public void delete(long faculty_id) { try { using (TransactionScope tx = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required)) { var FacultyCategory = _facultyRepository.getById(faculty_id); if (FacultyCategory == null) { throw new ItemNotFoundException($"faculty Category With Id {FacultyCategory} doesnot Exist."); } _facultyRepository.delete(FacultyCategory); tx.Complete(); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public void save(CoursesDto product_dto) { try { _transactionManager.beginTransaction(); Courses product = new Courses(); _productMaker.copy(ref product, product_dto); if (product.faculty_id != 0) { product.faculty = _facultyRepository.getById(product.faculty_id) ?? throw new ItemNotFoundException($"Faculty with the id {product.faculty_id} doesnot exist."); } _productRepo.insert(product); _transactionManager.commitTransaction(); } catch (Exception) { _transactionManager.rollbackTransaction(); throw; } }
public IActionResult edit(long faculty_id) { try { var faculty = _facultyRepository.getById(faculty_id); FacultyDto dto = _mapper.Map <FacultyDto>(faculty); // RouteData.Values.Remove("faculty_id"); return(View(dto)); } catch (Exception ex) { AlertHelper.setMessage(this, ex.Message, messageType.error); return(RedirectToAction("index")); } }