public async Task <bool> DetectIfPersonIsTrustedAsync(byte[] detectedPersonImageData)
            var faceDetectResponse = (await this.faceDetectService.DetectFaceAsync(detectedPersonImageData))?.FirstOrDefault();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(faceDetectResponse?.FaceId))

            var detectedFaceId = faceDetectResponse.FaceId;

            var faceIdentifyRequest = new FaceIdentifyRequest
                FaceIds = new List <string> {
                PersonGroupId              = personGroupId,
                ConfidenceThreshold        = 0.5f,
                MaxNumOfCandidatesReturned = 1

            var faceIdentifyResponse = (await this.faceIdentifyService.IdentifyFaceAsync(faceIdentifyRequest))?.FirstOrDefault();

            return(faceIdentifyResponse?.Candidates?.Count > 0);
        public static ByteArrayContent GetIdentifyHttpContent(FaceIdentifyRequest request)
            string strRequest = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request);

            byte[] byteData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strRequest);

            var content = new ByteArrayContent(byteData);

            // Add application/octet-stream header for the content.
            content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");

Example #3
        public async Task <FaceIdentifyResponse> IdentifyFaceAsync(FaceIdentifyRequest faceIdentifyRequest)
            FaceIdentifyResponse result = null;

                result = await PostAsync <FaceIdentifyResponse, FaceIdentifyRequest>(IdentityEndpoint, faceIdentifyRequest, (request) => this.ConfigureRequestWithSubscriptionHeader(request));
                // TODO: Log error - note that this will fail if the model has not yet been trained

Example #4
        private async Task <FaceDetectResult[]> MakeFaceIdentifyRequest(FaceIdentifyRequest req, string apiKey, Guid requestId, PolicyWrap <HttpResponseMessage> policy)
            string        strResult = string.Empty;
            StringBuilder faceids   = new StringBuilder();

            req.FaceIds.ToList().ForEach(s => faceids.Append(s + " "));
            _log.Info($"Making identify request faceids: {faceids} requestId: {requestId} apiKey:{apiKey} ticks: {DateTime.Now.Ticks}");
            FaceDetectResult[] result = null;
            // Get the API URL and the API key from settings.
            var uri = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["faceIdentifyApiUrl"];

            // Configure the HttpClient request headers.
            _client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", apiKey);
            //_client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
                // Execute the REST API call, implementing our resiliency strategy.
                HttpResponseMessage response = await policy.ExecuteAsync(() => _client.PostAsync(uri, FaceHelper.GetIdentifyHttpContent(req)));

                // Get the JSON response.
                strResult = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                result = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <FaceDetectResult[]>();

                _log.Info($"identify completed: {strResult} requestId: {requestId} apiKey:{apiKey} ticks: {DateTime.Now.Ticks}");
            catch (BrokenCircuitException bce)
                _log.Error($"Could not contact the Face API service due to the following error: {bce.Message} requestId: {requestId} apiKey:{apiKey} ticks: {DateTime.Now.Ticks}", bce);
            catch (Exception e)
                _log.Error($"Critical error-MakeFaceIdentifyRequest: {e.Message} requestId: {requestId} apiKey:{apiKey} string result:{strResult} ticks: {DateTime.Now.Ticks}", e);

        public static async Task <bool> RunDetect(Guid requestID, string apis, string name, string source,
                                                  Stream incomingPicture, string sourceContainerName, string resultContainerName, IAsyncCollector <object> outputItem, TraceWriter log, string videoName = null)
            string apikey = string.Empty;

                string[] apiArr    = apis.Split(',');
                int      randomApi = FaceHelper.Instance.Next(0, apiArr.Length);
                apikey = apiArr[randomApi];
                log.Info($"RunDetect request id: {requestID} apiKey: {apikey} ticks: {DateTime.Now.Ticks}");
                Tuple <HttpClient, PolicyWrap <HttpResponseMessage> > tuple = FaceHelper.HttpClientList.GetOrAdd(apikey, new Tuple <HttpClient, PolicyWrap <HttpResponseMessage> >(
                                                                                                                     new HttpClient(),
                HttpClient client = tuple.Item1;
                PolicyWrap <HttpResponseMessage> policy = tuple.Item2;
                IDatabase cache = FaceHelper.Connection.GetDatabase(int.Parse(FaceHelper.Connection.GetDatabase(1).StringGet(apikey)));

                //the large group id it's based on the mac address we get - each MAC address can work with different face api group
                string largegroupid = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[source];
                if (videoName == null)
                    log.Info($"Detecting {name} requestId: {requestID} apiKey: {apikey} ticks: {DateTime.Now.Ticks}");
                    log.Info($"Detecting thumbnail {name} from {videoName} requestId: {requestID} apiKey: {apikey} ticks: {DateTime.Now.Ticks}");
                byte[] pictureImage;
                // Convert the incoming image stream to a byte array.
                using (var br = new BinaryReader(incomingPicture))
                    pictureImage = br.ReadBytes((int)incomingPicture.Length);
                var detectionResult = await new FaceDetect(log, client).DetectFaces(pictureImage, apikey, requestID, policy);
                if ((detectionResult != null) && (detectionResult.Length > 0))
                    //prepare identify request
                    int    maxCandidate     = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["maxNumOfCandidatesReturned"]);
                    double threshold        = double.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["confidenceThreshold"]);
                    var    identifyResquest = new FaceIdentifyRequest()
                        ConfidenceThreshold        = threshold,
                        MaxNumOfCandidatesReturned = maxCandidate,
                        LargePersonGroupId         = largegroupid,
                        FaceIds = detectionResult.Select(s => s.FaceId).ToArray()
                    var identifyResult = await new FaceIdentify(log, client).IdentifyFaces(identifyResquest, apikey, requestID, policy);
                    if ((identifyResult == null) || (identifyResult.Length == 0))
                        log.Info($"No identification result requestId: {requestID}, apiKey:{apikey} ticks: {DateTime.Now.Ticks}");
                    var personResult = new PersonDetails(log, client);
                    //merging results and find person name
                    for (int i = 0; i < detectionResult.Length; i++)
                        if (videoName == null)
                            detectionResult[i].FaceBlobName = string.Concat(detectionResult[i].FaceId, "_", name);
                            detectionResult[i].FaceBlobName = videoName + "/" + name;
                        if ((identifyResult != null) && (identifyResult.Length > 0))
                            detectionResult[i].Candidates = identifyResult[i].Candidates;
                            for (int j = 0; j < detectionResult[i].Candidates.Length; j++)
                                string personid   = detectionResult[i].Candidates[j].PersonId.ToString();
                                string personName = cache.StringGet(largegroupid + "-" + personid);
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(personName) == true)
                                    log.Info($"Missing cache requestId: {requestID} apiKey: {apikey} personId: {personid} ticks: {DateTime.Now.Ticks}");
                                    var tPerson = await personResult.GetPersonName(personid, apikey, largegroupid, requestID, policy);

                                    personName = tPerson.Name;
                                    cache.StringSet(largegroupid + "-" + personid, personName, null, When.Always);
                                detectionResult[i].Candidates[j].PersonName = new InternalPersonDetails()
                                    PersonId = detectionResult[i].Candidates[j].PersonId,
                                    Name     = personName
                    log.Info($"No dectection result requestId: {requestID}, apiKey:{apikey} ticks: {DateTime.Now.Ticks}");
                    //in case of video, we want to create a link to the face detected by AMS (Azure Media Services) although face api didn't recognize it
                    if (videoName != null)
                        detectionResult = new FaceDetectResult[1] {
                            new FaceDetectResult()
                                FaceBlobName = videoName + "/" + name
                string blobname     = videoName ?? name;
                var    actionResult = new FaceIdentifyResult()
                    BlobName            = blobname,
                    ContainerName       = sourceContainerName,
                    ResultContainerName = resultContainerName,
                    BlobLength          = incomingPicture.Length,
                    CreatedDateTime     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    RequestId           = requestID,
                    ApiKey           = apikey,
                    LargeGroupId     = largegroupid,
                    Source           = source,
                    DetectResultList = detectionResult
                string strResult = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actionResult);
                await outputItem.AddAsync(strResult);
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error($"Exception Message: {ex.Message}, requestId: {requestID}, apiKey:{apikey} ticks: {DateTime.Now.Ticks}", ex);
Example #6
 public async Task <FaceDetectResult[]> IdentifyFaces(FaceIdentifyRequest req, string apiKey, Guid requestId, PolicyWrap <HttpResponseMessage> policy)
     return(await MakeFaceIdentifyRequest(req, apiKey, requestId, policy));