public void GetBlock(FallingBlock block) { block.myCell = this; ocupied = true; myBlock = block; color = block.colNum; }
public bool Rotate() { if (CanRotate()) { FallingBlock.OffsetRotation(); return(true); } return(false); }
public GravityTestForm() { // C# doin' his thing InitializeComponent(); // get actual width and height wHeight = ClientSize.Height; wWidth = ClientSize.Width; grid = new Grid(Width / 30); _fallingBlock = new FallingBlock(30, 30, 30, Brushes.BlueViolet); }
private void LoadBlocks() { spawned = 0; do { GameObject obj = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; FallingBlock clone = obj.GetComponent <FallingBlock>(); obj.transform.parent = transform; clone.Init(startPos, this); objects.Enqueue(clone); spawned++; }while(spawned < MAX_BLOCKS); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { base.OnInspectorGUI(); bpm = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("BPM", bpm); blockOffset = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Block Offset", blockOffset); FallingBlock block = (FallingBlock)serializedObject.targetObject; float blockBeat = (block.transform.position.y - 0.5f * block.blockHeight - blockOffset) / block.fallSpeed / 60f * bpm; blockBeat = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Block Beat", blockBeat); block.transform.position = new Vector3(block.transform.position.x, (0.5f * block.blockHeight + blockOffset) + (blockBeat / bpm * 60 * block.fallSpeed), block.transform.position.z); }
public override void BlockUpdate(World world, int x, int y) { if (world.InBounds(x, y + 1) && world.GetTile(x, y + 1).id == 0) { var fB = new FallingBlock(world, world.GetTile(x, y)); fB.transform.position = new Vector2(x, y); //world.NPCs.Add(fB); world.SpawnEntity(fB); world.SetTile(new Tile(0), x, y, true, true); //world.UpdateOthers(x, y); } }
public void LoadLevel(String lvlName) { this.LevelName = lvlName; Bitmap bmp = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(Resources.RESOURCE_PATH + "\\src\\game\\levels\\" + lvlName + ".bmp"); levelBounds = new RectangleF(0, 0, bmp.Width * Block.WIDTH, bmp.Height * Block.HEIGHT); for (int x = 0; x < bmp.Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < bmp.Height; y++) { string hexColor = bmp.GetPixel(x, y).Name.ToUpper(); if (hexColor != "FFFF00FF") //Check if the pixel does not represent an empty tile (pink) { BaseEntity ent; if (hexColor == "FF5EF6FF") { ent = new FallingBlock(x * Block.WIDTH, y * Block.HEIGHT, GameTextures.IceBlock); Game.AddCollidableEntity(ent); } else if (hexColor == "FFFF2340") { ent = new BouncyBlock(x * Block.WIDTH, y * Block.HEIGHT, GameTextures.ArrowRight); Game.AddCollidableEntity(ent); } else if (hexColor == "FF000000") { ent = new Penguin(x * Block.WIDTH, y * Block.HEIGHT); Camera.GetInstance().SetActor(ent); EntityController.GetInstance().SetPuppetEntity((ControllableEntity)ent); Game.AddCollidableEntity(ent); } else if (hexColor == "FFFFFFFF") { ent = new Block(x * Block.WIDTH, y * Block.HEIGHT, GameTextures.SnowBlock); Game.AddEntity(ent); } else { ent = new Block(x * Block.WIDTH, y * Block.HEIGHT, GameTextures.UnknowEntity); Game.AddEntity(ent); } } } } }
void PickUp(FallingBlock block) { if (block.inGrid) { block.inGrid = false; block.myCell.LoseBlock(); block.myCell = null; } block.pickedUp = true; block.rb.isKinematic = true; grabbedBlock = block; block.UnSelected(); block.rb.velocity =; //NewSound AudioDirector.Instance.PlaySound(AudioDirector.Instance.pickupSound, true, transform.position.x, AudioDirector.Instance.pickupVolume, 0.2f); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (gameOver) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { SceneManager.LoadScene(0); } } FallingBlock fallingBlock = FindObjectOfType <FallingBlock>(); if (fallingBlock != null) { fallingBlock.OnPlayerDeath += OnGameOver; } }
public void RotateBlockAntiClockwiseIfPossible() { if (FallingBlock == null) { return; } FallingBlock.RotateAntiClockwise(); if (Get <Grid>().IsValidPosition(FallingBlock)) { Get <Soundbank>().BlockMoved.Play(); } else { FallingBlock.RotateClockwise(); Get <Soundbank>().BlockCouldNotMove.Play(); } }
public void ConnectWithBlock(FallingBlock block) { // Remove the falling block component and add the bucket block component GameObject blockObj = block.gameObject; float blockHeight = block.blockHeight; Object.Destroy(block); BucketBlock newBlock = blockObj.AddComponent <BucketBlock>(); newBlock.blockHeight = blockHeight; // Add this to the blocks list blocks.Add(newBlock); newBlock.transform.position = blockStackParent.transform.position + nextBlockRelativePosition + new Vector3(0, 0.5f * blockHeight, 0); newBlock.transform.parent = blockStackParent; nextBlockRelativePosition = new Vector3(nextBlockRelativePosition.x, nextBlockRelativePosition.y + blockHeight, nextBlockRelativePosition.z); blockStackTotalHeight += blockHeight; }
public void ConvertFrozenBlockToFallingOrColorBlock(FrozenBlock aBlock) { AbstractBlock blockBeneath = myGridBundle.Container.GetBlockAtPosition(aBlock.GetPosition() + new Point(0, -1)); AbstractBlock newBlock; if (blockBeneath.AllowsFalling()) { newBlock = new FallingBlock(myGridBundle, aBlock.GetColor()); ((FallingBlock)newBlock).CanChain = true; } else { newBlock = new ColorBlock(myGridBundle, aBlock.GetColor(), true); } myGridBundle.Container.SetBlock(aBlock.GetPosition(), newBlock); newBlock.LoadContent(); }
private void SpawnBlock() { MemorySpace[] memorySpaces = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <MemorySpace>(); List <MemorySpace> availableSpaces = new List <MemorySpace>(); List <MemorySpace> specialSpaces = new List <MemorySpace>(); for (int i = 0; i < memorySpaces.Length; i++) { if (!memorySpaces[i].occupied && !memorySpaces[i].locked && !memorySpaces[i].doNotSpawn) { availableSpaces.Add(memorySpaces[i]); } if (!memorySpaces[i].occupied && !memorySpaces[i].locked && memorySpaces[i].doNotSpawn) { specialSpaces.Add(memorySpaces[i]); } } if (availableSpaces.Count < 1) { availableSpaces = specialSpaces; } canSpawn = true; if (availableSpaces.Count < 1) { on = false; canSpawn = false; return; } int chosenMemorySpace = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, availableSpaces.Count); MemorySpace memSpace = availableSpaces[chosenMemorySpace]; memSpace.Lock(); FallingBlock fallingBlock = Instantiate(fallingBlockPrefab, memSpace.transform.position + spawnHeight * Vector3.up, Quaternion.identity); fallingBlock.setValue(UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 8)); fallingBlock.setTargetHeight(memSpace.transform.position.y); }
public void OnUserAction(GameKey key) { if (FallingBlock == null) { return; } if (key == GameKey.LEFT) { if (FallingBlock.CanMove(GameSide.Left, Field)) { FallingBlock.Move(GameSide.Left); } } if (key == GameKey.RIGHT) { if (FallingBlock.CanMove(GameSide.Right, Field)) { FallingBlock.Move(GameSide.Right); } } if (key == GameKey.DOWN) { if (FallingBlock.CanMove(GameSide.Down, Field)) { FallingBlock.Move(GameSide.Down); } } if (key == GameKey.SPACE) { if (FallingBlock.CanTurn(Field)) { FallingBlock.Turn(); } } }
IEnumerator BlocksFallDownDomino(float _waitTime) { if (blocksFolders.Count <= 0) { yield break; } /*for (int i = 0; i < blocksFolder.transform.childCount; i++) * { * yield return new WaitForSeconds(_waitTime); * FallingBlock _block = blocksFolder.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent<FallingBlock>(); * _block.canFall = true; * }*/ GameObject _blocksFolder = blocksFolders[blocksFolders.Count - 1]; if (blockNr >= _blocksFolder.transform.childCount) { //InstantiateBlocks(); //blockNr = 0; InstantiateBlocks(); blockNr = 0; shouldBlockWait = false; //amountOfBlockfoldersSpawned++; yield break; } else { shouldBlockWait = true; FallingBlock _block = _blocksFolder.transform.GetChild(blockNr).GetComponent <FallingBlock>(); _block.canFall = true; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(_waitTime)); blockNr++; shouldBlockWait = false; } }
public bool CanMoveRight() { if (FallingBlock != null) { for (var row = 0; row <= 3; row++) { for (var column = 3; column >= 0; column += -1) { if (FallingBlock.FilledCell(column, row)) { var pt = BlockToBoard(new CellPoint(row, column)); if (pt.Column.Equals(Columns - 1) || Cells[new CellPoint(pt.Row, pt.Column + 1).ToString()].Fixed) { return(false); } } } } return(true); } return(false); }
public Color GetCellColor(CellPoint p) { var output = Color.Transparent; if (Cells[p.Row + "," + p.Column].Fixed) { output = Cells[p.Row + "," + p.Column].Color; } else { if (FallingBlock != null && CellIsInsideBlock(p.Row, p.Column)) { var pt = BoardToBlock(p); if (FallingBlock.FilledCell(pt.Column, pt.Row)) { output = FallingBlock.Color; } } } return(output); }
private void OnCollisionStay2D(Collision2D coll) { if (coll.gameObject.tag == "Block" && (Input.GetKey(left) || Input.GetKey(right))) { pushing = 2; pushTimer++; if (pushTimer > 5) { FallingBlock block = coll.gameObject.GetComponent <FallingBlock>(); if (block.inGrid && ![(int)block.myCell.gridPos.x, (int)block.myCell.gridPos.y + 1].ocupied && ![(int)block.myCell.gridPos.x + facing, (int)block.myCell.gridPos.y].ocupied) { block.inGrid = false; block.myCell.LoseBlock(); block.myCell = null; block.rb.isKinematic = false; block.rb.AddForce(Vector2.right * facing * 2f, ForceMode2D.Impulse); } } } }
void Start() { fallingBlock = fallingBlock.GetComponent<FallingBlock>(); }
public void LoseBlock() { ocupied = false; myBlock = null; color = -1; }
private IEnumerator AttackSequence() { Input.Rumble(RumbleStrength.Strong, RumbleLength.Medium); StartShaking(0.4f); yield return((object)0.4f); if (!chillOut) { canActivate = true; } base.StopPlayerRunIntoAnimation = false; bool slowing = false; float speed2 = 0f; Vector2 speeds = variableSpeeds[speedIdx]; while (true) { if (!chillOut) { speed2 = Calc.Approach(speed2, speeds.X, speeds.Y * Engine.DeltaTime); } else if (slowing || ((Entity)this).CollideCheck <SolidTiles>(base.Position + crushDir * 256f)) { speed2 = Calc.Approach(speed2, 24f, 500f * Engine.DeltaTime * 0.25f); if (!slowing) { slowing = true; Alarm.Set(this, 0.5f, delegate { face.Play("hurt", false, false); currentMoveLoopSfx.Stop(true); TurnOffImages(); }, Alarm.AlarmMode.Oneshot); } } else { speed2 = Calc.Approach(speed2, speeds.X, speeds.Y * Engine.DeltaTime); } if (!((crushDir.X == 0f) ? MoveVCheck(speed2 * crushDir.Y * Engine.DeltaTime) : MoveHCheck(speed2 * crushDir.X * Engine.DeltaTime))) { if (Scene.OnInterval(0.02f)) { Vector2 position; float direction; if (crushDir == Vector2.UnitX) { position = new Vector2(Left + 1f, Calc.Random.Range(Top + 3f, Bottom - 3f)); direction = 3.14159274f; } else if (crushDir == -Vector2.UnitX) { position = new Vector2(Right - 1f, Calc.Random.Range(Top + 3f, Bottom - 3f)); direction = 0f; } else if (crushDir == Vector2.UnitY) { position = new Vector2(Calc.Random.Range(Left + 3f, Right - 3f), Top + 1f); direction = -1.57079637f; } else { position = new Vector2(Calc.Random.Range(Left + 3f, Right - 3f), Bottom - 1f); direction = 1.57079637f; } //level.Particles.Emit(P_Crushing, position, direction); } yield return((object)null); continue; } break; } FallingBlock fallingBlock = CollideFirst <FallingBlock>(base.Position + crushDir); if (fallingBlock != null) { fallingBlock.Triggered = true; } if (crushDir == -Vector2.UnitX) { Vector2 value = new Vector2(0f, 2f); for (int i = 0; (float)i < Height / 8f; i++) { Vector2 vector = new Vector2(Left - 1f, Top + 4f + (float)(i * 8)); if (!Scene.CollideCheck <Water>(vector) && Scene.CollideCheck <Solid>(vector)) { //SceneAs<Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(P_Impact, vector + value, 0f); //SceneAs<Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(P_Impact, vector - value, 0f); } } } else if (crushDir == Vector2.UnitX) { Vector2 value2 = new Vector2(0f, 2f); for (int j = 0; (float)j < Height / 8f; j++) { Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2(Right + 1f, Top + 4f + (float)(j * 8)); if (!Scene.CollideCheck <Water>(vector2) && Scene.CollideCheck <Solid>(vector2)) { //SceneAs<Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(P_Impact, vector2 + value2, 3.14159274f); //SceneAs<Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(P_Impact, vector2 - value2, 3.14159274f); } } } else if (crushDir == -Vector2.UnitY) { Vector2 value3 = new Vector2(2f, 0f); for (int k = 0; (float)k < Width / 8f; k++) { Vector2 vector3 = new Vector2(Left + 4f + (float)(k * 8), Top - 1f); if (!Scene.CollideCheck <Water>(vector3) && Scene.CollideCheck <Solid>(vector3)) { //SceneAs<Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(P_Impact, vector3 + value3, 1.57079637f); //SceneAs<Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(P_Impact, vector3 - value3, 1.57079637f); } } } else if (crushDir == Vector2.UnitY) { Vector2 value4 = new Vector2(2f, 0f); for (int l = 0; (float)l < Width / 8f; l++) { Vector2 vector4 = new Vector2(Left + 4f + (float)(l * 8), Bottom + 1f); if (!Scene.CollideCheck <Water>(vector4) && Scene.CollideCheck <Solid>(vector4)) { //SceneAs<Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(P_Impact, vector4 + value4, -1.57079637f); //SceneAs<Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(P_Impact, vector4 - value4, -1.57079637f); } } } Audio.Play("event:/game/06_reflection/crushblock_impact", Center); level.DirectionalShake(crushDir, 0.3f); Input.Rumble(RumbleStrength.Medium, RumbleLength.Medium); StartShaking(0.4f); base.StopPlayerRunIntoAnimation = true; SoundSource sfx = currentMoveLoopSfx; currentMoveLoopSfx.Param("end", 1f); currentMoveLoopSfx = null; Alarm.Set(this, 0.5f, delegate { sfx.RemoveSelf(); }, Alarm.AlarmMode.Oneshot); crushDir = Vector2.Zero; TurnOffImages(); if (!chillOut) { face.Play("hurt", false, false); returnLoopSfx.Play("event:/game/06_reflection/crushblock_return_loop", null, 0f); yield return((object)0.4f); float speed = 0f; float waypointSfxDelay = 0f; while (returnStack.Count > 0) { yield return((object)null); speedIdx = 0; base.StopPlayerRunIntoAnimation = false; MoveState moveState = returnStack[returnStack.Count - 1]; speed = Calc.Approach(speed, 60f, 160f * Engine.DeltaTime); waypointSfxDelay -= Engine.DeltaTime; if (moveState.Direction.X != 0f) { MoveTowardsX(moveState.From.X, speed * Engine.DeltaTime); } if (moveState.Direction.Y != 0f) { MoveTowardsY(moveState.From.Y, speed * Engine.DeltaTime); } if ((moveState.Direction.X == 0f || ExactPosition.X == moveState.From.X) && (moveState.Direction.Y == 0f || ExactPosition.Y == moveState.From.Y)) { speed = 0f; returnStack.RemoveAt(returnStack.Count - 1); base.StopPlayerRunIntoAnimation = true; if (returnStack.Count <= 0) { face.Play("idle", false, false); returnLoopSfx.Stop(true); if (waypointSfxDelay <= 0f) { Audio.Play("event:/game/06_reflection/crushblock_rest", Center); } } else if (waypointSfxDelay <= 0f) { Audio.Play("event:/game/06_reflection/crushblock_rest_waypoint", Center); } waypointSfxDelay = 0.1f; StartShaking(0.2f); yield return((object)0.2f); } } } }
void GrabDeal() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(grabButton) && grabbedBlock == null && selectedBlock == null) { justPressedGrabTimer = .0833334f; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(grabButton) || justPressedGrabTimer > 0) { if (grabbedBlock == null) { if (selectedBlock != null) { justPressedGrabTimer = 0; PickUp(selectedBlock.transform.parent.GetComponent <FallingBlock>()); } } else { //throw block //NewSound AudioDirector.Instance.PlaySound(AudioDirector.Instance.throwSound, true, transform.position.x, AudioDirector.Instance.throwVolume, 0.2f); grabbedBlock.pickedUp = false; grabbedBlock.rb.isKinematic = false; grabbedBlock.rb.velocity = new Vector2(rb.velocity.x * .5f, rb.velocity.y * .2f); if (!Input.GetKey(down)) { grabbedBlock.justThrownTimer = .1f; if (Input.GetKey(up)) { if (!(Input.GetKey(right) || Input.GetKey(left))) { grabbedBlock.rb.AddForce(new Vector2(0f, 12f), ForceMode2D.Impulse); } else { grabbedBlock.rb.AddForce(new Vector2(4f * facing, 12f), ForceMode2D.Impulse); } } else { grabbedBlock.rb.AddForce(new Vector2(5f * facing, 10f), ForceMode2D.Impulse); } } else { grabbedBlock.transform.position = (Vector2)transform.position + new Vector2(0f, 0.5f); transform.position = ((Vector2)transform.position + new Vector2(0f, 1.5f)); rb.velocity = new Vector2(rb.velocity.x, 0); grabbedBlock.rb.velocity =; if (!onFloor) { grabbedBlock.rb.AddForce(new Vector2(0f, -8f), ForceMode2D.Impulse); blockJumped = true; rb.AddForce(new Vector2(0f, 12f), ForceMode2D.Impulse); } } grabbedBlock = null; } } }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D triggerCollider) { if (!triggerCollider.CompareTag("Falling Block")) { return; } // Verifica si el bloque con el que hace colisión pertenece a la paleta de colores GameObject fallingBlockGameObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Falling Block"); FallingBlock fallingBlock = fallingBlockGameObject.GetComponent <FallingBlock>(); Color32 color = fallingBlock.color; if (_colours.Contains(color)) { // Verifica que el color no esté en el score if (score.scores.Select(i => i.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color) .Any(_color => ((Color32)_color).Equals(color))) { return; } FindObjectOfType <AudioManager>().Play("ScoreAudio"); score.score++; if ( < 5) {; } MeshRenderer rend = score.scores[score.score - 1].GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); rend.material.color = new Color32(color.r, color.g, color.b, 255); Debug.Log(score.score); if (score.score == score.totalScore) { Loader.NextScene(); } return; } FindObjectOfType <AudioManager>().Play("DamageAudio");; if ( != 0) { return; } health.hearts[0].sprite = health.emptyHeart; FindObjectOfType <AudioManager>().Stop("Theme_02"); FindObjectOfType <AudioManager>().Play("Theme_01"); Destroy(gameObject); Loader.Load(Loader.Scene.GameOver); }
private IEnumerator AttackSequence() { Input.Rumble(RumbleStrength.Strong, RumbleLength.Medium); StartShaking(0.4f); yield return(0.4f); bool flag = !chillOut; if (flag) { canActivate = true; } StopPlayerRunIntoAnimation = false; bool slowing = false; float speed = 0f; Action som = null; // = null wasn't there while (true) { if (!chillOut) { speed = Calc.Approach(speed, CrushSpeed, CrushAccel * Engine.DeltaTime); // was speed, 240f, 500f } else { if (slowing || CollideCheck <SolidTiles>(Position + crushDir * 256f)) { speed = Calc.Approach(speed, 12f, CrushAccel * Engine.DeltaTime * 0.25f); // was speed, 24f, 500f if (!slowing) { slowing = true; float duration = 0.5f; Action onComplete; if ((onComplete = som) == null) { onComplete = som = delegate() { face.Play("hurt", false, false); currentMoveLoopSfx.Stop(true); TurnOffImages(); }; } Alarm.Set(this, duration, onComplete, Alarm.AlarmMode.Oneshot); } } else { speed = Calc.Approach(speed, CrushSpeed, CrushAccel * Engine.DeltaTime); // was speed, 240f, 500f } } bool hit; if (crushDir.X != 0f) { hit = MoveHCheck(speed * crushDir.X * Engine.DeltaTime); } else { hit = MoveVCheck(speed * crushDir.Y * Engine.DeltaTime); } if (hit) { break; } if (Scene.OnInterval(0.02f)) { Vector2 at; float dir; if (crushDir == Vector2.UnitX) { at = new Vector2(Left + 1f, Calc.Random.Range(Top + 3f, Bottom - 3f)); dir = 3.14159274f; } else { if (crushDir == -Vector2.UnitX) { at = new Vector2(Right - 1f, Calc.Random.Range(Top + 3f, Bottom - 3f)); dir = 0f; } else { if (crushDir == Vector2.UnitY) { at = new Vector2(Calc.Random.Range(Left + 3f, Right - 3f), Top + 1f); dir = -1.57079637f; } else { at = new Vector2(Calc.Random.Range(Left + 3f, Right - 3f), Bottom - 1f); dir = 1.57079637f; } } } level.Particles.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Crushing, at, dir); at = default; } yield return(null); } FallingBlock fallingBlock = CollideFirst <FallingBlock>(Position + crushDir); if (fallingBlock != null) { fallingBlock.Triggered = true; } if (crushDir == -Vector2.UnitX) { Vector2 add = new Vector2(0f, 2f); int i = 0; while (i < Height / 8f) { Vector2 at2 = new Vector2(Left - 1f, Top + 4f + i * 8); bool flag13 = !Scene.CollideCheck <Water>(at2) && Scene.CollideCheck <Solid>(at2); if (flag13) { SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Impact, at2 + add, 0f); SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Impact, at2 - add, 0f); } at2 = default; int num = i; i = num + 1; } add = default; } else { if (crushDir == Vector2.UnitX) { Vector2 add2 = new Vector2(0f, 2f); int j = 0; while (j < Height / 8f) { Vector2 at3 = new Vector2(Right + 1f, Top + 4f + j * 8); bool flag15 = !Scene.CollideCheck <Water>(at3) && Scene.CollideCheck <Solid>(at3); if (flag15) { SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Impact, at3 + add2, 3.14159274f); SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Impact, at3 - add2, 3.14159274f); } at3 = default; int num = j; j = num + 1; } add2 = default; } else { bool flag16 = crushDir == -Vector2.UnitY; if (flag16) { Vector2 add3 = new Vector2(2f, 0f); int k = 0; while (k < Width / 8f) { Vector2 at4 = new Vector2(Left + 4f + k * 8, Top - 1f); bool flag17 = !Scene.CollideCheck <Water>(at4) && Scene.CollideCheck <Solid>(at4); if (flag17) { SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Impact, at4 + add3, 1.57079637f); SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Impact, at4 - add3, 1.57079637f); } at4 = default; int num = k; k = num + 1; } add3 = default; } else { bool flag18 = crushDir == Vector2.UnitY; if (flag18) { Vector2 add4 = new Vector2(2f, 0f); int l = 0; while (l < Width / 8f) { Vector2 at5 = new Vector2(Left + 4f + l * 8, Bottom + 1f); bool flag19 = !Scene.CollideCheck <Water>(at5) && Scene.CollideCheck <Solid>(at5); if (flag19) { SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Impact, at5 + add4, -1.57079637f); SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Impact, at5 - add4, -1.57079637f); } at5 = default; int num = l; l = num + 1; } add4 = default; } } } } Audio.Play("event:/game/06_reflection/crushblock_impact", Center); level.DirectionalShake(crushDir, 0.3f); Input.Rumble(RumbleStrength.Medium, RumbleLength.Medium); StartShaking(0.4f); StopPlayerRunIntoAnimation = true; SoundSource sfx = currentMoveLoopSfx; currentMoveLoopSfx.Param("end", 1f); currentMoveLoopSfx = null; Alarm.Set(this, 0.5f, delegate { sfx.RemoveSelf(); }, Alarm.AlarmMode.Oneshot); crushDir = Vector2.Zero; TurnOffImages(); bool flag20 = !chillOut; if (flag20) { face.Play("hurt", false, false); returnLoopSfx.Play("event:/game/06_reflection/crushblock_return_loop", null, 0f); yield return(0.4f); float speed2 = 0f; float waypointSfxDelay = 0f; while (returnStack.Count > 0) { yield return(null); StopPlayerRunIntoAnimation = false; CustomCrushBlock.MoveState ret = returnStack[returnStack.Count - 1]; speed2 = Calc.Approach(speed2, ReturnSpeed, ReturnAccel * Engine.DeltaTime); waypointSfxDelay -= Engine.DeltaTime; bool flag21 = ret.Direction.X != 0f; if (flag21) { MoveTowardsX(ret.From.X, speed2 * Engine.DeltaTime); } bool flag22 = ret.Direction.Y != 0f; if (flag22) { MoveTowardsY(ret.From.Y, speed2 * Engine.DeltaTime); } bool atTarget = (ret.Direction.X == 0f || ExactPosition.X == ret.From.X) && (ret.Direction.Y == 0f || ExactPosition.Y == ret.From.Y); bool flag23 = atTarget; if (flag23) { speed2 = 0f; returnStack.RemoveAt(returnStack.Count - 1); StopPlayerRunIntoAnimation = true; bool flag24 = returnStack.Count <= 0; if (flag24) { face.Play("idle", false, false); returnLoopSfx.Stop(true); bool flag25 = waypointSfxDelay <= 0f; if (flag25) { Audio.Play("event:/game/06_reflection/crushblock_rest", Center); } } else { if (waypointSfxDelay <= 0f) { Audio.Play("event:/game/06_reflection/crushblock_rest_waypoint", Center); } } waypointSfxDelay = 0.1f; StartShaking(0.2f); yield return(0.2f); } ret = default; } } yield break; }
protected IEnumerator CeaseMovement() { attackCoroutine.Cancel(); FallingBlock fallingBlock = CollideFirst <FallingBlock>(Position + crushDir); if (fallingBlock != null) { fallingBlock.Triggered = true; } if (crushDir == -Vector2.UnitX) { Vector2 value = new Vector2(0f, 2f); for (int i = 0; i < Height / 8f; i++) { Vector2 vector = new Vector2(Left - 1f, Top + 4f + (i * 8)); if (!Scene.CollideCheck <Water>(vector) && Scene.CollideCheck <Solid>(vector)) { SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Impact, vector + value, 0f); SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Impact, vector - value, 0f); } } } else if (crushDir == Vector2.UnitX) { Vector2 value2 = new Vector2(0f, 2f); for (int j = 0; j < Height / 8f; j++) { Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2(Right + 1f, Top + 4f + (j * 8)); if (!Scene.CollideCheck <Water>(vector2) && Scene.CollideCheck <Solid>(vector2)) { SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Impact, vector2 + value2, (float)Math.PI); SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Impact, vector2 - value2, (float)Math.PI); } } } else if (crushDir == -Vector2.UnitY) { Vector2 value3 = new Vector2(2f, 0f); for (int k = 0; k < Width / 8f; k++) { Vector2 vector3 = new Vector2(Left + 4f + (k * 8), Top - 1f); if (!Scene.CollideCheck <Water>(vector3) && Scene.CollideCheck <Solid>(vector3)) { SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Impact, vector3 + value3, (float)Math.PI / 2f); SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Impact, vector3 - value3, (float)Math.PI / 2f); } } } else if (crushDir == Vector2.UnitY) { Vector2 value4 = new Vector2(2f, 0f); for (int l = 0; l < Width / 8f; l++) { Vector2 vector4 = new Vector2(Left + 4f + (l * 8), Bottom + 1f); if (!Scene.CollideCheck <Water>(vector4) && Scene.CollideCheck <Solid>(vector4)) { SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Impact, vector4 + value4, -(float)Math.PI / 2f); SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Impact, vector4 - value4, -(float)Math.PI / 2f); } } } Audio.Play("event:/game/06_reflection/crushblock_impact", Center); level.DirectionalShake(crushDir); Input.Rumble(RumbleStrength.Medium, RumbleLength.Medium); StartShaking(0.4f); StopPlayerRunIntoAnimation = true; SoundSource sfx = currentMoveLoopSfx; currentMoveLoopSfx.Param("end", 1f); currentMoveLoopSfx = null; Alarm.Set(this, 0.5f, delegate { sfx.RemoveSelf(); }); crushDir = Vector2.Zero; TurnOffImages(); if (chillOut) { yield break; } face.Play("hurt"); returnLoopSfx.Play("event:/game/06_reflection/crushblock_return_loop"); yield return(0.4f); face.Play("idle"); returnLoopSfx.Stop(); Audio.Play("event:/game/06_reflection/crushblock_rest", Center); }
void Start() { fallingBlock = fallingBlock.GetComponent <FallingBlock>(); }
internal static void LandParticles(On.Celeste.FallingBlock.orig_LandParticles orig, FallingBlock self) { if (self is FancyFallingBlock) { for (int x = 2; x <= self.Width; x += 4) { //Move bottom to top for (int y = (int)self.Height - 2; y >= 0; y -= 4) { if (self.CollidePoint(new Vector2(self.X + x, self.Y + y))) { if (self.Scene.CollideCheck <Solid>(new Vector2(self.X + x, self.Y + y + 3))) { self.SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(P_FallDustA, 1, new Vector2(self.X + x, self.Y + y), Vector2.One * 4f, -(float)Math.PI / 2f); float direction = (!(x < self.Width / 2f)) ? 0f : ((float)Math.PI); self.SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(P_LandDust, 1, new Vector2(self.X + x, self.Y + y), Vector2.One * 4f, direction); } break; } } } } else { orig(self); } }
private IEnumerator AttackSequence(bool hurt) { CreateMoveState(); string animDir = Enum.GetName(typeof(ArrowDir), dir); ActivateTiles(dir); ActivateParticles(); Input.Rumble(RumbleStrength.Strong, RumbleLength.Medium); StartShaking(0.4f); Audio.Play(CustomSFX.game_melvin_seen_player, Center, "hurt", Util.ToInt(hurt)); eye.Play("target", true); yield return(.3f); currentMoveLoopSfx.Play(CustomSFX.game_melvin_move_loop); yield return(.3f); eye.Play("target" + animDir, true); StopPlayerRunIntoAnimation = false; float speed = 0f; while (true) { speed = Calc.Approach(speed, 240f, 500f * Engine.DeltaTime); bool flag = ((crushDir.X == 0f) ? MoveVCheck(speed * crushDir.Y * Engine.DeltaTime) : MoveHCheck(speed * crushDir.X * Engine.DeltaTime)); if (Top >= (level.Bounds.Bottom + 32)) { RemoveSelf(); yield break; } if (flag) { break; } if (Scene.OnInterval(0.02f)) { Vector2 position; float direction; if (crushDir == Vector2.UnitX) { position = new Vector2(Left + 1f, Calc.Random.Range(Top + 3f, Bottom - 3f)); direction = (float)Math.PI; } else if (crushDir == -Vector2.UnitX) { position = new Vector2(Right - 1f, Calc.Random.Range(Top + 3f, Bottom - 3f)); direction = 0f; } else if (crushDir == Vector2.UnitY) { position = new Vector2(Calc.Random.Range(Left + 3f, Right - 3f), Top + 1f); direction = -(float)Math.PI / 2f; } else { position = new Vector2(Calc.Random.Range(Left + 3f, Right - 3f), Bottom - 1f); direction = (float)Math.PI / 2f; } level.Particles.Emit(SwitchGate.P_Behind, position, direction); } yield return(null); } FallingBlock fallingBlock = CollideFirst <FallingBlock>(Position + crushDir); if (fallingBlock != null) { fallingBlock.Triggered = true; } if (crushDir == -Vector2.UnitX) { Vector2 offset = new Vector2(0f, 2f); for (int y = 0; y < Height / 8f; y++) { Vector2 pos = new Vector2(Left - 1f, Top + 4f + (y * 8)); if (!Scene.CollideCheck <Water>(pos) && Scene.CollideCheck <Solid>(pos)) { SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Impact, pos + offset, 0f); SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Impact, pos - offset, 0f); } } } else if (crushDir == Vector2.UnitX) { Vector2 offset = new Vector2(0f, 2f); for (int y = 0; y < Height / 8f; y++) { Vector2 pos = new Vector2(Right + 1f, Top + 4f + y * 8); if (!Scene.CollideCheck <Water>(pos) && Scene.CollideCheck <Solid>(pos)) { SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Impact, pos + offset, (float)Math.PI); SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Impact, pos - offset, (float)Math.PI); } } } else if (crushDir == -Vector2.UnitY) { Vector2 offset = new Vector2(2f, 0f); for (int x = 0; x < Width / 8f; x++) { Vector2 pos = new Vector2(Left + 4f + x * 8, Top - 1f); if (!Scene.CollideCheck <Water>(pos) && Scene.CollideCheck <Solid>(pos)) { SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Impact, pos + offset, (float)Math.PI / 2f); SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Impact, pos - offset, (float)Math.PI / 2f); } } } else if (crushDir == Vector2.UnitY) { Vector2 offset = new Vector2(2f, 0f); for (int x = 0; x < Width / 8f; x++) { Vector2 pos = new Vector2(Left + 4f + x * 8, Bottom + 1f); if (!Scene.CollideCheck <Water>(pos) && Scene.CollideCheck <Solid>(pos)) { SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Impact, pos + offset, -(float)Math.PI / 2f); SceneAs <Level>().ParticlesFG.Emit(CrushBlock.P_Impact, pos - offset, -(float)Math.PI / 2f); } } } Audio.Play(CustomSFX.game_melvin_impact, Center); level.DirectionalShake(crushDir); Input.Rumble(RumbleStrength.Medium, RumbleLength.Medium); StartShaking(0.4f); StopPlayerRunIntoAnimation = true; SoundSource sfx = currentMoveLoopSfx; currentMoveLoopSfx.Param("end", 1f); currentMoveLoopSfx = null; Alarm.Set(this, 0.5f, () => sfx.RemoveSelf()); eye.Play("targetReverse" + animDir, true); crushDir = Vector2.Zero; returnLoopSfx.Play(SFX.game_06_crushblock_return_loop); yield return(.4f); speed = 0f; float waypointSfxDelay = 0f; while (returnStack.Count > 0) { yield return(null); StopPlayerRunIntoAnimation = false; MoveState moveState = returnStack[returnStack.Count - 1]; speed = Calc.Approach(speed, 60f, 160f * Engine.DeltaTime); waypointSfxDelay -= Engine.DeltaTime; if (moveState.Direction.X != 0f) { MoveTowardsX(moveState.From.X, speed * Engine.DeltaTime); } if (moveState.Direction.Y != 0f) { MoveTowardsY(moveState.From.Y, speed * Engine.DeltaTime); } if ((moveState.Direction.X != 0f && ExactPosition.X != moveState.From.X) || (moveState.Direction.Y != 0f && ExactPosition.Y != moveState.From.Y)) { continue; } speed = 0f; returnStack.RemoveAt(returnStack.Count - 1); StopPlayerRunIntoAnimation = true; if (returnStack.Count <= 0) { if (waypointSfxDelay <= 0f) { returnLoopSfx.Stop(); Audio.Play(SFX.game_06_crushblock_rest, Center); } } else if (waypointSfxDelay <= 0f) { Audio.Play(SFX.game_06_crushblock_rest_waypoint, Center); } waypointSfxDelay = 0.1f; StartShaking(0.2f); yield return(0.2f); } triggered = false; }
public void Update(GameTime gameTime, KeyboardState lastKeyState, MouseState lastMouseState, bool chatting) { MouseState mouseState = Mouse.GetState(); bool playerTeam = MainPlayer.PlayerTeam.Name == "Red Team"; if (online) { foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Player> entry in PlayerIndex.ToArray()) { if (!chatting) { entry.Value.Update(gameTime, lastKeyState, lastMouseState, DrawBlockOutline, entry.Value == MainPlayer); } else { entry.Value.Update(gameTime, lastKeyState, lastMouseState, DrawBlockOutline, false); } } } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Mob> entry in MobIndex.ToArray()) { entry.Value.Update(gameTime, WorldMap); } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, ItemDrop> entry in DropIndex.ToArray()) { entry.Value.Update(gameTime, WorldMap, MainPlayer.Items, new Vector2(MainPlayer.X + MainPlayer.BoundWidth, MainPlayer.Y + MainPlayer.BoundHeight), playerTeam); } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, FallingBlock> entry in FallingBlockIndex.ToArray()) { FallingBlock fallingBlock = entry.Value; fallingBlock.Update(gameTime, WorldMap); if (fallingBlock.CanDestroy) { Universal.TryDictRemove(FallingBlockIndex, entry.Key); } } if (ServerMode == GameMode.TeamDeathmatch || ServerMode == GameMode.CaptureTheFlag) { RedTent.Update(gameTime, WorldMap, MainPlayer.Items, MainPlayer.Position, playerTeam); BlueTent.Update(gameTime, WorldMap, MainPlayer.Items, MainPlayer.Position, playerTeam); } foreach (GameObject gameObject in objectList.ToArray()) { gameObject.Update(gameTime); if (gameObject.Dead) { objectList.Remove(gameObject); } } int blockX = (camera.CX + mouseState.X) / 16; int blockY = (camera.CY + mouseState.Y) / 16; Item selectedItem = MainPlayer.SelectedItem; if (MainPlayer.Motion != Vector2.Zero || mouseState.LeftButton != lastMouseState.LeftButton || mouseState.RightButton != lastMouseState.RightButton || blockX != lastBlockX || blockY != lastBlockY) { DrawBlockOutline = false; if (blockX >= 0 && blockX < WorldMap.Width && blockY >= 0 && blockY < WorldMap.Height && Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(MainPlayer.X + MainPlayer.BoundWidth, MainPlayer.Y + MainPlayer.BoundHeight / 2), new Vector2(camera.CX + mouseState.X, camera.CY + mouseState.Y)) <= Universal.TILE_SIZE * Universal.PLACE_DISTANCE) { if (mouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed && WorldMap.Tiles[0, blockX, blockY].ID >= 0) { DrawBlockOutline = true; } else if (selectedItem.Type == ItemType.Block && mouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Released && WorldMap.Tiles[0, blockX, blockY].ID == -1) { if (blockX >= 0 && blockX < WorldMap.Width) { if (blockY - 1 >= 0 && WorldMap.Tiles[0, blockX, blockY - 1].ID >= 0) { DrawBlockOutline = true; } if (blockY + 1 < WorldMap.Height && WorldMap.Tiles[0, blockX, blockY + 1].ID >= 0) { DrawBlockOutline = true; } } if (blockY >= 0 && blockY < WorldMap.Height) { if (blockX - 1 >= 0 && WorldMap.Tiles[0, blockX - 1, blockY].ID >= 0) { DrawBlockOutline = true; } if (blockX + 1 < WorldMap.Width && WorldMap.Tiles[0, blockX + 1, blockY].ID >= 0) { DrawBlockOutline = true; } } if (blockX == 0 || blockX == WorldMap.Width - 1 || blockY == 0 || blockY == WorldMap.Height - 1) { DrawBlockOutline = true; } } } } if (network != null && (mouseState.RightButton != lastMouseState.RightButton || blockX != lastBlockX || blockY != lastBlockY)) { network.SendHitBlock(DrawBlockOutline, mouseState.X, mouseState.Y); } lastBlockX = blockX; lastBlockY = blockY; if (!MainPlayer.RespawnInterval.IsRunning) { camera.Position = MainPlayer.Position; } if (camera.X < Universal.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) { camera.X = Universal.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2; } else if (camera.X > WorldMap.Width * Universal.TILE_SIZE - Universal.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) { camera.X = WorldMap.Width * Universal.TILE_SIZE - Universal.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2; } if (camera.Y < Universal.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) { camera.Y = Universal.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2; } else if (camera.Y > WorldMap.Height * Universal.TILE_SIZE - Universal.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) { camera.Y = WorldMap.Height * Universal.TILE_SIZE - Universal.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2; } WorldMap.CheckRender(); }
public bool AddFallingBlock(int id, FallingBlock fallingBlock) { return(FallingBlockIndex.TryAdd(id, fallingBlock)); }
public void Update(float msElapsed) { if (RestartInterval.Left > 1 || !RestartInterval.IsRunning) { foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Player> entry in PlayerIndex.ToArray()) { Player player = entry.Value; player.Update(msElapsed, WorldMap, RedTent.Position, BlueTent.Position); if (player.Y >= WorldMap.Height * Universal.TILE_SIZE - Universal.TILE_SIZE * 3) { network.SendKilledPlayer(-1, entry.Key, player); player.DeathAction(false); network.SendServerMove(entry.Key, player); player.RespondMove = false; network.CheckWinCondition(); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Mob> entry in MobIndex.ToArray()) { if (entry.Value.Dead) { foreach (ItemDrop drop in entry.Value.Drops) { int id = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, ItemDrop> dropEntry in DropIndex.ToArray()) { if (dropEntry.Key == id) { id++; } } DropIndex.TryAdd(id, drop); } network.SendRemoveMob(entry.Key, entry.Value.Drops); Universal.TryDictRemove(MobIndex, entry.Key); } else { entry.Value.Update(msElapsed, WorldMap); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, ItemDrop> entry in DropIndex.ToArray()) { entry.Value.Update(msElapsed, WorldMap); } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, FallingBlock> entry in FallingBlockIndex.ToArray()) { FallingBlock fallingBlock = entry.Value; fallingBlock.Update(msElapsed, WorldMap); if (Math.Abs(fallingBlock.DY) > 70) { foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Mob> mobEntry in MobIndex.ToArray()) { Mob mob = mobEntry.Value; if (fallingBlock.CollideBox.Intersects(mob.CollideBox)) { mob.Damage(2); network.SendHitMob(mobEntry.Key, 2); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Player> playerEntry in PlayerIndex.ToArray()) { Player targetPlayer = playerEntry.Value; if (fallingBlock.CollideBox.Intersects(targetPlayer.CollideBox)) { targetPlayer.Damage(2); network.SendHitPlayer(playerEntry.Key, 2, targetPlayer.DX, targetPlayer.DY); if (targetPlayer.HP <= 0) { Player killer; if (fallingBlock.PlayerID != playerEntry.Key && PlayerIndex.TryGetValue(fallingBlock.PlayerID, out killer) && (targetPlayer.PlayerTeam.Name == "No Team" || killer.PlayerTeam.Name != targetPlayer.PlayerTeam.Name)) { killer.Kills++; network.SendKilledPlayer(fallingBlock.PlayerID, playerEntry.Key, targetPlayer); } else { network.SendKilledPlayer(-1, playerEntry.Key, targetPlayer); } targetPlayer.DeathAction(false); network.SendServerMove(playerEntry.Key, targetPlayer); targetPlayer.RespondMove = false; network.CheckWinCondition(); } } } } if (fallingBlock.CanDestroy) { network.SendRemoveFallingBlock(entry.Key); Universal.TryDictRemove(FallingBlockIndex, entry.Key); } } if (ServerMode == GameMode.TeamDeathmatch || ServerMode == GameMode.CaptureTheFlag) { RedTent.Update(msElapsed, WorldMap); BlueTent.Update(msElapsed, WorldMap); } } TimeRemaining.Update(msElapsed); RestartInterval.Update(msElapsed); }