Example #1
    public FResolutionLevel AddResolutionLevel(float maxLength, float displayScale, float resourceScale, string resourceSuffix)
        FResolutionLevel resLevel = new FResolutionLevel();

        resLevel.maxLength      = maxLength;
        resLevel.displayScale   = displayScale;
        resLevel.resourceScale  = resourceScale;
        resLevel.resourceSuffix = resourceSuffix;

        bool wasAdded = false;

        //we've gotta have the resLevels sorted low to high by maxLength
        for (int r = 0; r < resLevels.Count; ++r)
            if (resLevel.maxLength < resLevels[r].maxLength)
                resLevels.Insert(r, resLevel);
                wasAdded = true;

        if (!wasAdded)

Example #2
    public FResolutionLevel AddResolutionLevel(float maxLength, float displayScale, float resourceScale, string resourceSuffix)
        FResolutionLevel resLevel = new FResolutionLevel();

        resLevel.maxLength = maxLength;
        resLevel.displayScale = displayScale;
        resLevel.resourceScale = resourceScale;
        resLevel.resourceSuffix = resourceSuffix;

        bool wasAdded = false;

        //we've gotta have the resLevels sorted low to high by maxLength
        for(int r = 0; r<resLevels.Count; ++r)
            if(resLevel.maxLength < resLevels[r].maxLength)
                wasAdded = true;


        return resLevel;
Example #3
    public FScreen(FutileParams futileParams)
        _futileParams = futileParams;
                #if UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_ANDROID
        TouchScreenKeyboard.autorotateToLandscapeLeft      = false;
        TouchScreenKeyboard.autorotateToLandscapeRight     = false;
        TouchScreenKeyboard.autorotateToPortrait           = false;
        TouchScreenKeyboard.autorotateToPortraitUpsideDown = false;

        //Non-mobile unity always defaults to portrait for some reason, so fix this manually
        if (Screen.height > Screen.width)
            _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
            _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;

        //get the correct orientation if we're on a mobile platform
                #if !UNITY_EDITOR && (UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_ANDROID)
        _currentOrientation = Screen.orientation;

        //special "single orientation" mode
        if (_futileParams.singleOrientation != ScreenOrientation.Unknown)
            _currentOrientation = _futileParams.singleOrientation;
        else         //if we're not in a supported orientation, put us in one!
            if (_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft && !_futileParams.supportsLandscapeLeft)
                if (_futileParams.supportsLandscapeRight)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight;
                else if (_futileParams.supportsPortrait)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
                else if (_futileParams.supportsPortraitUpsideDown)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown;
            else if (_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight && !_futileParams.supportsLandscapeRight)
                if (_futileParams.supportsLandscapeLeft)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;
                else if (_futileParams.supportsPortrait)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
                else if (_futileParams.supportsPortraitUpsideDown)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown;
            else if (_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.Portrait && !_futileParams.supportsPortrait)
                if (_futileParams.supportsPortraitUpsideDown)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown;
                else if (_futileParams.supportsLandscapeLeft)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;
                else if (_futileParams.supportsLandscapeRight)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight;
            else if (_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown && !_futileParams.supportsPortraitUpsideDown)
                if (_futileParams.supportsPortrait)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
                else if (_futileParams.supportsLandscapeLeft)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;
                else if (_futileParams.supportsLandscapeRight)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight;

        Screen.orientation = _currentOrientation;

        _screenLongLength  = Math.Max(Screen.height, Screen.width);
        _screenShortLength = Math.Min(Screen.height, Screen.width);

        if (_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.Portrait || _currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown)
            pixelWidth  = _screenShortLength;
            pixelHeight = _screenLongLength;
        else         //landscape
            pixelWidth  = _screenLongLength;
            pixelHeight = _screenShortLength;

        //get the resolution level - the one we're closest to WITHOUT going over, price is right rules :)
        _resLevel = null;

        foreach (FResolutionLevel resLevel in _futileParams.resLevels)
            if (_screenLongLength <= resLevel.maxLength)            //we've found our resLevel
                _resLevel = resLevel;

        //if we couldn't find a res level, it means the screen is bigger than the biggest one, so just choose the biggest
        if (_resLevel == null)
            _resLevel = _futileParams.resLevels.GetLastObject();
            if (_resLevel == null)
                throw new FutileException("You must add at least one FResolutionLevel!");

        Futile.resourceSuffix = _resLevel.resourceSuffix;

        //this is what helps us figure out the display scale if we're not at a specific resolution level
        //it's relative to the next highest resolution level

        float displayScaleModifier = 1.0f;

        if (_futileParams.shouldLerpToNearestResolutionLevel)
            displayScaleModifier = _screenLongLength / _resLevel.maxLength;

        Futile.displayScale        = _resLevel.displayScale * displayScaleModifier;
        Futile.displayScaleInverse = 1.0f / Futile.displayScale;

        Futile.resourceScale        = _resLevel.resourceScale;
        Futile.resourceScaleInverse = 1.0f / Futile.resourceScale;

        width  = pixelWidth * Futile.displayScaleInverse;
        height = pixelHeight * Futile.displayScaleInverse;

        halfWidth  = width / 2.0f;
        halfHeight = height / 2.0f;

        _originX = _futileParams.origin.x;
        _originY = _futileParams.origin.y;

        Debug.Log("Futile: Display scale is " + Futile.displayScale);

        Debug.Log("Futile: Resource scale is " + Futile.resourceScale);

        Debug.Log("Futile: Resource suffix is " + _resLevel.resourceSuffix);

        Debug.Log("FScreen: Screen size in pixels is (" + pixelWidth + "px," + pixelHeight + "px)");

        Debug.Log("FScreen: Screen size in points is (" + width + "," + height + ")");

        Debug.Log("FScreen: Origin is at (" + _originX * width + "," + _originY * height + ")");

        Debug.Log("FScreen: Initial orientation is " + _currentOrientation);

        _didJustResize = true;
Example #4
    public FScreen(FutileParams futileParams)
        _futileParams = futileParams;
        TouchScreenKeyboard.autorotateToLandscapeLeft = false;
        TouchScreenKeyboard.autorotateToLandscapeRight = false;
        TouchScreenKeyboard.autorotateToPortrait = false;
        TouchScreenKeyboard.autorotateToPortraitUpsideDown = false;

        //Non-mobile unity always defaults to portrait for some reason, so fix this manually
        if(Screen.height > Screen.width)
            _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
            _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;

        //get the correct orientation if we're on a mobile platform
            _currentOrientation = Screen.orientation;

        //special "single orientation" mode
        if(_futileParams.singleOrientation != ScreenOrientation.Unknown)
            _currentOrientation = _futileParams.singleOrientation;
        else //if we're not in a supported orientation, put us in one!
            if(_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft && !_futileParams.supportsLandscapeLeft)
                if(_futileParams.supportsLandscapeRight) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight;
                else if(_futileParams.supportsPortrait) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
                else if(_futileParams.supportsPortraitUpsideDown) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown;
            else if(_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight && !_futileParams.supportsLandscapeRight)
                if(_futileParams.supportsLandscapeLeft) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;
                else if(_futileParams.supportsPortrait) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
                else if(_futileParams.supportsPortraitUpsideDown) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown;
            else if(_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.Portrait && !_futileParams.supportsPortrait)
                if(_futileParams.supportsPortraitUpsideDown) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown;
                else if(_futileParams.supportsLandscapeLeft) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;
                else if(_futileParams.supportsLandscapeRight) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight;
            else if(_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown && !_futileParams.supportsPortraitUpsideDown)
                if(_futileParams.supportsPortrait) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
                else if(_futileParams.supportsLandscapeLeft) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;
                else if(_futileParams.supportsLandscapeRight) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight;

        Screen.orientation = _currentOrientation;

        _screenLongLength = Math.Max(Screen.height, Screen.width);
        _screenShortLength = Math.Min(Screen.height, Screen.width);

        if(_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.Portrait || _currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown)
            pixelWidth = _screenShortLength;
            pixelHeight = _screenLongLength;
        else //landscape
            pixelWidth = _screenLongLength;
            pixelHeight = _screenShortLength;

        //get the resolution level - the one we're closest to WITHOUT going over, price is right rules :)
        _resLevel = null;

        foreach(FResolutionLevel resLevel in _futileParams.resLevels)
            if(_screenLongLength <= resLevel.maxLength) //we've found our resLevel
                _resLevel = resLevel;

        //if we couldn't find a res level, it means the screen is bigger than the biggest one, so just choose the biggest
        if(_resLevel == null)
            _resLevel = _futileParams.resLevels.GetLastObject();
            if(_resLevel == null)
                throw new Exception("You must add at least one FResolutionLevel!");

        Futile.resourceSuffix = _resLevel.resourceSuffix;

        //this is what helps us figure out the display scale if we're not at a specific resolution level
        //it's relative to the next highest resolution level

        float displayScaleModifier = 1.0f;

            displayScaleModifier = _screenLongLength/_resLevel.maxLength;

        Futile.displayScale = _resLevel.displayScale * displayScaleModifier;
        Futile.displayScaleInverse = 1.0f/Futile.displayScale;

        Futile.resourceScale = _resLevel.resourceScale;
        Futile.resourceScaleInverse = 1.0f/Futile.resourceScale;

        width = pixelWidth*Futile.displayScaleInverse;
        height = pixelHeight*Futile.displayScaleInverse;

        halfWidth = width/2.0f;
        halfHeight = height/2.0f;

        _originX = _futileParams.origin.x;
        _originY = _futileParams.origin.y;

        Debug.Log ("Futile: Display scale is " + Futile.displayScale);

        Debug.Log ("Futile: Resource scale is " + Futile.resourceScale);

        Debug.Log ("Futile: Resource suffix is " + _resLevel.resourceSuffix);

        Debug.Log ("FScreen: Screen size in pixels is (" + pixelWidth +"px," + pixelHeight+"px)");

        Debug.Log ("FScreen: Screen size in points is (" + width + "," + height+")");

        Debug.Log ("FScreen: Origin is at (" + _originX*width + "," + _originY*height+")");

        Debug.Log ("FScreen: Initial orientation is " + _currentOrientation);

        _didJustResize = true;
    public void Init(FutileParams futileParams)
        enabled       = true;
        _futileParams = futileParams;

        Application.targetFrameRate = _futileParams.targetFrameRate;

                #if UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_ANDROID
        TouchScreenKeyboard.autorotateToLandscapeLeft      = false;
        TouchScreenKeyboard.autorotateToLandscapeRight     = false;
        TouchScreenKeyboard.autorotateToPortrait           = false;
        TouchScreenKeyboard.autorotateToPortraitUpsideDown = false;

        //Non-mobile unity always defaults to portrait for some reason, so fix this manually
        if (Screen.height > Screen.width)
            _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
            _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;

        //get the correct orientation if we're on a mobile platform
                #if !UNITY_EDITOR && (UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_ANDROID)
        _currentOrientation = Screen.orientation;

        //special "single orientation" mode
        if (_futileParams.singleOrientation != ScreenOrientation.Unknown)
            _currentOrientation = _futileParams.singleOrientation;
        else         //if we're not in a supported orientation, put us in one!
            if (_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft && !_futileParams.supportsLandscapeLeft)
                if (_futileParams.supportsLandscapeRight)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight;
                else if (_futileParams.supportsPortrait)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
                else if (_futileParams.supportsPortraitUpsideDown)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown;
            else if (_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight && !_futileParams.supportsLandscapeRight)
                if (_futileParams.supportsLandscapeLeft)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;
                else if (_futileParams.supportsPortrait)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
                else if (_futileParams.supportsPortraitUpsideDown)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown;
            else if (_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.Portrait && !_futileParams.supportsPortrait)
                if (_futileParams.supportsPortraitUpsideDown)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown;
                else if (_futileParams.supportsLandscapeLeft)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;
                else if (_futileParams.supportsLandscapeRight)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight;
            else if (_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown && !_futileParams.supportsPortraitUpsideDown)
                if (_futileParams.supportsPortrait)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
                else if (_futileParams.supportsLandscapeLeft)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;
                else if (_futileParams.supportsLandscapeRight)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight;

        Screen.orientation = _currentOrientation;

        Futile.startingQuadsPerLayer  = _futileParams.startingQuadsPerLayer;
        Futile.quadsPerLayerExpansion = _futileParams.quadsPerLayerExpansion;
        Futile.maxEmptyQuadsPerLayer  = _futileParams.maxEmptyQuadsPerLayer;

        _screenLongLength  = Math.Max(Screen.height, Screen.width);
        _screenShortLength = Math.Min(Screen.height, Screen.width);

        if (_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.Portrait || _currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown)
            pixelWidth  = _screenShortLength;
            pixelHeight = _screenLongLength;
        else         //landscape
            pixelWidth  = _screenLongLength;
            pixelHeight = _screenShortLength;

        //get the resolution level - the one we're closest to WITHOUT going over, price is right rules :)
        _resLevel = null;

        foreach (FResolutionLevel resLevel in _futileParams.resLevels)
            if (_screenLongLength <= resLevel.maxLength)            //we've found our resLevel
                _resLevel = resLevel;

        //if we couldn't find a res level, it means the screen is bigger than the biggest one, so just choose that one
        if (_resLevel == null)
            _resLevel = _futileParams.resLevels.GetLastObject();
            if (_resLevel == null)
                throw new Exception("You must add at least one FResolutionLevel!");

        Futile.resourceSuffix = _resLevel.resourceSuffix;

        //this is what helps us figure out the display scale if we're not at a specific resolution level
        //it's relative to the next highest resolution level

        float displayScaleModifier = 1.0f;

        if (_futileParams.shouldLerpToNearestResolutionLevel)
            displayScaleModifier = _screenLongLength / _resLevel.maxLength;

        displayScale        = _resLevel.displayScale * displayScaleModifier;
        displayScaleInverse = 1.0f / displayScale;

        resourceScale        = _resLevel.resourceScale;
        resourceScaleInverse = 1.0f / resourceScale;

        width  = pixelWidth * displayScaleInverse;
        height = pixelHeight * displayScaleInverse;

        halfWidth  = width / 2.0f;
        halfHeight = height / 2.0f;

        _originX = _futileParams.origin.x;
        _originY = _futileParams.origin.y;

        Debug.Log("Futile: Display scale is " + displayScale);

        Debug.Log("Futile: Resource scale is " + resourceScale);

        Debug.Log("Futile: Resource suffix is " + _resLevel.resourceSuffix);

        Debug.Log("Futile: Screen size in pixels is (" + pixelWidth + "px," + pixelHeight + "px)");

        Debug.Log("Futile: Screen size in points is (" + width + "," + height + ")");

        Debug.Log("Futile: Origin is at (" + _originX * width + "," + _originY * height + ")");

        Debug.Log("Futile: Initial orientation is " + _currentOrientation);

        //Camera setup from https://github.com/prime31/UIToolkit/blob/master/Assets/Plugins/UIToolkit/UI.cs

        name = "Futile";

        _cameraHolder = new GameObject();
        _cameraHolder.transform.parent = gameObject.transform;
        _cameraHolder.AddComponent <Camera>();

        _camera      = _cameraHolder.camera;
        _camera.name = "FCamera";
        //_camera.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Depth; //TODO: check if this is faster or not?
        _camera.clearFlags      = CameraClearFlags.SolidColor;
        _camera.nearClipPlane   = -50.3f;
        _camera.farClipPlane    = 50.0f;
        _camera.depth           = 100;
        _camera.rect            = new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
        _camera.backgroundColor = _futileParams.backgroundColor;

        //we multiply this stuff by scaleInverse to make sure everything is in points, not pixels
        _camera.orthographic     = true;
        _camera.orthographicSize = pixelHeight / 2 * displayScaleInverse;


        _didJustResize = true;

        touchManager = new FTouchManager();

        atlasManager = new FAtlasManager();

        stage = new FStage();
Example #6
    public void UpdateResolutionScale()
        //		DZDebug.Log("---------- _currentOrientation = " + _currentOrientation);
        Screen.orientation = _currentOrientation;

        _screenLongLength  = Math.Max(Screen.height, Screen.width);
        _screenShortLength = Math.Min(Screen.height, Screen.width);

        //		// OwenG: NOTE - game defaults to Portrait if Unity returns ScreenOrientation.Unknown in the first frame of execution
        //		if(_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft || _currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight)
        //		{
        ////			DZDebug.Log("------------- LANDSCAPE ----------------");
        //			pixelWidth = _screenLongLength;
        //			pixelHeight = _screenShortLength;
        //		}
        //		else //portrait
        //		{
        ////			DZDebug.Log("------------- PORTRAIT ----------------");
        //			pixelWidth = _screenShortLength;
        //			pixelHeight = _screenLongLength;
        //		}

        // Don't need the orientation stuff above for a PC game. If we do a mobile build... maybe look at this more? For PC just match unity's screen size
        pixelWidth  = Screen.width;
        pixelHeight = Screen.height;

        float displayScaleModifier = 1.0f;

        if (_futileParams.resolutionLevelPicker != null)
            _resLevel = _futileParams.resolutionLevelPicker(Mathf.RoundToInt(pixelWidth), Mathf.RoundToInt(pixelHeight));
            //note: resolution levels have been sorted smallest to largest
            //get the resolution level - the one we're closest to WITHOUT going over, price is right rules :)

            if (_futileParams.resLevels.Count == 0)
                throw new FutileException("You must add at least one FResolutionLevel!");

            float checkLength;

            if (_futileParams.resolutionLevelPickDimension == FResolutionLevelPickDimension.Longest)
                checkLength = _screenLongLength;
                checkLength = _screenShortLength;

            _resLevel = null;

            if (_futileParams.resolutionLevelPickMode == FResolutionLevelPickMode.Upwards) //finds the smallest resolution level that is bigger than the screen
                for (int r = 0; r < _futileParams.resLevels.Count; r++)                    //iterating from smallest to largest
                    FResolutionLevel checkResLevel = _futileParams.resLevels[r];
                    if (checkResLevel.maxLength >= checkLength)                //we've found our resLevel
                        _resLevel = checkResLevel;
            else if (_futileParams.resolutionLevelPickMode == FResolutionLevelPickMode.Downwards) //finds the biggest resolution level that is smaller than screen
                for (int r = _futileParams.resLevels.Count - 1; r >= 0; r--)                      //note reverse iteration (from largest to smallest)
                    FResolutionLevel checkResLevel = _futileParams.resLevels[r];
                    if (checkResLevel.maxLength <= checkLength)                //we've found our resLevel
                        _resLevel = checkResLevel;
            else if (_futileParams.resolutionLevelPickMode == FResolutionLevelPickMode.Closest)        //finds the closest resolution level to the screen size
                float winningDist = float.MaxValue;
                for (int r = 0; r < _futileParams.resLevels.Count; r++)
                    FResolutionLevel resLevel = _futileParams.resLevels[r];
                    float            dist     = Mathf.Abs(resLevel.maxLength - checkLength);

                    if (dist < winningDist)
                        _resLevel   = resLevel;
                        winningDist = dist;

            //if we couldn't find a res level, it means the screen is bigger than the biggest one, so just choose the biggest
            if (_resLevel == null)
                _resLevel = _futileParams.resLevels.GetLastItem();

            if (_futileParams.shouldLerpToNearestResolutionLevel)
                displayScaleModifier = checkLength / _resLevel.maxLength;

        Futile.resourceSuffix = _resLevel.resourceSuffix;

        //this is what helps us figure out the display scale if we're not at a specific resolution level
        //it's relative to the next highest resolution level

        Futile.displayScale        = _resLevel.displayScale * displayScaleModifier;
        Futile.displayScaleInverse = 1.0f / Futile.displayScale;

        Futile.resourceScale        = _resLevel.resourceScale;
        Futile.resourceScaleInverse = 1.0f / Futile.resourceScale;

        width  = pixelWidth * Futile.displayScaleInverse;
        height = pixelHeight * Futile.displayScaleInverse;

        //ceil to multiple of 2
        //width = Mathf.Ceil(width/2f)*2f;
        //height = Mathf.Ceil(height/2f)*2f;

        if (Futile.isOpenGL)
            Futile.screenPixelOffset = 0;
        else         //directX needs to be offset by half a pixel
            //NOT offsetting directX anymore because it just makes everything look bad!
            Futile.screenPixelOffset = 0;
            //Futile.screenPixelOffset = 0.5f * Futile.displayScaleInverse;

        halfWidth  = Mathf.Round(width / 2.0f);
        halfHeight = Mathf.Round(height / 2.0f);

        //_originX = _futileParams.origin.x;
        //_originY = _futileParams.origin.y;

        //snap origin to whole pixels
        _originX = Mathf.Round(width * _futileParams.origin.x) / width;
        _originY = Mathf.Round(height * _futileParams.origin.y) / height;

        Debug.Log("Futile: Display scale is " + Futile.displayScale);

        Debug.Log("Futile: Resource scale is " + Futile.resourceScale);

        Debug.Log("Futile: Resource suffix is " + _resLevel.resourceSuffix);

        Debug.Log("FScreen: Screen size in pixels is (" + pixelWidth + "px," + pixelHeight + "px)");

        Debug.Log("FScreen: Screen size in points is (" + width + "," + height + ")");

        Debug.Log("FScreen: Origin is at (" + _originX * width + "," + _originY * height + ")");

        Debug.Log("FScreen: Initial orientation is " + _currentOrientation);

        _didJustResize = true;
Example #7
    public FScreen(FutileParams futileParams)
        _futileParams = futileParams;

                #if UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_ANDROID
                        #if UNITY_3_5
        TouchScreenKeyboard.autorotateToLandscapeLeft      = false;
        TouchScreenKeyboard.autorotateToLandscapeRight     = false;
        TouchScreenKeyboard.autorotateToPortrait           = false;
        TouchScreenKeyboard.autorotateToPortraitUpsideDown = false;
        Screen.autorotateToLandscapeLeft      = false;
        Screen.autorotateToLandscapeRight     = false;
        Screen.autorotateToPortrait           = false;
        Screen.autorotateToPortraitUpsideDown = false;

        //Non-mobile unity always defaults to portrait for some reason, so fix this manually
        if (Screen.height > Screen.width)
            _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
            _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;

        //get the correct orientation if we're on a mobile platform
                #if !UNITY_EDITOR && (UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_ANDROID)
        _currentOrientation = Screen.orientation;

        //special "single orientation" mode
        if (_futileParams.singleOrientation != ScreenOrientation.Unknown)
            _currentOrientation = _futileParams.singleOrientation;
        else         //if we're not in a supported orientation, put us in one!
            if (_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft && !_futileParams.supportsLandscapeLeft)
                if (_futileParams.supportsLandscapeRight)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight;
                else if (_futileParams.supportsPortrait)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
                else if (_futileParams.supportsPortraitUpsideDown)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown;
            else if (_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight && !_futileParams.supportsLandscapeRight)
                if (_futileParams.supportsLandscapeLeft)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;
                else if (_futileParams.supportsPortrait)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
                else if (_futileParams.supportsPortraitUpsideDown)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown;
            else if (_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.Portrait && !_futileParams.supportsPortrait)
                if (_futileParams.supportsPortraitUpsideDown)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown;
                else if (_futileParams.supportsLandscapeLeft)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;
                else if (_futileParams.supportsLandscapeRight)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight;
            else if (_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown && !_futileParams.supportsPortraitUpsideDown)
                if (_futileParams.supportsPortrait)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
                else if (_futileParams.supportsLandscapeLeft)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;
                else if (_futileParams.supportsLandscapeRight)
                    _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight;

        Screen.orientation = _currentOrientation;

        _screenLongLength  = Math.Max(Screen.height, Screen.width);
        _screenShortLength = Math.Min(Screen.height, Screen.width);

        if (_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.Portrait || _currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown)
            pixelWidth  = _screenShortLength;
            pixelHeight = _screenLongLength;
        else         //landscape
            pixelWidth  = _screenLongLength;
            pixelHeight = _screenShortLength;

        //note: resolution levels have been sorted smallest to largest
        //get the resolution level - the one we're closest to WITHOUT going over, price is right rules :)

        if (_futileParams.resLevels.Count == 0)
            throw new FutileException("You must add at least one FResolutionLevel!");

        float checkLength;

        if (_futileParams.resolutionLevelPickDimension == FResolutionLevelPickDimension.Longest)
            checkLength = _screenLongLength;
            checkLength = _screenShortLength;

        _resLevel = null;

        if (_futileParams.resolutionLevelPickMode == FResolutionLevelPickMode.Upwards) //finds the smallest resolution level that is bigger than the screen
            for (int r = 0; r < _futileParams.resLevels.Count; r++)                    //iterating from smallest to largest
                FResolutionLevel checkResLevel = _futileParams.resLevels[r];
                if (checkResLevel.maxLength >= checkLength)                //we've found our resLevel
                    _resLevel = checkResLevel;
        else if (_futileParams.resolutionLevelPickMode == FResolutionLevelPickMode.Downwards) //finds the biggest resolution level that is smaller than screen
            for (int r = _futileParams.resLevels.Count - 1; r >= 0; r--)                      //note reverse iteration (from largest to smallest)
                FResolutionLevel checkResLevel = _futileParams.resLevels[r];
                if (checkResLevel.maxLength <= checkLength)                //we've found our resLevel
                    _resLevel = checkResLevel;
        else if (_futileParams.resolutionLevelPickMode == FResolutionLevelPickMode.Closest)        //finds the closest resolution level to the screen size
            float winningDist = float.MaxValue;
            for (int r = 0; r < _futileParams.resLevels.Count; r++)
                FResolutionLevel resLevel = _futileParams.resLevels[r];
                float            dist     = Mathf.Abs(resLevel.maxLength - checkLength);

                if (dist < winningDist)
                    _resLevel   = resLevel;
                    winningDist = dist;

        //if we couldn't find a res level, it means the screen is bigger than the biggest one, so just choose the biggest
        if (_resLevel == null)
            _resLevel = _futileParams.resLevels.GetLastItem();

        Futile.resourceSuffix = _resLevel.resourceSuffix;

        //this is what helps us figure out the display scale if we're not at a specific resolution level
        //it's relative to the next highest resolution level

        float displayScaleModifier = 1.0f;

        if (_futileParams.shouldLerpToNearestResolutionLevel)
            displayScaleModifier = checkLength / _resLevel.maxLength;

        Futile.displayScale        = _resLevel.displayScale * displayScaleModifier;
        Futile.displayScaleInverse = 1.0f / Futile.displayScale;

        Futile.resourceScale        = _resLevel.resourceScale;
        Futile.resourceScaleInverse = 1.0f / Futile.resourceScale;

        width  = pixelWidth * Futile.displayScaleInverse;
        height = pixelHeight * Futile.displayScaleInverse;

        if (Futile.isOpenGL)
            Futile.screenPixelOffset = 0;
        else         //directX needs to be offset by half a pixel
            Futile.screenPixelOffset = 0.5f * Futile.displayScaleInverse;

        halfWidth  = width / 2.0f;
        halfHeight = height / 2.0f;

        _originX = _futileParams.origin.x;
        _originY = _futileParams.origin.y;

        Debug.Log("Futile: Display scale is " + Futile.displayScale);

        Debug.Log("Futile: Resource scale is " + Futile.resourceScale);

        Debug.Log("Futile: Resource suffix is " + _resLevel.resourceSuffix);

        Debug.Log("FScreen: Screen size in pixels is (" + pixelWidth + "px," + pixelHeight + "px)");

        Debug.Log("FScreen: Screen size in points is (" + width + "," + height + ")");

        Debug.Log("FScreen: Origin is at (" + _originX * width + "," + _originY * height + ")");

        Debug.Log("FScreen: Initial orientation is " + _currentOrientation);

        _didJustResize = true;
Example #8
    public FScreen(FutileParams futileParams)
        _futileParams = futileParams;

            #if UNITY_3_5
                TouchScreenKeyboard.autorotateToLandscapeLeft = false;
                TouchScreenKeyboard.autorotateToLandscapeRight = false;
                TouchScreenKeyboard.autorotateToPortrait = false;
                TouchScreenKeyboard.autorotateToPortraitUpsideDown = false;
                Screen.autorotateToLandscapeLeft = false;
                Screen.autorotateToLandscapeRight = false;
                Screen.autorotateToPortrait = false;
                Screen.autorotateToPortraitUpsideDown = false;

        //Non-mobile unity always defaults to portrait for some reason, so fix this manually
        if(Screen.height > Screen.width)
            _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
            _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;

        //get the correct orientation if we're on a mobile platform
            _currentOrientation = Screen.orientation;

        //special "single orientation" mode
        if(_futileParams.singleOrientation != ScreenOrientation.Unknown)
            _currentOrientation = _futileParams.singleOrientation;
        else //if we're not in a supported orientation, put us in one!
            if(_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft && !_futileParams.supportsLandscapeLeft)
                if(_futileParams.supportsLandscapeRight) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight;
                else if(_futileParams.supportsPortrait) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
                else if(_futileParams.supportsPortraitUpsideDown) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown;
            else if(_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight && !_futileParams.supportsLandscapeRight)
                if(_futileParams.supportsLandscapeLeft) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;
                else if(_futileParams.supportsPortrait) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
                else if(_futileParams.supportsPortraitUpsideDown) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown;
            else if(_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.Portrait && !_futileParams.supportsPortrait)
                if(_futileParams.supportsPortraitUpsideDown) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown;
                else if(_futileParams.supportsLandscapeLeft) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;
                else if(_futileParams.supportsLandscapeRight) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight;
            else if(_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown && !_futileParams.supportsPortraitUpsideDown)
                if(_futileParams.supportsPortrait) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
                else if(_futileParams.supportsLandscapeLeft) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;
                else if(_futileParams.supportsLandscapeRight) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight;

        Screen.orientation = _currentOrientation;

        _screenLongLength = Math.Max(Screen.height, Screen.width);
        _screenShortLength = Math.Min(Screen.height, Screen.width);

        if(_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.Portrait || _currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown)
            pixelWidth = _screenShortLength;
            pixelHeight = _screenLongLength;
        else //landscape
            pixelWidth = _screenLongLength;
            pixelHeight = _screenShortLength;

        //note: resolution levels have been sorted smallest to largest
        //get the resolution level - the one we're closest to WITHOUT going over, price is right rules :)

        if(_futileParams.resLevels.Count == 0)
            throw new FutileException("You must add at least one FResolutionLevel!");

        _resLevel = null;

        if(_futileParams.resolutionLevelPickMode == FResolutionLevelPickMode.Upwards) //finds the smallest resolution level that is bigger than the screen
            for(int r = 0; r<_futileParams.resLevels.Count; r++) //iterating from smallest to largest
                FResolutionLevel checkResLevel = _futileParams.resLevels[r];
                if(checkResLevel.maxLength >= _screenLongLength) //we've found our resLevel
                    _resLevel = checkResLevel;
        else if(_futileParams.resolutionLevelPickMode == FResolutionLevelPickMode.Downwards) //finds the biggest resolution level that is smaller than screen
            for(int r = _futileParams.resLevels.Count-1; r >= 0; r--)//note reverse iteration (from largest to smallest)
                FResolutionLevel checkResLevel = _futileParams.resLevels[r];
                if(checkResLevel.maxLength <= _screenLongLength) //we've found our resLevel
                    _resLevel = checkResLevel;
        else if(_futileParams.resolutionLevelPickMode == FResolutionLevelPickMode.Closest) //finds the closest resolution level to the screen size
            float winningDist = float.MaxValue;
            for(int r = 0; r<_futileParams.resLevels.Count; r++)
                FResolutionLevel resLevel = _futileParams.resLevels[r];
                float dist = Mathf.Abs(resLevel.maxLength - _screenLongLength);

                if(dist < winningDist)
                    _resLevel = resLevel;
                    winningDist = dist;

        //if we couldn't find a res level, it means the screen is bigger than the biggest one, so just choose the biggest
        if(_resLevel == null)
            _resLevel = _futileParams.resLevels.GetLastItem();

        Futile.resourceSuffix = _resLevel.resourceSuffix;

        //this is what helps us figure out the display scale if we're not at a specific resolution level
        //it's relative to the next highest resolution level

        float displayScaleModifier = 1.0f;

            displayScaleModifier = _screenLongLength/_resLevel.maxLength;

        Futile.displayScale = _resLevel.displayScale * displayScaleModifier;
        Futile.displayScaleInverse = 1.0f/Futile.displayScale;

        Futile.resourceScale = _resLevel.resourceScale;
        Futile.resourceScaleInverse = 1.0f/Futile.resourceScale;

        width = pixelWidth*Futile.displayScaleInverse;
        height = pixelHeight*Futile.displayScaleInverse;

            Futile.screenPixelOffset = 0;
        else //directX needs to be offset by half a pixel
            Futile.screenPixelOffset = 0.5f * Futile.displayScaleInverse;

        halfWidth = width/2.0f;
        halfHeight = height/2.0f;

        _originX = _futileParams.origin.x;
        _originY = _futileParams.origin.y;

        Debug.Log ("Futile: Display scale is " + Futile.displayScale);

        Debug.Log ("Futile: Resource scale is " + Futile.resourceScale);

        Debug.Log ("Futile: Resource suffix is " + _resLevel.resourceSuffix);

        Debug.Log ("FScreen: Screen size in pixels is (" + pixelWidth +"px," + pixelHeight+"px)");

        Debug.Log ("FScreen: Screen size in points is (" + width + "," + height+")");

        Debug.Log ("FScreen: Origin is at (" + _originX*width + "," + _originY*height+")");

        Debug.Log ("FScreen: Initial orientation is " + _currentOrientation);

        _didJustResize = true;
Example #9
    public void Init(FutileParams futileParams)
        enabled = true;
        _futileParams = futileParams;

        Application.targetFrameRate = _futileParams.targetFrameRate;

        TouchScreenKeyboard.autorotateToLandscapeLeft = false;
        TouchScreenKeyboard.autorotateToLandscapeRight = false;
        TouchScreenKeyboard.autorotateToPortrait = false;
        TouchScreenKeyboard.autorotateToPortraitUpsideDown = false;

        //Non-mobile unity always defaults to portrait for some reason, so fix this manually
        if(Screen.height > Screen.width)
            _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
            _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;

        //get the correct orientation if we're on a mobile platform
            _currentOrientation = Screen.orientation;

        //special "single orientation" mode
        if(_futileParams.singleOrientation != ScreenOrientation.Unknown)
            _currentOrientation = _futileParams.singleOrientation;
        else //if we're not in a supported orientation, put us in one!
            if(_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft && !_futileParams.supportsLandscapeLeft)
                if(_futileParams.supportsLandscapeRight) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight;
                else if(_futileParams.supportsPortrait) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
                else if(_futileParams.supportsPortraitUpsideDown) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown;
            else if(_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight && !_futileParams.supportsLandscapeRight)
                if(_futileParams.supportsLandscapeLeft) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;
                else if(_futileParams.supportsPortrait) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
                else if(_futileParams.supportsPortraitUpsideDown) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown;
            else if(_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.Portrait && !_futileParams.supportsPortrait)
                if(_futileParams.supportsPortraitUpsideDown) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown;
                else if(_futileParams.supportsLandscapeLeft) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;
                else if(_futileParams.supportsLandscapeRight) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight;
            else if(_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown && !_futileParams.supportsPortraitUpsideDown)
                if(_futileParams.supportsPortrait) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
                else if(_futileParams.supportsLandscapeLeft) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;
                else if(_futileParams.supportsLandscapeRight) _currentOrientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight;

        Screen.orientation = _currentOrientation;

        Futile.startingQuadsPerLayer = _futileParams.startingQuadsPerLayer;
        Futile.quadsPerLayerExpansion = _futileParams.quadsPerLayerExpansion;
        Futile.maxEmptyQuadsPerLayer = _futileParams.maxEmptyQuadsPerLayer;

        _screenLongLength = Math.Max(Screen.height, Screen.width);
        _screenShortLength = Math.Min(Screen.height, Screen.width);

        if(_currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.Portrait || _currentOrientation == ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown)
            pixelWidth = _screenShortLength;
            pixelHeight = _screenLongLength;
        else //landscape
            pixelWidth = _screenLongLength;
            pixelHeight = _screenShortLength;

        //get the resolution level - the one we're closest to WITHOUT going over, price is right rules :)
        _resLevel = null;

        foreach(FResolutionLevel resLevel in _futileParams.resLevels)
            if(_screenLongLength <= resLevel.maxLength) //we've found our resLevel
                _resLevel = resLevel;

        //if we couldn't find a res level, it means the screen is bigger than the biggest one, so just choose that one
        if(_resLevel == null)
            _resLevel = _futileParams.resLevels.GetLastObject();
            if(_resLevel == null)
                throw new Exception("You must add at least one FResolutionLevel!");

        Futile.resourceSuffix = _resLevel.resourceSuffix;

        //this is what helps us figure out the display scale if we're not at a specific resolution level
        //it's relative to the next highest resolution level

        float displayScaleModifier = 1.0f;

            displayScaleModifier = _screenLongLength/_resLevel.maxLength;

        displayScale = _resLevel.displayScale * displayScaleModifier;
        displayScaleInverse = 1.0f/displayScale;

        resourceScale = _resLevel.resourceScale;
        resourceScaleInverse = 1.0f/resourceScale;

        width = pixelWidth*displayScaleInverse;
        height = pixelHeight*displayScaleInverse;

        halfWidth = width/2.0f;
        halfHeight = height/2.0f;

        _originX = _futileParams.origin.x;
        _originY = _futileParams.origin.y;

        Debug.Log ("Futile: Display scale is " + displayScale);

        Debug.Log ("Futile: Resource scale is " + resourceScale);

        Debug.Log ("Futile: Resource suffix is " + _resLevel.resourceSuffix);

        Debug.Log ("Futile: Screen size in pixels is (" + pixelWidth +"px," + pixelHeight+"px)");

        Debug.Log ("Futile: Screen size in points is (" + width + "," + height+")");

        Debug.Log ("Futile: Origin is at (" + _originX*width + "," + _originY*height+")");

        Debug.Log ("Futile: Initial orientation is " + _currentOrientation);

        //Camera setup from https://github.com/prime31/UIToolkit/blob/master/Assets/Plugins/UIToolkit/UI.cs

        name = "Futile";

        _cameraHolder = new GameObject();
        _cameraHolder.transform.parent = gameObject.transform;

        _camera = _cameraHolder.camera;
        _camera.name = "FCamera";
        //_camera.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Depth; //TODO: check if this is faster or not?
        _camera.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.SolidColor;
        _camera.nearClipPlane = -50.3f;
        _camera.farClipPlane = 50.0f;
        _camera.depth = 100;
        _camera.rect = new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
        _camera.backgroundColor = _futileParams.backgroundColor;

        //we multiply this stuff by scaleInverse to make sure everything is in points, not pixels
        _camera.orthographic = true;
        _camera.orthographicSize = pixelHeight/2 * displayScaleInverse;


        _didJustResize = true;

        touchManager = new FTouchManager();

        atlasManager = new FAtlasManager();

        stage = new FStage();