/// <summary>
        /// Initialize 'resolvedInfo' by having MSBuild resolve the assembly in the context of the current project
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assemblyInclude">Either a full path to a file on disk, or a simple name or fusion name</param>
        /// <param name="isAlreadyInProjectFile">Pass true for this parameter, as well as the evaluated include for the other parameter, if you are trying to discover the MSBuild resolution of an existing ProjectElement</param>
        private void AddToProjectFileAndTryResolve(string assemblyInclude)
            Action <string> Trace = (s) => FSharpTrace.PrintLine("ProjectSystemReferenceResolution", () => "ResolveAssemblyReferenceCore: " + s);

            Trace("starting: \"" + assemblyInclude + "\"");
            ProjectInstance instance = null;

            instance = this.ProjectMgr.BuildProject.CreateProjectInstance();   // use a fresh instance...
            instance.AddItem(ProjectFileConstants.Reference, assemblyInclude); // ...and mutate it as through there were another <Reference Include="blah"> there
            Trace("instance[Configuration]=" + instance.GetPropertyValue("Configuration"));
            Trace("instance[Platform]=" + instance.GetPropertyValue("Platform"));
            var result = BuildInstance(this.ProjectMgr, ref instance, MsBuildTarget.ResolveAssemblyReferences);

            this.ResolveFromBuiltProject(assemblyInclude, result);
            Trace("finished without finding original item: \"" + assemblyInclude + "\"");
        private void ResolveFromBuiltProject(string assemblyInclude, BuildResult buildResult)
            Action <string> Trace = (s) => FSharpTrace.PrintLine("ProjectSystemReferenceResolution", () => "ResolveAssemblyReferenceCore: " + s);

            Trace("starting: \"" + assemblyInclude + "\"");
            if (!buildResult.IsSuccessful)
                Trace("ResolveAssemblyReferences build failed.");
            System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable <ProjectItemInstance> group = buildResult.ProjectInstance.GetItems(ProjectFileConstants.ReferencePath);
            if (group != null)
                foreach (var item in group)
                    // TODO, the logic here is too brittle - if a user adds a 'logical duplicate' assembly with a different name, it may not find resolution
                    // and then wind up with wrong diagnostic later because it failed to resolve (when in fact it would resolve if not for duplicate)
                    if (0 == string.Compare(assemblyInclude, MSBuildItem.GetMetadataValue(item, "OriginalItemSpec"), StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        var fusionName = MSBuildItem.GetMetadataValue(item, "FusionName");
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fusionName))
                            this.resolvedInfo.ResolvedAssemblyName = new System.Reflection.AssemblyName(fusionName);
                            this.resolvedInfo.AssemblyName         = this.resolvedInfo.ResolvedAssemblyName;
                        this.resolvedInfo.IsPlatformAssembly      = 0 == string.Compare(MSBuildItem.GetMetadataValue(item, ProjectFileConstants.ResolvedFrom), "{TargetFrameworkDirectory}", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                        this.resolvedInfo.IsNoPIA                 = 0 == string.Compare(MSBuildItem.GetMetadataValue(item, ProjectFileConstants.EmbedInteropTypes), "true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                        this.resolvedInfo.CopyLocalDefault        = 0 == string.Compare(MSBuildItem.GetMetadataValue(item, ProjectFileConstants.CopyLocal), "true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                        this.resolvedInfo.WasSuccessfullyResolved = true;
                        this.myAssemblyPath = MSBuildItem.GetEvaluatedInclude(item);

                        if (!Path.IsPathRooted(this.myAssemblyPath))
                            this.myAssemblyPath = Path.Combine(this.ProjectMgr.ProjectFolder, this.myAssemblyPath);
                        Trace("finished and found original item: \"" + assemblyInclude + "\"");
            Trace("finished without finding original item: \"" + assemblyInclude + "\"");
        private void ResolveAssemblyReferenceByFullPath(string assemblyFullPath, AddReferenceDialogTab tab)
            if (this.ProjectMgr == null || this.ProjectMgr.IsClosed)

            bool isValidPath = false;

                isValidPath = Path.IsPathRooted(assemblyFullPath);
            catch (ArgumentException)
            Debug.Assert(isValidPath, string.Format("Expected assemblyFullPath to be a full path, but it was {0}", assemblyFullPath));

            // AddComPlusReferenceByFullPath
            Action <string> Trace = (s) => FSharpTrace.PrintLine("ProjectSystemReferenceResolution", () => "ResolveAssemblyReferenceByFullPath: " + s);

            Trace("starting: \"" + assemblyFullPath + "\"");
            this.msbuildProjectionInfo.WantHintPath        = false;
            this.msbuildProjectionInfo.WantFusionName      = false;
            this.msbuildProjectionInfo.WantSpecificVersion = null;

                var simpleName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assemblyFullPath);
            catch (Exception)
            if (!this.resolvedInfo.WasSuccessfullyResolved)
                Trace("simple name resolution did not succeed");
                this.msbuildProjectionInfo.WantHintPath = true;
                this.myAssemblyPath = assemblyFullPath;
                Trace("simple name resolution succeeded");
                // we successfully resolved it via simple name
                if (!this.resolvedInfo.IsPlatformAssembly)
                    Trace("not a platform assembly");
                    if (resolvedInfo.AssemblyName != null)
                        // Project file contains different reference than picked/shown in UI
                        // code in this class tries to mimic the behavior in vsproject\langbuild\langref.cpp\785480\langref.cpp
                        // it also uses simple name for initial resolution attempt
                        // however after that it repopulates ComPlus attributes from the source assembly via SetComPlusAttributesFromFullPath
                        // this part was previously skipped - as a result AssemblyName contained invalid data
                        var assemblyName = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(assemblyFullPath);
                        resolvedInfo.AssemblyName         = assemblyName;
                        resolvedInfo.ResolvedAssemblyName = assemblyName;

                    if (tab == AddReferenceDialogTab.DotNetTab)
                        Trace("from .Net tab");
                        this.msbuildProjectionInfo.WantFusionName      = true;
                        this.msbuildProjectionInfo.WantSpecificVersion = true;
                        Debug.Assert(tab == AddReferenceDialogTab.BrowseTab);
                        Trace("not from .Net tab");
                        this.msbuildProjectionInfo.WantHintPath = true;
                    // platform assemblies can just resolve to simple name
                    Trace("it was a platform assembly");
            // TODO - not accounting for case described below
            // if <re-resolving fusion name with SpecificVersion fails> then
            // {
            // this is possible if this reference is being added through automation
            // in which case the file passed may have a different fusion name than
            // the assembly in the target framework/fx extensions.
            // in that case just add with a hint path
            // wantHintPath = true;
            // }
            if (this.msbuildProjectionInfo.WantHintPath)
                this.msbuildProjectionInfo.WantSpecificVersion = false;
            if (this.myAssemblyPath == null)
                this.myAssemblyPath = assemblyFullPath;
            if (!this.resolvedInfo.WasSuccessfullyResolved)
            Trace("finished: \"" + assemblyFullPath + "\"");