public void Receive_Retry()
            var timer        = new FakeSequentialThreadingTimer();
            var options      = RetryOptions.Retry();
            var mockConsumer = new Mock <IConsumer <int> >();
            var timerFactory = CreateTimerFactory(timer);
            var calls        = 0;

            mockConsumer.Setup(c => c.Receive(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <int> >()))
            .Callback(() =>
                if (calls == 1)
                    throw new RpcException(Status.DefaultSuccess);

            using (var retryConsumer = new RpcRetryConsumer <int>(
                       mockConsumer.Object, options, Utils.ConstantSizer <int> .GetSize, timerFactory))
                int[] intArray = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

                // Extra call to ensure buffer is emptied.
                mockConsumer.Verify(c => c.Receive(intArray), Times.Exactly(2));
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up a test where all calls to the consumer passed to the <see cref="RpcRetryConsumer"/> will throw
        /// an <see cref="RpcException"/>.
        /// </summary>
        private void SetupTestReceiveThrows(Action <FakeSequentialThreadingTimer, Mock <IConsumer <int> >, RpcRetryConsumer <int> > action, RetryOptions options)
            var timer        = new FakeSequentialThreadingTimer();
            var mockConsumer = new Mock <IConsumer <int> >();
            var timerFactory = CreateTimerFactory(timer);

            mockConsumer.Setup(c => c.Receive(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <int> >()))
            .Throws(new RpcException(Status.DefaultSuccess));
            using (var retryConsumer = new RpcRetryConsumer <int>(
                       mockConsumer.Object, options, Utils.ConstantSizer <int> .GetSize, timerFactory))
                action(timer, mockConsumer, retryConsumer);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a timer factory with a fake timer.
 /// </summary>
 private Func <Action, RetryOptions, ISequentialThreadingTimer> CreateTimerFactory(FakeSequentialThreadingTimer timer)
     return((callback, retryOptions) =>
         timer.Initialize(callback, retryOptions.RetryInterval);
         return timer;