private static bool ReadNextFloat(string line, int lineLength, ref int position, out float result) { int start = -1; bool any = false; for (; position < lineLength; position++) { var c = line[position]; if (Char.IsDigit(c) | (c == '.')) { if (start < 0) { start = position; any = true; } } else if (any) { break; } } if (any) { result = FastParse.ParseFixedFloat(line, start, position - start); return(true); } result = -1; return(false); }
public object ParseFloatNumber() { // reduce boxing of floats by detecting duplicated float objects if (json [index + 1] == ',') { byte c = json [index + 0]; if (c == '0') { index += 2; return(float0); } else if (c == '1') { index += 2; return(float1); } else if (c == '2') { index += 2; return(float2); } else if (c == '3') { index += 2; return(float3); } else if (c == '4') { index += 2; return(float4); } else if (c == '5') { index += 2; return(float5); } else if (c == '6') { index += 2; return(float6); } else if (c == '7') { index += 2; return(float7); } else if (c == '8') { index += 2; return(float8); } else if (c == '9') { index += 2; return(float9); } } float f = FastParse.atof(json, ref index); index--; object ret; if (duplicatedFloats.TryGetValue(f, out ret)) { return(ret); } return(duplicatedFloats [f] = f); }
public void GenerateNewMesh() { if (Density == 0.0f) { throw new System.Exception("Density is " + Density + " cannot create mesh"); } // create mesh PointMesh = new Mesh(); =; Debug.Log("parsing " + Filename); var Lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(Filename); var Positions = new List <Vector3> (); var Normals = new List <Vector3> (); var Colours = new List <Color> (); bool BoundsInitialised = false; Bounds MinMax = new Bounds(); // generate indicies int VertexesPerTriangle = (GenerateAsPoints ? 1 : 3); // decode points { var Pos3 = new Vector3(); var Colour3 = new Color(); var Space = new char[] { ' ' }; foreach (string Line in Lines) { try { var Floats = Line.Split(Space); Pos3.x = FastParse.Float(Floats [0]); Pos3.y = FastParse.Float(Floats [1]); Pos3.z = FastParse.Float(Floats [2]); Colour3.r = FastParse.Float(Floats [3]) / 256.0f; Colour3.g = FastParse.Float(Floats [4]) / 256.0f; Colour3.b = FastParse.Float(Floats [5]) / 256.0f; if (!BoundsInitialised) { MinMax = new Bounds(Pos3,; BoundsInitialised = true; } MinMax.Encapsulate(Pos3); if (GenerateAsPoints) { Positions.Add(Pos3); Colours.Add(Colour3); Normals.Add(new Vector3(1, 0, 0)); } else { Positions.Add(Pos3); Colours.Add(Colour3); Normals.Add(new Vector3(1, 0, 0)); Positions.Add(Pos3); Colours.Add(Colour3); Normals.Add(new Vector3(0, 1, 0)); Positions.Add(Pos3); Colours.Add(Colour3); Normals.Add(new Vector3(0, 0, 1)); } } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning("Exception with line: " + Line + ": " + e.Message); } } } // never added any verts if (!BoundsInitialised) { throw new System.Exception("Failed to parse any points"); } // center verts if (CenterMesh) { var BoundsCenter =; for (int i = 0; i < Positions.Count; i++) { Positions [i] -= BoundsCenter; } MinMax.min -= BoundsCenter; MinMax.max -= BoundsCenter; if (MoveSelf) { this.transform.localPosition = BoundsCenter; } } // crop for density if (Density < 1) { var OldCount = Positions.Count; var Step = 1.0f / (1.0f - Density); if (Step <= 1.0f) { throw new System.Exception("Step is too low " + Step); } if (GenerateAsPoints) { for (float i = Positions.Count - 1; i >= 0; i -= Step) { Positions.RemoveAt((int)i); Normals.RemoveAt((int)i); Colours.RemoveAt((int)i); } } else { int TriangleCount = Positions.Count / 3; for (float i = TriangleCount - 1; i >= 0; i -= Step) { var ti = (int)i * 3; Positions.RemoveRange(ti, 3); Normals.RemoveRange(ti, 3); Colours.RemoveRange(ti, 3); } } var NewDensity = Positions.Count / (float)OldCount; Debug.Log("Reduced points from " + OldCount + " to " + Positions.Count + "(" + (Density * 100) + "% requested, produced " + (NewDensity * 100) + "%)"); } // cap to the unity limit var VertexLimit = 65535 - (GenerateAsPoints ? 1 : 3); if (Positions.Count >= VertexLimit) { var Dropped = Positions.Count - VertexLimit; Debug.LogWarning("capped point cloud to vertex limit of " + VertexLimit + " from " + Positions.Count + ". " + Dropped + " dropped"); Positions.RemoveRange(VertexLimit, Dropped); Normals.RemoveRange(VertexLimit, Dropped); Colours.RemoveRange(VertexLimit, Dropped); } // generate indicies var Indexes = new int[Positions.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < Indexes.Length; i++) { Indexes [i] = i; } PointMesh.SetVertices(Positions); PointMesh.SetNormals(Normals); PointMesh.SetColors(Colours); PointMesh.SetIndices(Indexes, GenerateAsPoints ? MeshTopology.Points : MeshTopology.Triangles, 0); PointMesh.bounds = MinMax; var mf = this.GetComponent <MeshFilter> (); mf.mesh = PointMesh; var mr = this.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> (); var mat = ModifySharedMaterial ? mr.sharedMaterial : mr.material; if (GenerateAsPoints) { mat.EnableKeyword(PointGeometryShaderFeature); } else { mat.DisableKeyword(PointGeometryShaderFeature); } if (UseVertexTriangulation) { mat.EnableKeyword(VertexTriangulationShaderFeature); } else { mat.DisableKeyword(VertexTriangulationShaderFeature); } var bc = this.GetComponent <BoxCollider> (); if (bc != null) { bc.enabled = false; bc.enabled = true; } }