Example #1
            /// <inheritdoc />
            public Task <FdbRangeChunk> GetRangeAsync(KeySelector beginInclusive,
                                                      KeySelector endExclusive,
                                                      int limit             = 0,
                                                      bool reverse          = false,
                                                      int targetBytes       = 0,
                                                      FdbStreamingMode mode = FdbStreamingMode.Exact,
                                                      FdbReadMode read      = FdbReadMode.Both,
                                                      int iteration         = 0)

                FdbKey.EnsureKeyIsValid(endExclusive.Key, endExclusive: true);

                FdbRangeOptions.EnsureLegalValues(limit, targetBytes, mode, read, iteration);

                // The iteration value is only needed when in iterator mode, but then it should start from 1
                if (iteration == 0)
                    iteration = 1;

                return(m_parent.PerformGetRangeOperation(beginInclusive, endExclusive, snapshot: true, limit, reverse, targetBytes, mode, read, iteration));
        /// <summary>Add all missing values from the provided defaults</summary>
        /// <param name="options">Options provided by the caller (can be null)</param>
        /// <param name="limit">Default value for Limit if not provided</param>
        /// <param name="targetBytes">Default TargetBytes for limit if not provided</param>
        /// <param name="mode">Default value for Streaming mode if not provided</param>
        /// <param name="read">Default value for Read mode if not provided</param>
        /// <param name="reverse">Default value for Reverse if not provided</param>
        /// <returns>Options with all the values filled</returns>
        public static FdbRangeOptions EnsureDefaults(FdbRangeOptions options, int?limit, int?targetBytes, FdbStreamingMode mode, FdbReadMode read, bool reverse)
            Contract.Requires((limit ?? 0) >= 0 && (targetBytes ?? 0) >= 0);

            if (options == null)
                options = new FdbRangeOptions()
                    Limit       = limit,
                    TargetBytes = targetBytes,
                    Mode        = mode,
                    Reverse     = reverse,
                    Read        = read,
            else if (options.Limit == null || options.TargetBytes == null || options.Mode == null || options.Reverse == null || options.Read == null)
                options = new FdbRangeOptions
                    Limit       = options.Limit ?? limit,
                    TargetBytes = options.TargetBytes ?? targetBytes,
                    Mode        = options.Mode ?? mode,
                    Read        = options.Read ?? read,
                    Reverse     = options.Reverse ?? reverse

            Contract.Ensures(options.Mode != null && options.Reverse != null);
            Contract.Ensures((options.Limit ?? 0) >= 0, "Limit cannot be negative");
            Contract.Ensures((options.TargetBytes ?? 0) >= 0, "TargetBytes cannot be negative");
            Contract.Ensures(options.Mode.HasValue && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(FdbStreamingMode), options.Mode.Value), "Streaming mode must be valid");
            Contract.Ensures(options.Read.HasValue && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(FdbReadMode), options.Read.Value), "Reading mode must be valid");

Example #3
        /// <summary>Asynchronously fetch a new page of results</summary>
        /// <returns>True if Chunk contains a new page of results. False if all results have been read.</returns>
        public Task <FdbRangeChunk> GetRangeAsync(KeySelector begin, KeySelector end, int limit, bool reversed, int targetBytes, FdbStreamingMode mode, FdbReadMode read, int iteration, bool snapshot, CancellationToken ct)
            var future = FdbNative.TransactionGetRange(m_handle, begin, end, limit, targetBytes, mode, iteration, snapshot, reversed);

                       (h) =>
                KeyValuePair <Slice, Slice>[] items;
                bool hasMore;
                Slice first, last;
                switch (read)
                case FdbReadMode.Both:
                        items = GetKeyValueArrayResult(h, out hasMore, out first, out last);

                case FdbReadMode.Keys:
                        items = GetKeyValueArrayResultKeysOnly(h, out hasMore, out first, out last);

                case FdbReadMode.Values:
                        items = GetKeyValueArrayResultValuesOnly(h, out hasMore, out first, out last);

                        throw new InvalidOperationException();
                return new FdbRangeChunk(items, hasMore, iteration, reversed, read, first, last);
 public FdbRangeChunk([NotNull] KeyValuePair <Slice, Slice>[] items, bool hasMore, int iteration, bool reversed, FdbReadMode readMode, Slice first, Slice last)
     Contract.NotNull(items, nameof(items));
     this.Items     = items;
     this.HasMore   = hasMore;
     this.Iteration = iteration;
     this.Reversed  = reversed;
     this.ReadMode  = readMode;
     this.First     = first;
     this.Last      = last;
 internal static void EnsureLegalValues(int limit, int targetBytes, FdbStreamingMode mode, FdbReadMode read, int iteration)
     if (limit < 0)
         throw InvalidOptionValue("Range Limit cannot be negative.");
     if (targetBytes < 0)
         throw InvalidOptionValue("Range TargetBytes cannot be negative.");
     if (mode < FdbStreamingMode.WantAll || mode > FdbStreamingMode.Serial)
         throw InvalidOptionValue("Range StreamingMode must be valid.");
     if (read < FdbReadMode.Both || read > FdbReadMode.Values)
         throw InvalidOptionValue("Range ReadMode must be valid.");
     if (iteration < 0)
         throw InvalidOptionValue("Iteration counter cannot be negative.");