void Update() { //If User enters the collider.. if (triggerEntered) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; //The "Hint" text becomes visible FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(hintTextGroup, 1, elapsedTime); //hintTextGroup.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(hintTextGroup.alpha,1,elapsedTime); //as well as the actual hint text FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(actualHintGroup, 1, elapsedTime); //actualHintGroup.alpha = Mathf.Lerp (0, 1, elapsedTime); //After three seconds if (elapsedTime > 3) { canvasTime += Time.deltaTime; //The text disappears FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(hintTextGroup, 0, canvasTime / 2); FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(actualHintGroup, 0, canvasTime / 2); //hintTextGroup.alpha = Mathf.Lerp (hintTextGroup.alpha, 0, canvasTime/2); //actualHintGroup.alpha = Mathf.Lerp (1, 0, canvasTime / 2); //Once invisible, the triggerEntered bool becomes false if (hintTextGroup.alpha <= 0) { triggerEntered = false; } } } }
void Update() { //Made true in ResumeEnter() if (hovering) { elapsedTime += .05f; //Lerps the alpha channel to invisible FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(resumeGroup, 0, elapsedTime); //resumeGroup.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(resumeGroup.alpha, 0, elapsedTime); //Made true in PauseMenu class under the clickedJournal() method if (pauseMenu.journalKey) { //Lerps the Pages to invisible FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(pageNotes, 0, elapsedTime); } //pageNotes.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(pageNotes.alpha, 0, elapsedTime); } //Made false in ResumeExit() else if (!hovering) { elapsedTime += .05f; //Lerps the menu back to visible FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(resumeGroup, 1, elapsedTime); //resumeGroup.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(resumeGroup.alpha, 1, elapsedTime); } }
void Update() { //This is made true in OnMouseDown() if (pointerDown) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; //Lerps for position and rotation towards the book FVAPI.lerpVectorAndQuaternion(mainCam, finalCam, elapsedTime / 10); //camPos.position = Vector3.Lerp(camPos.position, finalCamPos.position, elapsedTime/10); //camRot.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(camRot.rotation, finalCamRot.rotation, elapsedTime/10); //if the Camera position equals the position to go to.. if (mainCam.position.z >= finalCam.position.z - 0.05f) { //..The alpha channels of the Users Canvas Group and Back button become visible and interactable FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(login, 1); //login.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(login, 1, Time.deltaTime); login.interactable = true; } } //else if the pointer is false, the initial Camera's position exists, and the moveTo boolean of the //class MoveToMainMenu is false.. //pointerDown made false in returnCamera() else if (!pointerDown && initCam != null && !moveToMain.moveTo) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; //Lerps for position and rotation towards the inital Camera position if (goingToMenu) { //Lerps for position and rotation towards the inital Camera position FVAPI.lerpVectorAndQuaternion(mainCam, initCam, elapsedTime / 10); //camPos.position = Vector3.Lerp(camPos.position, initCamPos.position, elapsedTime/10); //camRot.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(camRot.rotation, initCamRot.rotation, elapsedTime/10); //The alpha channels of the Users Canvas Group and Back button become invisible and not interactable FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannelTimeMultiplied(login, 0, 2); //login.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(login.alpha, 0, Time.deltaTime*2); login.interactable = false; } //readToMove bool made true when called in moveToMainMenu() if (mainCam.position == initCam.position && readyToMove) { //moveTo bool becomes true in the MoveToMainMenu class if (goingToMenu) { moveToMain.moveTo = true; moveToMain.doNotMove = true; } else { moveToMain.elapsedTime = 0; moveToMain.timeToMoveToMain = 0; moveToMain.moveBack = false; } } } }
void Update() { //If the mouse is over the Pencil, the add Player text will appear if (hovering) { FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(addPlayer, 1); } //addPlayer.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(addPlayer.alpha, 1, Time.deltaTime); //Else the text will disappear else { FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(addPlayer, 0); } //addPlayer.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(addPlayer.alpha, 0, Time.deltaTime*2); }
void Update() { if (moveTo) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; //Lerps the position and rotation to options menu FVAPI.lerpVectorAndQuaternion(mainCam, finalCam, elapsedTime / 2); //camPos.position = Vector3.Lerp (camPos.position, finalCamPos.position, elapsedTime/2); //camPos.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp (camRot.rotation, finalCamRot.rotation, elapsedTime/2); //If current Camera position is equal to the target.. if (mainCam.position == finalCam.position) { //.. Options menu's alpha becomes visible and interactable canvasTime += Time.deltaTime; optionsMenu.interactable = true; FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(optionsMenu, 1, canvasTime); //optionsMenu.alpha = Mathf.Lerp (optionsMenu.alpha, 1, canvasTime); //backOption.alpha = Mathf.Lerp (backOption.alpha, 1, canvasTime); //scrollOver.alpha = Mathf.Lerp (scrollOver.alpha, 1, canvasTime); } } //else if current Camera position is equal to inital position else if (moveBackToMenu) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; //Lerps the position and rotation to inital position FVAPI.lerpVectorAndQuaternion(mainCam, initCam, elapsedTime / 2); //mainCam.position = Vector3.Lerp (mainCam.position, initCam.position, elapsedTime/2); //mainCam.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp (mainCam.rotation, initCam.rotation, elapsedTime/2); //Alpha invisible and interactable FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(optionsMenu, 0, elapsedTime * 2); FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(graphics, 0); FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(sound, 0); FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(controls, 0); //optionsMenu.alpha = Mathf.Lerp (optionsMenu.alpha, 0, elapsedTime*2); //backOption.alpha = Mathf.Lerp (backOption.alpha, 0, elapsedTime*2); //scrollOver.alpha = Mathf.Lerp (scrollOver.alpha, 0, elapsedTime*2); //graphics.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(graphics.alpha, 0, Time.deltaTime); //sound.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(sound.alpha, 0, Time.deltaTime); //controls.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(controls.alpha, 0, Time.deltaTime); optionsMenu.interactable = false; } }
void Update() { if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { RaycastHit hit; Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 100)) { if (hit.collider.tag == "matchBox") { matchBoxGO = hit.collider.gameObject; matchBoxGO.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().enabled = false; matchBoxGO.GetComponent <Collider>().enabled = false; match += 10; timeLeft = 30; isActivated = true; if (!hasRan) { matchBoxGO.transform.rotation = FVAPI.createQuaternionAdditive(matchBoxGO, 90, 0, 0, 0); rendTexture.CreateRendTexture(matchBoxGO); hasRan = true; } } } } if (isActivated) { //matchTextAlpha.alpha = Mathf.Lerp (matchTextAlpha.alpha, 1, Time.deltaTime); FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(matchTextAlpha, 1); if (matchTextAlpha.alpha >= 1) { //matchTextAlpha.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(matchTextAlpha.alpha, 0, Time.deltaTime); FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(matchTextAlpha, 0); if (matchTextAlpha.alpha <= 0) { isActivated = false; } } } }
} //public void pressedUserName() /****************************************************************************************************************** * * Function: Update() * * Updates the alpha channels based on the booleans set above. * **/ void Update() { //Calls first, shows input field if (showInput) { inputGroup.interactable = true; FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannelTimeMultiplied(inputGroup, 1, 2); inputGroup.blocksRaycasts = true; } //After Enter is hit while in input field, this will call next else if (showNewName) { //Input field invisible inputGroup.interactable = false; FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(inputGroup, 0); inputGroup.blocksRaycasts = false; usernameGroup.interactable = true; FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(usernameGroup, 1); usernameGroup.blocksRaycasts = true; if (inputGroup.alpha <= 0.5f) { showNewName = false; saveLoadData.SaveUsers(); } } else { //Finishes making the inputGroup alpha invisible, not interactable and not able to block raycasts inputGroup.interactable = false; FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannelTimeMultiplied(inputGroup, 0, 2); inputGroup.blocksRaycasts = false; usernameGroup.interactable = true; FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(usernameGroup, 1); usernameGroup.blocksRaycasts = true; } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (prelevel) { FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(blackFader, 0); //blackFader.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(blackFader.alpha, 0, Time.deltaTime); if (blackFader.alpha <= 0.15f) { blackFader.alpha = 0; prelevel = false; } } else if (postlevel) { FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(blackFader, 1, 0.25f); //blackFader.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(blackFader, 1, Time.deltaTime); if (blackFader.alpha >= 0.9999999f) { postlevel = false; Application.LoadLevel(2); // Make this more variable soon } } }
void Update() { //isActivated by OnMouseDown() if (isActivated) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; //Displays the "Added note to Journal" FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(pageAlpha, 1, elapsedTime); //pageAlpha.alpha = Mathf.Lerp (pageAlpha.alpha, 1, elapsedTime); if (elapsedTime >= 10) { canvasTime += Time.deltaTime; //Slowly lerps to invisible FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(pageAlpha, 0, canvasTime); //pageAlpha.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(pageAlpha.alpha, 0, canvasTime); if (pageAlpha.alpha <= 0) { //Breaks loop and sets the object to false to save on resources isActivated = false; gameObject.SetActive(false); } } } }
void Update() { //Just to keep the times in reasonable limits if (elapsedTime > 1) { elapsedTime = 1; } if (canvasTime > 1) { canvasTime = 1; } //TODO Still fix the "Hover over resume" //If the esc button is pressed.. if (InputManager.GetKeyDown("pause") || InputManager.GetKeyDown("pauseSecondary")) { //.. set to false if true, true if false if (!inventory.RPressed) { escKey = !escKey; } //else // inventory.RPressed = false; elapsedTime = 0; canvasTime = 0; } //If the notes button is pressed.. if (InputManager.GetKeyDown("notes")) { //.. Calls the method clickedJournal() which is below clickedJournal(); elapsedTime = 0; canvasTime = 0; } //if the escKey is true.. if (escKey) { elapsedTime += .05f; //Allow the cursor to roam free and set it to be visible Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None; Cursor.visible = true; //No raycasts can get through backgroundPauseGroup.blocksRaycasts = true; //Pauses the game Time.timeScale = 0; //if the alpha is below one if (backgroundPauseGroup.alpha < 1) { //Lerps the alpha to visible of the side bar and the background FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(sidePanelGroup, 1, elapsedTime); FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(backgroundPauseGroup, 1, elapsedTime); //sidePanelGroup.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(sidePanelGroup.alpha, 1, elapsedTime); //backgroundPauseGroup.alpha = Mathf.Lerp (backgroundPauseGroup.alpha, 1, elapsedTime); //Also set it so no raycasts can go through sidePanelGroup.blocksRaycasts = true; backgroundPauseGroup.blocksRaycasts = true; } //else if it is equal to or above 1 else if (backgroundPauseGroup.alpha >= 1) { canvasTime += .05f; //Lerp the alpha to visible of the buttons FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(buttonGroup, 1, canvasTime); //buttonGroup.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(buttonGroup.alpha, 1, canvasTime); buttonGroup.interactable = true; } } //Else if the esc key is false else if (!escKey) //&& !inventory.RPressed) { if (buttonGroup.alpha > 0) { canvasTime += .05f; //Lerp alpha to invisible of the buttons FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(buttonGroup, 0, canvasTime); //buttonGroup.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(buttonGroup.alpha, 0, canvasTime); buttonGroup.interactable = false; } else if (backgroundPauseGroup.alpha >= 0) { elapsedTime += .05f; //Set journalKey to false since it will be fading out journalKey = false; //Lerp the alpha to invisible of the side panel and background FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(sidePanelGroup, 0, elapsedTime); FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(backgroundPauseGroup, 0, elapsedTime); //sidePanelGroup.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(sidePanelGroup.alpha, 0, elapsedTime); //backgroundPauseGroup.alpha = Mathf.Lerp (backgroundPauseGroup.alpha, 0, elapsedTime); //Does not block raycasts sidePanelGroup.blocksRaycasts = false; backgroundPauseGroup.blocksRaycasts = false; //Set cursor to locked and invisible //Debug.Log("Invisible"); Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked; Cursor.visible = false; if (sidePanelGroup.alpha <= 0) { //Resume gameplay Time.timeScale = 1; } } } }
void Update() { //If the journalTime is over 1, reset it to 1 if (journalTime > 1) { journalTime = 1; } if (hovering) { elapsedTime += .1f; //Lerps the journalCover to visible FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(journalCover, 1, elapsedTime); //journalCover.alpha = Mathf.Lerp (journalCover.alpha, 1, elapsedTime); } else if (!hovering) { if (journalCover.alpha <= 0) { elapsedTime = 0; } else { elapsedTime += .1f; //Lerps the journalCover to invisible FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(journalCover, 0, elapsedTime); //journalCover.alpha = Mathf.Lerp (journalCover.alpha, 0, elapsedTime); } } //If the journalKey is true, set by clickedJournal() method in PauseMenu class if (pauseMenu.journalKey) { //Set hovering to false so that the cover will disappear hovering = false; //This seems redundant... journalTime += .05f; FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(journalCover, 0, journalTime); //journalCover.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(journalCover.alpha, 0, journalTime); //if the hovering variable from ResumeButton class is true, lerp the pages to invisible if (resumeButton.hovering) { FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(pagesBackground, 0, resumeButton.elapsedTime); } //pagesBackground.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(pagesBackground.alpha, 0, resumeButton.elapsedTime); //Else lerp the pages to visible else { FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(pagesBackground, 1, journalTime); } //pagesBackground.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(pagesBackground.alpha, 1, journalTime); } //If the journalKey is false, and the pages is not invisible else if (!pauseMenu.journalKey && pagesBackground.alpha > 0) { FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(pagesBackground, 0, journalTime); //pagesBackground.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(pagesBackground.alpha, 0, journalTime); journalTime += .1f; } }
void Update() { //moveTo is called in the Update of NewPlayerClick if (moveTo) { moveBack = false; if (doNotMove) { //runs if atMain is true if (atMain) { timeToMoveToMain += Time.deltaTime; //Lerps for position and rotation towards the actual Menu FVAPI.lerpVectorAndQuaternion(mainCam, finalCam, timeToMoveToMain / 7); //camPos.position = Vector3.Lerp(camPos.position, finalCamPos.position, timeToMoveToMain/7); //camRot.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(camRot.rotation, finalCamRot.rotation, timeToMoveToMain/7); if (mainCam.position == finalCam.position) { timeToMoveToMain = 0; doNotMove = false; } } //runs if atMain is false else { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; //Lerps for position and rotation towards the transition point FVAPI.lerpVectorAndQuaternion(mainCam, transCam, elapsedTime / 7); //camPos.position = Vector3.Lerp(camPos.position, transCamPos.position, elapsedTime/7); //camRot.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(camRot.rotation, transCamRot.rotation, elapsedTime/7); //When the Camera position eqauls the transition point.. if (mainCam.position.z > transCam.position.z - 0.075f) { //..atMain becomes true elapsedTime = 0; atMain = true; } } } else { FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannelTimeMultiplied(mainMenuText, 1, 2); //mainMenuText.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(mainMenuText.alpha, 1, Time.deltaTime*2); mainMenuText.blocksRaycasts = true; mainMenuText.interactable = true; } } //moveBack is called in mainMenu else if (moveBack) { if (atMain) { moveOptions.moveBackToMenu = false; moveOptions.moveTo = false; doorOpen.Play("MainMenuDoorOpen"); timeToMoveToMain += Time.deltaTime; FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannelTimeMultiplied(mainMenuText, 0, 2); //mainMenuText.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(mainMenuText.alpha, 0, Time.deltaTime*2); mainMenuText.blocksRaycasts = false; mainMenuText.interactable = false; FVAPI.lerpVectorAndQuaternion(mainCam, transCam, timeToMoveToMain / 10); //mainCam.position = Vector3.Lerp(camPos.position, transCamPos.position, timeToMoveToMain/10); //mainCam.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(camRot.rotation, transCamRot.rotation, timeToMoveToMain/10); if (mainCam.position.z < transCam.position.z + 0.075f) { timeToMoveToMain = 0; atMain = false; } } else { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; //mainCam.position = Vector3.Lerp(transCam.position, initialCam.position, elapsedTime); //mainCam.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transCam.rotation, initialCam.rotation, elapsedTime); FVAPI.lerpVectorAndQuaternion(mainCam, loginCam, elapsedTime / 10); if (mainCam.position == loginCam.position) { elapsedTime = 0; canvasTime += Time.deltaTime; FVAPI.lerpAlphaChannel(login, 1, canvasTime); if (login.alpha == 1) { canvasTime = 0; moveBack = false; login.interactable = true; } } } } }