public void DoAttack() { if (attackCooldown > 0) { return; } attackCooldown = WolfConfig.ATTACK_COOLDOWN; if (inputDirection.magnitude > 0.1f) { attackBeamAngle = Mathf.Atan2(-inputDirection.y, inputDirection.x) * RXMath.RTOD; } else { attackBeamAngle = player.isFacingLeft ? 180 : 0; } FXPlayer.WolfAttack(); attackBeamAngle += 180; float rads = -attackBeamAngle * RXMath.DTOR + Mathf.PI; Vector2 attackVector = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(rads), Mathf.Sin(rads)); speed += attackVector * 7.0f; //launch doggy isAttacking = true; hasDoneAttackBeam = false; attackPercent = 0; }
public FNode ShowButtonHighlight(FNode node, Vector2 offset, float width, float height, Color color, bool shouldPlaySound) { if (shouldPlaySound) { FXPlayer.NormalButtonTap(); } FSliceSprite highlight = new FSliceSprite("UI/ButtonHighlight", width, height, 8, 8, 8, 8); AddChild(highlight); highlight.SetPosition(this.OtherToLocal(node, offset)); highlight.shader = FShader.Additive; highlight.scale = 1.0f; highlight.alpha = 0.35f; highlight.color = color + new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); //brighten the color //uniform scaling float growSize = 8.0f; float growScaleX = (width + growSize) / width; float growScaleY = (height + growSize) / height;, 0.15f, new TweenConfig().floatProp("scaleX", growScaleX).floatProp("scaleY", growScaleY).floatProp("alpha", 0.0f).setEaseType(EaseType.Linear).removeWhenComplete()); return(highlight); }
public void DoTap() { if (!_isEnabled && _canTapWhileDisabled) { if (shouldDoTapEffect) { this.effectManager.ShowButtonHighlight(this,, button.width, button.height, _color.color); } if (SignalDisabledTap != null) { SignalDisabledTap(this); } } else if (!_isEnabled) { FXPlayer.DisabledButtonTap(); } else { if (shouldDoTapEffect) { this.effectManager.ShowButtonHighlight(this,, button.width, button.height, _color.color); } if (SignalTap != null) { SignalTap(this); } } }
void Start() { thisTransform = transform; fxPlayer = GetComponent <FXPlayer>(); //GameObject spawnedBar = Instantiate(energyBarPrefab) as GameObject; //spawnedBar.transform.parent = transform; //spawnedBar.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0,1f,0); //energyBar = spawnedBar.GetComponent<DisplayBar>(); //energyBar.DisplayValue = energy; attacker = GetComponent <Attacker>(); attacker.OnTargetLeaveRange += targetLeftRange; attacker.OnTargetInRange += targetInRange; attacker.OnTargetDeath += targetDied; //attacker.OnBeginAttacking += startedAttacking; attacker.OnActualAttack += attack; navigator = GetComponent <Navigator>(); if (navigator != null) { navigator.OnWalking += walking; navigator.OnStartWalk += startWalking; navigator.OnStopWalk += stopWalking; } life = GetComponent <Life>(); life.OnBeingAttacked += wasAttacked; //StartCoroutine(energyRegen()); SubscribeToInputDelegates(); }
public void DestroyEnemy(GameObject enemy) { FXPlayer deathFX = Instantiate(enemy.GetComponent <Enemy>().GetDeathFX(), enemy.transform.position, enemy.transform.rotation, transform).GetComponent <FXPlayer>(); deathFX.PlayFXes(); Destroy(deathFX.gameObject, 3.0f); OnDestroyCommand(enemy); }
void Update() { bool didTeamChange = false; bool didPlayerPressStart = false; foreach (var row in rows) { var player = row.player; Team newTeam = null; if ( != null && player.device.LeftStick.Left.WasPressed) { newTeam =; } else if ( != null && player.device.LeftStick.Right.WasPressed) { newTeam =; } if (newTeam != null) { = newTeam; TeamCol col = GetColForTeam(newTeam); Go.killAllTweensWithTarget(row.inner);, 0.3f, new TweenConfig().x(col.x).expoOut()); didTeamChange = true; if (newTeam == PlayerManager.Team_Villagers) { FXPlayer.VillAttack(); } else if (newTeam == PlayerManager.Team_Wolves) { FXPlayer.WolfAttack(); } } if (player.device.MenuWasPressed) { didPlayerPressStart = true; } } if (didTeamChange) { CheckStatus(); } if (isReady && didPlayerPressStart) { StartGame(); } }
void Die() { if (isDead) { return; } isDead = true; FXPlayer.WolfDeath(); player.OnHumanDeath(this); }
void Die() { if (isDead) { return; } isDead = true; FXPlayer.VillDeath(); RemoveFromArea(); }
private void Awake() { Instance = this; fxPools = new FXPool[config.fxs.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < config.fxs.Length; i++) { GameObject newPoolGO = new GameObject("FXPool_" + config.fxs[i].fxName); newPoolGO.transform.parent = transform; FXPool newPool = newPoolGO.AddComponent <FXPool>(); newPool.Initialize(config.fxs[i]); fxPools[i] = newPool; } }
void GoNight() { isDay = false; ShowMessage("NIGHT HAS COME!", "CHASE THE VILLAGERS!", new Color(0.9f, 0.95f, 1f)); Go.killAllTweensWithTarget(arena.colorOverlay);, Config.DAY_TRANSITION_DURATION, new TweenConfig().colorProp("color", new Color(0, 0.03f, 0.18f, 0.5f))); foreach (var human in arena.humans) { human.TransformIntoWolf(); } FXPlayer.NightStart(); }
void GoDay() { isDay = true; ShowMessage("DAY IS HERE!", "CHASE THE WEREWOLF!", new Color(1f, 1f, 0.9f)); Go.killAllTweensWithTarget(arena.colorOverlay);, Config.DAY_TRANSITION_DURATION, new TweenConfig().colorProp("color", new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.0f))); for (int w = arena.wolves.Count - 1; w >= 0; w--) //reversed for removals { var wolf = arena.wolves[w]; wolf.TransformIntoHuman(); } FXPlayer.DayStart(); }
void Start() { Time.timeScale = 1f; gameState = GameState.Playing; playerFaction = spawnedPlayer.GetComponent <Targetable>().faction; fxPlayer = GetComponent <FXPlayer>(); gameUI = GetComponent <GameUI>(); if (isTimed) { InvokeRepeating("roundTimeCountdown", 1, 1); } //spawnCoins(50, new Vector3(-1, 4, 8)); IntersceneData.instance.ApplyEquipment(spawnedPlayer); }
public Core() { instance = this; AddChild(pageContainer = new FContainer()); AddChild(topEffectManager = new EffectManager(true)); audioManager = new AudioManager(); FXPlayer.manager = audioManager.fxManager; MusicPlayer.manager = audioManager.musicManager; FXPlayer.Preload(); playerManager = new PlayerManager(); playerManager.Setup(); ShowPage(new PlayerSelectPage()); ListenForUpdate(Update); }
void ShowGameOver(bool didWolfWin) { isGameOver = true; GameOverScreen goScreen = new GameOverScreen(didWolfWin); Debug.Log("Game over! wolf won?" + didWolfWin); if (didWolfWin) { FXPlayer.WolfWin(); } else { FXPlayer.VillWin(); } AddChild(goScreen); goScreen.alpha = 0.0f; goScreen.scale = 0.4f;, 0.5f, new TweenConfig().alpha(1.0f).setDelay(0.5f));, 0.5f, new TweenConfig().scaleXY(1.0f).setDelay(0.5f).backOut()); }
void DoAttack(Human human) { float dx = x - human.x; float dy = y - human.y; float attackBeamAngle = Mathf.Atan2(dy, dx) * RXMath.RTOD; pushSpeed -= new Vector2(dx, dy).normalized; //move towards human var attackBeam = new VillAttackBeam(this, attackBeamAngle); float beamDist = 5; float rads = -attackBeamAngle * RXMath.DTOR + Mathf.PI; Vector2 offset = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(rads), Mathf.Sin(rads)) * beamDist; attackBeam.x = x + offset.x; attackBeam.y = y + 6 + offset.y; attackBeam.AddToArea(); attackBeam.Update(); FXPlayer.VillAttack(); }
protected override void Start() { base.Start(); fxPlayer = GetComponent <FXPlayer>(); }
private void Awake() { Instance = this; }
protected override void Start() { base.Start (); fxPlayer = GetComponent<FXPlayer>(); }
void Start() { Time.timeScale = 1f; gameState = GameState.Playing; playerFaction = spawnedPlayer.GetComponent<Targetable>().faction; fxPlayer = GetComponent<FXPlayer>(); gameUI = GetComponent<GameUI>(); if(isTimed) InvokeRepeating("roundTimeCountdown", 1, 1); //spawnCoins(50, new Vector3(-1, 4, 8)); IntersceneData.instance.ApplyEquipment(spawnedPlayer); }
void Start() { thisTransform = transform; fxPlayer = GetComponent<FXPlayer>(); //GameObject spawnedBar = Instantiate(energyBarPrefab) as GameObject; //spawnedBar.transform.parent = transform; //spawnedBar.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0,1f,0); //energyBar = spawnedBar.GetComponent<DisplayBar>(); //energyBar.DisplayValue = energy; attacker = GetComponent<Attacker>(); attacker.OnTargetLeaveRange += targetLeftRange; attacker.OnTargetInRange += targetInRange; attacker.OnTargetDeath += targetDied; //attacker.OnBeginAttacking += startedAttacking; attacker.OnActualAttack += attack; navigator = GetComponent<Navigator>(); if(navigator != null) { navigator.OnWalking += walking; navigator.OnStartWalk += startWalking; navigator.OnStopWalk += stopWalking; } life = GetComponent<Life>(); life.OnBeingAttacked += wasAttacked; //StartCoroutine(energyRegen()); SubscribeToInputDelegates(); }
void Start() { playerTag = GetComponent <PlayerTag> (); fxPlayer = GetComponent <FXPlayer> (); }