Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens output audio file for writing. This will delete any existing file. Call this before writing samples.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="showFFmpegOutput">Show output to terminal. Error stream will not be redirected if this is set to true.</param>
        public void OpenWrite(bool showFFmpegOutput = false)
            if (OpenedForWriting)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("File was already opened for writing!");

            var cmd = $"-f s{BitDepth}le -channels {Channels} -sample_rate {SampleRate} -i - " +
                      $"-c:a {EncoderOptions.EncoderName} {EncoderOptions.EncoderArguments} -f {EncoderOptions.Format}";

            if (UseFilename)
                if (File.Exists(Filename))

                InputDataStream = FFmpegWrapper.OpenInput(ffmpeg, $"{cmd} \"{Filename}\"", out ffmpegp, showFFmpegOutput);
                csc = new CancellationTokenSource();

                // using stream
                (InputDataStream, OutputDataStream) = FFmpegWrapper.Open(ffmpeg, $"{cmd} -", out ffmpegp, showFFmpegOutput);
                _ = OutputDataStream.CopyToAsync(DestinationStream, csc.Token);

            OpenedForWriting = true;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares for writing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="showFFmpegOutput">Show output to terminal. Error stream will not be redirected if this is set to true.</param>
        public void OpenWrite(bool showFFmpegOutput = false)
            if (OpenedForWriting)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("File was already opened for writing!");

            var cmd = $"-f rawvideo -video_size {Width}:{Height} -r {Framerate} -pixel_format rgb24 -i - " +
                      $"-c:v {EncoderOptions.EncoderName} {EncoderOptions.EncoderArguments} -f {EncoderOptions.Format}";

            if (UseFilename)
                if (File.Exists(Filename))

                InputDataStream = FFmpegWrapper.OpenInput(ffmpeg, $"{cmd} \"{Filename}\"", out ffmpegp, showFFmpegOutput);
                csc = new CancellationTokenSource();

                // using stream
                (InputDataStream, OutputDataStream) = FFmpegWrapper.Open(ffmpeg, $"{cmd} -", out ffmpegp, showFFmpegOutput);
                _ = OutputDataStream.CopyToAsync(DestinationStream, csc.Token);

            OpenedForWriting = true;
Example #3
 public void UninitializeVideoDecoder()
     lock (_cdmaProcessor)
Example #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length != 1)
                Console.WriteLine("Drag n' drop a WEM or any audio file onto this EXE to convert it. WEM will be converted to WAV no matter what.");
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit...");

            FileInfo file = new FileInfo(args[0]);

            if (file.Extension.ToLower() == ".wem")
                Console.WriteLine("WARNING: WEM conversion is a bit busted right now! If your file is broken, sorry! A patch will be out ASAP.");
                WEMFile wem = new WEMFile(file.FullName);
                WAVFile wav = wem.ConvertToWAV();
                wav.SaveToFile(file.FullName + ".wav");
                file = FFmpegWrapper.ConvertToWaveFile(file.FullName);
                WAVFile wav = new WAVFile(file.FullName);
                WEMFile wem = wav.ConvertToWEM();
                wem.SaveToFile(args[0] + ".wem");
Example #5
        private static FileInfo ConvertToWEM(FileInfo file)
            DirectoryInfo dir;

            if (!Directory.Exists(@".\AUDIO_TEMP"))
                dir            = Directory.CreateDirectory(@".\AUDIO_TEMP");
                dir.Attributes = FileAttributes.Directory | FileAttributes.Hidden;
                dir = new DirectoryInfo(@".\AUDIO_TEMP");
            if (file.Extension.ToLower() == ".wav")
                WAVFile wav = new WAVFile(file.FullName);
                WEMFile wem = wav.ConvertToWEM();

                string newWemPath = @".\AUDIO_TEMP\" + file.Name + ".wem";
                // Guarantees the extension is wav.
                return(ConvertToWEM(FFmpegWrapper.ConvertToWaveFile(file.FullName, dir)));
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Open player for writing samples for playing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sampleRate">Sample rate</param>
        /// <param name="channels">Number of channels</param>
        /// <param name="bitDepth">Bits per sample (16, 24, 32)</param>
        /// <param name="showWindow">Show player graphical window</param>
        /// <param name="showFFplayOutput">Show FFplay output for debugging purposes.</param>
        public void OpenWrite(int sampleRate, int channels, int bitDepth = 16, bool showWindow = false, bool showFFplayOutput = false)
            if (bitDepth != 16 && bitDepth != 24 && bitDepth != 32)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Acceptable bit depths are 16, 24 and 32");
            if (OpenedForWriting)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Player is already opened for writing samples!");
                if (ffplayp != null && !ffplayp.HasExited)
            catch { }

            InputDataStream = FFmpegWrapper.OpenInput(ffplay, $"-f s{bitDepth}le -channels {channels} -sample_rate {sampleRate} -i -"
                                                      + (showWindow ? "" : " -nodisp"),
                                                      out ffplayp, showFFplayOutput);

            OpenedForWriting = true;
Example #7
        public async Task <IExtractionResult> Start(string parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (_wrapper != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Must create another Extraction resource, cannot reuse.");

            _wrapper = new FFmpegWrapper();

            var result = new ExtractResult
                StartTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
                Arguments = parameters,
                Tracks    = _tracks,
                Success   = true

            var processResult = await _wrapper.RunProcess(parameters, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (processResult.ExitCode != 0 || processResult.Output.ToLower().Contains("error"))
                result.Success = false;
                result.Error   = processResult.Output;
            result.EndTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens output stream for writing and returns both the input and output streams. Make sure to use a streaming format (like flv).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">Output options</param>
        /// <param name="process">FFmpeg process</param>
        /// <param name="inputArguments">Input arguments (such as -f, -v:c, -video_size, -ac, -ar...)</param>
        /// <param name="showOutput">Show output to terminal. Error stream will not be redirected if this is set to true.</param>
        /// <param name="ffmpegExecutable">Name or path to the ffmpeg executable</param>
        public static (Stream Input, Stream Output) StreamToStream(EncoderOptions options, out Process process,
                                                                   string inputArguments = "", bool showOutput = false, string ffmpegExecutable = "ffmpeg")
            var(input, output) = FFmpegWrapper.Open(ffmpegExecutable, $"{inputArguments} -i - " +
                                                    $"-c:v {options.EncoderName} {options.EncoderArguments} -f {options.Format} -", out process, showOutput);

            return(input, output);
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts given input file to output file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputFilename">Input video file name/path</param>
        /// <param name="outputFilename">Input video file name/path</param>
        /// <param name="options">Output options</param>
        /// <param name="process">FFmpeg process</param>
        /// <param name="inputArguments">Input arguments (such as -f, -v:c, -video_size, -ac, -ar...)</param>
        /// <param name="showOutput">Show output to terminal. Error stream will not be redirected if this is set to true.</param>
        /// <param name="ffmpegExecutable">Name or path to the ffmpeg executable</param>
        public static void FileToFile(string inputFilename, string outputFilename, EncoderOptions options, out Process process,
                                      string inputArguments = "", bool showOutput = false, string ffmpegExecutable = "ffmpeg")
            var output = FFmpegWrapper.ExecuteCommand(ffmpegExecutable, $"{inputArguments} -i \"{inputFilename}\" " +
                                                      $"-c:v {options.EncoderName} {options.EncoderArguments} -f {options.Format} \"{outputFilename}\"", showOutput);

            process = output;
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses input file and returns the output stream. Make sure to use a streaming format (like flv).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputFilename">Input video file name/path</param>
        /// <param name="options">Output options</param>
        /// <param name="process">FFmpeg process</param>
        /// <param name="inputArguments">Input arguments (such as -f, -v:c, -video_size, -ac, -ar...)</param>
        /// <param name="showOutput">Show output to terminal. Error stream will not be redirected if this is set to true.</param>
        /// <param name="ffmpegExecutable">Name or path to the ffmpeg executable</param>
        public static Stream FileToStream(string inputFilename, EncoderOptions options, out Process process,
                                          string inputArguments = "", bool showOutput = false, string ffmpegExecutable = "ffmpeg")
            var output = FFmpegWrapper.OpenOutput(ffmpegExecutable, $"{inputArguments} -i \"{inputFilename}\" " +
                                                  $"-c:v {options.EncoderName} {options.EncoderArguments} -f {options.Format} -", out process, showOutput);

Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens output file for writing and returns the input stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputFilename">Output audio file name/path</param>
        /// <param name="options">Output options</param>
        /// <param name="process">FFmpeg process</param>
        /// <param name="inputArguments">Input arguments (such as -f, -channels, -sample_rate,...)</param>
        /// <param name="ffmpegExecutable">Name or path to the ffmpeg executable</param>
        public static Stream StreamToFile(string outputFilename, FFmpegAudioEncoderOptions options, out Process process,
                                          string inputArguments = "", bool showOutput = false, string ffmpegExecutable = "ffmpeg")
            var input = FFmpegWrapper.OpenInput(ffmpegExecutable, $"{inputArguments} -i - " +
                                                $"-c:a {options.EncoderName} {options.EncoderArguments} -f {options.Format} \"{outputFilename}\"", out process, showOutput);

Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Get stream for writing and playing video in custom format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="format">Custom video format</param>
        /// <param name="arguments">Custom FFmpeg arguments for the specified video format</param>
        /// <param name="showFFplayOutput">Show FFplay output for debugging purposes.</param>
        public static Stream GetStreamForWriting(string format, string arguments, out Process ffplayProcess,
                                                 bool showFFplayOutput = false, string ffplayExecutable = "ffplay")
            var str = FFmpegWrapper.OpenInput(ffplayExecutable, $"-f {format} {arguments} -i -",
                                              out ffplayProcess, showFFplayOutput);

Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Load video metadata into memory.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task LoadMetadataAsync(bool ignoreStreamErrors = false)
            if (LoadedMetadata)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Video metadata is already loaded!");
            var r = FFmpegWrapper.OpenOutput(ffprobe, $"-i \"{Filename}\" -v quiet -print_format json=c=1 -show_format -show_streams");

                var metadata = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync <VideoMetadata>(r);

                    var videoStream = metadata.Streams.Where(x => x.CodecType.ToLower().Trim() == "video").FirstOrDefault();
                    if (videoStream != null)
                        metadata.Width         = videoStream.Width.Value;
                        metadata.Height        = videoStream.Height.Value;
                        metadata.PixelFormat   = videoStream.PixFmt;
                        metadata.Codec         = videoStream.CodecName;
                        metadata.CodecLongName = videoStream.CodecLongName;

                        metadata.BitRate = videoStream.BitRate == null ? -1 :

                        metadata.BitDepth = videoStream.BitsPerRawSample == null?
                                            tryParseBitDepth(videoStream.PixFmt) :

                        metadata.Duration = videoStream.Duration == null?
                                            double.Parse(metadata.Format.Duration ?? "0", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) :
                                                double.Parse(videoStream.Duration, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        metadata.SampleAspectRatio = videoStream.SampleAspectRatio;
                        metadata.AvgFramerateText  = videoStream.AvgFrameRate;
                        metadata.AvgFramerate      = videoStream.AvgFrameRateNumber;

                        metadata.PredictedFrameCount = (int)(metadata.AvgFramerate * metadata.Duration);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // failed to interpret video stream settings
                    if (!ignoreStreamErrors)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Failed to parse video stream data! " + ex.Message);

                LoadedMetadata = true;
                Metadata       = metadata;
            catch (JsonException ex)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to interpret ffprobe video metadata output! " + ex.Message);
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Play audio
        /// </summary>
        public void Play(bool showWindow = false)
            if (OpenedForWriting)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Player is already opened for writing samples!");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filename))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No filename was specified!");

            FFmpegWrapper.RunCommand(ffplay, $"-i \"{Filename}\"" + (showWindow ? "" : " -nodisp"));
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Play video
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="extraInputParameters">Extra FFmpeg input parameters to be passed</param>
        public void Play(string extraInputParameters = "")
            if (OpenedForWriting)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Player is already opened for writing frames!");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filename))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No filename was specified!");

            FFmpegWrapper.RunCommand(ffplay, $"{extraInputParameters} -i \"{Filename}\"");
Example #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares for writing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="showFFmpegOutput">Show output to terminal. Error stream will not be redirected if this is set to true.</param>
        /// <param name="thread_queue_size">Max. number of queued packets when reading from file/stream.
        /// Should be set to higher when dealing with high rate/low latency streams.</param>
        public void OpenWrite(bool showFFmpegOutput = false, int thread_queue_size = 4096)
            if (OpenedForWriting)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("File/Stream was already opened for writing!");

            var manual = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            socket = new Socket(SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
            socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 0));
            var port = ((IPEndPoint)socket.LocalEndPoint).Port;

            socket.BeginAccept(r =>
                connected_socket     = socket.EndAccept(r);
                InputDataStreamAudio = new NetworkStream(connected_socket);
            }, null);

            var cmd = $"-f s{AudioBitDepth}le -channels {AudioChannels} -sample_rate {AudioSampleRate} " +
                      $"-thread_queue_size {thread_queue_size} -i \"tcp://{IPAddress.Loopback}:{port}\" " +
                      $"-f rawvideo -video_size {VideoWidth}:{VideoHeight} -r {VideoFramerate} " +
                      $"-thread_queue_size {thread_queue_size} -pixel_format rgb24 -i - " +
                      $"-map 0 -c:a {AudioEncoderOptions.EncoderName} {AudioEncoderOptions.EncoderArguments} " +
                      $"-map 1 -c:v {VideoEncoderOptions.EncoderName} {VideoEncoderOptions.EncoderArguments} " +
                      $"-f {VideoEncoderOptions.Format}";

            if (UseFilename)
                if (File.Exists(Filename))

                InputDataStreamVideo = FFmpegWrapper.OpenInput(ffmpeg, $"{cmd} \"{Filename}\"", out ffmpegp, showFFmpegOutput);
                csc = new CancellationTokenSource();

                // using stream
                (InputDataStreamVideo, OutputDataStream) = FFmpegWrapper.Open(ffmpeg, $"{cmd} -", out ffmpegp, showFFmpegOutput);
                _ = OutputDataStream.CopyToAsync(DestinationStream, csc.Token);

            OpenedForWriting = true;
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Save frame as an image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="output">Output image</param>
        /// <param name="encoder">Encoder for image ('png', 'libwebp')</param>
        /// <param name="ffmpegExecutable">Name or path to the ffmpeg executable</param>
        public void Save(string output, string encoder = "png", string extraParameters = "", string ffmpegExecutable = "ffmpeg")
            if (File.Exists(output))

            using (var inp = FFmpegWrapper.OpenInput(ffmpegExecutable, $"-f rawvideo -video_size {Width}:{Height} -pixel_format rgb24 -i - " +
                                                     $"-c:v {encoder} {extraParameters} -f image2pipe \"{output}\"",
                                                     out _, false))
                // save it
Example #18
        public async Task FFmpegWrapperProgressTest()
            var path  = Res.GetPath(Res.Video_Mp4);
            var opath = "out-test-v-0.mp4";

            double lastval = -1;

                var video = new VideoReader(path);

                await video.LoadMetadataAsync();

                var dur = video.Metadata.Duration;

                Assert.True(Math.Abs(dur - 5.533333) < 0.01);

                var p        = FFmpegWrapper.ExecuteCommand("ffmpeg", $"-i \"{path}\" -c:v libx264 -f mp4 \"{opath}\"");
                var progress = FFmpegWrapper.RegisterProgressTracker(p, dur);
                progress.ProgressChanged += (s, prg) => lastval = prg;

                await Task.Delay(300);

                Assert.True(lastval > 50 && lastval <= 100);

                video = new VideoReader(opath);

                await video.LoadMetadataAsync();

                Assert.True(video.Metadata.AvgFramerate == 30);
                Assert.True(video.Metadata.AvgFramerateText == "30/1");
                Assert.True(Math.Abs(video.Metadata.Duration - 5.533333) < 0.01);
                Assert.True(video.Metadata.Width == 560);
                Assert.True(video.Metadata.Height == 320);

                if (File.Exists(opath))
        public async Task FFmpegWrapperProgressTest()
            var path  = Res.GetPath(Res.Audio_Ogg);
            var opath = "out-test.mp3";

            double lastval = -1;

                var audio = new AudioReader(path);

                await audio.LoadMetadataAsync();

                var dur = audio.Metadata.Duration;

                Assert.True(Math.Abs(dur - 1.515102) < 0.01);

                var p        = FFmpegWrapper.ExecuteCommand("ffmpeg", $"-i \"{path}\" \"{opath}\"");
                var progress = FFmpegWrapper.RegisterProgressTracker(p, dur);
                progress.ProgressChanged += (s, prg) => lastval = prg;

                await Task.Delay(300);

                Assert.True(lastval > 50 && lastval <= 100);

                audio = new AudioReader(opath);

                await audio.LoadMetadataAsync();

                Assert.True(audio.Metadata.Channels == 2);
                Assert.True(audio.Metadata.Streams.Length == 1);
                Assert.True(Math.Abs(audio.Metadata.Duration - 1.515102) < 0.2);

                if (File.Exists(opath))
Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Play video in background and return the process associated with it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="runPureBackground">Detach the player from this VideoPlayer control. Player won't be killed on disposing.</param>
        /// <param name="extraInputParameters">Extra FFmpeg input parameters to be passed</param>
        public Process PlayInBackground(bool runPureBackground = false, string extraInputParameters = "")
            if (!runPureBackground && OpenedForWriting)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Player is already opened for writing frames!");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filename))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No filename was specified!");

            FFmpegWrapper.OpenOutput(ffplay, $"{extraInputParameters} -i \"{Filename}\"", out Process p);
            if (!runPureBackground)
                ffplayp = p;
Example #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Play audio in background and return the process associated with it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="showWindow">Show player window</param>
        /// <param name="runPureBackground">Detach the player from this AudioPlayer control. Player won't be killed on disposing.</param>
        public Process PlayInBackground(bool showWindow = false, bool runPureBackground = false)
            if (!runPureBackground && OpenedForWriting)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Player is already opened for writing samples!");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filename))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No filename was specified!");

            FFmpegWrapper.OpenOutput(ffplay, $"-i \"{Filename}\"" + (showWindow ? "" : " -nodisp"), out Process p);
            if (!runPureBackground)
                ffplayp = p;
Example #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Open player for writing frames for playing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width">Video frame width</param>
        /// <param name="height">Video frame height</param>
        /// <param name="framerateFrequency">Video framerate (frequency form)</param>
        /// <param name="showFFplayOutput">Show FFplay output for debugging purposes.</param>
        public void OpenWrite(int width, int height, string framerateFrequency, bool showFFplayOutput = false)
            if (OpenedForWriting)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Player is already opened for writing frames!");
                if (ffplayp != null && !ffplayp.HasExited)
            catch { }

            InputDataStream = FFmpegWrapper.OpenInput(ffplay, $"-f rawvideo -video_size {width}:{height} -framerate {framerateFrequency} -pixel_format rgb24 -i -",
                                                      out ffplayp, showFFplayOutput);

            OpenedForWriting = true;
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the video for reading frames and seeks to given offset in seconds.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="offsetSeconds">Offset in seconds to which to seek to</param>
        public void Load(double offsetSeconds)
            if (OpenedForReading)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Video is already loaded!");
            if (!LoadedMetadata)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Please load the video metadata first!");
            if (Metadata.Width == 0 || Metadata.Height == 0)
                throw new InvalidDataException("Loaded metadata contains errors!");

            // we will be reading video in RGB24 format
            DataStream = FFmpegWrapper.OpenOutput(ffmpeg, $"{(offsetSeconds <= 0 ? "" : $"-ss {offsetSeconds:0.00}")} -i \"{Filename}\"" +
                                                  $" -pix_fmt rgb24 -f rawvideo -");
            OpenedForReading = true;
Example #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the audio and prepare it for reading frames.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bitDepth">frame bit rate in which the audio will be processed (16, 24, 32)</param>
        public void Load(int bitDepth = 16)
            if (bitDepth != 16 && bitDepth != 24 && bitDepth != 32)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Acceptable bit depths are 16, 24 and 32");
            if (OpenedForReading)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Audio is already loaded!");
            if (!MetadataLoaded)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Please load the audio metadata first!");

            // we will be reading audio in S16LE format (for best accuracy, could use S32LE)
            DataStream       = FFmpegWrapper.OpenOutput(ffmpeg, $"-i \"{Filename}\" -f s{bitDepth}le -");
            loadedBitDepth   = bitDepth;
            OpenedForReading = true;
        private void RunSecondPass()
            var inputFile = new InputFileOptions();
            inputFile.FilePath = Path.GetFullPath(SourceFilePath);

            var outputFile = new OutputFileOptions();

            if (ShouldDeinterlaceVideo)
                outputFile.Add(new DeinterlaceVideoOption());

            if (_VideoWidth.IsSet && _VideoWidth.Value != 0)
                GeckonPresets.ApplyHighQualitySecondPassPreset(outputFile, VideoBitrate, AudioBitrate, VideoWidth, VideoHeight);
                GeckonPresets.ApplyHighQualitySecondPassPreset(outputFile, VideoBitrate, AudioBitrate);

            outputFile.FilePath = Path.GetFullPath(DestinationFilePath);

            outputFile.Add(new ThreadsOption(ThreadsOption.AUTOMATICALLY_SELECT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS));

            using (var wrapper = new FFmpegWrapper())
                wrapper.FFmpegExecutablePath = Path.GetFullPath(FFmpegFilePath);

                wrapper.OutputFileOptions = outputFile;

                wrapper.WorkingDirectory = TemporaryDirectoryPath;

                wrapper.ProgressDataChanged += SecondPassProgressDataChanged;

                wrapper.UnparsedOutputOccurred += (sender, args) => _FFmpegOutput.AppendLine(args.EventObject);
                wrapper.WarningOccurred += (sender, args) => _FFmpegOutput.AppendLine(args.EventObject.Warning);
                wrapper.ErrorOccurred += (sender, args) => _FFmpegOutput.AppendLine(args.EventObject.ToString());


                FFmpegArguments += "\n" + wrapper.FFmpegArguments;

                wrapper.ProgressDataChanged -= SecondPassProgressDataChanged;
        private void AdjustVideoSize()
            var inputFile = new InputFileOptions();
            inputFile.FilePath = Path.GetFullPath(SourceFilePath);

            using (var wrapper = new FFmpegWrapper())
                wrapper.FFmpegExecutablePath = Path.GetFullPath(FFmpegFilePath);


                wrapper.WorkingDirectory = TemporaryDirectoryPath;

                wrapper.UnparsedOutputOccurred += (sender, args) => _FFmpegOutput.AppendLine(args.EventObject);
                wrapper.WarningOccurred += (sender, args) => _FFmpegOutput.AppendLine(args.EventObject.Warning);
                wrapper.ErrorOccurred += (sender, args) => _FFmpegOutput.AppendLine(args.EventObject.ToString());


                if (wrapper.MediaData.Inputs.Count < 1)

                StreamData stream;

                    stream = wrapper.MediaData.Inputs[0].Streams.First(s => s.Value.Type == StreamType.Video).Value;
                catch (InvalidOperationException)
                    return; //No video stream found, so aspectratio can be determined

                var sizeData = stream.ParsedData.OfType<StreamSizeData>();

                if(sizeData.Count() == 0)

                var firstSizeData = sizeData.First();

                var aspect = firstSizeData.DisplayAspectRatio ?? firstSizeData.Size.Width / (double)firstSizeData.Size.Height; //Use DAR if available, else use video resolution

                if (VideoWidth / aspect < VideoHeight)
                    _VideoHeight.Value = (uint)(Math.Round(VideoWidth / aspect / 2) * 2); //Make sure size is dividable by two
                    _VideoWidth.Value = (uint)(Math.Round(VideoHeight * aspect / 2) * 2); //Make sure size is dividable by two
Example #27
        static async Task Main()
            if (!File.Exists(CONFIG_PATH))
                Console.WriteLine("No configuration file found. Created new one.");

                var config = Configuration.Load(CONFIG_PATH);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.InputDirectory) || !Directory.Exists(config.InputDirectory))
                    throw new Exception("Invalid input directory!");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.OutputDirectory) || !Directory.Exists(config.OutputDirectory))
                    throw new Exception("Invalid output directory!");

                if (config.ImageExtensions == null || config.VideoExtensions == null || config.AudioExtensions == null)
                    throw new Exception("Extensions can not be null!");
                if (config.VideoCompression == null || config.ImageCompression == null || config.AudioCompression == null)
                    throw new Exception("Compression configurations can not be null!");

                if (config.VideoCompression.ParametersPriorityList == null || config.VideoCompression.ParametersPriorityList.Length == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Video parameters priority list can not be empty!");
                if (config.ImageCompression.ParametersPriorityList == null || config.ImageCompression.ParametersPriorityList.Length == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Image parameters priority list can not be empty!");
                if (config.AudioCompression.ParametersPriorityList == null || config.AudioCompression.ParametersPriorityList.Length == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Audio parameters priority list can not be empty!");

                if (config.VideoCompression.MaxConcurrentWorkers <= 0)
                    throw new Exception("Video max. concurrent workers can not be 0 or less!");
                if (config.ImageCompression.MaxConcurrentWorkers <= 0)
                    throw new Exception("Image max. concurrent workers can not be 0 or less!");
                if (config.AudioCompression.MaxConcurrentWorkers <= 0)
                    throw new Exception("Image max. concurrent workers can not be 0 or less!");

                    // CHECK IF FFMPEG PRESENT
                    var encoders = FFmpegWrapper.GetEncoders();
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new Exception("Failed to use FFmpeg! Make sure it's accessible! " + e.Message);

                // HANDLE CANCEL EVENT
                var csc = new CancellationTokenSource();
                Console.CancelKeyPress += (a, b) =>
                    b.Cancel = true;

                // START WORK
                var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                var c  = new Compressor(config, csc.Token);
                await c.Start();

                WriteInfo($"Done ({sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds.ToTimeString()})");
            catch (JsonException)
                WriteError("ERROR: Failed to parse configuration file!");
            catch (Exception ex)
                WriteError("ERROR: " + ex.Message);
Example #28
 protected FileProcessorBase(IProcessorConfig config, FFmpegWrapper fFmpegWrapper)
     _config        = config;
     _fFmpegWrapper = fFmpegWrapper;
Example #29
        private void AdjustVideoSize()
            var inputFile = new InputFileOptions();
            inputFile.FilePath = Path.GetFullPath(SourceFilePath);

            using (var wrapper = new FFmpegWrapper())
                wrapper.FFmpegExecutablePath = Path.GetFullPath(FFmpegFilePath);



                if (wrapper.MediaData.Inputs.Count < 1)

                StreamData stream;

                    stream = wrapper.MediaData.Inputs[0].Streams.First(s => s.Value.Type == StreamType.Video).Value;
                catch (InvalidOperationException)
                    return; //No video stream found, so aspectratio can be determined

                var sizeData = stream.ParsedData.OfType<StreamSizeData>();

                if (sizeData.Count() == 0)

                var firstSizeData = sizeData.First();

                var aspect = firstSizeData.DisplayAspectRatio ?? firstSizeData.Size.Width / (double)firstSizeData.Size.Height; //Use DAR if available, else use video resolution

                if (Width / aspect < Height)
                    _Height.Value = (uint)(Math.Round(Width / aspect / 2) * 2); //Make sure size is dividable by two
                    _Width.Value = (uint)(Math.Round(Height * aspect / 2) * 2); //Make sure size is dividable by two
Example #30
        private void CutFrame()
            var inputFile = new InputFileOptions();
            inputFile.FilePath = Path.GetFullPath(SourceFilePath);

            var outputFile = new OutputFileOptions();

            if (_Width.IsSet && _Width.Value != 0)
                GeckonPresets.ApplyCutVideoFramePreset(inputFile, outputFile, TimeSpan.Parse(_VideoPosition.Value), Width, Height);
                GeckonPresets.ApplyCutVideoFramePreset(inputFile, outputFile, TimeSpan.Parse(_VideoPosition.Value));

            outputFile.FilePath = Path.GetFullPath(DestinationFilePath);

            using (var wrapper = new FFmpegWrapper())
                wrapper.FFmpegExecutablePath = Path.GetFullPath(FFmpegFilePath);

                wrapper.OutputFileOptions = outputFile;

                wrapper.ProgressDataChanged += ProgressDataChanged;

                wrapper.RawOutputOccurred += (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine(e.EventObject);


                wrapper.ProgressDataChanged -= ProgressDataChanged;
Example #31
        private void StripMetaDataWithFFmpeg(FileInfo preparedFile)
            var ffmpeg = new FFmpegWrapper(configuration.InactiveProcessTimeout, configuration.FFmpegLocation);

Example #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Load audio metadata into memory.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task LoadMetadata(bool ignoreStreamErrors = false)
            if (MetadataLoaded)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Video metadata is already loaded!");
            var r = FFmpegWrapper.OpenOutput(ffprobe, $"-i \"{Filename}\" -v quiet -print_format json=c=1 -show_format -show_streams");

                var metadata = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync <AudioMetadata>(r);

                    var audioStream = metadata.Streams.Where(x => x.CodecType.ToLower().Trim() == "audio").FirstOrDefault();
                    if (audioStream != null)
                        metadata.Channels      = audioStream.Channels;
                        metadata.Codec         = audioStream.CodecName;
                        metadata.CodecLongName = audioStream.CodecLongName;
                        metadata.SampleFormat  = audioStream.SampleFmt;

                        metadata.SampleRate = audioStream.SampleRate == null ? -1 :

                        metadata.Duration = audioStream.Duration == null?
                                            double.Parse(metadata.Format.Duration ?? "-1") :

                        metadata.BitRate = audioStream.BitRate == null ? -1 :

                        metadata.BitDepth             = audioStream.BitsPerSample;
                        metadata.PredictedSampleCount = (int)Math.Round(metadata.Duration * metadata.SampleRate);

                        if (metadata.BitDepth == 0)
                            // try to parse it from format
                            if (metadata.SampleFormat.Contains("64"))
                                metadata.BitDepth = 64;
                            else if (metadata.SampleFormat.Contains("32"))
                                metadata.BitDepth = 32;
                            else if (metadata.SampleFormat.Contains("24"))
                                metadata.BitDepth = 24;
                            else if (metadata.SampleFormat.Contains("16"))
                                metadata.BitDepth = 16;
                            else if (metadata.SampleFormat.Contains("8"))
                                metadata.BitDepth = 8;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // failed to interpret video stream settings
                    if (!ignoreStreamErrors)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Failed to parse audio stream data! " + ex.Message);

                MetadataLoaded = true;
                Metadata       = metadata;
            catch (JsonException ex)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to interpret ffprobe audio metadata output! " + ex.Message);
 public ConvertFileProcessor(IProcessorConfig config, FFmpegWrapper fFmpegWrapper) : base(config, fFmpegWrapper)