Example #1
    private void LoadAndParseConfigFile()
        TextAsset asset = (TextAsset) Resources.Load(_configPath, typeof(TextAsset));

        if(asset == null)
            throw new FutileException("Couldn't find font config file " + _configPath);

        string[] separators = new string[1];

        separators[0] = "\n"; //osx
        string[] lines = asset.text.Split(separators,StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

        if(lines.Length <= 1) //osx line endings didn't work, try windows
            separators[0] = "\r\n";
            lines = asset.text.Split(separators,StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

        if(lines.Length <= 1) //those line endings didn't work, so we're on a magical OS
            separators[0] = "\r";
            lines = asset.text.Split(separators,StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

        if(lines.Length <= 1) //WHAT
            throw new FutileException("Your font file is messed up");

        int wordCount = 0;
        int c = 0;
        int k = 0;

        _charInfosByID = new Dictionary<uint, FCharInfo>(127);

        //insert an empty char to be used when a character isn't in the font data file
        FCharInfo emptyChar = new FCharInfo();
        _charInfosByID[0] = emptyChar;

        float resourceScale = Futile.resourceScale;

        Vector2 textureSize = _element.atlas.textureSize;

        bool wasKerningFound = false;

        int lineCount = lines.Length;

        for(int n = 0; n<lineCount; ++n)
            string line = lines[n];

            string [] words = line.Split(new char[] {' '}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            /* we don't care about these, or else they could be in the elseif
            if(words[0] == "info") //info face="Franchise Bold" size=160 bold=0 italic=0 charset="" unicode=0 stretchH=100 smooth=1 aa=1 padding=0,0,0,0 spacing=1,1
                //do nothing
            else if(words[0] == "page") //page id=0 file="FranchiseLarge.png"
                //do nothing

            if(words[0] == "common") //common lineHeight=168 base=26 scaleW=1024 scaleH=1024 pages=1 packed=0
                //these are the height and width of the original atlas built by Hiero
                _configWidth = int.Parse(words[3].Split('=')[1]);
                //_configHeight = int.Parse(words[4].Split('=')[1]);

                //this is the ratio of the config vs the size of the actual texture element
                _configRatio = _element.sourceSize.x/_configWidth;

                _lineHeight = int.Parse(words[1].Split('=')[1]) * _configRatio;
                //_lineBase = int.Parse(words[2].Split('=')[1]) * _configRatio;
            else if(words[0] == "chars") //chars count=92
                int charCount = int.Parse(words[1].Split('=')[1]);
                _charInfos = new FCharInfo[charCount+1]; //gotta add 1 because the charCount seems to be off by 1
            else if(words[0] == "char") //char id=32   x=0     y=0     width=0     height=0     xoffset=0     yoffset=120    xadvance=29     page=0  chnl=0 letter=a
                FCharInfo charInfo = new FCharInfo();

                wordCount = words.Length;

                for(int w = 1; w<wordCount; ++w)
                    string[] parts = words[w].Split('=');
                    string partName = parts[0];

                    if(partName == "letter")
                        if(parts[1].Length >= 3)
                            charInfo.letter = parts[1].Substring(1,1);
                        continue; //we don't care about the letter

                    if(partName == "\r") continue; //something weird happened with linebreaks, meh!

                    int partValue = int.Parse(parts[1]);

                    if(partName == "id")
                        charInfo.charID = partValue;
                    else if(partName == "x")
                        charInfo.x = partValue*_configRatio - _element.sourceRect.x; //offset to account for the trimmed atlas
                    else if(partName == "y")
                        charInfo.y = partValue*_configRatio - _element.sourceRect.y; //offset to account for the trimmed atlas
                    else if(partName == "width")
                        charInfo.width = partValue*_configRatio;
                    else if(partName == "height")
                        charInfo.height = partValue*_configRatio;
                    else if(partName == "xoffset")
                        charInfo.offsetX = partValue*_configRatio;
                    else if(partName == "yoffset")
                        charInfo.offsetY = partValue*_configRatio;
                    else if(partName == "xadvance")
                        charInfo.xadvance = partValue*_configRatio;
                    else if(partName == "page")
                        charInfo.page = partValue;

                Rect uvRect = new Rect
                    _element.uvRect.x + charInfo.x/textureSize.x*resourceScale,
                    (textureSize.y-charInfo.y-charInfo.height)/textureSize.y*resourceScale - (1.0f - _element.uvRect.yMax),

                charInfo.uvRect = uvRect;


                _charInfosByID[(uint)charInfo.charID] = charInfo;
                _charInfos[c] = charInfo;

            else if(words[0] == "kernings") //kernings count=169
                wasKerningFound = true;
                int kerningCount = int.Parse(words[1].Split('=')[1]);
                _kerningInfos = new FKerningInfo[kerningCount+100]; //kerning count can be wrong so just add 100 items of potential fudge factor
            else if(words[0] == "kerning") //kerning first=56  second=57  amount=-1
                FKerningInfo kerningInfo = new FKerningInfo();

                kerningInfo.first = -1;

                wordCount = words.Length;

                for(int w = 1; w<wordCount; w++)
                    string[] parts = words[w].Split('=');
                    if(parts.Length >= 2)
                        string partName = parts[0];
                        int partValue = int.Parse(parts[1]);

                        if(partName == "first")
                            kerningInfo.first = partValue;
                        else if(partName == "second")
                            kerningInfo.second = partValue;
                        else if(partName == "amount")
                            kerningInfo.amount = partValue * _configRatio;

                if(kerningInfo.first != -1)
                    _kerningInfos[k] = kerningInfo;



        _kerningCount = k;

        if(!wasKerningFound) //if there are no kernings at all (like in a pixel font), then make an empty kerning array
            _kerningInfos = new FKerningInfo[0];

        //make sure the space character doesn't have offsetY and offsetX
        if(_charInfosByID[32] != null)
            _charInfosByID[32].offsetX = 0;
            _charInfosByID[32].offsetY = 0;
Example #2
    public FLetterQuadLine[] GetQuadInfoForText(string text, FTextParams labelTextParams)
        int lineCount   = 0;
        int letterCount = 0;

        char[] letters = text.ToCharArray();

        //at some point these should probably be pooled and reused so we're not allocing new ones all the time
        //now they're structs though, so it might not be an issue
        FLetterQuadLine[] lines = new FLetterQuadLine[15];

        int lettersLength = letters.Length;

        for (int c = 0; c < lettersLength; ++c)
            char letter = letters[c];

            if (letter == ASCII_NEWLINE)
                lines[lineCount]             = new FLetterQuadLine();
                lines[lineCount].letterCount = letterCount;
                lines[lineCount].quads       = new FLetterQuad[letterCount];

                letterCount = 0;

        lines[lineCount]             = new FLetterQuadLine();
        lines[lineCount].letterCount = letterCount;
        lines[lineCount].quads       = new FLetterQuad[letterCount];

        FLetterQuadLine[] oldLines = lines;
        lines = new FLetterQuadLine[lineCount + 1];

        for (int c = 0; c < lineCount + 1; ++c)
            lines[c] = oldLines[c];

        lineCount   = 0;
        letterCount = 0;

        float nextX = 0;
        float nextY = 0;

        FCharInfo charInfo;

        char previousLetter = '\0';

        float minX = float.MaxValue;
        float maxX = float.MinValue;
        float minY = float.MaxValue;
        float maxY = float.MinValue;

        float usableLineHeight = _lineHeight + labelTextParams.scaledLineHeightOffset + _textParams.scaledLineHeightOffset;

        for (int c = 0; c < lettersLength; ++c)
            char letter = letters[c];

            if (letter == ASCII_NEWLINE)
                if (letterCount == 0)
                    lines[lineCount].bounds = new Rect(0, 0, nextY, nextY - usableLineHeight);
                    lines[lineCount].bounds = new Rect(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);

                minX = float.MaxValue;
                maxX = float.MinValue;
                minY = float.MaxValue;
                maxY = float.MinValue;

                nextX  = 0;
                nextY -= usableLineHeight;

                letterCount = 0;
                FKerningInfo foundKerning = _nullKerning;

                for (int k = 0; k < _kerningCount; k++)
                    FKerningInfo kerningInfo = _kerningInfos[k];
                    if (kerningInfo.first == previousLetter && kerningInfo.second == letter)
                        foundKerning = kerningInfo;

                //TODO: Reuse letterquads with pooling!
                FLetterQuad letterQuad = new FLetterQuad();

                if (_charInfosByID.ContainsKey(letter))
                    charInfo = _charInfosByID[letter];
                else                 //we don't have that character in the font
                    //blank,  character (could consider using the "char not found square")
                    charInfo = _charInfosByID[0];

                float totalKern = foundKerning.amount + labelTextParams.scaledKerningOffset + _textParams.scaledKerningOffset;

                if (letterCount == 0)
                    nextX = -charInfo.offsetX;                     //don't offset the first character
                    nextX += totalKern;

                letterQuad.charInfo = charInfo;

                Rect quadRect = new Rect(nextX + charInfo.offsetX, nextY - charInfo.offsetY - charInfo.height, charInfo.width, charInfo.height);

                letterQuad.rect = quadRect;

                lines[lineCount].quads[letterCount] = letterQuad;

                minX = Math.Min(minX, quadRect.xMin);
                maxX = Math.Max(maxX, quadRect.xMax);
                minY = Math.Min(minY, nextY - usableLineHeight);
                maxY = Math.Max(maxY, nextY);

                nextX += charInfo.xadvance;


            previousLetter = letter;

        if (letterCount == 0)        //there were no letters, so minX and minY would be crazy if we used them
            lines[lineCount].bounds = new Rect(0, 0, nextY, nextY - usableLineHeight);
            lines[lineCount].bounds = new Rect(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);

Example #3
    public FLetterQuadLine[] GetQuadInfoForText(string text, FTextParams textParams)
        int lineCount   = 0;
        int letterCount = 0;

        char[] letters = text.ToCharArray();

        FLetterQuadLine[] lines = new FLetterQuadLine[10];

        for (int c = 0; c < letters.Length; ++c)
            char letter = letters[c];

            if (letter == ASCII_NEWLINE)
                lines[lineCount]             = new FLetterQuadLine();
                lines[lineCount].letterCount = letterCount;
                lines[lineCount].quads       = new FLetterQuad[letterCount];

                letterCount = 0;

        lines[lineCount]             = new FLetterQuadLine();
        lines[lineCount].letterCount = letterCount;
        lines[lineCount].quads       = new FLetterQuad[letterCount];

        FLetterQuadLine[] oldLines = lines;
        lines = new FLetterQuadLine[lineCount + 1];

        for (int c = 0; c < lineCount + 1; ++c)
            lines[c] = oldLines[c];

        lineCount   = 0;
        letterCount = 0;

        float nextX = 0;
        float nextY = 0;

        FCharInfo charInfo;

        char previousLetter = '\0';

        float minX = 100000;
        float maxX = -100000;
        float minY = 100000;
        float maxY = -100000;

        for (int c = 0; c < letters.Length; ++c)
            char letter = letters[c];

            if (letter == ASCII_NEWLINE)
                lines[lineCount].bounds = new Rect(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);

                minX = 100000;
                maxX = -100000;
                minY = 100000;
                maxY = -100000;

                nextX  = 0;
                nextY -= _lineHeight + textParams.scaledLineHeightOffset + _fontTextParams.scaledLineHeightOffset;

                letterCount = 0;
                FKerningInfo foundKerning = _nullKerning;

                foreach (FKerningInfo kerningInfo in _kerningInfos)
                    if (kerningInfo.first == previousLetter && kerningInfo.second == letter)
                        foundKerning = kerningInfo;

                //TODO: Reuse letterquads with pooling!
                FLetterQuad letterQuad = new FLetterQuad();

                charInfo = _charInfosByID[letter];

                float totalKern = foundKerning.amount + textParams.scaledKerningOffset + _fontTextParams.scaledKerningOffset;

                nextX += totalKern;

                letterQuad.charInfo = charInfo;
                Rect quadRect = new Rect(nextX + charInfo.offsetX, nextY - charInfo.offsetY - charInfo.height, charInfo.width, charInfo.height);

                letterQuad.rect = quadRect;

                lines[lineCount].quads[letterCount] = letterQuad;

                minX = Math.Min(minX, quadRect.xMin);
                maxX = Math.Max(maxX, quadRect.xMax);
                minY = Math.Min(minY, quadRect.yMin);
                maxY = Math.Max(maxY, quadRect.yMax);

                nextX += charInfo.xadvance;


            previousLetter = letter;

        lines[lineCount].bounds = new Rect(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);

Example #4
    private void LoadAndParseConfigFile()
        TextAsset asset = (TextAsset)Resources.Load(_configPath, typeof(TextAsset));

        if (asset == null)
            throw new FutileException("Couldn't find font config file " + _configPath);

        string[] separators = new string[1];

        separators[0] = "\n";         //osx
        string[] lines = asset.text.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

        if (lines.Length <= 1)        //osx line endings didn't work, try windows
            separators[0] = "\r\n";
            lines         = asset.text.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

        if (lines.Length <= 1)        //those line endings didn't work, so we're on a magical OS
            separators[0] = "\r";
            lines         = asset.text.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

        if (lines.Length <= 1)        //WHAT
            throw new FutileException("Your font file is messed up");

        int wordCount = 0;
        int c         = 0;
        int k         = 0;

        _charInfosByID = new Dictionary <uint, FCharInfo>(127);

        //insert an empty char to be used when a character isn't in the font data file
        FCharInfo emptyChar = new FCharInfo();

        _charInfosByID[0] = emptyChar;

        float resourceScaleInverse = Futile.resourceScaleInverse;

        Vector2 textureSize = _element.atlas.textureSize;

        Debug.Log("texture width " + textureSize.x);

        bool wasKerningFound = false;

        int lineCount = lines.Length;

        for (int n = 0; n < lineCount; ++n)
            string line = lines[n];

            string [] words = line.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            /* we don't care about these, or else they could be in the elseif
             * if(words[0] == "info") //info face="Franchise Bold" size=160 bold=0 italic=0 charset="" unicode=0 stretchH=100 smooth=1 aa=1 padding=0,0,0,0 spacing=1,1
             * {
             *      //do nothing
             * }
             * else if(words[0] == "page") //page id=0 file="FranchiseLarge"
             * {
             *      //do nothing
             * }

            if (words[0] == "common")            //common lineHeight=168 base=26 scaleW=1024 scaleH=1024 pages=1 packed=0
                //these are the height and width of the original atlas built by Hiero
                _configWidth = int.Parse(words[3].Split('=')[1]);
                //_configHeight = int.Parse(words[4].Split('=')[1]);

                //this is the ratio of the config vs the size of the actual texture element
                _configRatio = _element.sourcePixelSize.x / (float)_configWidth;

                _lineHeight = ((float)int.Parse(words[1].Split('=')[1])) * _configRatio * resourceScaleInverse;
                //_lineBase = int.Parse(words[2].Split('=')[1]) * _configRatio;
            else if (words[0] == "chars")            //chars count=92
                int charCount = int.Parse(words[1].Split('=')[1]);
                _charInfos = new FCharInfo[charCount + 1]; //gotta add 1 because the charCount seems to be off by 1
            else if (words[0] == "char")                   //char id=32   x=0     y=0     width=0     height=0     xoffset=0     yoffset=120    xadvance=29     page=0  chnl=0 letter=a
                FCharInfo charInfo = new FCharInfo();

                wordCount = words.Length;

                for (int w = 1; w < wordCount; ++w)
                    string[] parts    = words[w].Split('=');
                    string   partName = parts[0];

                    if (partName == "letter")
                        if (parts[1].Length >= 3)
                            charInfo.letter = parts[1].Substring(1, 1);
                        continue;                         //we don't care about the letter

                    if (partName == "\r")
                        continue;                                      //something weird happened with linebreaks, meh!
                    int   partIntValue   = int.Parse(parts[1]);
                    float partFloatValue = (float)partIntValue;

                    if (partName == "id")
                        charInfo.charID = partIntValue;
                    else if (partName == "x")
                        charInfo.x = partFloatValue * _configRatio - _element.sourceRect.x * Futile.resourceScale;                       //offset to account for the trimmed atlas
                    else if (partName == "y")
                        charInfo.y = partFloatValue * _configRatio - _element.sourceRect.y * Futile.resourceScale;                       //offset to account for the trimmed atlas
                    else if (partName == "width")
                        charInfo.width = partFloatValue * _configRatio;
                    else if (partName == "height")
                        charInfo.height = partFloatValue * _configRatio;
                    else if (partName == "xoffset")
                        charInfo.offsetX = partFloatValue * _configRatio;
                    else if (partName == "yoffset")
                        charInfo.offsetY = partFloatValue * _configRatio;
                    else if (partName == "xadvance")
                        charInfo.xadvance = partFloatValue * _configRatio;
                    else if (partName == "page")
                        charInfo.page = partIntValue;

                Rect uvRect = new Rect
                    _element.uvRect.x + charInfo.x / textureSize.x,
                    (textureSize.y - charInfo.y - charInfo.height) / textureSize.y - (1.0f - _element.uvRect.yMax),
                    charInfo.width / textureSize.x,
                    charInfo.height / textureSize.y

                charInfo.uvRect = uvRect;

                charInfo.uvTopLeft.Set(uvRect.xMin, uvRect.yMax);
                charInfo.uvTopRight.Set(uvRect.xMax, uvRect.yMax);
                charInfo.uvBottomRight.Set(uvRect.xMax, uvRect.yMin);
                charInfo.uvBottomLeft.Set(uvRect.xMin, uvRect.yMin);

                //scale them AFTER they've been used for uvs
                charInfo.width    *= resourceScaleInverse;
                charInfo.height   *= resourceScaleInverse;
                charInfo.offsetX  *= resourceScaleInverse;
                charInfo.offsetY  *= resourceScaleInverse;
                charInfo.xadvance *= resourceScaleInverse;

                _charInfosByID[(uint)charInfo.charID] = charInfo;
                _charInfos[c] = charInfo;

            else if (words[0] == "kernings")            //kernings count=169
                wasKerningFound = true;
                int kerningCount = int.Parse(words[1].Split('=')[1]);
                _kerningInfos = new FKerningInfo[kerningCount + 100]; //kerning count can be wrong so just add 100 items of potential fudge factor
            else if (words[0] == "kerning")                           //kerning first=56  second=57  amount=-1
                FKerningInfo kerningInfo = new FKerningInfo();

                kerningInfo.first = -1;

                wordCount = words.Length;

                for (int w = 1; w < wordCount; w++)
                    string[] parts = words[w].Split('=');
                    if (parts.Length >= 2)
                        string partName  = parts[0];
                        int    partValue = int.Parse(parts[1]);

                        if (partName == "first")
                            kerningInfo.first = partValue;
                        else if (partName == "second")
                            kerningInfo.second = partValue;
                        else if (partName == "amount")
                            kerningInfo.amount = ((float)partValue) * _configRatio * resourceScaleInverse;

                if (kerningInfo.first != -1)
                    _kerningInfos[k] = kerningInfo;


        _kerningCount = k;

        if (!wasKerningFound)        //if there are no kernings at all (like in a pixel font), then make an empty kerning array
            _kerningInfos = new FKerningInfo[0];

        //make sure the space character doesn't have offsetY and offsetX
        if (_charInfosByID.ContainsKey(ASCII_SPACE))
            _charInfosByID[ASCII_SPACE].offsetX = 0;
            _charInfosByID[ASCII_SPACE].offsetY = 0;
Example #5
    private void LoadAndParseConfigFile()
        TextAsset asset = (TextAsset)Resources.Load(_configPath, typeof(TextAsset));

        if (asset == null)
            throw new Exception("Couldn't find font config file " + _configPath);

        string[] separators = new string[1];

        separators[0] = "\n";         //osx
        string[] lines = asset.text.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

        if (lines.Length <= 1)        //osx line endings didn't work, try windows
            separators[0] = "\r\n";
            lines         = asset.text.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

        if (lines.Length <= 1)        //those line endings didn't work, so we're on a magical OS
            separators[0] = "\r";
            lines         = asset.text.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

        if (lines.Length <= 1)        //WHAT
            throw new Exception("Your font file is messed up");

        int wordCount = 0;
        int c         = 0;
        int k         = 0;

        _charInfosByID = new FCharInfo[127];

        float resourceScale = Futile.resourceScale;

        Vector2 textureSize = _element.atlas.textureSize;

        bool wasKerningFound = false;

        int lint = -1;

        foreach (string line in lines)
            string [] words = line.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            /* we don't care about these, or else they could be in the elseif
             * if(words[0] == "info") //info face="Franchise Bold" size=160 bold=0 italic=0 charset="" unicode=0 stretchH=100 smooth=1 aa=1 padding=0,0,0,0 spacing=1,1
             * {
             *      //do nothing
             * }
             * else if(words[0] == "page") //page id=0 file="FranchiseLarge.png"
             * {
             *      //do nothing
             * }

            if (words[0] == "common")            //common lineHeight=168 base=26 scaleW=1024 scaleH=1024 pages=1 packed=0
                //these are the height and width of the original atlas built by Hiero
                _configWidth = int.Parse(words[3].Split('=')[1]);
                //_configHeight = int.Parse(words[4].Split('=')[1]);

                //this is the ratio of the config vs the size of the actual texture element
                _configRatio = _element.sourceSize.x / _configWidth;

                _lineHeight = int.Parse(words[1].Split('=')[1]) * _configRatio;
            else if (words[0] == "chars")            //chars count=92
                int charCount = int.Parse(words[1].Split('=')[1]);
                _charInfos = new FCharInfo[charCount + 1]; //gotta add 1 because the charCount seems to be off by 1
            else if (words[0] == "char")                   //char id=32   x=0     y=0     width=0     height=0     xoffset=0     yoffset=120    xadvance=29     page=0  chnl=0 letter=a
                FCharInfo charInfo = new FCharInfo();

                wordCount = words.Length;

                for (int w = 1; w < wordCount; ++w)
                    string[] parts    = words[w].Split('=');
                    string   partName = parts[0];

                    if (partName == "letter")
                        if (parts[1].Length >= 3)
                            charInfo.letter = parts[1].Substring(1, 1);
                        continue;                         //we don't care about the letter

                    if (partName == "\r")
                        continue;                                      //something weird happened with linebreaks, meh!
                    int partValue = int.Parse(parts[1]);

                    if (partName == "id")
                        charInfo.charID = partValue;
                    else if (partName == "x")
                        charInfo.x = partValue * _configRatio - _element.sourceRect.x;                       //offset to account for the trimmed atlas
                    else if (partName == "y")
                        charInfo.y = partValue * _configRatio - _element.sourceRect.y;                       //offset to account for the trimmed atlas
                    else if (partName == "width")
                        charInfo.width = partValue * _configRatio;
                    else if (partName == "height")
                        charInfo.height = partValue * _configRatio;
                    else if (partName == "xoffset")
                        charInfo.offsetX = partValue * _configRatio;
                    else if (partName == "yoffset")
                        charInfo.offsetY = partValue * _configRatio;
                    else if (partName == "xadvance")
                        charInfo.xadvance = partValue * _configRatio;
                    else if (partName == "page")
                        charInfo.page = partValue;

                if (element.isRotated)
                    Rect uvRect = new Rect
                        _element.uvRect.x + _element.uvRect.width - ((charInfo.y + charInfo.height + 0.5f) / textureSize.x * resourceScale),
                        _element.uvRect.y + _element.uvRect.height - ((charInfo.x + charInfo.width + 0.5f) / textureSize.y * resourceScale),
                        charInfo.height / textureSize.x * resourceScale,
                        charInfo.width / textureSize.y * resourceScale

                    charInfo.uvRect = uvRect;

                    charInfo.uvBottomLeft.Set(uvRect.xMin, uvRect.yMax);
                    charInfo.uvTopLeft.Set(uvRect.xMax, uvRect.yMax);
                    charInfo.uvTopRight.Set(uvRect.xMax, uvRect.yMin);
                    charInfo.uvBottomRight.Set(uvRect.xMin, uvRect.yMin);
                    Rect uvRect = new Rect
                        _element.uvRect.x + charInfo.x / textureSize.x * resourceScale,
                        (textureSize.y - charInfo.y - charInfo.height) / textureSize.y * resourceScale - (1.0f - _element.uvRect.yMax),
                        charInfo.width / textureSize.x * resourceScale,
                        charInfo.height / textureSize.y * resourceScale

                    charInfo.uvRect = uvRect;

                    charInfo.uvTopLeft.Set(uvRect.xMin, uvRect.yMax);
                    charInfo.uvTopRight.Set(uvRect.xMax, uvRect.yMax);
                    charInfo.uvBottomRight.Set(uvRect.xMax, uvRect.yMin);
                    charInfo.uvBottomLeft.Set(uvRect.xMin, uvRect.yMin);

                _charInfosByID[charInfo.charID] = charInfo;
                _charInfos[c] = charInfo;

            else if (words[0] == "kernings")            //kernings count=169
                wasKerningFound = true;
                int kerningCount = int.Parse(words[1].Split('=')[1]);
                _kerningInfos = new FKerningInfo[kerningCount + 1]; //gotta add 1 because it's off by 1
            else if (words[0] == "kerning")                         //kerning first=56  second=57  amount=-1
                FKerningInfo kerningInfo = new FKerningInfo();

                wordCount = words.Length;

                for (int w = 1; w < wordCount; w++)
                    string[] parts     = words[w].Split('=');
                    string   partName  = parts[0];
                    int      partValue = int.Parse(parts[1]);

                    if (partName == "first")
                        kerningInfo.first = partValue;
                    else if (partName == "second")
                        kerningInfo.second = partValue;
                    else if (partName == "amount")
                        kerningInfo.amount = partValue * _configRatio;

                _kerningInfos[k] = kerningInfo;


        if (!wasKerningFound)        //if there are no kernings at all (like in a pixel font), then make an empty kerning array
            _kerningInfos = new FKerningInfo[0];

        //make sure the space character doesn't have offsetY and offsetX
        _charInfosByID[32].offsetX = 0;
        _charInfosByID[32].offsetY = 0;