Example #1
        public async Task LoadData()
                var jsonData = await CrossFacebookClient.Current.RequestUserDataAsync
                    new string[] { "id", "name", "email", "first_name", "last_name" }, new string[] { }

                var data = JObject.Parse(jsonData.Data);

                var Profile = new FacebookProfile()
                    Id        = data["id"].ToString(),
                    FullName  = data["name"].ToString(),
                    Email     = data["email"].ToString(),
                    LastName  = data["last_name"].ToString(),
                    FirstName = data["first_name"].ToString()

                var accesstoken = await _apiServices.LoginAsync(Profile.Email, Profile.Id);

                if (accesstoken != null)
                    int OS = 0;
                    if (Device.RuntimePlatform.Equals("iOS"))
                        OS = 1;

                    Settings.AccessToken = accesstoken;
                    var c = new Cliente {
                        Correo = Profile.Email, DeviceID = Settings.DeviceID, SistemaOperativo = OS
                    var response = await ApiServices.InsertarAsync <Cliente>(c, new System.Uri(Constants.BaseApiAddress), "/api/Clientes/GetClientData");

                    var cliente = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Cliente>(response.Result.ToString());
                    Settings.idCliente           = cliente.IdCliente;
                    Settings.Username            = Profile.Email;
                    Settings.Password            = Profile.Id;
                    IsBusy                       = false;
                    Application.Current.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new MasterTabPage());
                    IsVisible                    = true;
                    IsBusy                       = false;
                    await Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new AfterFBPage(Profile));

                    IsVisible = true;
                    IsBusy    = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
            //   Debug.WriteLine(data.Count);
Example #2
 public Usuarios(FacebookProfile obj)
     Name    = obj.Name;
     Picture = obj.Picture.Data.Url;
     Id      = obj.Id;
     Email   = obj.email;
Example #3
        public async Task <UserEntity> AddUserAsync(FacebookProfile model)
            UserEntity userEntity = new UserEntity
                Address     = "...",
                Document    = "...",
                Email       = model.Email,
                FirstName   = model.FirstName,
                LastName    = model.LastName,
                PicturePath = model.Picture?.Data?.Url,
                PhoneNumber = "...",
                Team        = await _context.Teams.FirstOrDefaultAsync(t => t.Name == "Colombia"),
                UserName    = model.Email,
                UserType    = UserType.User,
                LoginType   = LoginType.Facebook

            IdentityResult result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(userEntity, model.Id);

            if (result != IdentityResult.Success)

            UserEntity newUser = await GetUserAsync(model.Email);

            await AddUserToRoleAsync(newUser, userEntity.UserType.ToString());

            public static async Task <FacebookProfile> GetFacebookAsync(string token)
                //normally this is the somewhat basic form to do a get request;
                //Looking more into http client, you can do a lot more;

                using HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

                //you can also add to the header by choosing the default headers available in a standard http request using
                //client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization or whatever you want
                //or adding a custom
                //client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("name", "value");
                string uri      = $"https://graph.facebook.com/v2.12/me?fields=name,first_name,last_name,email,picture,id,graphDomain&access_token={token}";
                var    response = await client.GetStringAsync(uri);

                FacebookProfile profile = null;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response))
                        profile = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <FacebookProfile>(response);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Debug.WriteLine($"Something bad happened: {ex.Message}");
Example #5
        public LoginViewModel()
            Profile = new FacebookProfile();

            OnLoginCommand     = new Command(async() => await LoginAsync());
            OnShareDataCommand = new Command(async() => await ShareDataAsync());
            OnLoadDataCommand  = new Command(async() => await LoadData());
            OnLogoutCommand    = new Command(() =>
                if (CrossFacebookClient.Current.IsLoggedIn)
                    IsLoggedIn = false;

            //OnFacebookLoginSuccessCmd = new Command<string>(
            //    (authToken) => DisplayAlert("Success", $"Authentication succeed: {authToken}"));
            OnFacebookLoginSuccessCmd = new Command <string>(
                (authToken) => {
                //DisplayAlert("Success", $"Authentication succeed: {authToken}");
                OnLoginSuccessful?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());

            OnFacebookLoginErrorCmd = new Command <string>(
                (err) => DisplayAlert("Error", $"Authentication failed: {err}"));

            OnFacebookLoginCancelCmd = new Command(
                () => DisplayAlert("Cancel", "Authentication cancelled by the user."));

            //Posts = new ObservableCollection<FacebookPost>();
        private void SetFacebookProfile(FacebookProfile profile)
            Image profilePicture = new Image
                Source = ImageSource.FromUri(new Uri(
                                                 "https://graph.facebook.com/" + profile.Id + "/picture?width=450&height=450"))

            Label lblName = new Label
                Text           = profile.Name,
                FontSize       = 24,
                FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold,
                TextColor      = Color.Black

            StackLayout layout = new StackLayout
                Padding           = 10,
                Spacing           = 10,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
                Children          =

            Content = layout;
Example #7
        public async Task <UserEntity> AddUserAsync(FacebookProfile model)
            UserEntity userEntity = new UserEntity
                Document    = "...",
                Email       = model.Email,
                FirstName   = model.FirstName,
                LastName    = model.LastName,
                PicturePath = model.Picture?.Data?.Url,
                PhoneNumber = "...",
                UserName    = model.Email,
                UserType    = UserType.CallAdviser,
                LoginType   = LoginType.Facebook,
                UserCode    = GetUserCode(model.FirstName, model.LastName),
                Campaign    = await _campaignHelper.GetCampaign(1)

            IdentityResult result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(userEntity, model.Id);

            if (result != IdentityResult.Success)

            UserEntity newUser = await GetUserAsync(model.Email);

            await AddUserToRoleAsync(newUser, userEntity.UserType.ToString());

        public async Task <ApplicationUser> AddUserAsync(FacebookProfile model)
            var userEntity = new ApplicationUser
                Address = "...",
                Email   = model.Email,
                Name    = model.FirstName,
                // LastName = model.LastName,
                //  ImageFacebook = model.Picture?.Data?.Url,
                PhoneNumber = "...",
                UserName    = model.Email,
                //  UserType = UserType.User,
                // LoginType = LoginType.Facebook,
                // ImageId = Guid.Empty

            IdentityResult result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(userEntity, model.Id);

            if (result != IdentityResult.Success)

            ApplicationUser newUser = await GetUserByEmailAsync(model.Email);

            await AddUserToRoleAsync(newUser, "Facebook");// userEntity.UserType.ToString());

        public async Task <User> AuthorizeFacebookUser(string accessToken)
            var fbConfig = _configuration.GetSection("Authentication:Facebook");
            var request  = _facebookApiService.PrepareProfileFetchRequest(HttpMethod.Get, fbConfig["GetUserPath"], accessToken);
            var response = await _facebookApiService.SendRequestAsync(request, fbConfig["GraphHostname"]);

            var user = new User();

            if (response.Content != null)
                Stream json = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();

                FacebookProfile fbProfile = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync <FacebookProfile>(json,
                                                                                                    new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase });

                user = await _userRepository.GetFirstByFilterAsync(u => u.Email == fbProfile.Email);

                if (fbProfile.Email != null && fbProfile.Name != null && fbProfile.Id != null && user == null)
                    user = new User
                        Email        = fbProfile.Email,
                        Name         = fbProfile.Name,
                        ProviderId   = fbProfile.Id,
                        ProviderName = "Facebook"
                    await _userRepository.AddAsync(user);

Example #10
        public NotificationsPage()

            var appData = Application.Current as App;

            _profile = appData.Profile;

            circleImage.Source = _profile.Picture.Data.Url;

            var tapGestureRecognizer = new TapGestureRecognizer();

            tapGestureRecognizer.Tapped += (s, e) =>
                ActionSheetResult(s, e);


            async void ActionSheetResult(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var action = await DisplayActionSheet(null, null, null, "Notification Settings", "About Spokesman");

                if (action == "About Spokesman")
                    await Navigation.PushAsync(new InfoPage());
Example #11
        public async Task <User> AddUserAsync(FacebookProfile model)
            User userEntity = new User
                Address       = "...",
                Document      = "...",
                Email         = model.Email,
                FirstName     = model.FirstName,
                LastName      = model.LastName,
                ImageFacebook = model.Picture?.Data?.Url,
                PhoneNumber   = "...",
                City          = await _context.Cities.FirstOrDefaultAsync(),
                UserName      = model.Email,
                UserType      = UserType.User,
                LoginType     = LoginType.Facebook,
                ImageId       = Guid.Empty

            IdentityResult result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(userEntity, model.Id);

            if (result != IdentityResult.Success)

            User newUser = await GetUserAsync(model.Email);

            await AddUserToRoleAsync(newUser, userEntity.UserType.ToString());

Example #12
 private void NotifyFacebookProfileRetreived(FacebookProfile fbProfile)
     if (this.FacebookProfileRetreivedEvent != null)
         this.FacebookProfileRetreivedEvent(this, new FacebookProfileEventArgs(fbProfile));
Example #13
 public MyProfileViewModel()
     Profile            = new FacebookProfile();
     Posts              = new ObservableCollection <FacebookPost>(); 
 LoadDataCommand = new Command(async() => await LoadData());
     PostMessageCommand = new Command <string>(async(msg) => await PostAsync(msg));
Example #14
    private FacebookProfile DeserializeProfile(string response)
        Dictionary <string, object> responseObject = Json.Deserialize(response) as Dictionary <string, object>;
        FacebookProfile             profile        = new FacebookProfile();

        if (responseObject != null)
            object val;

            if (responseObject.TryGetValue("id", out val))
                profile.Id = (string)val;

            if (responseObject.TryGetValue("first_name", out val))
                profile.FirstName = (string)val;

            if (responseObject.TryGetValue("last_name", out val))
                profile.LastName = (string)val;

Example #15
        public RegisterPageViewModel()
            _apiService = new ApiService();

            criptografia = new Criptografia();
            Os_Folder    = App.Os_Folder;
            Profile      = new FacebookProfile();

            OnLoginCommand     = new Command(async() => await LoginAsync());
            OnShareDataCommand = new Command(async() => await ShareDataAsync());
            OnLoadDataCommand  = new Command(async() => await LoadData());
            OnLogoutCommand    = new Command(() =>
                if (CrossFacebookClient.Current.IsLoggedIn)
                    IsLoggedIn = false;

            selectedState = "MX";

            SubmitCommand = new Command(OnSubmit);
Example #16
        public async Task SetFacebookUserProfileAsync(string accessToken)
            // var facebookServices = new FacebookServices();

            var requestUrl2 =
                + accessToken;

            var httpClient = new HttpClient();


            var userJson = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(requestUrl2);

            var facebookProfile = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FacebookProfile>(userJson);

            FacebookProfile = facebookProfile;

            //Database.AddAthlete(facebookProfile.Id, facebookProfile.Name,0,0,false);

            //  FacebookProfile = await facebookServices.GetFacebookProfileAsync(accessToken);
Example #17
        protected override async void OnAppearing()

            //using System.Net.Http;
            //using System.Net.Http.Headers;
            //using Newtonsoft.Json;

            var httpClient = new HttpClient();

                var request = new HttpRequestMessage();
                request.RequestUri = new Uri("https://graph.facebook.com/v3.1/me?fields=id,name,picture,email,birthday");
                request.Method     = HttpMethod.Post;
                //request.Content = new StringContent("sdasdasdasd");
                request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", FbToken);

                var response = await httpClient.SendAsync(request);

                if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    var body = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    FacebookProfile profile = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FacebookProfile>(body);

                    BindingContext = profile;
            catch (Exception)
                //    throw;
Example #18
        public void LoginViewModelInit()
            //Facebook Login
            Profile = new FacebookProfile();

            _realm.Write(() =>
                // Remove the instance from the realm.
                // Discard the reference.
            OnLoginCommand    = new Command(async() => await FacebookLoginAsync());
            OnLoadDataCommand = new Command(async() => await FacebookLoadData());
            OnLogoutCommand   = new Command(() =>
                // Add logout method

            LoginCommand = new Command(LoginAsync);

            //Custom Login
            LoginOnClick = new Command(LocalAuth);

            //RestThePassword = new Command(RestPassword);
            RegisterOnClick = new Command(RegisterUser);

            IsLoggedIn = false;
Example #19
 private void SetPageContent(FacebookProfile facebookProfile)
     Content = new StackLayout
         Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
         Padding     = new Thickness(8, 30),
         Children    =
             new Label
                 Text      = facebookProfile.Name,
                 TextColor = Color.Black,
                 FontSize  = 22,
             new Label
                 Text      = facebookProfile.Id,
                 TextColor = Color.Black,
                 FontSize  = 22,
             new Label
                 Text      = facebookProfile.IsVerified.ToString(),
                 TextColor = Color.Black,
                 FontSize  = 22,
             new Label
                 Text      = facebookProfile.Devices.FirstOrDefault().Os,
                 TextColor = Color.Black,
                 FontSize  = 22,
             new Label
                 Text      = facebookProfile.Gender,
                 TextColor = Color.Black,
                 FontSize  = 22,
             new Label
                 Text      = facebookProfile.AgeRange.Min.ToString(),
                 TextColor = Color.Black,
                 FontSize  = 22,
             new Label
                 Text      = facebookProfile.Picture.Data.Url,
                 TextColor = Color.Black,
                 FontSize  = 22,
             new Label
                 Text      = facebookProfile.Cover.Source,
                 TextColor = Color.Black,
                 FontSize  = 22,
Example #20
        public AfterFBPage(FacebookProfile facebookProfile)

            //Message.Text = string.Format("Bienvenido {0}, ayudanos con estos datos para poder brindarte el mejor servicio.",facebookProfile.FullName);

            BindingContext = new AfterFBViewModel(facebookProfile);
        public async Task GetFacebookProfileAsync(string accessToken)
            var service = new FacebookService();

            FacebookProfile = await service.GetFacebookProfileAsync(accessToken);

            Helpers.Settings.FacebookID = FacebookProfile.Id;
Example #22
        public async Task <FacebookProfile> GetProfile(string code)
            AccessTokenResponse token = await Get <AccessTokenResponse>($"https://graph.facebook.com/v7.0/oauth/access_token?client_id={_clientId}&redirect_uri={_config["url:ui"]}/accounts/facebook-auth&client_secret={_clientSecret}&code={code}");

            FacebookProfile profile = await Get <FacebookProfile>($"https://graph.facebook.com/me?fields=email,name,picture&access_token={token.Access_Token}");

Example #23
 public OwnerProfile()
     userProfile     = new UserProfile();
     facebookProfile = new FacebookProfile();
     lives           = new Lives();
     level_data      = new LevelData();
     inbox           = new Inbox();
Example #24
        async void Login()
            var appData = Application.Current as App;

            _fbProfile = appData.Profile;

            await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new MainPage());
Example #25
        async void Handle_Clicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            var appData = Application.Current as App;

            _fbProfile = appData.Profile;

            await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new MainPage());
Example #26
    private void OnFacebookProfileRetreived(object sender, FacebookProfileEventArgs e)
        this.profile = e.Profile;

        if (this.ProfileName != null)
            this.ProfileName.text = string.Format("Hello {0} ", this.profile.FirstName, this.profile.LastName);
        public object Deserialize(JsonValue json, JsonMapper mapper)
            FacebookProfile profile = null;

            if (json != null && !json.IsNull)
                profile = new FacebookProfile();
                // 04/14/2012 Paul.  Should not have both id and uid.
                profile.ID         = json.ContainsName("id") ? json.GetValue <string>("id") : String.Empty;
                profile.ID         = json.ContainsName("uid") ? json.GetValue <string>("uid") : profile.ID;
                profile.Username   = json.ContainsName("username") ? json.GetValue <string>("username") : String.Empty;
                profile.Name       = json.ContainsName("name") ? json.GetValue <string>("name") : String.Empty;
                profile.FirstName  = json.ContainsName("first_name") ? json.GetValue <string>("first_name") : String.Empty;
                profile.LastName   = json.ContainsName("last_name") ? json.GetValue <string>("last_name") : String.Empty;
                profile.Gender     = json.ContainsName("gender") ? json.GetValue <string>("gender") : String.Empty;
                profile.Locale     = json.ContainsName("locate") ? json.GetValue <string>("locate") : String.Empty;
                profile.MiddleName = json.ContainsName("middle_name") ? json.GetValue <string>("middle_name") : String.Empty;
                // 04/14/2012 Paul.  Should not have both email and contact_email.
                profile.Email              = json.ContainsName("email") ? json.GetValue <string>("email") : String.Empty;
                profile.Email              = json.ContainsName("contact_email") ? json.GetValue <string>("contact_email") : profile.Email;
                profile.Link               = json.ContainsName("link") ? json.GetValue <string>("link") : String.Empty;
                profile.ThirdPartyId       = json.ContainsName("third_party_id") ? json.GetValue <string>("third_party_id") : String.Empty;
                profile.Timezone           = json.ContainsName("timezone") ? json.GetValue <int>("timezone") : 0;
                profile.Verified           = json.ContainsName("verified") ? json.GetValue <bool>("verified") : false;
                profile.About              = json.ContainsName("about") ? json.GetValue <string>("about") : String.Empty;
                profile.About              = json.ContainsName("about_me") ? json.GetValue <string>("about_me") : profile.About;
                profile.Bio                = json.ContainsName("bio") ? json.GetValue <string>("bio") : String.Empty;
                profile.Religion           = json.ContainsName("religion") ? json.GetValue <string>("religion") : String.Empty;
                profile.Political          = json.ContainsName("political") ? json.GetValue <string>("political") : String.Empty;
                profile.Quotes             = json.ContainsName("quotes") ? json.GetValue <string>("quotes") : String.Empty;
                profile.RelationshipStatus = json.ContainsName("relationship_status") ? json.GetValue <string>("relationship_status") : String.Empty;
                profile.Website            = json.ContainsName("website") ? json.GetValue <string>("website") : String.Empty;
                // http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/user/
                // The birthday of the user being queried. The format of this date varies based on the user's locale.
                profile.Birthday = json.ContainsName("birthday") ? JsonUtils.ToDateTime(json.GetValue <string>("birthday"), "MM/dd/yyyy") : DateTime.MinValue;
                // The birthday of the user being queried in MM/DD/YYYY format.
                profile.Birthday    = json.ContainsName("birthday_date") ? JsonUtils.ToDateTime(json.GetValue <string>("birthday_date"), "MM/dd/yyyy") : profile.Birthday;
                profile.UpdatedTime = json.ContainsName("updated_time") ? JsonUtils.ToDateTime(json.GetValue <string>("updated_time"), "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss") : DateTime.MinValue;

                profile.Location = mapper.Deserialize <Reference>(json.GetValue("location"));
                profile.Hometown = mapper.Deserialize <Reference>(json.GetValue("hometown"));
                if (json.ContainsName("hometown_location"))
                    profile.Hometown = mapper.Deserialize <Reference>(json.GetValue("hometown_location"));
                profile.SignificantOther    = mapper.Deserialize <Reference>(json.GetValue("significant_other"));
                profile.Work                = mapper.Deserialize <List <WorkEntry> >(json.GetValue("work"));
                profile.Education           = mapper.Deserialize <List <EducationEntry> >(json.GetValue("education"));
                profile.InterestedIn        = mapper.Deserialize <List <String> >(json.GetValue("interested_in"));
                profile.InspirationalPeople = mapper.Deserialize <List <Reference> >(json.GetValue("inspirational_people"));
                profile.Languages           = mapper.Deserialize <List <Reference> >(json.GetValue("languages"));
                profile.Sports              = mapper.Deserialize <List <Reference> >(json.GetValue("sports"));
                profile.FavoriteTeams       = mapper.Deserialize <List <Reference> >(json.GetValue("favorite_teams"));
                profile.FavoriteAtheletes   = mapper.Deserialize <List <Reference> >(json.GetValue("favorite_athletes"));
Example #28
        public async Task SetFacebookUserProfileAsync(string accessToken)
            var facebookServices = new FacebookServices();

            var face = FacebookProfile = await facebookServices.GetFacebookProfileAsync(accessToken);

            Settings.IsEmailIn = face.email;
            Settings.IsUserdIn = face.FirstName + " " + face.LastName;
        // Create facebook profile card.
        private Attachment GetProfileCard(FacebookProfile profile, string userName)
            var card = new AdaptiveCard(new AdaptiveSchemaVersion(1, 0));

            card.Body.Add(new AdaptiveTextBlock()
                Text = $"User Information",
                Size = AdaptiveTextSize.Default

            card.Body.Add(new AdaptiveColumnSet()
                Columns = new List <AdaptiveColumn>()
                    new AdaptiveColumn()
                        Items = new List <AdaptiveElement>()
                            new AdaptiveImage()
                                Url   = new Uri(profile.ProfilePicture.data.url),
                                Size  = AdaptiveImageSize.Medium,
                                Style = AdaptiveImageStyle.Person
                        Width = "auto"
                    new AdaptiveColumn()
                        Items = new List <AdaptiveElement>()
                            new AdaptiveTextBlock()
                                Text     = $"Hello! {profile.Name}",
                                Weight   = AdaptiveTextWeight.Bolder,
                                IsSubtle = true
                            new AdaptiveTextBlock()
                                Text     = $"User name : {userName}",
                                Weight   = AdaptiveTextWeight.Bolder,
                                IsSubtle = true
                        Width = "stretch"

            return(new Attachment()
                ContentType = AdaptiveCard.ContentType,
                Content = card,
		public object Deserialize(JsonValue json, JsonMapper mapper)
			FacebookProfile profile = null;
			if ( json != null && !json.IsNull )
				profile = new FacebookProfile();
				// 04/14/2012 Paul.  Should not have both id and uid. 
				profile.ID                 = json.ContainsName("id"                 ) ? json.GetValue<string>("id"                 ) : String.Empty;
				profile.ID                 = json.ContainsName("uid"                ) ? json.GetValue<string>("uid"                ) : profile.ID;
				profile.Username           = json.ContainsName("username"           ) ? json.GetValue<string>("username"           ) : String.Empty;
				profile.Name               = json.ContainsName("name"               ) ? json.GetValue<string>("name"               ) : String.Empty;
				profile.FirstName          = json.ContainsName("first_name"         ) ? json.GetValue<string>("first_name"         ) : String.Empty;
				profile.LastName           = json.ContainsName("last_name"          ) ? json.GetValue<string>("last_name"          ) : String.Empty;
				profile.Gender             = json.ContainsName("gender"             ) ? json.GetValue<string>("gender"             ) : String.Empty;
				profile.Locale             = json.ContainsName("locate"             ) ? json.GetValue<string>("locate"             ) : String.Empty;
				profile.MiddleName         = json.ContainsName("middle_name"        ) ? json.GetValue<string>("middle_name"        ) : String.Empty;
				// 04/14/2012 Paul.  Should not have both email and contact_email. 
				profile.Email              = json.ContainsName("email"              ) ? json.GetValue<string>("email"              ) : String.Empty;
				profile.Email              = json.ContainsName("contact_email"      ) ? json.GetValue<string>("contact_email"      ) : profile.Email;
				profile.Link               = json.ContainsName("link"               ) ? json.GetValue<string>("link"               ) : String.Empty;
				profile.ThirdPartyId       = json.ContainsName("third_party_id"     ) ? json.GetValue<string>("third_party_id"     ) : String.Empty;
				profile.Timezone           = json.ContainsName("timezone"           ) ? json.GetValue<int   >("timezone"           ) : 0;
				profile.Verified           = json.ContainsName("verified"           ) ? json.GetValue<bool  >("verified"           ) : false;
				profile.About              = json.ContainsName("about"              ) ? json.GetValue<string>("about"              ) : String.Empty;
				profile.About              = json.ContainsName("about_me"           ) ? json.GetValue<string>("about_me"           ) : profile.About;
				profile.Bio                = json.ContainsName("bio"                ) ? json.GetValue<string>("bio"                ) : String.Empty;
				profile.Religion           = json.ContainsName("religion"           ) ? json.GetValue<string>("religion"           ) : String.Empty;
				profile.Political          = json.ContainsName("political"          ) ? json.GetValue<string>("political"          ) : String.Empty;
				profile.Quotes             = json.ContainsName("quotes"             ) ? json.GetValue<string>("quotes"             ) : String.Empty;
				profile.RelationshipStatus = json.ContainsName("relationship_status") ? json.GetValue<string>("relationship_status") : String.Empty;
				profile.Website            = json.ContainsName("website"            ) ? json.GetValue<string>("website"            ) : String.Empty;
				// http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/user/
				// The birthday of the user being queried. The format of this date varies based on the user's locale.
				profile.Birthday           = json.ContainsName("birthday"           ) ? JsonUtils.ToDateTime(json.GetValue<string>("birthday"     ), "MM/dd/yyyy"                  ) : DateTime.MinValue;
				// The birthday of the user being queried in MM/DD/YYYY format.
				profile.Birthday           = json.ContainsName("birthday_date"      ) ? JsonUtils.ToDateTime(json.GetValue<string>("birthday_date"), "MM/dd/yyyy"                  ) : profile.Birthday;
				profile.UpdatedTime        = json.ContainsName("updated_time"       ) ? JsonUtils.ToDateTime(json.GetValue<string>("updated_time" ), "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss") : DateTime.MinValue;
				profile.Location            = mapper.Deserialize<Reference           >(json.GetValue("location"            ));
				profile.Hometown            = mapper.Deserialize<Reference           >(json.GetValue("hometown"            ));
				if ( json.ContainsName("hometown_location") )
					profile.Hometown = mapper.Deserialize<Reference>(json.GetValue("hometown_location"));
				profile.SignificantOther    = mapper.Deserialize<Reference           >(json.GetValue("significant_other"   ));
				profile.Work                = mapper.Deserialize<List<WorkEntry     >>(json.GetValue("work"                ));
				profile.Education           = mapper.Deserialize<List<EducationEntry>>(json.GetValue("education"           ));
				profile.InterestedIn        = mapper.Deserialize<List<String        >>(json.GetValue("interested_in"       ));
				profile.InspirationalPeople = mapper.Deserialize<List<Reference     >>(json.GetValue("inspirational_people"));
				profile.Languages           = mapper.Deserialize<List<Reference     >>(json.GetValue("languages"           ));
				profile.Sports              = mapper.Deserialize<List<Reference     >>(json.GetValue("sports"              ));
				profile.FavoriteTeams       = mapper.Deserialize<List<Reference     >>(json.GetValue("favorite_teams"      ));
				profile.FavoriteAtheletes   = mapper.Deserialize<List<Reference     >>(json.GetValue("favorite_athletes"   ));
			return profile;
Example #31
        public async Task SetFacebookUserProfileAsync(string accessToken)
            if (UserServices.currentUser.FromFacebook)
                var facebookServices = new FacebookServices();

                FacebookProfile = await facebookServices.GetFacebookProfileAsync(accessToken);

Example #32
        public override void ViewWillAppear(bool animated)
            this.Email.Background = UIImage.FromFile ("./Assets/input.png");
            this.Password.Background = UIImage.FromFile ("./Assets/input.png");
            this.Login.SetBackgroundImage (UIImage.FromFile ("./Assets/buttonlong.png"), UIControlState.Normal);

            this.Email.LeftView = new UIView (new RectangleF (0, 0, 5, 30));
            this.Email.LeftViewMode = UITextFieldViewMode.Always;
            this.Password.LeftView = new UIView (new RectangleF (0, 0, 5, 30));
            this.Password.LeftViewMode = UITextFieldViewMode.Always;

            var button = new UIBarButtonItem ("Back", UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain, null);
            var custom = new UIButton (new RectangleF (0, 0, 26, 15));
            custom.SetBackgroundImage(UIImage.FromFile("./Assets/back.png"), UIControlState.Normal);
            custom.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => NavigationController.PopViewControllerAnimated (true);
            button.CustomView = custom;

            this.NavigationItem.LeftBarButtonItem = button;
            this.NavigationController.SetNavigationBarHidden (false, false);

            // FACEBOOK LOGIN
            fbLogin = new FBLoginView (AppDelegate.Permissions);
            FacebookView.AddSubview (fbLogin);
            fbLogin.SizeToFit ();

            fbLogin.FetchedUserInfo += (object sender, FBLoginViewUserInfoEventArgs e) => {
                if (FBSession.ActiveSession.IsOpen) {
                    var model = new FacebookProfile { Id = long.Parse (e.User.Id), Name = e.User.Name,
                        first_name = e.User.FirstName, last_name = e.User.LastName,
                        Birthday = e.User.Birthday, Email = e.User.ObjectForKey ("email").ToString (), UserName = e.User.Username
                    var request = new RestRequest ();
                    request.RequestFinished += (object sendr, RequestEndedArgs ev) => {
                        var jsonId = (int)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject (ev.Result, typeof(int));
                        InvokeOnMainThread (delegate {
                            var tabbar = new MainTabController();
                            UIApplication.SharedApplication.Delegate.Window.RootViewController = tabbar;
                    request.Send (RequestConfig.Facebook, "POST", model);

            fbLogin.ShowingLoggedOutUser += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
            fbLogin.ShowingLoggedInUser += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
                Console.WriteLine("Logged in.");

            // GOOGLE LOGIN
            var signIn = SignIn.SharedInstance;
            signIn.ClientId = AppDelegate.GoogleClientId;
            signIn.Scopes = new [] { PlusConstants.AuthScopePlusLogin, PlusConstants.AuthScopePlusMe,
                                    "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email" };
            signIn.ShouldFetchGoogleUserEmail = true;
            signIn.ShouldFetchGoogleUserId = true;

            signIn.Finished += (object sender, SignInDelegateFinishedEventArgs e) => {
                if(e.Error != null) {
                    InvokeOnMainThread(delegate {
                        new UIAlertView("Error.", "Could not sign in.", null, "Ok", null).Show();
                else {
                    var request = new RestRequest();
                    request.RequestFinished += (object sendr, RequestEndedArgs ev) => {
                        var data = (GoogleClient)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(ev.Result, typeof(GoogleClient));
                        var request2 = new RestRequest();
                        request2.RequestFinished += (object sndr, RequestEndedArgs evnt) => {
                            var jsonId = (int)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject (evnt.Result, typeof(int));
                            InvokeOnMainThread (delegate {
                                var tabbar = new MainTabController();
                                UIApplication.SharedApplication.Delegate.Window.RootViewController = tabbar;
                        request2.Send(RequestConfig.Google, "POST", data);
                    request.Send(String.Format(RequestConfig.GoogleFetch, Uri.EscapeDataString(signIn.Authentication.AccessToken)), "GET");

            var signInButton = new SignInButton ();
            GoogleView.AddSubview (signInButton);
            signInButton.Frame = new RectangleF (0, 0, GoogleView.Frame.Size.Width - 8, GoogleView.Frame.Size.Height);
            signInButton.SizeToFit ();
 public void AddProfile(FacebookProfile profile)
     _profileCache.SetValue(profile.UserId, profile);