Contains() public method

public Contains ( item ) : bool
return bool
Example #1
        public void Subscribe(Entity entity)
            if (!Enable)

            if (!subscribers.Contains(entity))
        /// <summary>
        /// Publish event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eventMessage">Event message.</param>
        public void Publish <T> (T eventMessage)
            var eventType = typeof(T);
            FastList <Func <T, bool> > list = null;

            lock (_syncObj) {
                if (_eventsInCall.Contains(eventType))
                    Debug.LogError("Already in calling of " + eventType.Name);
                object objList;
                if (_events.TryGetValue(eventType, out objList))
                    list = (FastList <Func <T, bool> >)objList;

                    // kept for no new GC alloc, but empty.
                    if (list.Count == 0)
                        list = null;
                if (list != null)
            if (list != null)
                var cacheList = _eventSpecificListCaches[eventType];
                int i;
                int iMax;
                var listData = list.GetData(out iMax);
                cacheList.Reserve(iMax, true, false);
                var cacheListData = cacheList.GetData();
                // we cant use direct copy because cached list dont know T-generic type of event.
                for (i = 0; i < iMax; i++)
                    cacheListData[i] = listData[i];
                try {
                    for (i = 0; i < iMax; i++)
                        if (((Func <T, bool>)cacheListData[i])(eventMessage))
                            // Event was interrupted / processed, we can exit.
                } finally {
                    lock (_syncObj) {
Example #3
        public void RegisterCamera(CameraComponent cameraComponent)
            if (cameraComponent == null)
                Log.Error("Entity attempted to register a camera when no camera is attached.");

            if (!cameraDb.Contains(cameraComponent))
                Log.Info($"{cameraComponent?.Entity.Name} camera has been registered with camera db.");
Example #4
	void UpdateFreeEmitters() {
		if ( verboseLogging ) {
			if ( Input.GetKeyDown( KeyCode.A ) ) {
				forceShowEmitterCount = !forceShowEmitterCount:
			if ( forceShowEmitterCount ) {
				showPlayingEmitterCount = true:
		// display playing emitter count when the sound system is overwhelmed
		int total = 0, veryLow = 0, low = 0, def = 0, high = 0, veryHigh = 0:

		// find emitters that are done playing and add them to the nextFreeEmitters list
		for ( int i = 0: i < playingEmitters.size: ) {
			if ( playingEmitters[i] == null ) {
				Debug.LogError( "[AudioManager] ERROR: playingEmitters list had a null emitter! Something nuked a sound emitter!!!" ):
				playingEmitters.RemoveAtFast( i ):
			if ( !playingEmitters[i].IsPlaying() ) {
				// add to the free list and remove from the playing list
				if ( verboseLogging ) {
					if ( nextFreeEmitters.Contains( playingEmitters[i] ) ) {
						Debug.LogError( "[AudioManager] ERROR: playing sound emitter already in the free emitters list!" ):
				nextFreeEmitters.Add( playingEmitters[i] ):
				playingEmitters.RemoveAtFast( i ):
			// debugging/profiling
			if ( verboseLogging && showPlayingEmitterCount ) {
				switch ( playingEmitters[i].priority ) {
					case SoundPriority.VeryLow: veryLow++: break:
					case SoundPriority.Low: low++: break:
					case SoundPriority.Default: def++: break:
					case SoundPriority.High: high++: break:
					case SoundPriority.VeryHigh: veryHigh++: break:
		if ( verboseLogging && showPlayingEmitterCount ) {
			Debug.LogWarning( string.Format( "[AudioManager] Playing sounds: Total {0} | VeryLow {1} | Low {2} | Default {3} | High {4} | VeryHigh {5} | Free {6}", Fmt( total ), Fmt( veryLow ), Fmt( low ), Fmt( def ), Fmt( high ), Fmt( veryHigh ), FmtFree( nextFreeEmitters.Count ) ) ):
			showPlayingEmitterCount = false:
Example #5
 public void Remove(CollisionComponent coll)
     if (m_objectList.Contains(coll))
         for (int i = 0; i < m_childListCount; i++)
        // Solved by ReleaseQuestionableSegments

        /*private static void CheckSplitSegmentAngle(ref NetTool.ControlPoint point, FastList<ushort> createdSegments, HashSet<ConnectionPoint> borderNodes)
         * {
         *  if(point.m_segment != 0)
         *  {
         *      if (createdSegments.Contains(point.m_segment))
         *          return;
         *      if (point.m_node != 0)
         *          return;
         *      Debug.Log("CheckSplitSegmentAngle: Snapping detected");
         *      NetSegment netSegment = NetAccess.GetSegment(point.m_segment);
         *      netSegment.GetClosestPositionAndDirection(point.m_position, out Vector3 pos, out Vector3 dir);
         *      float angle = Vector3.Angle(point.m_direction, dir);
         *      if(angle < 5 || 180 - angle < 5)
         *      {
         *          Debug.Log("CheckSplitSegmentAngle: Releasing (" + angle + " deg)");
         *          bool inverted = ((netSegment.m_flags & NetSegment.Flags.Invert) != NetSegment.Flags.None);
         *          ConnectionPoint p1 = new ConnectionPoint(netSegment.m_startNode, netSegment.m_startDirection, netSegment.Info, inverted);
         *          ConnectionPoint p2 = new ConnectionPoint(netSegment.m_endNode, netSegment.m_endDirection, netSegment.Info, !inverted);
         *          NetAccess.ReleaseSegment(point.m_segment, true);
         *          if(NetAccess.ExistsNode(p1.Node) && NetAccess.ExistsNode(p2.Node))
         *          {
         *              borderNodes.Add(p1);
         *              borderNodes.Add(p2);
         *          }
         *      }
         *  }
         * }*/

        /* Sometimes the intersection end snaps to an existing road. But it can happen that the intersection road and the road it snaps to are (more or
         * less) parallel. Then we are left with a piece of old road overlapping the new road because the old segment for some reason doesn't show up as
         * colliding. We have to find it and release it. I think that it shouldn't happen more than once per intersection tho. */
        private static void ReleaseQuestionableSegments(FastList <ushort> newNodes, FastList <ushort> newSegments)
            foreach (ushort node in newNodes)
                NetNode netNode      = NetAccess.GetNode(node);
                ushort  foundSegment = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    ushort segment = netNode.GetSegment(i);
                    if (segment != 0 && newSegments.Contains(segment))
                        if (foundSegment != 0)
                            goto continueOuterLoop;
                            foundSegment = segment;

                Vector3 direction = NetAccess.GetSegment(foundSegment).GetDirection(node);
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    ushort segment = netNode.GetSegment(i);
                    if (segment != 0 && segment != foundSegment)
                        float angle = Vector3.Angle(direction, NetAccess.GetSegment(segment).GetDirection(node));
                        if (angle < 10)
                            //Debug.Log("Releasing questionable segment " + segment);
                            goto breakOuterLoop;

                continueOuterLoop :;
            breakOuterLoop :;
        public static bool Contains <T> (string messageName, Del <T> handler) where T : LSMessage
            object o;

            if (events.TryGetValue(messageName, out o) == false)
            FastList <Del <T> > dels = o as FastList <Del <T> >;

            if (dels == null)
            if (dels.Contains(handler))
Example #8
    public bool Remove(CollisionComponent coll)
        if (m_objectList.Contains(coll))
            for (int i = 0; i < m_childListCount; i++)
                bool isRemove = m_childList[i].Remove(coll);
                if (isRemove)

Example #9
        private void ProcessInput()
            float deltaTime = (float)Game.UpdateTime.Elapsed.TotalSeconds;

            translation = Vector3.Zero;
            yaw         = 0f;
            pitch       = 0f;

            // Keyboard and Gamepad based movement
                // Our base speed is: one unit per second:
                //    deltaTime contains the duration of the previous frame, let's say that in this update
                //    or frame it is equal to 1/60, that means that the previous update ran 1/60 of a second ago
                //    and the next will, in most cases, run in around 1/60 of a second from now. Knowing that,
                //    we can move 1/60 of a unit on this frame so that in around 60 frames(1 second)
                //    we will have travelled one whole unit in a second.
                //    If you don't use deltaTime your speed will be dependant on the amount of frames rendered
                //    on screen which often are inconsistent, meaning that if the player has performance issues,
                //    this outlineComponent will move around slower.
                float speed = 1f * deltaTime;

                Vector3 dir = Vector3.Zero;

                if (Gamepad && Input.HasGamePad)
                    GamePadState padState = Input.DefaultGamePad.State;
                    // LeftThumb can be positive or negative on both axis (pushed to the right or to the left)
                    dir.Z += padState.LeftThumb.Y;
                    dir.X += padState.LeftThumb.X;

                    // Triggers are always positive, in this case using one to increase and the other to decrease
                    dir.Y -= padState.LeftTrigger;
                    dir.Y += padState.RightTrigger;

                    // Increase speed when pressing A, LeftShoulder or RightShoulder
                    // Here:does the enum flag 'Buttons' has one of the flag ('A','LeftShoulder' or 'RightShoulder') set
                    if ((padState.Buttons & (GamePadButton.A | GamePadButton.LeftShoulder | GamePadButton.RightShoulder)) != 0)
                        speed *= SpeedFactor;

                if (Input.HasKeyboard)
                    // Move with keyboard
                    // Forward/Backward
                    if (Input.IsKeyDown(Keys.W) || Input.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up))
                        dir.Z += 1;
                    if (Input.IsKeyDown(Keys.S) || Input.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down))
                        dir.Z -= 1;

                    // Left/Right
                    if (Input.IsKeyDown(Keys.A) || Input.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left))
                        dir.X -= 1;
                    if (Input.IsKeyDown(Keys.D) || Input.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right))
                        dir.X += 1;

                    // Down/Up
                    if (Input.IsKeyDown(Keys.Q))
                        dir.Y -= 1;
                    if (Input.IsKeyDown(Keys.E))
                        dir.Y += 1;

                    // Increase speed when pressing shift
                    if (Input.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift) || Input.IsKeyDown(Keys.RightShift))
                        speed *= SpeedFactor;

                    // If the player pushes down two or more buttons, the direction and ultimately the base speed
                    // will be greater than one (vector(1, 1) is farther away from zero than vector(0, 1)),
                    // normalizing the vector ensures that whichever direction the player chooses, that direction
                    // will always be at most one unit in length.
                    // We're keeping dir as is if isn't longer than one to retain sub unit movement:
                    // a stick not entirely pushed forward should make the outlineComponent move slower.
                    if (dir.Length() > 1f)
                        dir = Vector3.Normalize(dir);

                // Finally, push all of that to the translation variable which will be used within UpdateTransform()
                translation += dir * KeyboardMovementSpeed * speed;

            // Keyboard and Gamepad based Rotation
                // See Keyboard & Gamepad translation's deltaTime usage
                float   speed    = 1f * deltaTime;
                Vector2 rotation = Vector2.Zero;
                if (Gamepad && Input.HasGamePad)
                    GamePadState padState = Input.DefaultGamePad.State;
                    rotation.X += padState.RightThumb.Y;
                    rotation.Y += -padState.RightThumb.X;

                if (Input.HasKeyboard)
                    if (Input.IsKeyDown(Keys.NumPad2))
                        rotation.X += 1;
                    if (Input.IsKeyDown(Keys.NumPad8))
                        rotation.X -= 1;

                    if (Input.IsKeyDown(Keys.NumPad4))
                        rotation.Y += 1;
                    if (Input.IsKeyDown(Keys.NumPad6))
                        rotation.Y -= 1;

                    // See Keyboard & Gamepad translation's Normalize() usage
                    if (rotation.Length() > 1f)
                        rotation = Vector2.Normalize(rotation);

                // Modulate by speed
                rotation *= KeyboardRotationSpeed * speed;

                // Finally, push all of that to pitch & yaw which are going to be used within UpdateTransform()
                pitch += rotation.X;
                yaw   += rotation.Y;

            // Mouse movement and gestures
                // This type of input should not use delta time at all, they already are frame-rate independent.
                //    Lets say that you are going to move your finger/mouse for one second over 40 units, it doesn't matter
                //    the amount of frames occuring within that time frame, each frame will receive the right amount of delta:
                //    a quarter of a second -> 10 units, half a second -> 20 units, one second -> your 40 units.

                if (Input.HasMouse)
                    // Ray cast into the scene for outline highlighting
                    if (Raycast(Input.MousePosition, CollisionFilterGroupFlags.CustomFilter10,
                                out var _, out var outlineComponent))
                        if (!outlinedComponents.Contains(outlineComponent))
                        foreach (var outlinedComponent in outlinedComponents)

                    // Rotate with mouse
                    if (Input.IsMouseButtonDown(MouseButton.Right))
                        Game.IsMouseVisible = false;

                        yaw   -= Input.MouseDelta.X * MouseRotationSpeed.X;
                        pitch -= Input.MouseDelta.Y * MouseRotationSpeed.Y;
                        Game.IsMouseVisible = true;

                // Handle gestures
                foreach (var gestureEvent in Input.GestureEvents)
                    switch (gestureEvent.Type)
                    // Rotate by dragging
                    case GestureType.Drag:
                        var drag         = (GestureEventDrag)gestureEvent;
                        var dragDistance = drag.DeltaTranslation;
                        yaw   = -dragDistance.X * TouchRotationSpeed.X;
                        pitch = -dragDistance.Y * TouchRotationSpeed.Y;

                    // Move along z-axis by scaling and in xy-plane by multi-touch dragging
                    case GestureType.Composite:
                        var composite = (GestureEventComposite)gestureEvent;
                        translation.X = -composite.DeltaTranslation.X * TouchMovementSpeed.X;
                        translation.Y = -composite.DeltaTranslation.Y * TouchMovementSpeed.Y;
                        translation.Z = (float)Math.Log(composite.DeltaScale + 1) * TouchMovementSpeed.Z;
        /* Sometimes the intersection end snaps to an existing road. But it can happen that the intersection road and the road it snaps to are (more or
         * less) parallel. Then we are left with a piece of old road overlapping the new road because the old segment for some reason doesn't show up as
         * colliding. We have to find it and release it. I think that it shouldn't happen more than once per intersection tho. */
        private static void ReleaseQuestionableSegments(FastList <ushort> newNodes, FastList <ushort> newSegments)
            foreach (ushort node in newNodes)
                NetNode netNode      = NetUtil.Node(node);
                ushort  foundSegment = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    ushort segment = netNode.GetSegment(i);
                    if (segment != 0 && newSegments.Contains(segment))
                        if (foundSegment != 0)
                            goto continueOuterLoop;
                            foundSegment = segment;

                Vector3 direction = NetUtil.Segment(foundSegment).GetDirection(node);
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    ushort segment = netNode.GetSegment(i);
                    if (segment != 0 && segment != foundSegment)
                        float angle = Vector3.Angle(direction, NetUtil.Segment(segment).GetDirection(node));
                        if (angle < 10)
                            //Debug.Log("Releasing questionable segment " + segment);
                            WrappedSegment segmentW = _networkDictionary.RegisterSegment(segment);
                            segmentW.IsBuildAction = false;

                            if (segmentW.StartNode.TryRelease())
                                segmentW.StartNode.IsBuildAction = false;

                            if (segmentW.EndNode.TryRelease())
                                segmentW.EndNode.IsBuildAction = false;

                            /*WrappedSegment segmentW = _networkDictionary.RegisterSegment(segment);
                             * segmentW.Release();*/

                            goto breakOuterLoop;

                continueOuterLoop :;
            breakOuterLoop :;
Example #11
 public bool IsResourceInRange(NaturalResource res)