Example #1
 private void DrawBorders(FRPaintEventArgs e, TableCell cell)
     cell.Border.Draw(e, cell.AbsBounds);
Example #2
 private void DrawFill(FRPaintEventArgs e, TableCell cell)
Example #3
 private void DrawText(FRPaintEventArgs e, TableCell cell)
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws the gauge label.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e">Draw event arguments.</param>
 public virtual void Draw(FRPaintEventArgs e)
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void Draw(FRPaintEventArgs e)
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Does nothing
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void DrawDesign_SelectedCellsRtl(FRPaintEventArgs e)
        private void DrawMajorTicks(FRPaintEventArgs e)
            center    = (Parent as RadialGauge).Center;
            stepValue = (Parent.Maximum - Parent.Minimum) / (MajorTicks.Count - 1);
            if (RadialUtils.IsQuadrant(Parent))
                stepValue *= 2;

            avrValue = Parent.Minimum + (Parent.Maximum - Parent.Minimum) / 2;

            bool   isRightPart = true;
            bool   isLeftPart  = false;
            PointF txtPoint;

            IGraphics g     = e.Graphics;
            Pen       pen   = e.Cache.GetPen(MajorTicks.Color, MajorTicks.Width * e.ScaleX, DashStyle.Solid);
            Brush     brush = TextFill.CreateBrush(new RectangleF(Parent.AbsLeft * e.ScaleX, Parent.AbsTop * e.ScaleY,
                                                                  Parent.Width * e.ScaleX, Parent.Height * e.ScaleY), e.ScaleX, e.ScaleY);

            sideTicksCount    = (MajorTicks.Count - 1) / 2;
            MajorTicks.Length = width / 12;

            SizeF maxTxt       = RadialUtils.GetStringSize(e, Parent, Font, Parent.Maximum.ToString());
            SizeF minTxt       = RadialUtils.GetStringSize(e, Parent, Font, Parent.Minimum.ToString());
            float maxTxtOffset = maxTxt.Height > maxTxt.Width ? maxTxt.Height : maxTxt.Width;
            float minTxtOffset = minTxt.Height > minTxt.Width ? minTxt.Height : minTxt.Width;

            majorTicksOffset = maxTxtOffset > minTxtOffset ? maxTxtOffset : minTxtOffset;

            PointF[] tick0 = new PointF[2];
            avrTick = new PointF(left + width / 2, top + majorTicksOffset);
            //first tick
            tick0[0] = avrTick;
            tick0[1] = new PointF(tick0[0].X, tick0[0].Y + MajorTicks.Length);

            double    angle      = 0;
            HorAlign  horAlign   = HorAlign.Middle;
            VertAlign vertAlign  = VertAlign.Bottom;
            double    startValue = avrValue;

            if (RadialUtils.IsSemicircle(Parent))
                drawRight = true;
                drawLeft  = true;
                if (RadialUtils.IsBottom(Parent))
                    angle       = 180 * RadialGauge.Radians;
                    horAlign    = HorAlign.Middle;
                    vertAlign   = VertAlign.Top;
                    majorStep  *= -1;
                    isRightPart = true;
                    isLeftPart  = false;
                else if (RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent))
                    angle       = -90 * RadialGauge.Radians;
                    horAlign    = HorAlign.Right;
                    vertAlign   = VertAlign.Middle;
                    isRightPart = false;
                    isLeftPart  = false;
                else if (RadialUtils.IsRight(Parent))
                    angle       = 90 * RadialGauge.Radians;
                    horAlign    = HorAlign.Left;
                    vertAlign   = VertAlign.Middle;
                    majorStep  *= -1;
                    isRightPart = true; //false
                    isLeftPart  = true; // false

            else if (RadialUtils.IsQuadrant(Parent))
                if (RadialUtils.IsTop(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent))
                    startValue = Parent.Maximum;
                    //angle = 180 * RadialGauge.Radians;
                    horAlign  = HorAlign.Middle;
                    vertAlign = VertAlign.Bottom;
                    //majorStep *= -1;
                    //isRightPart = true;
                    //isLeftPart = false;
                    drawRight = false;
                    drawLeft  = true;

                    isRightPart = false;
                    isLeftPart  = false;
                else if (RadialUtils.IsBottom(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent))
                    startValue = Parent.Minimum;
                    angle      = 180 * RadialGauge.Radians;
                    horAlign   = HorAlign.Middle;
                    vertAlign  = VertAlign.Top;
                    drawRight  = true;
                    drawLeft   = false;

                    isRightPart = false;
                    isLeftPart  = false;
                else if (RadialUtils.IsTop(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsRight(Parent))
                    stepValue *= -1;
                    startValue = Parent.Maximum;
                    angle      = 0;
                    horAlign   = HorAlign.Middle;
                    vertAlign  = VertAlign.Bottom;
                    drawRight  = true;
                    drawLeft   = false;

                    isRightPart = true;
                    isLeftPart  = true;
                else if (RadialUtils.IsBottom(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsRight(Parent))
                    stepValue *= -1;
                    startValue = Parent.Minimum;
                    angle      = 180 * RadialGauge.Radians;
                    horAlign   = HorAlign.Middle;
                    vertAlign  = VertAlign.Top;
                    drawRight  = false;
                    drawLeft   = true;

                    isRightPart = true;
                    isLeftPart  = true;
                drawRight = true;
                drawLeft  = true;

            tick0 = RadialUtils.RotateVector(tick0, angle, center);

            g.DrawLine(pen, tick0[0].X, tick0[0].Y, tick0[1].X, tick0[1].Y);
            string text = startValue.ToString();

            DrawText(e, text, brush, tick0[0].X, tick0[0].Y, horAlign, vertAlign);

            //rest of ticks
            PointF[] tick = new PointF[2];
            angle = majorStep * RadialGauge.Radians;

            for (int i = 0; i < sideTicksCount; i++)
                //right side
                if (drawRight)
                    tick = RadialUtils.RotateVector(tick0, angle, center);
                    g.DrawLine(pen, tick[0].X, tick[0].Y, tick[1].X, tick[1].Y);
                    text = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(startValue + stepValue * (i + 1)));

                    if (i == sideTicksCount / 2)
                        if (RadialUtils.IsSemicircle(Parent) || RadialUtils.IsQuadrant(Parent))
                            if (RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsTop(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Right;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Middle;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsBottom(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Right;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Middle;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsRight(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsTop(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Left;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Middle;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Middle;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Bottom;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsRight(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Middle;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Bottom;
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Left;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Middle;
                            horAlign  = HorAlign.Left;
                            vertAlign = VertAlign.Middle;
                    else if (i < sideTicksCount / 2)
                        horAlign = HorAlign.Left;
                        if (RadialUtils.IsSemicircle(Parent) || RadialUtils.IsQuadrant(Parent))
                            if (RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsTop(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Right;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Middle;
                            if (RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsBottom(Parent))
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Top;
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Right;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsBottom(Parent))
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Top;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Right;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Bottom;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsRight(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Left;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Bottom;
                            vertAlign = VertAlign.Bottom;
                        horAlign  = HorAlign.Left;
                        vertAlign = VertAlign.Top;
                    txtPoint = GetTextPoint(tick, -1 * e.ScaleX, isNegative(i, true), isRightPart);
                    DrawText(e, text, brush, txtPoint.X, txtPoint.Y, horAlign, vertAlign);

                if (drawLeft)
                    //left side
                    angle *= -1;
                    tick   = RadialUtils.RotateVector(tick0, angle, center);
                    g.DrawLine(pen, tick[0].X, tick[0].Y, tick[1].X, tick[1].Y);
                    text = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(startValue - stepValue * (i + 1)));

                    if (i == sideTicksCount / 2)
                        if (RadialUtils.IsSemicircle(Parent) || RadialUtils.IsQuadrant(Parent))
                            if ((RadialUtils.IsTop(Parent) || RadialUtils.IsBottom(Parent)) && RadialUtils.IsSemicircle(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Right;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Middle;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsTop(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Right;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Middle;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsRight(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsBottom(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Left;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Middle;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Middle;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Top;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsRight(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Middle;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Top;
                            horAlign  = HorAlign.Right;
                            vertAlign = VertAlign.Middle;
                    else if (i < sideTicksCount / 2)
                        horAlign = HorAlign.Right;

                        if (RadialUtils.IsSemicircle(Parent) || RadialUtils.IsQuadrant(Parent))
                            if (RadialUtils.IsRight(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsBottom(Parent))
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Top;
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Left;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsTop(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent))
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Bottom;
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Right;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsBottom(Parent))
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Top;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Right;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Top;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsRight(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Left;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Top;
                            vertAlign = VertAlign.Bottom;
                        horAlign  = HorAlign.Right;
                        vertAlign = VertAlign.Top;
                    txtPoint = GetTextPoint(tick, -1 * e.ScaleX, isNegative(i, false), isLeftPart);
                    DrawText(e, text, brush, txtPoint.X, txtPoint.Y, horAlign, vertAlign);
                    angle *= -1;

                angle += majorStep * RadialGauge.Radians;
Example #8
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void Draw(FRPaintEventArgs e)
Example #9
 private void DrawDesign(FRPaintEventArgs e)
     //DrawDragAcceptFrame(e, Color.Silver);
Example #10
 public static SizeF GetStringSize(FRPaintEventArgs e, GaugeObject gauge, Font font, string text)
     return(e.Graphics.MeasureString(text, GetFont(e, gauge, font)));
Example #11
 public static Font GetFont(FRPaintEventArgs e, GaugeObject gauge, Font font)
     return(e.Cache.GetFont(font.FontFamily, gauge.IsPrinting ? font.Size : font.Size *e.ScaleX * 96f / DrawUtils.ScreenDpi, font.Style));
Example #12
        public override void PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)

            if (Page != null)
                int   countX = 0;
                int   countY = 0;
                float scale  = 0;

                // switch dimensions because FSheetWidth, FSheetHeight is a portrait dimensions
                float sheetWidth  = Report.PrintSettings.PrintOnSheetWidth;
                float sheetHeight = Report.PrintSettings.PrintOnSheetHeight;
                if (Page.Landscape && Page.PaperWidth > Page.PaperHeight)
                    sheetWidth  = Report.PrintSettings.PrintOnSheetHeight;
                    sheetHeight = Report.PrintSettings.PrintOnSheetWidth;

                switch (Report.PrintSettings.PagesOnSheet)
                case PagesOnSheet.One:
                    countX = 1;
                    countY = 1;
                    scale  = Math.Min(sheetWidth / Page.PaperWidth, sheetHeight / Page.PaperHeight);

                case PagesOnSheet.Two:
                    countX = 2;
                    countY = 1;
                    scale  = Math.Min(sheetHeight / Page.PaperWidth, sheetWidth / Page.PaperHeight);

                case PagesOnSheet.Four:
                    countX = 2;
                    countY = 2;
                    scale  = Math.Min(sheetWidth / Page.PaperWidth, sheetHeight / Page.PaperHeight) / 2;

                case PagesOnSheet.Eight:
                    countX = 4;
                    countY = 2;
                    scale  = Math.Min(sheetHeight / Page.PaperWidth, sheetWidth / Page.PaperHeight) / 2;

                float pieceX     = Page.PaperWidth * scale;
                float pieceY     = Page.PaperHeight * scale;
                float leftMargin = e.PageSettings.HardMarginX / 100f * 25.4f;
                float topMargin  = e.PageSettings.HardMarginY / 100f * 25.4f;

                float offsY = -topMargin;

                for (int y = 0; y < countY; y++)
                    float offsX = -leftMargin;

                    for (int x = 0; x < countX; x++)
                        Graphics      g     = e.Graphics;
                        GraphicsState state = g.Save();
                            g.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Pixel;
                            g.TranslateTransform(offsX * Units.Millimeters * g.DpiX / 96, offsY * Units.Millimeters * g.DpiY / 96);
                            g.ScaleTransform(scale, scale);
                            FRPaintEventArgs paintArgs = new FRPaintEventArgs(g, g.DpiX / 96, g.DpiY / 96, Report.GraphicCache);

                        offsX += pieceX;
                        Page = GetNextPage();
                        if (Page == null)

                    if (Page == null)
                    offsY += pieceY;

            e.HasMorePages = Page != null;
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Paint event data.</param>
        public void DrawText(FRPaintEventArgs e)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Text))
                Graphics   g        = e.Graphics;
                RectangleF textRect = new RectangleF(
                    (AbsLeft + Padding.Left) * e.ScaleX,
                    (AbsTop + Padding.Top) * e.ScaleY,
                    (Width - Padding.Horizontal) * e.ScaleX,
                    (Height - Padding.Vertical) * e.ScaleY);

                StringFormat format = GetStringFormat(e.Cache, 0);

                Font font = e.Cache.GetFont(Font.Name,
                                            IsPrinting ? Font.Size : Font.Size * e.ScaleX * 96f / DrawUtils.ScreenDpi,

                Brush textBrush = null;
                if (TextFill is SolidFill)
                    textBrush = e.Cache.GetBrush((TextFill as SolidFill).Color);
                    textBrush = TextFill.CreateBrush(textRect);

                Report report = Report;
                if (report != null && report.TextQuality != TextQuality.Default)
                    g.TextRenderingHint = GetTextQuality(report.TextQuality);

                if (textRect.Width > 0 && textRect.Height > 0)
                    if (LineHeight == 0 && HorzAlign != HorzAlign.Justify && !Wysiwyg && !HtmlTags)
                        // use simple rendering
                        if (Angle == 0 && FontWidthRatio == 1)
                            g.DrawString(Text, font, textBrush, textRect, format);
                            StandardTextRenderer.Draw(Text, g, font, textBrush, textRect, format, Angle, FontWidthRatio);
                        // use advanced rendering
                        AdvancedTextRenderer renderer = new AdvancedTextRenderer(Text, g, font, textBrush,
                                                                                 textRect, format, HorzAlign, VertAlign, LineHeight * e.ScaleY, Angle, FontWidthRatio,
                                                                                 ForceJustify, Wysiwyg, HtmlTags, false);

                if (!(TextFill is SolidFill))
                if (report != null && report.TextQuality != TextQuality.Default)
                    g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.SystemDefault;

        private void DrawHorz(FRPaintEventArgs e)
            IGraphics g   = e.Graphics;
            Pen       pen = e.Cache.GetPen(BorderColor, BorderWidth * e.ScaleX, DashStyle.Solid);

            PointF     center        = (Parent as RadialGauge).Center;
            float      circleWidth   = Parent.Width / 16f;
            float      circleHeight  = Parent.Height / 16f;
            RectangleF pointerCircle = new RectangleF(center.X - circleWidth / 2 * e.ScaleX, center.Y - circleHeight / 2 * e.ScaleY, circleWidth * e.ScaleX, circleHeight * e.ScaleY);

            //double rotateTo = (scale.AverageValue - Parent.Minimum);
            double startAngle = -135 * RadialGauge.Radians;
            double angle      = (Parent.Value - Parent.Minimum) / scale.StepValue * scale.MajorStep * RadialGauge.Radians;

            if ((Parent as RadialGauge).Type == RadialGaugeType.Semicircle)
                if ((Parent as RadialGauge).Position == RadialGaugePosition.Bottom || (Parent as RadialGauge).Position == RadialGaugePosition.Top)
                    startAngle = -90 * RadialGauge.Radians;
                    if ((Parent as RadialGauge).Position == RadialGaugePosition.Bottom)
                        angle *= -1;
                else if ((Parent as RadialGauge).Position == RadialGaugePosition.Left)
                    startAngle = -180 * RadialGauge.Radians;
                else if ((Parent as RadialGauge).Position == RadialGaugePosition.Right)
                    startAngle = -180 * RadialGauge.Radians;
                    angle     *= -1;
            else if (RadialUtils.IsQuadrant(Parent))
                if (RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsTop(Parent))
                    startAngle = -90 * RadialGauge.Radians;
                else if (RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsBottom(Parent))
                    startAngle = -180 * RadialGauge.Radians;
                else if (RadialUtils.IsRight(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsTop(Parent))
                    startAngle = 90 * RadialGauge.Radians;
                else if (RadialUtils.IsRight(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsBottom(Parent))
                    startAngle = 180 * RadialGauge.Radians;
                    angle     *= -1;
            //double startAngle = rotateTo / scale.StepValue * -scale.MajorStep * RadialGauge.Radians;

            float ptrLineY     = center.Y - pointerCircle.Width / 2 - pointerCircle.Width / 5;
            float ptrLineY1    = scale.AvrTick.Y + scale.MinorTicks.Length * 1.7f;
            float ptrLineWidth = circleWidth / 3 * e.ScaleX;

            PointF[] pointerPerpStrt = new PointF[2];
            pointerPerpStrt[0] = new PointF(center.X - ptrLineWidth, ptrLineY);
            pointerPerpStrt[1] = new PointF(center.X + ptrLineWidth, ptrLineY);

            PointF[] pointerPerpEnd = new PointF[2];
            pointerPerpEnd[0] = new PointF(center.X - ptrLineWidth / 3, ptrLineY1);
            pointerPerpEnd[1] = new PointF(center.X + ptrLineWidth / 3, ptrLineY1);

            pointerPerpStrt = RadialUtils.RotateVector(pointerPerpStrt, startAngle, center);
            pointerPerpEnd  = RadialUtils.RotateVector(pointerPerpEnd, startAngle, center);

            PointF[] rotatedPointerPerpStrt = RadialUtils.RotateVector(pointerPerpStrt, angle, center);
            PointF[] rotatedPointerPerpEnd  = RadialUtils.RotateVector(pointerPerpEnd, angle, center);

            //calc brush rect
            float x = 0, y = 0, dx = 0, dy = 0;

            if (angle / RadialGauge.Radians >= 0 && angle / RadialGauge.Radians < 45)
                x  = rotatedPointerPerpEnd[1].X;
                y  = rotatedPointerPerpEnd[0].Y - (rotatedPointerPerpEnd[0].Y - pointerCircle.Y);
                dx = pointerCircle.X + pointerCircle.Width - rotatedPointerPerpEnd[0].X;
                dy = rotatedPointerPerpEnd[0].Y - pointerCircle.Y;
            else if (angle / RadialGauge.Radians >= 45 && angle / RadialGauge.Radians < 90)
                x  = rotatedPointerPerpEnd[0].X;
                y  = rotatedPointerPerpEnd[1].Y;
                dx = pointerCircle.X + pointerCircle.Width - rotatedPointerPerpEnd[0].X;
                dy = pointerCircle.Y + pointerCircle.Height - rotatedPointerPerpEnd[0].Y;
            else if (angle / RadialGauge.Radians >= 90 && angle / RadialGauge.Radians < 135)
                x  = rotatedPointerPerpEnd[0].X;
                y  = rotatedPointerPerpEnd[1].Y;
                dx = pointerCircle.X + pointerCircle.Width - rotatedPointerPerpEnd[0].X;
                dy = pointerCircle.Y + pointerCircle.Height - rotatedPointerPerpEnd[1].Y;
            else if (angle / RadialGauge.Radians >= 135 && angle / RadialGauge.Radians < 225)
                x  = pointerCircle.X;
                y  = rotatedPointerPerpEnd[0].Y;
                dx = rotatedPointerPerpEnd[1].X - pointerCircle.X;
                dy = pointerCircle.Y + pointerCircle.Height - rotatedPointerPerpEnd[0].Y;
            else if (angle / RadialGauge.Radians >= 225)
                x  = pointerCircle.X;
                y  = pointerCircle.Y;
                dx = rotatedPointerPerpEnd[0].X - pointerCircle.X;
                dy = rotatedPointerPerpEnd[1].Y - pointerCircle.Y;
            RectangleF brushRect = new RectangleF(x, y, dx, dy);

            if (gradAutoRotate && Fill is LinearGradientFill)
                (Fill as LinearGradientFill).Angle = (int)(startAngle / RadialGauge.Radians + angle / RadialGauge.Radians) + 90;
            Brush brush          = Fill.CreateBrush(brushRect, e.ScaleX, e.ScaleY);

            PointF[] p = new PointF[]
            GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();

            path.AddLine(p[3], p[0]);

            g.FillEllipse(brush, pointerCircle);
            g.DrawEllipse(pen, pointerCircle);

            g.FillPath(brush, path);
            g.DrawPath(pen, path);
Example #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Does nothing
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void DrawDesign(FRPaintEventArgs e)
Example #16
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void Draw(FRPaintEventArgs e)
            Graphics g = e.Graphics;

            // draw marker when inserting a line
            if (Width == 0 && Height == 0)
                g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, AbsLeft * e.ScaleX - 6, AbsTop * e.ScaleY, AbsLeft * e.ScaleX + 6, AbsTop * e.ScaleY);
                g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, AbsLeft * e.ScaleX, AbsTop * e.ScaleY - 6, AbsLeft * e.ScaleX, AbsTop * e.ScaleY + 6);

            Report report = Report;

            if (report != null && report.SmoothGraphics)
                g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
                g.SmoothingMode     = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

            Pen pen;

            if (StartCap.Style == CapStyle.None && EndCap.Style == CapStyle.None)
                pen = e.Cache.GetPen(Border.Color, Border.Width * e.ScaleX, Border.DashStyle);
                pen           = new Pen(Border.Color, Border.Width * e.ScaleX);
                pen.DashStyle = Border.DashStyle;
                CustomLineCap startCap = StartCap.Cap;
                CustomLineCap endCap   = EndCap.Cap;
                if (startCap != null)
                    pen.CustomStartCap = startCap;
                if (endCap != null)
                    pen.CustomEndCap = endCap;

            float width  = Width;
            float height = Height;

            if (!Diagonal)
                if (Math.Abs(width) > Math.Abs(height))
                    height = 0;
                    width = 0;

            g.DrawLine(pen, AbsLeft * e.ScaleX, AbsTop * e.ScaleY, (AbsLeft + width) * e.ScaleX, (AbsTop + height) * e.ScaleY);

            if (StartCap.Style != CapStyle.None || EndCap.Style != CapStyle.None)
            if (report != null && report.SmoothGraphics && Diagonal)
                g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.Default;
                g.SmoothingMode     = SmoothingMode.Default;
Example #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Does nothing
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void DrawDesign_BordersRtl(FRPaintEventArgs e)
Example #18
        private void DrawCheck(FRPaintEventArgs e)
            RectangleF drawRect = new RectangleF(AbsLeft * e.ScaleX, AbsTop * e.ScaleY,
                                                 Width * e.ScaleX, Height * e.ScaleY);

            float ratio = Width / (Units.Millimeters * 5);

            drawRect.Inflate(-4 * ratio * e.ScaleX, -4 * ratio * e.ScaleY);
            Pen           pen           = e.Cache.GetPen(CheckColor, 1.6f * ratio * CheckWidthRatio * e.ScaleX, DashStyle.Solid);
            Graphics      g             = e.Graphics;
            SmoothingMode saveSmoothing = g.SmoothingMode;

            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

            if (Checked)
                switch (CheckedSymbol)
                case CheckedSymbol.Check:
                    g.DrawLines(pen, new PointF[] {
                        new PointF(drawRect.Left, drawRect.Top + drawRect.Height / 10 * 5),
                        new PointF(drawRect.Left + drawRect.Width / 10 * 4, drawRect.Bottom - drawRect.Height / 10),
                        new PointF(drawRect.Right, drawRect.Top + drawRect.Height / 10)

                case CheckedSymbol.Cross:
                    g.DrawLine(pen, drawRect.Left, drawRect.Top, drawRect.Right, drawRect.Bottom);
                    g.DrawLine(pen, drawRect.Left, drawRect.Bottom, drawRect.Right, drawRect.Top);

                case CheckedSymbol.Plus:
                    g.DrawLine(pen, drawRect.Left, drawRect.Top + drawRect.Height / 2, drawRect.Right, drawRect.Top + drawRect.Height / 2);
                    g.DrawLine(pen, drawRect.Left + drawRect.Width / 2, drawRect.Top, drawRect.Left + drawRect.Width / 2, drawRect.Bottom);

                case CheckedSymbol.Fill:
                    Brush brush = e.Cache.GetBrush(CheckColor);
                    g.FillRectangle(brush, drawRect);
                switch (UncheckedSymbol)
                case UncheckedSymbol.Cross:
                    g.DrawLine(pen, drawRect.Left, drawRect.Top, drawRect.Right, drawRect.Bottom);
                    g.DrawLine(pen, drawRect.Left, drawRect.Bottom, drawRect.Right, drawRect.Top);

                case UncheckedSymbol.Minus:
                    g.DrawLine(pen, drawRect.Left, drawRect.Top + drawRect.Height / 2, drawRect.Right, drawRect.Top + drawRect.Height / 2);

                case UncheckedSymbol.Slash:
                    g.DrawLine(pen, drawRect.Left, drawRect.Bottom, drawRect.Right, drawRect.Top);

                case UncheckedSymbol.BackSlash:
                    g.DrawLine(pen, drawRect.Left, drawRect.Top, drawRect.Right, drawRect.Bottom);

            g.SmoothingMode = saveSmoothing;
Example #19
 public abstract void DrawImage(FRPaintEventArgs e);
Example #20
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void Draw(FRPaintEventArgs e)
            if (IsDesigning)

            Graphics   g        = e.Graphics;
            RectangleF pageRect = new RectangleF(0, 0,
                                                 WidthInPixels - 1 / e.ScaleX, HeightInPixels - 1 / e.ScaleY);
            RectangleF printableRect = new RectangleF(
                LeftMargin * Units.Millimeters,
                TopMargin * Units.Millimeters,
                (PaperWidth - LeftMargin - RightMargin) * Units.Millimeters,
                (PaperHeight - TopMargin - BottomMargin) * Units.Millimeters);

            DrawBackground(e, pageRect);
            Border.Draw(e, printableRect);
            if (Watermark.Enabled)
                if (!Watermark.ShowImageOnTop)
                    Watermark.DrawImage(e, pageRect, Report, IsPrinting);
                if (!Watermark.ShowTextOnTop)
                    Watermark.DrawText(e, pageRect, Report, IsPrinting);

            float leftMargin = (int)Math.Round(LeftMargin * Units.Millimeters * e.ScaleX);
            float topMargin  = (int)Math.Round(TopMargin * Units.Millimeters * e.ScaleY);

            g.TranslateTransform(leftMargin, topMargin);

                foreach (Base c in AllObjects)
                    if (c is ReportComponentBase && c.HasFlag(Flags.CanDraw))
                        ReportComponentBase obj = c as ReportComponentBase;
                        if (!IsPrinting)
                            if (!obj.IsVisible(e))
                            if (!obj.Printable)
                            else if (obj.Parent is BandBase && !(obj.Parent as BandBase).Printable)
                g.TranslateTransform(-leftMargin, -topMargin);

            if (Watermark.Enabled)
                if (Watermark.ShowImageOnTop)
                    Watermark.DrawImage(e, pageRect, Report, IsPrinting);
                if (Watermark.ShowTextOnTop)
                    Watermark.DrawText(e, pageRect, Report, IsPrinting);
Example #21
        private void DrawMinorTicks(FRPaintEventArgs e)
            IGraphics g   = e.Graphics;
            Pen       pen = e.Cache.GetPen(MinorTicks.Color, MinorTicks.Width * e.ScaleX, DashStyle.Solid);

            MinorTicks.Length = width / 24;
            minorTicksOffset  = majorTicksOffset + MajorTicks.Length / 2 - MinorTicks.Length / 2;
            PointF center = new PointF(left + width / 2, top + height / 2);

            PointF[] tick0 = new PointF[2];
            //first tick
            tick0[0] = new PointF(left + width / 2, top + minorTicksOffset);
            tick0[1] = new PointF(tick0[0].X, tick0[0].Y + MinorTicks.Length);

            double angle = 0;

            if (RadialUtils.IsSemicircle(Parent) || RadialUtils.IsQuadrant(Parent))
                if (RadialUtils.IsBottom(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent))
                    angle = -180 * RadialGauge.Radians;
                else if (RadialUtils.IsTop(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent))
                    angle = 0;
                else if (RadialUtils.IsTop(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsRight(Parent))
                    angle = 0;
                else if (RadialUtils.IsBottom(Parent))
                    angle      = 180 * RadialGauge.Radians;
                    majorStep *= -1;
                else if (RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent))
                    angle = -90 * RadialGauge.Radians;
                else if (RadialUtils.IsRight(Parent))
                    angle      = 90 * RadialGauge.Radians;
                    majorStep *= -1;
            tick0 = RadialUtils.RotateVector(tick0, angle, center);

            //rest of ticks
            PointF[] tick = new PointF[2];
            angle = minorStep * RadialGauge.Radians;
            for (int i = 0; i < MajorTicks.Count / 2 * (MinorTicks.Count + 1); i++)
                if ((i + 1) % (MinorTicks.Count + 1) != 0)
                    if (drawRight)
                        tick = RadialUtils.RotateVector(tick0, angle, center);
                        g.DrawLine(pen, tick[0].X, tick[0].Y, tick[1].X, tick[1].Y);
                    if (drawLeft)
                        angle *= -1;
                        tick   = RadialUtils.RotateVector(tick0, angle, center);
                        g.DrawLine(pen, tick[0].X, tick[0].Y, tick[1].X, tick[1].Y);
                        angle *= -1;
                angle += minorStep * RadialGauge.Radians;
Example #22
        private void DrawCellsRtl(FRPaintEventArgs e, DrawCellProc proc)
            float top = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < Rows.Count; y++)
                float left   = 0;
                float height = Rows[y].Height;

                //bool thereIsColSpan = false;
                //for (int i = Columns.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                //    TableCell cell = this[i, y];
                //    if (cell.ColSpan > 1)
                //    {
                //        thereIsColSpan = true;
                //    }

                for (int x = Columns.Count - 1; x >= 0; x--)
                    TableCell cell = this[x, y];

                    bool thereIsColSpan = false;
                    if (cell.ColSpan > 1)
                        thereIsColSpan = true;

                    float width = Columns[x].Width;

                    //if (thereIsColSpan)
                    //    width *= cell.ColSpan - 1;
                    //    left -= width;

                    if (!IsInsideSpan(cell) && (!IsPrinting || cell.Printable))
                        cell.Left = left;
                        cell.Top  = top;
                        proc(e, cell);

                        if (thereIsColSpan)
                            width *= cell.ColSpan;

                        left += width;

                    //if (!thereIsColSpan)
                    //    left += width;
                    //    left -= width;

                top += height;
Example #23
        internal void Draw(FRPaintEventArgs e, float x, float y, float x1, float y1,
                           bool reverseGaps, bool gap1, bool gap2)
            Graphics g = e.Graphics;

            int penWidth = (int)Math.Round(Width * e.ScaleX);

            if (penWidth <= 0)
                penWidth = 1;
            using (Pen pen = new Pen(Color, penWidth))
                pen.DashStyle = DashStyle;
                pen.StartCap  = LineCap.Square;
                pen.EndCap    = LineCap.Square;
                if (pen.DashStyle != DashStyle.Solid)
                    float patternWidth = 0;
                    foreach (float w in pen.DashPattern)
                        patternWidth += w * pen.Width;
                    if (y == y1)
                        pen.DashOffset = (x - ((int)(x / patternWidth)) * patternWidth) / pen.Width;
                        pen.DashOffset = (y - ((int)(y / patternWidth)) * patternWidth) / pen.Width;

                if (Style != LineStyle.Double)
                    g.DrawLine(pen, x, y, x1, y1);
                    // we have to correctly draw inner and outer lines of a double line
                    float g1 = gap1 ? pen.Width : 0;
                    float g2 = gap2 ? pen.Width : 0;
                    float g3 = -g1;
                    float g4 = -g2;

                    if (reverseGaps)
                        g1 = -g1;
                        g2 = -g2;
                        g3 = -g3;
                        g4 = -g4;

                    if (x == x1)
                        g.DrawLine(pen, x - pen.Width, y + g1, x1 - pen.Width, y1 - g2);
                        g.DrawLine(pen, x + pen.Width, y + g3, x1 + pen.Width, y1 - g4);
                        g.DrawLine(pen, x + g1, y - pen.Width, x1 - g2, y1 - pen.Width);
                        g.DrawLine(pen, x + g3, y + pen.Width, x1 - g4, y1 + pen.Width);
 /// <summary>
 /// Does nothing
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e">Draw event arguments.</param>
 public void DrawMarkers(FRPaintEventArgs e)