Example #1
        public MapObject FindClosestBeltWithInput(MapObject mo, FOType ft)
            MapObject        mo1 = null;
            List <MapObject> lco = this.listMO.FindAll(x => x.MapType == MOType.Belt);

            lco.Remove(mo);             //remove the object at the middle of the map ////    retire l'object qui est au centre
            if (lco.Count > 0)
                lco = lco.OrderBy(x => x.DistTo(mo.vpos.X, mo.vpos.Y)).ToList();
                bool canexit = false;
                foreach (MapObject submo in lco)
                    //after the if, it check it has the desired input ////    après les if, vérifie s'il y a le input désiré
                    if (submo.MapType == MOType.Belt)                     //always true because of the second line of this function
                        if (submo.BeltOutput == ft)
                            mo1 = submo;
                    if (canexit)
Example #2
        //return the closest belt with desired output
        public MapObject FindClosestBeltWithInput(MapObject mo, FOType ft)
            MapObject        mo1 = null;
            List <MapObject> lco = this.listMO.FindAll(x => x.MapType == MOType.Belt); //sort for belts

            lco.Remove(mo);                                                            //remove the object at the middle of the map
            if (lco.Count > 0)
                //we sort by distance
                lco = lco.OrderBy(x => x.DistTo(mo.vpos.X, mo.vpos.Y)).ToList();
                //find the closest belt
                foreach (MapObject submo in lco)
                    //after the if, it check it has the desired input
                    if (submo.MapType == MOType.Belt)                     //always true because of the second line of this function
                        if (submo.BeltOutput == ft)                       //check the type
                            mo1 = submo;
Example #3
        // ////    retourne l'object le plus proche de lui avec un output compatible et le type de MapType spécifié
        // ////    ici, mo sert seulement à connaitre la coordonné
        //return the closest object with a compatible output and a specified MapType
        //the only purpose of giving mo to the function is to know the coordinate. don't be confused
        public MapObject GetCompatibleBeltCloseTo(MapObject mo, FOType OutType)
            MapObject        mo1 = null;
            List <MapObject> lco = this.listMO.FindAll(x => (x.MapType == MOType.Belt) && (x.BeltOutput == OutType));

            catch { }
            if (lco.Count > 0)
                lco = lco.OrderBy(x => x.DistTo(mo.vpos.X, mo.vpos.Y)).ToList();
                //go through the list. the closest objects are at the beginning of the list. it find the first of compatible maptype
                foreach (MapObject submo in lco)
                    //if (submo.MapType == MapType)
                    mo1 = submo;
        private void CreateNewButtonBoth(FOType ft)
            Bitmap img = Utilz.GetAssociatedIcon(ft);

            this.CreateNewButtonBelt(img, ft);
            this.CreateNewButtonMachine(img, ft);
        private void RefreshSize()
            this.TextBelt.Top      = 15;        // 15
            this.TextBelt.Left     = 5;         // 5
            this.TextBelt.AutoSize = true;

            this.TextAssembler.Top      = 55;        // 55
            this.TextAssembler.Left     = 5;         // 5
            this.TextAssembler.AutoSize = true;

            int  StartLeft  = 70;               // 70
            Size buttonsize = new Size(40, 40); // 40 40

            int actualleft = StartLeft;

            foreach (Button b in this.listButtonBelt)
                MOType mt = (MOType)(((object[])(b.Tag))[0]);
                FOType ft = (FOType)(((object[])(b.Tag))[1]);
                b.Left = actualleft;
                b.Top  = 1;
                b.Size = buttonsize;

                //back color ////    couleur d'arrière plan
                b.BackColor = Color.Gainsboro;
                bool isbelt = Utilz.IsBeltable(ft);
                if (!isbelt)
                    b.BackColor = Color.Crimson;

                //next iteration
                actualleft += b.Width + 1;

            actualleft = StartLeft;
            foreach (Button b in this.listButtonMachine)
                MOType mt = (MOType)(((object[])(b.Tag))[0]);
                FOType ft = (FOType)(((object[])(b.Tag))[1]);
                b.Left = actualleft;
                b.Top  = 1 + buttonsize.Height + 2;
                b.Size = buttonsize;

                //back color ////    couleur d'arrière plan
                b.BackColor = Color.Gainsboro;
                bool ismachine = Utilz.IsRecipe(ft);
                if (!ismachine)
                    b.BackColor = Color.Crimson;

                //next iteration
                actualleft += b.Width + 1;
Example #6
        //return the closest object with specified output and maptype.
        //for machine, it's assumed it must search in every outputs.
        //return null if nothing found
        public MapObject FindClosestMoWithOutput(MapObject mo, MOType MapType, FOType ft)
            MapObject        mo1 = null;
            List <MapObject> lco = this.listMO.FindAll(x => x.MapType == MapType); //we first extract MapObject of the desired type

            lco.Remove(mo);                                                        //remove the object in the middle of the map
            if (lco.Count > 0)
                //we sort items from their distance to mo
                lco = lco.OrderBy(x => x.DistTo(mo.vpos.X, mo.vpos.Y)).ToList();
                if (MapType == MOType.Belt)
                    //research the closest belt of the desired output. lco is sorted by distance. going through the list from the beginning is going through the closest to the farthest
                    foreach (MapObject submo in lco)
                        if (submo.MapType == MOType.Belt)                         //always true because of the second line of this function
                            if (submo.BeltOutput == ft)                           //check it has the desired output
                                mo1 = submo;
                if (MapType == MOType.Machine)
                    bool canexit = false;
                    //research the closest machine with a desired output. lco is sorted by distance
                    foreach (MapObject submo in lco)
                        if (submo.MapType == MOType.Machine)                         //always true because of the second line of this function
                            //search for an output of the desired type
                            foreach (FOType subout in submo.Outputs)
                                //check if this output is ok
                                if (subout == ft)
                                    mo1     = submo;
                                    canexit = true;
                        if (canexit)

        private void CreateNewButtonMachine(Bitmap img, FOType ft)
            Button newb = new Button();

            newb.Parent     = this.panele;
            newb.Image      = img;
            newb.ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
            //newb.Click += new EventHandler(this.AnyButton_Click);
            newb.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(this.AnyButton_MosueDown);
            newb.Tag        = new object[] { MOType.Machine, ft };
        private void AnyButton_MosueDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            Button btn = (Button)sender;

            MOType mt = (MOType)(((object[])(btn.Tag))[0]);
            FOType ft = (FOType)(((object[])(btn.Tag))[1]);

            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
                if (mt == MOType.Belt)
                    if (Utilz.IsBeltable(ft))                     //we set addmode only if the item can be a belt
                        MapObject newmo = new MapObject(mt, ft);
                if (mt == MOType.Machine)                 //we set addmode only if the item can be a machine
                    if (Utilz.IsRecipe(ft))
                        MapObject newmo = new MapObject(mt, ft);
            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                FOType[] arrayOutputs = Utilz.GetRecipeOutputs(ft);
                FOType[] arrayInputs  = Utilz.GetRecipeInputs(ft);

                oRightClick3 rc = new oRightClick3();
                //rc.Width = 200;
                //add every outputs and inputs for the user
                rc.AddChoice("Outputs :");
                foreach (FOType subft in arrayOutputs)
                    rc.AddChoice("-" + subft.ToString());
                rc.AddChoice("Inputs :");
                foreach (FOType subft in arrayInputs)
                    rc.AddChoice("-" + subft.ToString());
        //for a belt, StartOut is its content. for a machine, StartOut is the recipe
        public MapObject(MOType StartMapType = MOType.Belt, FOType StartOut = FOType.none)
            this.MapType = StartMapType;

            if (this.MapType == MOType.Belt)
                this.BeltOutput = StartOut;                 //define the output ////    set la sortie/contenue de la belt sur l'élément spécifié
            if (this.MapType == MOType.Machine)
Example #10
        // ////    retourne l'object le plus proche de lui avec un output spécifié et le type de MapType spécifié
        //return the closest object with specified output and maptype.
        //for machine, it's assumed it must search every outputs.
        public MapObject FindClosestMoWithOutput(MapObject mo, MOType MapType, FOType ft)
            MapObject        mo1 = null;
            List <MapObject> lco = this.listMO.FindAll(x => x.MapType == MapType);

            lco.Remove(mo);             //remove the object in the middle of the map ////    retire l'object qui est au centre
            if (lco.Count > 0)
                lco = lco.OrderBy(x => x.DistTo(mo.vpos.X, mo.vpos.Y)).ToList();
                if (MapType == MOType.Belt)
                    foreach (MapObject submo in lco)
                        if (submo.MapType == MOType.Belt)                         //always true
                            if (submo.BeltOutput == ft)                           //check it has the desired output
                                mo1 = submo;
                if (MapType == MOType.Machine)
                    bool canexit = false;
                    foreach (MapObject submo in lco)
                        if (submo.MapType == MOType.Machine)                         //always true
                            //check every outputs
                            foreach (FOType subout in submo.Outputs)
                                if (subout == ft)
                                    mo1     = submo;
                                    canexit = true;
                        if (canexit)

Example #11
        //public MapObject(MOType StartMapType, FOType[] StartOutputs)
        //	this.MapType = StartMapType;
        //	this.SetOutput(StartOutputs);
        //	if (this.MapType == MOType.Machine)
        //	{
        //		this.SetRecipe(StartOutputs[0]);
        //	}

        //define inputs and outputs according to the recipe ////    défini les input et output qui vont avec la recette spécifié
        public void SetRecipe(FOType Recipe)
            if (this.MapType == MOType.Belt)
            if (this.MapType == MOType.Machine)
                this.TheRecipe = Recipe;
                this.Outputs   = Utilz.GetRecipeOutputs(Recipe);
                this.Inputs    = Utilz.GetRecipeInputs(Recipe);
                this.IsFurnace = Utilz.IsRecipeMadeInFurnace(Recipe);
 //define inputs and outputs according to the recipe ////    défini les input et output qui vont avec la recette spécifié
 public void SetRecipe(FOType Recipe)
     if (this.MapType == MOType.Belt)             //SetRecipe is usually not called for belts
         this.BeltOutput = Recipe;
     if (this.MapType == MOType.Machine)
         //set the recipe and set everything
         this.TheRecipe = Recipe;
         this.Outputs   = Utilz.GetRecipeOutputs(Recipe);
         this.Inputs    = Utilz.GetRecipeInputs(Recipe);
         this.IsFurnace = Utilz.IsRecipeMadeInFurnace(Recipe);
        public bool IsAllInputPresent = false;         //used by RefreshImage. indicate if all inputs are present. it's reseted and recalculated every RefreshImage ////    utilisé par RefreshImage. indique si tout les input sont présent

        public MapObject GetCopy()
            //prepare the content to send to the constructor ////    obtient les contenue à envoyer au constructeur
            FOType copyrecipe = this.BeltOutput;

            if (this.MapType == MOType.Machine)
                copyrecipe = this.TheRecipe;

            MapObject copy = new MapObject(this.MapType, copyrecipe);

            copy.NeedCoal = this.NeedCoal;
Example #14
        //not used anywhere
        public MapObject FindClosestMoWithInput(MapObject mo, FOType ft)
            MapObject        mo1 = null;
            List <MapObject> lco = new List <MapObject>();

            lco.Remove(mo);             //retire l'object qui est au centre
            if (lco.Count > 0)
                lco = lco.OrderBy(x => x.DistTo(mo.vpos.X, mo.vpos.Y)).ToList();
                bool canexit = false;
                foreach (MapObject submo in lco)
                    //after the if, it check it has the desired input ////    après les if, vérifie s'il y a le input désiré
                    if (submo.MapType == MOType.Belt)
                        if (submo.BeltOutput == ft)
                            mo1 = submo;
                    if (submo.MapType == MOType.Machine)
                        //look through the inputs ////    recherche dans les input de la machine
                        foreach (FOType subft in submo.Inputs)
                            //check if they re the same type ////    check s'il sont de même type
                            if (subft == ft)
                                mo1     = submo;
                                canexit = true;
                    if (canexit)
Example #15
        //return the closest belt with a compatible output
        //the only purpose of giving mo to the function is to know the coordinate. don't be confused
        public MapObject GetCompatibleBeltCloseTo(MapObject mo, FOType OutType)
            MapObject        mo1 = null;
            List <MapObject> lco = this.listMO.FindAll(x => (x.MapType == MOType.Belt) && (x.BeltOutput == OutType));            //get belts of compatible output

            catch { }
            if (lco.Count > 0)
                //sort by distance
                lco = lco.OrderBy(x => x.DistTo(mo.vpos.X, mo.vpos.Y)).ToList();

                //get the closest
                mo1 = lco[0];
Example #16
 public FOParam(FOType type)
     Type = type;
Example #17
        public void KeyDown(Keys k)
            if (k == Keys.Back || k == Keys.Space)
                this.keyBackSpaceDown = true;
                //remove the element under the mouse ////    supprimme l'élément sous la souris
                PointF    mvpos = this.MouseVirtualPos;
                MapObject mo    = this.Map.GetObjThatTouch(mvpos.X, mvpos.Y);              //return null if there's nothing
                if (mo != null)
                    catch { }
            if (k == Keys.Q)
                //copy the element under the mouse ////    copie l'élément sous la souris
                if (!this.IsAddMode)
                    PointF    mvpos = this.MouseVirtualPos;
                    MapObject mo    = this.Map.GetObjThatTouch(mvpos.X, mvpos.Y);                  //return null if there's nothing
                    if (mo != null)
                            MapObject copy = mo.GetCopy();
                        catch { }
                else                 //if the user is already in addmode, we want q to cancel addmode ////    si l'utilisateur est déjà en addmode, q va le faire quitter le addmode
            if (k == Keys.W)
            {             //copy the element under the mouse but it makes a copy for the other MOType ////    copie l'élément sous la souris, mais si c'est une machine, il va donner une belt avec le output de la machine et inversement
                if (!this.IsAddMode)
                    PointF    mvpos = this.MouseVirtualPos;
                    MapObject mo    = this.Map.GetObjThatTouch(mvpos.X, mvpos.Y);                  //return null if there's nothing
                    if (mo != null)
                            if (mo.MapType == MOType.Machine)
                                FOType ft = mo.TheRecipe;
                                //if (mo.MapType == MOType.Machine)
                                //	ft = mo.TheRecipe;
                                MapObject copy = new MapObject(MOType.Belt, ft);
                            if (mo.MapType == MOType.Belt)
                                FOType    ft   = mo.BeltOutput;
                                MapObject copy = new MapObject(MOType.Machine, ft);
                        catch { }
            if (k == Keys.F)
            {                                                                 //toggle NeedCoal
                PointF    mvpos = this.MouseVirtualPos;
                MapObject mo    = this.Map.GetObjThatTouch(mvpos.X, mvpos.Y); //return null if there's nothing
                if (mo != null)
                        mo.NeedCoal = !mo.NeedCoal;
                    catch { }

            //alternative zoom control
            if (k == Keys.D1 || k == Keys.NumPad1)
                this.VirtualWidth *= 1.5f;
            if (k == Keys.D2 || k == Keys.NumPad2)
                this.VirtualWidth /= 1.5f;
Example #18
 public void SetOutput(FOType newout)
     this.Outputs = new FOType[] { newout };