Example #1
 void Start()
     component_CameraLook = transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <FPS_CameraLook>();
     component_Jump       = GetComponent <FPS_Jump>();
     component_Locomotion = GetComponent <FPS_Locomotion>();
     component_Crouch     = GetComponent <FPS_Crouch>();
Example #2
    void Awake()
        fps_camera = transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;                  //assign player's first child as a camera

        currentSpeed = walkSpeed;                                       //because the game has just started set current speed to the walk speed

        //start assigning Component Calls to
        RigidbodyModule = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        JumpModule      = GetComponent <FPS_Jump>();
        CrouchModule    = GetComponent <FPS_Crouch>();
        ClimbModule     = GetComponent <FPS_Climb>();
        CameraModule    = fps_camera.GetComponent <FPS_CameraLook>();

        //check whether or not scripts are missing. features are going to be disabled accordingly
        jumpEnabled   = (JumpModule != null);
        crouchEnabled = (CrouchModule != null);
        climbEnabled  = (ClimbModule != null);