Example #1
        public ActionResult CreateEditFaculty(FacultyModel model, string CreateEdit)
            String filepathfac = ApplicationBasePath.ToString().Substring(0, ApplicationBasePath.ToString().Length - 24) + "Data/Faculty/"; //get file path for faculty folder

            string[] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(filepathfac);                                                                         //get array of files in user directory
            int      pos         = filepathfac.LastIndexOf("/") + 1;                                                                        //get position of last slash
            var      listoffac   = fileEntries.Select((r, index) => new System.Web.Mvc.SelectListItem {
                Text = r.Substring(pos, r.Length - pos - 4), Value = "fac"
            }).ToList();                                                                                                                                                  //populate drop down with list that automatically strips out .csv and the leading directories

            ViewBag.listfac     = listoffac;
            ViewBag.sessiontype = HttpContext.Session.GetString(SessionUserType);  //get type of user from session
            ViewBag.loginname   = HttpContext.Session.GetString(SessionUserName);
            ViewBag.debugtext   = "entered createeditfacutly";
            if (model.IsValid(model.Facultyfname, model.Facultylname, model.Facultytitle, model.Facultytype))
                switch (CreateEdit)
                case "CreateEdit":
                    ViewBag.debugtext   = "entered create case";
                    ViewBag.sessiontype = HttpContext.Session.GetString(SessionUserType);      //get type of user from session
                    ViewBag.loginname   = HttpContext.Session.GetString(SessionUserName);      //get username from session
                    var factype = "";

                    var filepath = ApplicationBasePath.ToString().Substring(0, ApplicationBasePath.ToString().Length - 24) + "Data/Faculty/" + model.Facultylname + "," + model.Facultyfname + ".csv"; //get absolute file path for possible user file
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(filepath))                                                                                                                                               //check if user csv file exists
                        System.IO.File.Delete(filepath);                                                                                                                                               //delete user file if it exists
                    if (model.Facultytype == 0)                                                                                                                                                        //get text value of user type
                        factype = "0";
                    else if (model.Facultytype == 1)
                        factype = "1";
                        factype = "2";

                    var csv = model.Facultyfname.ToString() + "," + model.Facultylname + "," + model.Facultytitle.ToString() + "," + factype; //create csv string to write out
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllText(filepath, csv.ToString());                                                                    //write csv file

                    filepathfac = ApplicationBasePath.ToString().Substring(0, ApplicationBasePath.ToString().Length - 24) + "Data/Faculty/";  //get file path for faculty folder
                    fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(filepathfac);                                                                            //get array of files in user directory
                    pos         = filepathfac.LastIndexOf("/") + 1;                                                                           //get position of last slash
                    listoffac   = fileEntries.Select((r, index) => new System.Web.Mvc.SelectListItem {
                        Text = r.Substring(pos, r.Length - pos - 4), Value = "fac"
                    }).ToList();                                                                                                                                                  //populate drop down with list that automatically strips out .csv and the leading directories
                    ViewBag.listfac = listoffac;

                case "Delete":
                    ViewBag.debugtext   = "entered delete case";
                    ViewBag.sessiontype = HttpContext.Session.GetString(SessionUserType);                                                                                                          //get type of user from session
                    ViewBag.loginname   = HttpContext.Session.GetString(SessionUserName);                                                                                                          //get username from session

                    filepath = ApplicationBasePath.ToString().Substring(0, ApplicationBasePath.ToString().Length - 24) + "Data/Faculty/" + model.Facultylname + "," + model.Facultyfname + ".csv"; //get absolute file path for possible user file
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(filepath))                                                                                                                                           //check if user csv file exists
                        System.IO.File.Delete(filepath);                                                                                                                                           //delete user file if it exists

                    filepathfac = ApplicationBasePath.ToString().Substring(0, ApplicationBasePath.ToString().Length - 24) + "Data/Faculty/"; //get file path for faculty folder
                    fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(filepathfac);                                                                           //get array of files in user directory
                    pos         = filepathfac.LastIndexOf("/") + 1;                                                                          //get position of last slash
                    listoffac   = fileEntries.Select((r, index) => new System.Web.Mvc.SelectListItem {
                        Text = r.Substring(pos, r.Length - pos - 4), Value = "fac"
                    }).ToList();                                                                                                                                                  //populate drop down with list that automatically strips out .csv and the leading directories
                    ViewBag.listfac = listoffac;

                    ViewBag.debugtext = "entered default case";
                    filepathfac       = ApplicationBasePath.ToString().Substring(0, ApplicationBasePath.ToString().Length - 24) + "Data/Faculty/"; //get file path for faculty folder
                    fileEntries       = Directory.GetFiles(filepathfac);                                                                           //get array of files in user directory
                    pos       = filepathfac.LastIndexOf("/") + 1;                                                                                  //get position of last slash
                    listoffac = fileEntries.Select((r, index) => new System.Web.Mvc.SelectListItem {
                        Text = r.Substring(pos, r.Length - pos - 4), Value = "fac"
                    }).ToList();                                                                                                                                                  //populate drop down with list that automatically strips out .csv and the leading directories
                    ViewBag.listfac = listoffac;
