Example #1
        public string ReadFile(string path)
            var           segs = path.Split(new[] { this.DirectorySeparatorChar }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            FakeDirectory d    = Traverse(segs.Take(segs.Length - 1));

Example #2
 public void GetInstantaneousFlowData()
     TimeRunner.Run(async(time, th) =>
         var entries = new Dictionary <(string uri, string soapAction, string soapBody), XElement>
             { ("http://energywatch.natgrid.co.uk/EDP-PublicUI/PublicPI/InstantaneousFlowWebService.asmx",
                "<GetInstantaneousFlowData xmlns=\"http://www.NationalGrid.com/EDP/UI/\" />"),
               Soap.LoadBody("GetInstantaneousFlowData1") }
         var fakeSoapDownloader = new FakeSoapDownloader(entries);
         var flow       = new InstantaneousFlow(th, fakeSoapDownloader);
         var stringsDir = new FakeDirectory(th);
         var strings    = new Strings(th, stringsDir);
         var data       = await(await flow.GetInstantaneousFlowDataAsync().ConfigureAwait(th)).WriteStringsAsync(th, strings).ConfigureAwait(th);
         Assert.Equal(258, data.Count);
         var nameIndex0 = await strings.AddOrGetIndexAsync("ALDBROUGH").ConfigureAwait(th);
         Assert.Equal(new InstantaneousFlow.Data(Instant.FromUtc(2017, 9, 15, 6, 24),
                                                 InstantaneousFlow.SupplyType.ZoneSupply, (ushort)nameIndex0, Flow.Zero), data.First());
         var nameIndex1 = await strings.AddOrGetIndexAsync("TOTAL SUPPLY").ConfigureAwait(th);
         Assert.Equal(new InstantaneousFlow.Data(Instant.FromUtc(2017, 9, 15, 6, 34),
                                                 InstantaneousFlow.SupplyType.TotalSupply, (ushort)nameIndex1, Flow.FromCubicMetersPerHour(190.03944 * 1e6 / 24)), data.Last());
        public void Fetch()
            TimeRunner.Run(async(time, th) =>
                var downloader = new FakeElexonDownloader();
                var dir        = new FakeDirectory(th);
                var fetcher    = new FetchB1610(th, downloader, dir, time, null);

                var cts     = new CancellationTokenSource();
                Task unused = th.Run(async() =>
                    await th.Delay(NodaTime.Duration.FromMinutes(5)).ConfigureAwait(th);

                await fetcher.Start(cts.Token).ConfigureAwaitHideCancel(th);

                var reader = new B1610.Reader(th, dir);
                Assert.Equal(100 + 103, await reader.CountAsync().ConfigureAwait(th));
                Assert.Equal(new B1610.Data("GRAI-6", Instant.FromUtc(2017, 7, 31, 23, 0), Power.FromKilowatts(226_200)),
                             await(await reader.ReadAsync(0, 1)).First());
                Assert.Equal(new B1610.Data("GRGBW-1", Instant.FromUtc(2017, 7, 31, 23, 30), Power.FromKilowatts(43_390)),
                             await(await reader.ReadAsync(100 + 103 - 1, 100 + 103)).First());
            }, startInstant: NodaTime.Instant.FromUtc(2017, 8, 10, 22, 30));
Example #4
        public void DeleteDirectory(string path)
            var           segs = path.Split(new[] { this.DirectorySeparatorChar }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            FakeDirectory d    = Traverse(segs.Take(segs.Length - 1));

        public FakeDirectory FindDirectory(DirectoryPath path)
            // Want the root?
            if (path.Segments.Length == 0)

            var queue = new Queue <string>(path.Segments);

            FakeDirectory current  = null;
            var           children = _root.Content;

            while (queue.Count > 0)
                // Set the parent.
                var parent = current;

                // Calculate the current path.
                var segment = queue.Dequeue();
                path = parent != null?parent.Path.Combine(segment) : new DirectoryPath(segment);

                // Find the current path.
                if (!children.Directories.ContainsKey(path))

                current  = children.Directories[path];
                children = current.Content;

Example #6
        public void Fetch()
            TimeRunner.Run(async(time, th) =>
                var downloader = new FakeElexonDownloader();
                var dir        = new FakeDirectory(th);
                var fetcher    = new FetchPhyBmData(th, downloader, dir, time);

                var cts     = new CancellationTokenSource();
                Task unused = th.Run(async() =>
                    await th.Delay(NodaTime.Duration.FromMinutes(60)).ConfigureAwait(th);

                await fetcher.Start(false, cts.Token).ConfigureAwaitHideCancel(th);

                var reader = new PhyBmData.FpnReader(th, dir);
                Assert.Equal(1031 + 1023, await reader.CountAsync().ConfigureAwait(th));
                var cldcwIdHash = EicIds.Hash("CLDCW-1");
                var cldcwTask   = (await reader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(th)).Where(x => x.ResourceNameHash == cldcwIdHash);
                var cldcw       = await cldcwTask.ToList().ConfigureAwait(th);
                Assert.Equal(4, cldcw.Count);
                Assert.Equal(new [] { 13.0, 11.0, 11.0, 9.0 }, cldcw.Select(x => x.LevelTo.Megawatts));
            }, startInstant: NodaTime.Instant.FromUtc(2017, 8, 5, 22, 29));
Example #7
        public void WriteFile(string path, string contents)
            var           segs = path.Split(new[] { this.DirectorySeparatorChar }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            FakeDirectory d    = Traverse(segs.Take(segs.Length - 1));

            ((FakeFile)d.Entries[segs.Last()]).Contents = contents;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PaketPackerFixture" /> class with the directory output = NuGet.
        /// </summary>
        internal PaketPackerFixture()
            : base("paket.exe")
            FakeDirectory fakeDirectory = FileSystem.CreateDirectory("NuGet");

            Output        = fakeDirectory.Path;
            FakeArguments = Substitute.For <ICakeArguments>();
Example #9
        public TextReader CreateStreamReader(string path)
            var           segs = path.Split(new[] { this.DirectorySeparatorChar }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            FakeDirectory d    = Traverse(segs.Take(segs.Length - 1));

            Debug.Assert(d != null, path);
            Debug.Assert(d.Entries != null, "d.entries");
            Debug.Assert(segs != null, "segs");
            return(new StringReader(((FakeFile)d.Entries[segs.Last()]).Contents));
Example #10
        public FakeFileSystem Dir(string name)
            var d = new FakeDirectory
                Parent = dir

            dir.Entries[name] = d;
            dir = d;
Example #11
            public IDirectory Create(FullPath name)
                FakeDirectory dir;

                if (!this.fakeDirs.TryGetValue(name, out dir))
                    dir = new FakeDirectory(name);
                    this.fakeDirs.Add(name, dir);

        public void DeleteDirectory(FakeDirectory fakeDirectory, bool recursive)
            var root   = new Stack <FakeDirectory>();
            var result = new Stack <FakeDirectory>();

            if (fakeDirectory.Exists)

            while (root.Count > 0)
                var node = root.Pop();

                var directories = node.Content.Directories;

                if (directories.Count > 0 && !recursive)
                    throw new IOException("The directory is not empty.");

                foreach (var child in directories)

            while (result.Count > 0)
                var directory = result.Pop();

                var files = directory.Content.Files.Select(x => x).ToArray();
                if (files.Length > 0 && !recursive)
                    throw new IOException("The directory is not empty.");

                foreach (var file in files)
                    // Delete the file.

                // Delete the directory.
                directory.Exists = false;
    public static Mock <IFileProvider> SetupFileProviderMock(this Mock <IFileProvider> fileProviderMock, string root, List <FakeDirectory> directories)
        var rootDirectory = directories.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == string.Empty);

        if (rootDirectory != null)
            rootDirectory = new FakeDirectory(string.Empty, new FakeFile[] { });
        ProcessDirectory(fileProviderMock, root, rootDirectory, directories);
Example #14
        public bool FileExists(string path)
            var           segs = path.Split(new[] { this.DirectorySeparatorChar }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            FakeDirectory d    = Traverse(segs.Take(segs.Length - 1));

            if (d == null)
            Entry e;

            if (!d.Entries.TryGetValue(segs.Last(), out e))
            return(e is FakeFile);
Example #15
 public void AppendLines()
     TimeRunner.Run(async(time, th) =>
         var nl       = Environment.NewLine;
         var expected = $"one{nl}two{nl}";
         var dir      = new FakeDirectory(th);
         var appender = new RollingFileAppender(dir, "abc", th);
         await appender.AppendLineAsync("one").ConfigureAwait(th);
         await appender.AppendLineAsync("two").ConfigureAwait(th);
         var files = (await dir.ListFilesAsync().ConfigureAwait(th)).ToList();
         Assert.Equal(expected.Length, files[0].Length);
         var stream = await dir.ReadAsync(files[0].Id).ConfigureAwait(th);
         var ms     = new MemoryStream();
         await stream.CopyToAsync(ms).ConfigureAwait(th);
         Assert.Equal(expected, Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray()));
Example #16
 public void StoreAndLoad()
     TimeRunner.Run(async(time, th) =>
         var dir           = new FakeDirectory(th);
         var fuelInstHhCur = new FuelInstHhCur(th, new FakeElexonDownloader());
         var data          = await fuelInstHhCur.GetAsync().ConfigureAwait(th);
         var writer        = new FuelInstHhCur.Writer(th, dir);
         var reader        = new FuelInstHhCur.Reader(th, dir);
         Assert.Equal(0, await reader.CountAsync().ConfigureAwait(th));
         Assert.Equal(0, await(await reader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(th)).Count().ConfigureAwait(th));
         await writer.AppendAsync(data).ConfigureAwait(th);
         Assert.Equal(1, await reader.CountAsync().ConfigureAwait(th));
         Assert.Equal(1, await(await reader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(th)).Count().ConfigureAwait(th));
         var data1 = await(await reader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(th)).Last().ConfigureAwait(th);
         Assert.Equal(data, data1);
         var data2 = await(await reader.ReadAsync(0, 1).ConfigureAwait(th)).Single().ConfigureAwait(th);
         Assert.Equal(data, data2);
 public void StoreAndLoad()
     TimeRunner.Run(async(time, th) =>
         var dir    = new FakeDirectory(th);
         var phy    = new PhyBmData(th, new FakeElexonDownloader());
         var data   = await phy.GetAsync(new LocalDate(2017, 8, 6), 1).ConfigureAwait(th);
         var writer = new PhyBmData.FpnWriter(th, dir);
         var reader = new PhyBmData.FpnReader(th, dir);
         Assert.Equal(0, await reader.CountAsync().ConfigureAwait(th));
         Assert.Equal(0, await(await reader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(th)).Count().ConfigureAwait(th));
         await writer.AppendAsync(data).ConfigureAwait(th);
         Assert.Equal(1031, await reader.CountAsync().ConfigureAwait(th));
         Assert.Equal(data[0], await(await reader.ReadAsync(0, 1).ConfigureAwait(th)).Single().ConfigureAwait(th));
         Assert.Equal(data[10], await(await reader.ReadAsync(10, 11).ConfigureAwait(th)).Single().ConfigureAwait(th));
         Assert.Equal(data.Take(10), await(await reader.ReadAsync(0, 10).ConfigureAwait(th)).ToArray().ConfigureAwait(th));
         Assert.Equal(data.Skip(50).Take(10), await(await reader.ReadAsync(50, 60).ConfigureAwait(th)).ToArray().ConfigureAwait(th));
         Assert.Equal(data, await(await reader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(th)).ToList().ConfigureAwait(th));
Example #18
 public void StoreAndLoad()
     TimeRunner.Run(async(time, th) =>
         var dir    = new FakeDirectory(th);
         var freq   = new Freq(th, new FakeElexonDownloader());
         var data   = (await freq.GetAsync(Instant.FromUtc(2017, 8, 2, 10, 30), Instant.FromUtc(2017, 8, 2, 11, 30)).ConfigureAwait(th));
         var writer = new Freq.Writer(th, dir);
         var reader = new Freq.Reader(th, dir);
         Assert.Equal(0, await reader.CountAsync().ConfigureAwait(th));
         Assert.Equal(0, await(await reader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(th)).Count().ConfigureAwait(th));
         await writer.AppendAsync(data).ConfigureAwait(th);
         Assert.Equal(60 * 4 + 1, await reader.CountAsync().ConfigureAwait(th));
         Assert.Equal(data[0], await(await reader.ReadAsync(0, 1).ConfigureAwait(th)).Single().ConfigureAwait(th));
         Assert.Equal(data[10], await(await reader.ReadAsync(10, 11).ConfigureAwait(th)).Single().ConfigureAwait(th));
         Assert.Equal(data.Take(10), await(await reader.ReadAsync(0, 10).ConfigureAwait(th)).ToArray().ConfigureAwait(th));
         Assert.Equal(data.Skip(50).Take(10), await(await reader.ReadAsync(50, 60).ConfigureAwait(th)).ToArray().ConfigureAwait(th));
         Assert.Equal(data, await(await reader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(th)).ToList().ConfigureAwait(th));
        public FakeFileSystemTree(ICakeEnvironment environment)
            if (environment == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(environment));
            if (environment.WorkingDirectory == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Working directory not set.");
            if (environment.WorkingDirectory.IsRelative)
                throw new ArgumentException("Working directory cannot be relative.");
            Comparer = new PathComparer(environment.Platform.IsUnix());

            _root = new FakeDirectory(this, "/")
                Exists = true, LastWriteTime = DateTime.Now
Example #20
 public void CreateDirectory(string path)
     var segs = path.Split(new [] {this.DirectorySeparatorChar}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
     var d = root;
     foreach (var seg in segs)
         Entry e;
         if (!d.Entries.TryGetValue(seg, out e))
             var dNew = new FakeDirectory
                 Parent = d
             d.Entries.Add(seg, dNew);
             d = dNew;
             d = (FakeDirectory) e;
Example #21
        public void CreateDirectory(string path)
            var segs = path.Split(new [] { this.DirectorySeparatorChar }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            var d    = root;

            foreach (var seg in segs)
                Entry e;
                if (!d.Entries.TryGetValue(seg, out e))
                    var dNew = new FakeDirectory
                        Parent = d
                    d.Entries.Add(seg, dNew);
                    d = dNew;
                    d = (FakeDirectory)e;
Example #22
        public void Fetch()
            TimeRunner.Run(async(time, th) =>
                var downloader = new FakeElexonDownloader();
                var dir        = new FakeDirectory(th);
                var fetcher    = new FetchFreq(th, downloader, dir, time);

                var cts     = new CancellationTokenSource();
                Task unused = th.Run(async() =>
                    await th.Delay(NodaTime.Duration.FromMinutes(3)).ConfigureAwait(th);
                await fetcher.Start(false, cts.Token).ConfigureAwaitHideCancel(th);

                var reader = new Freq.Reader(th, dir);
                Assert.Equal((60 + 2) * 4, await reader.CountAsync().ConfigureAwait(th));
                var data = await(await reader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(th)).ToList().ConfigureAwait(th);
                Assert.Equal((60 + 2) * 4, data.Count);
                Assert.Equal(new Freq.Data(NodaTime.Instant.FromUtc(2017, 8, 2, 11, 0, 15), Frequency.FromHertz(49.910)), data.First());
                Assert.Equal(new Freq.Data(NodaTime.Instant.FromUtc(2017, 8, 2, 12, 2, 0), Frequency.FromHertz(50.040)), data.Last());
            }, startInstant: NodaTime.Instant.FromUtc(2017, 8, 2, 12, 0));
        public FakeDirectory CreateDirectory(FakeDirectory directory)
            var path  = directory.Path;
            var queue = new Queue <string>(path.Segments);

            FakeDirectory current  = null;
            var           children = _root.Content;

            while (queue.Count > 0)
                // Get the segment.
                var currentSegment = queue.Dequeue();
                var parent         = current;

                // Calculate the current path.
                path = parent != null?parent.Path.Combine(currentSegment) : new DirectoryPath(currentSegment);

                if (!children.Directories.ContainsKey(path))
                    current        = queue.Count == 0 ? directory : new FakeDirectory(this, path);
                    current.Parent = parent ?? _root;
                    current.Hidden = false;
                    current = children.Directories[path];

                current.Exists        = true;
                current.LastWriteTime = DateTime.Now;
                children = current.Content;

Example #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Hides the specified directory.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="directory">The directory to hide.</param>
 /// <returns>The same <see cref="FakeDirectory"/> instance so that multiple calls can be chained.</returns>
 public static FakeDirectory Hide(this FakeDirectory directory)
     directory.Hidden = true;
    private static void ProcessDirectory(Mock <IFileProvider> fileProviderMock, string root, FakeDirectory current, List <FakeDirectory> directories)
        var subDirectories = directories.Where(x => x.FolderPath.Equals(current.Name)).ToList();

        directories = directories.Except(subDirectories).ToList();
        var fileInfos = new List <IFileInfo>();

        foreach (var file in current.Files)
            var fileInfo = fileProviderMock.CreateFile(root, file.FilePath, file.Bytes);
        foreach (var directory in subDirectories)
            var directoryInfo = fileProviderMock.CreateDirectory(root, directory.Name);
            ProcessDirectory(fileProviderMock, root, directory, directories);

        var directoryContents = fileInfos.CreateMock <IDirectoryContents, IFileInfo>();

        directoryContents.Setup(x => x.Exists).Returns(true);
        .Setup(x => x.GetDirectoryContents(It.Is <string>(p => p.Equals(current.Name))))
Example #26
 public FakeFileSystem Dir(string name)
     var d = new FakeDirectory
         Parent = dir
     dir.Entries[name] = d;
     dir = d;
     return this;
Example #27
 public FakeFileSystem End()
     dir = dir.Parent;
     return this;
Example #28
 public FakeFileSystem()
     this.root = new FakeDirectory();
     this.dir = root;
Example #29
 public FakeFileSystem End()
     dir = dir.Parent;
        public void MoveDirectory(FakeDirectory fakeDirectory, DirectoryPath destination)
            var root   = new Stack <FakeDirectory>();
            var result = new Stack <FakeDirectory>();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(destination.FullPath))
                throw new ArgumentException("The destination directory is empty.");

            if (fakeDirectory.Path.Equals(destination))
                throw new IOException("The directory being moved and the destination directory have the same name.");

            if (FindDirectory(destination) != null)
                throw new IOException("The destination directory already exists.");

            string        destinationParentPathStr = string.Join("/", destination.Segments.Take(destination.Segments.Length - 1).DefaultIfEmpty("/"));
            DirectoryPath destinationParentPath    = new DirectoryPath(destinationParentPathStr == string.Empty ? "/" : destinationParentPathStr);

            if (FindDirectory(destinationParentPath) == null)
                throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("The parent destination directory " + destinationParentPath.FullPath + " could not be found.");

            if (fakeDirectory.Exists)

            // Create destination directories and move files
            while (root.Count > 0)
                var node = root.Pop();

                // Create destination directory
                DirectoryPath relativePath    = fakeDirectory.Path.GetRelativePath(node.Path);
                DirectoryPath destinationPath = destination.Combine(relativePath);

                var files = node.Content.Files.Select(x => x).ToArray();
                foreach (var file in files)
                    // Move the file.
                    MoveFile(file.Value, destinationPath.CombineWithFilePath(file.Key.GetFilename()));

                var directories = node.Content.Directories;
                foreach (var child in directories)

            // Delete source directories
            while (result.Count > 0)
                var directory = result.Pop();

                // Delete the directory.
                directory.Exists = false;
Example #31
 public FakeFileSystem()
     this.root = new FakeDirectory();
     this.dir  = root;