(CivSurface targetSurface)
            Document    acDoc   = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
            Database    acCurDb = acDoc.Database;
            Transaction acTrans = acCurDb.TransactionManager.TopTransaction;
            //Polyline boundary = (Polyline) acTrans.GetObject(this.BaseObject, OpenMode.ForRead);

            ObjectId    perimId = FeatureLine.Create(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), this.BaseObject);
            FeatureLine perim   = acTrans.GetObject(perimId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as FeatureLine;

            perim.AssignElevationsFromSurface(targetSurface.Id, true);

        // TODO: Port of existing code, requires refactoring immininently
        public void EstimateFFLFromSurface(CivSurface proposed)
            Document acDoc   = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Core.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
            Database acCurDb = acDoc.Database;

            using (Transaction acTrans = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                DBObject obj = acTrans.GetObject(this.BaseObject, OpenMode.ForWrite);

                //Need to add the temp line to create feature line from it
                BlockTable       acBlkTbl    = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;
                BlockTableRecord acBlkTblRec =
                    acTrans.GetObject(acBlkTbl[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace], OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord;

                ObjectId    perimId = FeatureLine.Create("plot" + PlotId, obj.ObjectId);
                FeatureLine perim   = acTrans.GetObject(perimId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as FeatureLine;
                perim.AssignElevationsFromSurface(proposed.Id, false);
                var points = perim.GetPoints(Autodesk.Civil.FeatureLinePointType.PIPoint);

                // TODO: Move to settings
                double FinishedFloorLevel = Math.Ceiling(perim.MaxElevation * 20) / 20 + 0.15;

                // TODO: Move to generation code
                //Ad the FFL Label
                // Create a multiline text object
                using (MText acMText = new MText())
                    Solid3d            Solid = new Solid3d();
                    DBObjectCollection coll  = new DBObjectCollection();
                    Solid.Extrude(((Region)Region.CreateFromCurves(coll)[0]), 1, 0);
                    Point3d centroid = new Point3d(Solid.MassProperties.Centroid.X, Solid.MassProperties.Centroid.Y, 0);

                    acMText.Location = centroid;
                    acMText.Contents = "FFL = " + FinishedFloorLevel.ToString("F3");

                    //acMText.Rotation = Rotation;
                    acMText.Height     = 8;
                    acMText.Attachment = AttachmentPoint.MiddleCenter;

                    acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acMText, true);

                // TODO: Move to generation code
                foreach (Point3d p in points)
                    using (MText acMText = new MText())
                        Point3d insert = new Point3d(p.X, p.Y, 0);
                        acMText.Location = insert;

                        //Number of course
                        int courses = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)(((FinishedFloorLevel - 0.15f - p.Z) / 0.075f)));

                        if (courses > 0)
                            acMText.Contents   = courses + " Courses";
                            acMText.Height     = 4;
                            acMText.Attachment = AttachmentPoint.TopRight;

                            acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acMText, true);

        public void PlineToPlots()
            Document acDoc   = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
            Database acCurDb = acDoc.Database;

            PromptSelectionOptions pso = new PromptSelectionOptions();

            pso.SingleOnly = true;
            pso.RejectObjectsOnLockedLayers = true;
            PromptSelectionResult psr = acDoc.Editor.GetSelection(pso);

            if (psr.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
                using (Transaction acTrans = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                    CivSurface oSurface = null;

                    //Get the target surface
                    ObjectIdCollection SurfaceIds = CivilApplication.ActiveDocument.GetSurfaceIds();
                    foreach (ObjectId surfaceId in SurfaceIds)
                        CivSurface temp = surfaceId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) as CivSurface;
                        if (temp.Name == Civils.Constants.ProposedGroundName)
                            oSurface = temp;

                    int plotCount = 0;

                    foreach (SelectedObject so in psr.Value)
                            DBObject obj = acTrans.GetObject(so.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForWrite);

                            if (obj is Curve)

                                //Polyline acPline = obj as Polyline;

                                //Need to add the temp line to create feature line from it
                                BlockTable       acBlkTbl    = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;
                                BlockTableRecord acBlkTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acBlkTbl[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace], OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord;

                                ObjectId perimId = FeatureLine.Create("plot" + plotCount, obj.ObjectId);

                                FeatureLine perim = acTrans.GetObject(perimId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as FeatureLine;
                                perim.AssignElevationsFromSurface(oSurface.Id, false);
                                var points = perim.GetPoints(Autodesk.Civil.FeatureLinePointType.PIPoint);

                                double FinishedFloorLevel = Math.Ceiling(perim.MaxElevation * 20) / 20 + 0.15;

                                //Ad the FFL Label
                                // Create a multiline text object
                                using (MText acMText = new MText())
                                    Solid3d            Solid = new Solid3d();
                                    DBObjectCollection coll  = new DBObjectCollection();
                                    Solid.Extrude(((Region)Region.CreateFromCurves(coll)[0]), 1, 0);
                                    Point3d centroid = new Point3d(Solid.MassProperties.Centroid.X, Solid.MassProperties.Centroid.Y, 0);

                                    acMText.Location = centroid;
                                    acMText.Contents = "FFL = " + FinishedFloorLevel.ToString("F3");
                                    //acMText.Rotation = Rotation;
                                    acMText.Height     = 8;
                                    acMText.Attachment = AttachmentPoint.MiddleCenter;

                                    acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acMText, true);

                                foreach (Point3d p in points)
                                    using (MText acMText = new MText())
                                        Point3d insert = new Point3d(p.X, p.Y, 0);
                                        acMText.Location = insert;
                                        //Number of course
                                        int courses = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)(((FinishedFloorLevel - 0.15f - p.Z) / 0.075f)));

                                        if (courses > 0)
                                            acMText.Contents   = courses + " Courses";
                                            acMText.Height     = 4;
                                            acMText.Attachment = AttachmentPoint.TopRight;

                                            acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acMText, true);

                                acDoc.Editor.WriteMessage("Object is not a polyline\n");
                        catch (Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception e)
                            acDoc.Editor.WriteMessage(e.Message + "\n");
                        catch (System.Exception e)
                            acDoc.Editor.WriteMessage(e.Message + "\n");