Example #1
        public void allows_the_message_to_be_reused_when_the_previous_message_was_larger()
            var message = new FIXMessageWriter(1000);

            // Prepare and build a large message
            .Set(98, 0)
            .Set(108, 30)
            .Set(12345, "Some really long text to make the message really large sdkfjfkjs gfsabf sabf sahfvb ksdjflsahfpieghpEIGHXKJVB KLSGBS BHJUXVCJDV V JV jsdh fkasdgsadoas oghoash go iasg fcblxc nsleiso bnlzxcvn skjbg")
            .Prepare("FIX.4.2", "A", 177, "2009/01/07 18:15:16.000".AsDateTime(), "SERVER", "CLIENT");

            var message1 = message.ToString();

            // Prepare and build a smaller message
            .Prepare("FIX.4.2", "0", 8059, "2017/05/31 08:18:01.767".AsDateTime(), "SENDER....", "RECEIVER.....");

            var message2 = message.ToString();

            // NOTE: Message 1 has a bigger length
            message1.Should().Be("8=FIX.4.2|9=00272|35=A|34=177|52=20090107-18:15:16.000|49=SERVER|56=CLIENT|98=0|108=30|12345=Some really long text to make the message really large sdkfjfkjs gfsabf sabf sahfvb ksdjflsahfpieghpEIGHXKJVB KLSGBS BHJUXVCJDV V JV jsdh fkasdgsadoas oghoash go iasg fcblxc nsleiso bnlzxcvn skjbg|10=026|".Replace("|", "\u0001"));
            message2.Should().Be("8=FIX.4.2|9=00069|35=0|34=8059|52=20170531-08:18:01.767|49=SENDER....|56=RECEIVER.....|10=203|".Replace("|", "\u0001"));
Example #2
 public void small()
     .Prepare("FIX.4.2", "0", 8059, SendingTime, "SENDER....", "RECEIVER.....");