public void DumpChr(FamicomDumperConnection dumper, List <byte> data, int size)
            byte outbanks = (byte)(size / (256 * 1024));

            for (byte outbank = 0; outbank < outbanks; outbank += 1)
                dumper.WriteCpu(0xA001, 0x80); // RAM protect
                dumper.WriteCpu((ushort)(0x6828 | (outbank << 1)), 0x00);
                dumper.WriteCpu(0xA001, 0);    // disable W-RAM

                int banks = 256;
                if (banks > 256)
                    throw new Exception("CHR size is too big");
                for (int bank = 0; bank < banks; bank += 4)
                    Console.Write("Reading CHR banks #{4}|{0}, #{4}|{1}, #{4}|{2}, #{4}|{3}... ", bank, bank + 1, bank + 2, bank + 3, outbank);
                    dumper.WriteCpu(0x8000, new byte[] { 2, (byte)bank });
                    dumper.WriteCpu(0x8000, new byte[] { 3, (byte)(bank | 1) });
                    dumper.WriteCpu(0x8000, new byte[] { 4, (byte)(bank | 2) });
                    dumper.WriteCpu(0x8000, new byte[] { 5, (byte)(bank | 3) });
                    data.AddRange(dumper.ReadPpu(0x1000, 0x1000));
 public void EnablePrgRam(FamicomDumperConnection dumper)
     dumper.WriteCpu(0xA001, 0x00);
     dumper.WriteCpu(0x6003, 0x80);
     dumper.WriteCpu(0xA001, 0x80);
        public void DumpPrg(FamicomDumperConnection dumper, List <byte> data, int size)
            int outbanks = size / (128 * 1024);

            int outbankSize = 512;

            for (int outbank = 0; outbank < outbanks; outbank += outbankSize / 128)
                byte r0 = (byte)((outbank & 0x07) | ((outbank & 0xc0) >> 2));
                byte r1 = (byte)(((outbank & 0x30) >> 2) | ((outbank << 1) & 0x10));
                byte r2 = 0;
                byte r3 = 0;
                dumper.WriteCpu(0x6000, new byte[] { r0 });
                dumper.WriteCpu(0x6001, new byte[] { r1 });
                dumper.WriteCpu(0x6002, new byte[] { r2 });
                dumper.WriteCpu(0x6003, new byte[] { r3 });

                int banks = outbankSize * 1024 / 0x2000;
                for (int bank = 0; bank < banks - 2; bank += 2)
                    Console.Write("Reading PRG banks #{2}|{0} and #{2}|{1}... ", bank, bank + 1, outbank);
                    dumper.WriteCpu(0x8000, new byte[] { 6, (byte)(bank) });
                    dumper.WriteCpu(0x8000, new byte[] { 7, (byte)(bank | 1) });
                    data.AddRange(dumper.ReadCpu(0x8000, 0x4000));
                Console.Write("Reading last PRG banks #{2}|{0} and #{2}|{1}... ", banks - 2, banks - 1, outbank);
                data.AddRange(dumper.ReadCpu(0xC000, 0x4000));
        public void DumpPrg(FamicomDumperConnection dumper, List <byte> data, int size)
            version = CoolboyWriter.DetectVersion(dumper);
            UInt16 coolboyReg = (UInt16)(version == 2 ? 0x5000 : 0x6000);
            int    banks      = size / 0x4000;

            for (int bank = 0; bank < banks; bank++)
                byte r0 = (byte)(((bank >> 3) & 0x07)          // 5, 4, 3 bits
                                 | (((bank >> 9) & 0x03) << 4) // 10, 9 bits
                                 | (1 << 6));                  // resets 4th mask bit
                byte r1 = (byte)((((bank >> 7) & 0x03) << 2)   // 8, 7
                                 | (((bank >> 6) & 1) << 4)    // 6
                                 | (1 << 7));                  // resets 5th mask bit
                byte r2 = 0;
                byte r3 = (byte)((1 << 4)                      // NROM mode
                                 | ((bank & 7) << 1));         // 2, 1, 0 bits
                dumper.WriteCpu(coolboyReg, new byte[] { r0, r1, r2, r3 });

                Console.Write("Reading PRG banks #{0}/{1}... ", bank, banks);
                data.AddRange(dumper.ReadCpu(0x8000, 0x4000));
        public void DumpPrg(FamicomDumperConnection dumper, List <byte> data, int size)
            int banks = size / 0x4000;

            for (int bank = 0; bank < banks; bank++)
                byte r0 = (byte)(((bank >> 3) & 0x07)          // 5, 4, 3 bits
                                 | (((bank >> 9) & 0x03) << 4) // 10, 9 bits
                                 | (1 << 6));                  // resets 4th mask bit
                byte r1 = (byte)((((bank >> 7) & 0x03) << 2)   // 8, 7
                                 | (((bank >> 6) & 1) << 4)    // 6
                                 | (1 << 7));                  // resets 5th mask bit
                byte r2 = 0;
                byte r3 = (byte)((1 << 4)                      // NROM mode
                                 | ((bank & 7) << 1));         // 2, 1, 0 bits
                dumper.WriteCpu(0x6000, new byte[] { r0 });
                dumper.WriteCpu(0x6001, new byte[] { r1 });
                dumper.WriteCpu(0x6002, new byte[] { r2 });
                dumper.WriteCpu(0x6003, new byte[] { r3 });

                Console.Write("Reading PRG banks #{0}/{1}... ", bank, banks);
                data.AddRange(dumper.ReadCpu(0x8000, 0x4000));
Example #6
        public void DumpPrg(FamicomDumperConnection dumper, List <byte> data, int size)
            int prgBanks = size / 0x8000;

            Console.Write("Reset... ");
            dumper.WriteCpu(0x5002, 0xFE); // mask = 8K
            for (int bank = 0; bank < prgBanks; bank++)
                byte r0 = (byte)(bank >> 7);
                byte r1 = (byte)(bank << 1);
                dumper.WriteCpu(0x5000, r0);
                dumper.WriteCpu(0x5001, r1);

                Console.Write("Reading PRG bank #{0}/{1}... ", bank, prgBanks);
                data.AddRange(dumper.ReadCpu(0x8000, 0x8000));
        public void DumpPrg(FamicomDumperConnection dumper, List <byte> data, int size)
            byte outbanks = (byte)(size / (256 * 1024));

            for (byte outbank = 0; outbank < outbanks; outbank += 1)
                dumper.WriteCpu(0xA001, 0x80); // RAM protect
                dumper.WriteCpu((ushort)(0x6828 | (outbank << 1)), 0x00);
                dumper.WriteCpu(0xA001, 0);    // disable W-RAM
                byte banks = 32;               //(byte)(size / 0x2000);
                for (byte bank = 0; bank < banks - 2; bank += 2)
                    Console.Write("Reading PRG banks #{2}|{0} and #{2}|{1}... ", bank, bank + 1, outbank);
                    dumper.WriteCpu(0x8000, new byte[] { 6, bank });
                    dumper.WriteCpu(0x8000, new byte[] { 7, (byte)(bank | 1) });
                    data.AddRange(dumper.ReadCpu(0x8000, 0x4000));
                Console.Write("Reading last PRG banks #{2}|{0} and #{2}|{1}... ", banks - 2, banks - 1, outbank);
                data.AddRange(dumper.ReadCpu(0xC000, 0x4000));
Example #8
 public void EnablePrgRam(FamicomDumperConnection dumper)
     dumper.WriteCpu(0x5007, 0x01); // enable SRAM
     dumper.WriteCpu(0x5005, 0x02); // select bank
Example #9
 public LuaMapper()
     script = new Script();
     script.Globals["ReadPrg"] = script.Globals["ReadCpu"] = (Func <UInt16, int, List <byte> >) delegate(UInt16 address, int length)
         if (Verbose)
             Console.WriteLine("Reading {0} bytes from CPU:${1:X4}", length, address);
         var result = new List <byte>();
         result.AddRange(dumper.ReadCpu(address, length));
     script.Globals["WritePrg"] = script.Globals["WriteCpu"] = (Action <UInt16, List <byte> >) delegate(UInt16 address, List <byte> data)
         if (Verbose)
             var a = address;
             foreach (var v in data)
                 Console.WriteLine("CPU write ${0:X2} => ${1:X4}", v, a);
         dumper.WriteCpu(address, data.ToArray());
     script.Globals["AddPrg"] = script.Globals["AddPrgResult"] = (Action <List <byte> >) delegate(List <byte> r)
     script.Globals["ReadAddPrg"] = script.Globals["ReadAddCpu"] = (Action <UInt16, int>) delegate(UInt16 address, int length)
         if (Verbose)
             Console.WriteLine("Reading {0} bytes from CPU:${1:X4}", length, address);
         resultPrg.AddRange(dumper.ReadCpu(address, length));
     script.Globals["ReadChr"] = script.Globals["ReadPpu"] = (Func <UInt16, int, List <byte> >) delegate(UInt16 address, int length)
         if (Verbose)
             Console.WriteLine("Reading {0} bytes from PPU:${1:X4}", length, address);
         var result = new List <byte>();
         result.AddRange(dumper.ReadPpu(address, length));
     script.Globals["WriteChr"] = script.Globals["WritePpu"] = (Action <UInt16, List <byte> >) delegate(UInt16 address, List <byte> data)
         if (Verbose)
             var a = address;
             foreach (var v in data)
                 Console.WriteLine("PPU write ${0:X2} => ${1:X4}", v, a);
         dumper.WritePpu(address, data.ToArray());
     script.Globals["ReadAddChr"] = script.Globals["ReadAddPpu"] = (Action <UInt16, int>) delegate(UInt16 address, int length)
         if (Verbose)
             Console.WriteLine("Reading {0} bytes from PPU:${1:$X4}", length, address);
         resultChr.AddRange(dumper.ReadPpu(address, length));
     script.Globals["AddChr"] = script.Globals["AddChrResult"] = (Action <List <byte> >) delegate(List <byte> r)
     script.Globals["Reset"] = (Action) delegate
         if (Verbose)
             Console.Write("Reset... ");
         if (Verbose)
     script.Globals["WriteFile"] = (Action <string, List <byte> >) delegate(string filename, List <byte> data)
         if (Verbose)
             Console.Write("Writing data to \"{0}\"... ", Path.GetFileName(filename));
         File.WriteAllBytes(filename, data.ToArray());
         if (Verbose)
     script.Globals["WriteNes"] = (WriteNesDelegate) delegate(string filename, List <byte> prgData, List <byte> chrData, byte mapper, bool vertical)
         if (Verbose)
             Console.Write("Writing data to NES file \"{0}\" (mapper={1}, mirroring={2})... ", Path.GetFileName(filename), mapper, vertical ? "vertical" : "horizontal");
         var nesFile = new NesFile();
         nesFile.PRG       = prgData.ToArray();
         nesFile.CHR       = chrData.ToArray();
         nesFile.Mapper    = 0;
         nesFile.Mirroring = vertical ? NesFile.MirroringType.Vertical : NesFile.MirroringType.Horizontal;
         if (Verbose)
     script.Globals["Error"] = (Action <string>) delegate(string message)
         throw new Exception(message);
Example #10
 static public void Reset(FamicomDumperConnection dumper)
     Console.Write("Reset... ");