public NotificationViewCellDroid(Context context, XFNotificationViewCell cell, FListView fListView, AListView listView) : base(context)
            XFNotificationCell = cell;
            FListView          = fListView;
            AListView          = listView;

            var view = (context as Activity).LayoutInflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.NotificationItem, null);

            //Get views to each control ItemTemplate
            TxtName          = view.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.txtName);
            TxtAge           = view.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.txtAge);
            ImgUser          = view.FindViewById <ImageView>(Resource.Id.imgUser);
            ImgBack          = view.FindViewById <ImageView>(Resource.Id.imgBack);
            FlyImages        = view.FindViewById <FrameLayout>(Resource.Id.flyImages);
            FlyImages.Click += FlyImages_Click;

            float scale = (context as Activity).Resources.DisplayMetrics.Density;

            FlyImages.SetCameraDistance(8000 * scale);

        public void UpdateCell(XFNotificationViewCell cell)
            Person person = cell.Person;

            TxtName.Text = person.Name;
            TxtAge.Text  = person.Age.ToString();

            // Dispose of the old image
            if (ImgUser.Drawable != null)
                using (var image = ImgUser.Drawable as BitmapDrawable)
                    if (image != null)
                        if (image.Bitmap != null)

            if (FListView.IsSelectedItem(Position))
                ImgUser.Alpha = 0;
                ImgBack.Alpha = 1;
                //FlyImages_Click(FlyImages, EventArgs.Empty);
                ImgUser.Alpha = 1;
                ImgBack.Alpha = 0;
                //FlyImages_Click(FlyImages, EventArgs.Empty);
