public static object toImmutable(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(null); } // TODO - this isn't quite right, need to clean up with FanObj.isImmutable if (obj is Double) { return(((Double)obj).doubleValue()); } if (obj is Long) { return(((Long)obj).longValue()); } if (FanObj.isImmutable(obj)) { return(obj); } if (obj is List) { return(((List)obj).toImmutable()); } if (obj is Map) { return(((Map)obj).toImmutable()); } throw NotImmutableErr.make(FanObj.@typeof(obj).toStr()).val; }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Is/As ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static bool @is(object instance, Type type) { if (instance == null) { return(false); } return(FanObj.@typeof(instance).fits(type)); }
public override void checkInCtor(object it) { if (it == m_inCtor) { return; } string msg = it == null ? "null" : FanObj.@typeof(it).qname(); throw ConstErr.make(msg).val; }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Write ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void writeObj(object obj) { if (obj == null) { w("null"); return; } if (obj.GetType().FullName[0] == 'S') { if (obj is bool && (bool)obj) { w("true"); return; } if (obj is bool && !(bool)obj) { w("false"); return; } if (obj is double) { FanFloat.encode((double)obj, this); return; } if (obj is long) { FanInt.encode((long)obj, this); return; } if (obj is string) { wStrLiteral(obj.ToString(), '"'); return; } } if (obj.GetType().FullName[0] == 'F') { if (obj is Boolean && (obj as Boolean).booleanValue()) { w("true"); return; } if (obj is Boolean && !(obj as Boolean).booleanValue()) { w("false"); return; } if (obj is Double) { FanFloat.encode((obj as Double).doubleValue(), this); return; } if (obj is Long) { FanInt.encode((obj as Long).longValue(), this); return; } if (obj is BigDecimal) { FanDecimal.encode((BigDecimal)obj, this); return; } } if (obj is Literal) { ((Literal)obj).encode(this); return; } Type type = FanObj.@typeof(obj); Serializable ser = (Serializable)type.facet(Sys.SerializableType, false); if (ser != null) { if (ser.m_simple) { writeSimple(type, obj); } else { writeComplex(type, obj, ser); } } else { if (skipErrors) { w("null /* Not serializable: ").w(type.qname()).w(" */"); } else { throw IOErr.make("Not serializable: " + type).val; } } }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Complex ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void writeComplex(Type type, object obj, Serializable ser) { wType(type); bool first = true; object defObj = null; if (skipDefaults) { defObj = FanObj.@typeof(obj).make(); } List fields = type.fields(); for (int i = 0; i <; ++i) { Field f = (Field)fields.get(i); // skip static, transient, and synthetic (once) fields if (f.isStatic() || f.isSynthetic() || f.hasFacet(Sys.TransientType)) { continue; } // get the value object val = f.get(obj); // if skipping defaults if (defObj != null) { object defVal = f.get(defObj); if (OpUtil.compareEQ(val, defVal)) { continue; } } // if first then open braces if (first) { w('\n').wIndent().w('{').w('\n'); level++; first = false; } // field name = wIndent().w('='); // field value curFieldType = f.type().toNonNullable(); writeObj(val); curFieldType = null; w('\n'); } // if collection if (ser.m_collection) { first = writeCollectionItems(type, obj, first); } // if we output fields, then close braces if (!first) { level--; wIndent().w('}'); } }