Example #1
        private Brush backgroundBrush2, buttonBrush, highlightButtonBrush;  // for Skins support

        public PageCustomTab1()

            ttbVersion.Text = "PPNC_Router_Addin v0.50";

            // Register for translation all TextBlocks whose names begin with "ttb" and all "btn" Buttons.
            g.theTranslator.RegisterAllUIElements <TextBlock>(this, "ttb");
            g.theTranslator.RegisterAllUIElements <Button>(this, "btn");

            // Controls and strings may also be registered individually.  (See MCF Dev Guide.)
            g.theTranslator.RegisterText("You clicked the ENABLE button!");
            g.theTranslator.RegisterText("You clicked the DISABLE button!");

            backgroundBrush2     = (Brush)FindResource("BackgroundBrush2"); // for Skins support
            buttonBrush          = (Brush)FindResource("ButtonBrush");
            highlightButtonBrush = (Brush)FindResource("HighlightButtonBrush");

            // Obtain references to objects, devices and members, and attach Changed handlers.  (See MCF Dev Guide.)
            // Note: Members cannot be created here!  Members must be created in FObject constructors where they will be
            // added to the Machine View hierarchy.  All members must exist before the WPF Pages are created.

            AxesDisplay = FMember.GetRef("Axes.Display");
            AxesDisplay.ChangedAsString += AxesDisplay_ChangedAsString;
            //FMember.AddHandler("Axes.Display", AxesDisplay_ChangedAsString);  // equivalent if you don't need the member reference

            Tool          = FDeviceInteger.GetRef("Tool.Tool", this);
            Tool.Changed += Tool_Changed;
            FDeviceInteger.AddHandler("Tool.Tool", Tool_Changed);

            Tool_Number_In_Spindle          = FDeviceInteger.GetRef("CustomObject.Tool_Number_In_Spindle", this);
            Tool_Number_In_Spindle.Changed += Tool_Number_In_Spindle_Changed;
            FDeviceInteger.AddHandler("CustomObject.Tool_Number_In_Spindle", Tool_Number_In_Spindle_Changed);

            tbToolCurrent.Text  = String.Format("Current Tool in Spindle:  {0}", Tool.Value);
            tbToolNext.Text     = String.Format("Next Tool (Active Tcode): {0}", Tool_Number_In_Spindle.Value);
            tbEditTool.KeyDown += tbEditTool_KeyDown;
        public CustomObject(FObject Owner)
            : base(Owner, "CustomObject")
            //DisplayName = "Custom Object";
            DisplayName = "CNC Router";

            Description = "Use this Custom Object as a starting point for your development.";
            Image       = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/PPNC_Router_Addin;component/Images/stingray.png", UriKind.Relative)); // 24x24 PNG

            // Obtain references to the main application's objects, devices and members, and attach Changed handlers.
            // (See MCF Dev Guide.)
            theController = FDevice.GetRef("Controller");
            AxesDisplay   = FMember.GetRef("Axes.Display");
            AxesDisplay.ChangedAsString += AxesDisplay_ChangedAsString;

            // Device members created here will appear in Machine View in the main application.  (See MCF Dev Guide.)
            // FDeviceBoolean, FDeviceInteger, FDeviceFloat, FDeviceDouble, FDeviceString, FDeviceList<T>, FDeviceFile.
            // The PMAC variables and update rates are specified in this project's "DeviceMembers.xml" file.

            var ToolNumberInSpindle = new FDeviceInteger(this, theController, "Tool Number In Spindle", "P821", 500, EMemberCategory.Setting)
                Description = "Tool Number NOW in Spindle."

            var PowerPendantEnabled = new FDeviceBoolean(this, theController, "PowerPendantEnabled", "P820", 500, EMemberCategory.Setting)
                Description = "This boolean highlights one of the two buttons on \"Custom Page\"."

            var XaxisParkPosition = new FDeviceDouble(this, theController, "XAxisParkPositionInch", "P822", 500, EMemberCategory.Setting)
                Description = "X Axis Park Position in Absolute Machine Inches."
            var YaxisParkPosition = new FDeviceDouble(this, theController, "YAxisParkPositionInch", "P823", 500, EMemberCategory.Setting)
                Description = "Y Axis Park Position in Absolute Machine Inches."
            var ZaxisParkPosition = new FDeviceDouble(this, theController, "ZAxisParkPositionInch", "P824", 500, EMemberCategory.Setting)
                Description = "Z Axis Park Position in Absolute Machine Inches."
            var XaxisParkSpeed = new FDeviceDouble(this, theController, "XAxisParkSpeedIpm", "P825", 500, EMemberCategory.Setting)
                Description = "X Axis Park Speed (In/Min)"
            var YaxisParkSpeed = new FDeviceDouble(this, theController, "YAxisParkSpeedIpm", "P826", 500, EMemberCategory.Setting)
                Description = "Y Axis Park Speed (In/Min)"
            var ZaxisParkSpeed = new FDeviceDouble(this, theController, "ZAxisParkSpeedIpm", "P827", 500, EMemberCategory.Setting)
                Description = "Z Axis Park Speed (In/Min)"
            var XAwayPos = new FDeviceDouble(this, theController, "XAwayPosInch", "P828", 500, EMemberCategory.Setting)
                Description = "X Axis Away from Park Inches (Pins Go Down)"
            var SheetZeroOffset = new FDeviceDouble(this, theController, "SheetZeroOffsetInch", "P829", 500, EMemberCategory.Setting)
                Description = "X Distance to Start of Sheet (Inches)"
            var SheetLength = new FDeviceDouble(this, theController, "SheetLengthInch", "P830", 500, EMemberCategory.Setting)
                Description = "Sheet Length Default (Inches)"

            var Roller1MinPos = new FDeviceDouble(this, theController, "Roller1MinPosInch", "P831", 500, EMemberCategory.Setting)
                Description = "Roller 1 Min Position Inches"
            var Roller1MaxPos = new FDeviceDouble(this, theController, "Roller1MaxPos", "P832", 500, EMemberCategory.Setting)
                Description = "Roller 1 Max Position Inches"
            var Roller2MinPos = new FDeviceDouble(this, theController, "Roller2MinPos", "P833", 500, EMemberCategory.Setting)
                Description = "Roller 2 Min Position Inches"
            var Roller2MaxPos = new FDeviceDouble(this, theController, "Roller2MaxPos", "P834", 500, EMemberCategory.Setting)
                Description = "Roller 2 Max Position Inches"
            var Roller3MinPos = new FDeviceDouble(this, theController, "Roller3MinPos", "P835", 500, EMemberCategory.Setting)
                Description = "Roller 3 Min Position Inches"
            var Roller3MaxPos = new FDeviceDouble(this, theController, "Roller3MaxPos", "P836", 500, EMemberCategory.Setting)
                Description = "Roller 3 Max Position Inches"
            var Roller4MinPos = new FDeviceDouble(this, theController, "Roller4MinPos", "P837", 500, EMemberCategory.Setting)
                Description = "Roller 4 Min Position Inches"
            var Roller4MaxPos = new FDeviceDouble(this, theController, "Roller4MaxPos", "P838", 500, EMemberCategory.Setting)
                Description = "Roller 4 Max Position Inches"