Example #1
        public string ForecastFailoverAlgorithm(List <BranchItemData> branchItemDataList)
            //branchItemDataList = new List<BranchItemData>();
            FFCEntities db                  = new FFCEntities();
            int         totalNeeded         = 0;
            int         totalSurplus        = 0;
            int         currentNeeded       = 0;
            int         totalCollected      = 0;
            int         totalDistributed    = 0;
            int         totalInHand         = 0;
            bool        isCollectedFinish   = false;
            bool        isDistributedFinish = false;
            string      Message             = String.Empty;

            //Efficiency related params
            int        averageItemCost     = 50;
            int        previousWastageCost = 0;
            int        costForTransport    = 0;
            int        algorithmTotalGain  = 0;
            List <int> visitedBranches     = new List <int>();

            #region Input Data List For Forecast
            //foreach (var item in db.Branches)
            //    BranchItemData branchItemData = null;
            //    if (item.BranchID == 1)
            //    {
            //        branchItemData = new BranchItemData() { Branch = item, ExpectedBalance = -10 };
            //    }
            //    else if (item.BranchID == 2)
            //    {
            //        branchItemData = new BranchItemData() { Branch = item, ExpectedBalance = -10 };
            //    }
            //    else if (item.BranchID == 3)
            //    {
            //        branchItemData = new BranchItemData() { Branch = item, ExpectedBalance = 10 };
            //    }
            //    else if (item.BranchID == 4)
            //    {
            //        branchItemData = new BranchItemData() { Branch = item, ExpectedBalance = 10 };
            //    }
            //    else if (item.BranchID == 5)
            //    {
            //        branchItemData = new BranchItemData() { Branch = item, ExpectedBalance = -10 };
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        throw new ArgumentNullException();
            //    }

            //    branchItemDataList.Add(branchItemData);

            foreach (var branchItemData in branchItemDataList)
                branchItemData.ExpectedBalance = branchItemData.Now - branchItemData.Forecasted;
                if (branchItemData.ExpectedBalance > 0)
                    surplusList.Add(new BranchDistributionData()
                        BranchId = branchItemData.Branch.BranchID, BranchName = branchItemData.Branch.BranchName, Amount = branchItemData.ExpectedBalance
                    totalSurplus = totalSurplus + branchItemData.ExpectedBalance;
                else if (branchItemData.ExpectedBalance < 0)
                    neededList.Add(new BranchDistributionData()
                        BranchId = branchItemData.Branch.BranchID, BranchName = branchItemData.Branch.BranchName, Amount = Math.Abs(branchItemData.ExpectedBalance)
                    totalNeeded = totalNeeded + Math.Abs(branchItemData.ExpectedBalance);

            currentNeeded = totalNeeded;

            surplusList = surplusList.OrderByDescending(x => x.Amount).ToList();
            neededList  = neededList.OrderByDescending(x => x.Amount).ToList();

            while (surplusList.Count > 0 && currentNeeded > 0 && !isDistributedFinish && totalDistributed != totalNeeded)
                //Go to the first surplus branch
                if (currentNeeded > surplusList[0].Amount)
                    Message        = Message + String.Format(" Go to {0} Branch and collect {1}. ", surplusList[0].BranchName.ToString(), surplusList[0].Amount.ToString());
                    totalCollected = totalCollected + surplusList[0].Amount;
                    totalInHand    = totalInHand + surplusList[0].Amount;
                    currentNeeded  = currentNeeded - surplusList[0].Amount;
                    Message           = Message + String.Format(" Go to {0} Branch and collect {1}. ", surplusList[0].BranchName.ToString(), currentNeeded.ToString());
                    totalCollected    = totalCollected + currentNeeded;
                    totalInHand       = totalInHand + currentNeeded;
                    currentNeeded     = 0;
                    isCollectedFinish = true;

                //Loop thorugh the surplus set and collect if the cost is less
                if (surplusList.Count > 1 && Cost(surplusList[0].BranchId, surplusList[1].BranchId) <= Cost(surplusList[0].BranchId, neededList[0].BranchId) && currentNeeded > 0 && !isCollectedFinish)
                    while (surplusList.Count > 1 && Cost(surplusList[0].BranchId, surplusList[1].BranchId) <= Cost(surplusList[0].BranchId, neededList[0].BranchId) && currentNeeded > 0 && !isCollectedFinish)
                        if (currentNeeded > surplusList[1].Amount)
                            Message        = Message + String.Format("Go to {0} Branch and collect {1}. ", surplusList[1].BranchName.ToString(), surplusList[1].Amount.ToString());
                            totalCollected = totalCollected + surplusList[1].Amount;
                            totalInHand    = totalInHand + surplusList[1].Amount;
                            currentNeeded  = currentNeeded - surplusList[1].Amount;
                            Message           = Message + String.Format("Go to {0} Branch and collect {1}. ", surplusList[1].BranchName.ToString(), currentNeeded.ToString());
                            totalCollected    = totalCollected + currentNeeded;
                            totalInHand       = totalInHand + currentNeeded;
                            currentNeeded     = 0;
                            isCollectedFinish = true;

                        //Removing firs surplus element
                else if (surplusList.Count > 1 && Cost(surplusList[0].BranchId, surplusList[1].BranchId) > Cost(surplusList[0].BranchId, neededList[0].BranchId) && !isCollectedFinish)
                    //Removing firs surplus element

                bool isFirstBranchDistributed = false;
                //If collected all from the surplus branches or collected total needed the items from the surplus branches
                if (totalCollected == totalSurplus || totalCollected == totalNeeded)
                    //Visit each needed branch TODO Shortest path algorithm
                    foreach (var branch in neededList)
                        if (branch.Amount >= totalInHand)
                            //Distrbute to the branch
                            Message = Message + String.Format("Go to {0} Branch , and distribute {1}. ", branch.BranchName, totalInHand);
                            //currentNeeded = currentNeeded - totalInHand;
                            totalDistributed    = totalDistributed + totalInHand;
                            totalInHand         = 0;
                            isDistributedFinish = true;
                            totalInHand = totalInHand - branch.Amount;
                            //currentNeeded = currentNeeded - Math.Abs(branch.Amount);
                            totalDistributed = totalDistributed + branch.Amount;
                            Message          = Message + String.Format("Go to {0} Branch , and distribute {1}. ", branch.BranchName, branch.Amount);
                else if (neededList[0].Amount <= totalInHand)
                    //Distrbute to the branch
                    Message          = Message + String.Format("Go to {0} Branch , and distribute {1}.", neededList[0].BranchName, neededList[0].Amount);
                    totalInHand      = totalInHand - neededList[0].Amount;
                    totalDistributed = totalDistributed + neededList[0].Amount;
                    isFirstBranchDistributed = true;

                if (neededList.Count > 1 && Cost(neededList[0].BranchId, neededList[1].BranchId) <= Cost(neededList[0].BranchId, surplusList[0].BranchId) && totalInHand >= neededList[1].Amount && !isDistributedFinish)
                    while (neededList.Count > 1 && Cost(neededList[0].BranchId, neededList[1].BranchId) <= Cost(neededList[0].BranchId, surplusList[0].BranchId) && totalInHand >= neededList[1].Amount && !isDistributedFinish)
                        totalInHand = totalInHand - neededList[1].Amount;
                        //currentNeeded = currentNeeded - neededList[1].Amount;
                        totalDistributed = totalDistributed + neededList[1].Amount;
                        Message          = Message + String.Format("Go to {0} Branch , and distribute {1}. ", neededList[1].BranchName, neededList[1].Amount);
                        //j = j + 1;

                    if (neededList.Count > 0)
                else if (neededList.Count > 0 && isFirstBranchDistributed)//if (Cost(neededList[0].BranchId, neededList[1].BranchId) > Cost(neededList[0].BranchId, surplusList[0].BranchId) || totalInHand < currentNeeded)
                    //j = j + 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < visitedBranches.Count - 1; i++)
                if (i < visitedBranches.Count - 1)
                    costForTransport = costForTransport + Convert.ToInt32(Cost(visitedBranches[i], visitedBranches[i + 1]));

            previousWastageCost = -averageItemCost * totalSurplus;
            algorithmTotalGain  = averageItemCost * totalDistributed - costForTransport - (totalSurplus - totalDistributed) * averageItemCost;
            int algorithmEffectiveGain = algorithmTotalGain - previousWastageCost;

            // Message Formatting
            Message = "<b> Distribution Result:" + Message;
            Message = Message + String.Format("</br> Net Item Cost: {0}", averageItemCost.ToString());
            Message = Message + String.Format("</br> NET Previous Surplus wastage Cost: {0}", previousWastageCost.ToString());
            Message = Message + String.Format("</br> NET Alogrithm Transport Cost: {0}", costForTransport.ToString());
            Message = Message + String.Format("</br> NET Algorithm Gain/Cost: {0}", algorithmTotalGain.ToString());
            Message = Message + String.Format("</br> NET Algorithm Effective Gain: {0}</b>", algorithmEffectiveGain.ToString());

Example #2
        //public void Algorithm()
        //    branchItemDataList = new List<BranchItemData>();
        //    FFCEntities db = new FFCEntities();
        //    int totalNeeded = 0;
        //    int totalSurplus = 0;
        //    int currentNeeded = 0;
        //    int totalCollected = 0;
        //    int totalDistributed = 0;
        //    int totalInHand = 0;
        //    bool isCollectedFinish = false;
        //    bool isDistributedFinish = false;
        //    string Message = String.Empty;
        //    #region Input Data List For Forecast
        //    foreach (var item in db.Branches)
        //    {
        //        BranchItemData branchItemData = null;
        //        if (item.BranchID == 1)
        //        {
        //            branchItemData = new BranchItemData() { branch = item, ExpectedBalance = -10 };
        //        }
        //        else if (item.BranchID == 2)
        //        {
        //            branchItemData = new BranchItemData() { branch = item, ExpectedBalance = -10 };
        //        }
        //        else if (item.BranchID == 3)
        //        {
        //            branchItemData = new BranchItemData() { branch = item, ExpectedBalance = 10 };
        //        }
        //        else if (item.BranchID == 4)
        //        {
        //            branchItemData = new BranchItemData() { branch = item, ExpectedBalance = 10 };
        //        }
        //        else if (item.BranchID == 5)
        //        {
        //            branchItemData = new BranchItemData() { branch = item, ExpectedBalance = -10 };
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            throw new ArgumentNullException();
        //        }
        //        branchItemDataList.Add(branchItemData);
        //    }
        //    #endregion
        //    foreach (var branchItemData in branchItemDataList)
        //    {
        //        if (branchItemData.ExpectedBalance > 0)
        //        {
        //            surplusList.Add(new BranchDistributionData() { BranchId = branchItemData.branch.BranchID, Amount = branchItemData.ExpectedBalance });
        //            totalSurplus = totalSurplus + branchItemData.ExpectedBalance;
        //        }
        //        else if (branchItemData.ExpectedBalance < 0)
        //        {
        //            neededList.Add(new BranchDistributionData() { BranchId = branchItemData.branch.BranchID, Amount = Math.Abs(branchItemData.ExpectedBalance) });
        //            totalNeeded = totalNeeded + Math.Abs(branchItemData.ExpectedBalance);
        //        }
        //    }
        //    currentNeeded = totalNeeded;
        //    surplusList = surplusList.OrderByDescending(x => x.Amount).ToList();
        //    neededList = neededList.OrderByDescending(x => x.Amount).ToList();
        //    //Go to the first surplus branch
        //    //if (currentNeeded > surplusList[0].Amount)
        //    //{
        //    //    Message = Message + String.Format("Go to Branch {0} and collect {1}.", surplusList[0].BranchId.ToString(), surplusList[0].Amount.ToString());
        //    //    totalCollected = totalCollected + surplusList[0].Amount;
        //    //    totalInHand = totalInHand + surplusList[0].Amount;
        //    //    currentNeeded = currentNeeded - surplusList[0].Amount;
        //    //}
        //    //else
        //    //{
        //    //    Message = Message + String.Format("Go to Branch {0} and collect {1}", surplusList[1].BranchId.ToString(), surplusList[0].Amount.ToString());
        //    //    totalCollected = totalCollected + currentNeeded;
        //    //    totalInHand = totalInHand + currentNeeded;
        //    //    currentNeeded = 0;
        //    //    isCollectedFinish = true;
        //    //}
        //    //int i = 0; //Surplus index
        //    //int j = 0; //Needed Index
        //    while (surplusList.Count > 0 && currentNeeded > 0 && !isDistributedFinish && totalDistributed != totalNeeded)
        //    {
        //        //Go to the first surplus branch
        //        if (currentNeeded > surplusList[0].Amount)
        //        {
        //            Message = Message + String.Format("Go to Branch {0} and collect {1}.", surplusList[0].BranchId.ToString(), surplusList[0].Amount.ToString());
        //            totalCollected = totalCollected + surplusList[0].Amount;
        //            totalInHand = totalInHand + surplusList[0].Amount;
        //            currentNeeded = currentNeeded - surplusList[0].Amount;
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            Message = Message + String.Format("Go to Branch {0} and collect {1}", surplusList[0].BranchId.ToString(), currentNeeded.ToString());
        //            totalCollected = totalCollected + currentNeeded;
        //            totalInHand = totalInHand + currentNeeded;
        //            currentNeeded = 0;
        //            isCollectedFinish = true;
        //        }
        //        //Loop thorugh the surplus set and collect if the cost is less
        //        if (surplusList.Count > 1 && Cost(surplusList[0].BranchId, surplusList[1].BranchId) <= Cost(surplusList[0].BranchId, neededList[0].BranchId) && currentNeeded > 0 && !isCollectedFinish)
        //        {
        //            while (surplusList.Count > 1 && Cost(surplusList[0].BranchId, surplusList[1].BranchId) <= Cost(surplusList[0].BranchId, neededList[0].BranchId) && currentNeeded > 0 && !isCollectedFinish)
        //            {
        //                //Visit(SC,SNext)
        //                if (currentNeeded > surplusList[1].Amount)
        //                {
        //                    Message = Message + String.Format("Then go to Branch {0} and collect {1}", surplusList[1].BranchId.ToString(), surplusList[1].Amount.ToString());
        //                    totalCollected = totalCollected + surplusList[0].Amount;
        //                    totalInHand = totalInHand + surplusList[1].Amount;
        //                    currentNeeded = currentNeeded - surplusList[1].Amount;
        //                }
        //                else
        //                {
        //                    Message = Message + String.Format("Then go to Branch {0} and collect {1}", surplusList[1].BranchId.ToString(), surplusList[1].Amount.ToString());
        //                    totalCollected = totalCollected + currentNeeded;
        //                    totalInHand = totalInHand + currentNeeded;
        //                    currentNeeded = 0;
        //                    isCollectedFinish = true;
        //                }
        //                //Removing firs surplus element
        //                surplusList.RemoveAt(0);
        //                //i = i + 1;
        //            }
        //        }
        //        else if (surplusList.Count > 1 && Cost(surplusList[0].BranchId, surplusList[1].BranchId) > Cost(surplusList[0].BranchId, neededList[0].BranchId) && !isCollectedFinish)
        //        {
        //            //Removing firs surplus element
        //            surplusList.RemoveAt(0);
        //            //i = i + 1;
        //        }
        //        //Distributing
        //        //If collected all from the surplus branches or collected total needed the items from the surplus branches
        //        if (totalCollected == totalSurplus || totalCollected == totalNeeded)
        //        {
        //            //Visit each needed branch TODO Shortest path algorithm
        //            foreach (var branch in neededList)
        //            {
        //                if (branch.Amount >= totalInHand)
        //                {
        //                    //Distrbute to the branch
        //                    Message = Message + String.Format("go to Branch {0}, and distribute {1}", branch.BranchId, totalInHand);
        //                    totalInHand = 0;
        //                    //currentNeeded = currentNeeded - totalInHand;
        //                    totalDistributed = totalDistributed + totalInHand;
        //                    isDistributedFinish = true;
        //                    break;
        //                }
        //                else
        //                {
        //                    totalInHand = totalInHand - branch.Amount;
        //                    //currentNeeded = currentNeeded - Math.Abs(branch.Amount);
        //                    totalDistributed = totalDistributed + branch.Amount;
        //                    Message = Message + String.Format("go to Branch {0}, and distribute {1}", branch.BranchId, branch.Amount);
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //        else if (neededList[0].Amount <= totalInHand)
        //        {
        //            //Distrbute to the branch
        //            Message = Message + String.Format("go to Branch {0}, and distribute {1}", neededList[0].BranchId, neededList[0].Amount);
        //            totalInHand = totalInHand - neededList[0].Amount;
        //            //currentNeeded = currentNeeded - neededList[0].Amount;
        //            totalDistributed = totalDistributed + neededList[0].Amount;
        //            //isDistributedFinish = true;
        //        }
        //        if (neededList.Count > 1 && Cost(neededList[0].BranchId, neededList[1].BranchId) <= Cost(neededList[0].BranchId, surplusList[0].BranchId) && totalInHand >= neededList[1].Amount && !isDistributedFinish)
        //        {
        //            while (neededList.Count > 1 && Cost(neededList[0].BranchId, neededList[1].BranchId) <= Cost(neededList[0].BranchId, surplusList[0].BranchId) && totalInHand >= neededList[1].Amount && !isDistributedFinish)
        //            {
        //                //if (neededList[0].Amount >= totalInHand)
        //                //{
        //                //    //Distrbute to the branch
        //                //    Message = Message + String.Format("go to Branch {0}, and distribute {1}", neededList[0].BranchId, totalInHand);
        //                //    totalInHand = 0;
        //                //    currentNeeded = currentNeeded - totalInHand;
        //                //    totalDistributed = totalDistributed + totalInHand;
        //                //    break;
        //                //}
        //                //else
        //                //{
        //                totalInHand = totalInHand - neededList[1].Amount;
        //                //currentNeeded = currentNeeded - neededList[1].Amount;
        //                totalDistributed = totalDistributed + neededList[1].Amount;
        //                Message = Message + String.Format("go to Branch {0}, and distribute {1}", neededList[1].BranchId, neededList[1].Amount);
        //                //j = j + 1;
        //                neededList.RemoveAt(0);
        //                //}
        //                //foreach (var branch in neededList)
        //                //{
        //                //    if (branch.Amount > totalInHand)
        //                //    {
        //                //        //Distrbute to the branch
        //                //        Message = Message + String.Format("go to Branch {0}, and distribute {1}", branch.BranchId, totalInHand);
        //                //        totalInHand = 0;
        //                //        currentNeeded = currentNeeded - totalInHand;
        //                //        totalDistributed = totalDistributed + totalInHand;
        //                //        break;
        //                //    }
        //                //    else
        //                //    {
        //                //        totalInHand = totalInHand - branch.Amount;
        //                //        currentNeeded = currentNeeded - branch.Amount;
        //                //        totalDistributed = totalDistributed + branch.Amount;
        //                //        Message = Message + String.Format("go to Branch {0}, and distribute {1}", branch.BranchId, branch.Amount);
        //                //    }
        //                //}
        //            }
        //            if(neededList.Count > 0)
        //            {
        //                neededList.RemoveAt(0);
        //            }
        //        }
        //        else if (neededList.Count > 0 && totalInHand >= neededList[0].Amount)//if (Cost(neededList[0].BranchId, neededList[1].BranchId) > Cost(neededList[0].BranchId, surplusList[0].BranchId) || totalInHand < currentNeeded)
        //        {
        //            neededList.RemoveAt(0);
        //            //j = j + 1;
        //        }
        //    }
        //    Console.WriteLine(Message);
        public string ForecastFailoverAlgorithm()
            List<BranchItemData> branchItemDataList = new List<BranchItemData>();

            //branchItemDataList = new List<BranchItemData>();
            FFCEntities db = new FFCEntities();
            int totalNeeded = 0;
            int totalSurplus = 0;
            int currentNeeded = 0;
            int totalCollected = 0;
            int totalDistributed = 0;
            int totalInHand = 0;
            bool isCollectedFinish = false;
            bool isDistributedFinish = false;
            string Message = String.Empty;

            //Efficiency related params
            int averageItemCost = 50;
            int previousWastageCost = 0;
            int costForTransport = 0;
            int algorithmTotalGain = 0;
            List<int> visitedBranches = new List<int>();

            #region Input Data List For Forecast
            foreach (var item in db.Branches)
                BranchItemData branchItemData = null;
                if (item.BranchID == 1)
                    branchItemData = new BranchItemData() { Branch = item, ExpectedBalance = 20 };
                else if (item.BranchID == 2)
                    branchItemData = new BranchItemData() { Branch = item, ExpectedBalance = 30 };
                else if (item.BranchID == 3)
                    branchItemData = new BranchItemData() { Branch = item, ExpectedBalance = -30 };
                else if (item.BranchID == 4)
                    branchItemData = new BranchItemData() { Branch = item, ExpectedBalance = -55 };
                else if (item.BranchID == 5)
                    branchItemData = new BranchItemData() { Branch = item, ExpectedBalance = -21 };
                    throw new ArgumentNullException();


            foreach (var branchItemData in branchItemDataList)
                //branchItemData.ExpectedBalance = branchItemData.Now - branchItemData.Forecasted;
                if (branchItemData.ExpectedBalance > 0)
                    surplusList.Add(new BranchDistributionData() { BranchId = branchItemData.Branch.BranchID, BranchName = branchItemData.Branch.BranchName, Amount = branchItemData.ExpectedBalance });
                    totalSurplus = totalSurplus + branchItemData.ExpectedBalance;
                else if (branchItemData.ExpectedBalance < 0)
                    neededList.Add(new BranchDistributionData() { BranchId = branchItemData.Branch.BranchID, BranchName = branchItemData.Branch.BranchName, Amount = Math.Abs(branchItemData.ExpectedBalance) });
                    totalNeeded = totalNeeded + Math.Abs(branchItemData.ExpectedBalance);

            currentNeeded = totalNeeded;

            surplusList = surplusList.OrderByDescending(x => x.Amount).ToList();
            neededList = neededList.OrderByDescending(x => x.Amount).ToList();

            while (surplusList.Count > 0 && currentNeeded > 0 && !isDistributedFinish && totalDistributed != totalNeeded)
                //Go to the first surplus branch
                if (currentNeeded > surplusList[0].Amount)
                    Message = Message + String.Format("Go to {0} Branch and collect {1}. ", surplusList[0].BranchName.ToString(), surplusList[0].Amount.ToString());
                    totalCollected = totalCollected + surplusList[0].Amount;
                    totalInHand = totalInHand + surplusList[0].Amount;
                    currentNeeded = currentNeeded - surplusList[0].Amount;
                    Message = Message + String.Format("Go to {0} Branch and collect {1}. ", surplusList[0].BranchName.ToString(), currentNeeded.ToString());
                    totalCollected = totalCollected + currentNeeded;
                    totalInHand = totalInHand + currentNeeded;
                    currentNeeded = 0;
                    isCollectedFinish = true;

                //Loop thorugh the surplus set and collect if the cost is less
                if (surplusList.Count > 1 && Cost(surplusList[0].BranchId, surplusList[1].BranchId) <= Cost(surplusList[0].BranchId, neededList[0].BranchId) && currentNeeded > 0 && !isCollectedFinish)
                    while (surplusList.Count > 1 && Cost(surplusList[0].BranchId, surplusList[1].BranchId) <= Cost(surplusList[0].BranchId, neededList[0].BranchId) && currentNeeded > 0 && !isCollectedFinish)
                        if (currentNeeded > surplusList[1].Amount)
                            Message = Message + String.Format("Go to {0} Branch and collect {1}. ", surplusList[1].BranchName.ToString(), surplusList[1].Amount.ToString());
                            totalCollected = totalCollected + surplusList[1].Amount;
                            totalInHand = totalInHand + surplusList[1].Amount;
                            currentNeeded = currentNeeded - surplusList[1].Amount;
                            Message = Message + String.Format("Go to {0} Branch and collect {1}. ", surplusList[1].BranchName.ToString(), surplusList[1].Amount.ToString());
                            totalCollected = totalCollected + currentNeeded;
                            totalInHand = totalInHand + currentNeeded;
                            currentNeeded = 0;
                            isCollectedFinish = true;

                        //Removing firs surplus element
                else if (surplusList.Count > 1 && Cost(surplusList[0].BranchId, surplusList[1].BranchId) > Cost(surplusList[0].BranchId, neededList[0].BranchId) && !isCollectedFinish)
                    //Removing firs surplus element


                //If collected all from the surplus branches or collected total needed the items from the surplus branches
                if (totalCollected == totalSurplus || totalCollected == totalNeeded)
                    //Visit each needed branch TODO Shortest path algorithm
                    foreach (var branch in neededList)
                        if (branch.Amount >= totalInHand)
                            //Distrbute to the branch
                            Message = Message + String.Format("Go to {0} Branch , and distribute {1}. ", branch.BranchName, totalInHand);
                            //currentNeeded = currentNeeded - totalInHand;
                            totalDistributed = totalDistributed + totalInHand;
                            totalInHand = 0;
                            isDistributedFinish = true;
                            totalInHand = totalInHand - branch.Amount;
                            //currentNeeded = currentNeeded - Math.Abs(branch.Amount);
                            totalDistributed = totalDistributed + branch.Amount;
                            Message = Message + String.Format("Go to {0} Branch , and distribute {1}. ", branch.BranchName, branch.Amount);
                else if (neededList[0].Amount <= totalInHand)
                    //Distrbute to the branch
                    Message = Message + String.Format("Go to {0} Branch , and distribute {1}.", neededList[0].BranchName, neededList[0].Amount);
                    totalInHand = totalInHand - neededList[0].Amount;
                    totalDistributed = totalDistributed + neededList[0].Amount;

                if (neededList.Count > 1 && Cost(neededList[0].BranchId, neededList[1].BranchId) <= Cost(neededList[0].BranchId, surplusList[0].BranchId) && totalInHand >= neededList[1].Amount && !isDistributedFinish)
                    while (neededList.Count > 1 && Cost(neededList[0].BranchId, neededList[1].BranchId) <= Cost(neededList[0].BranchId, surplusList[0].BranchId) && totalInHand >= neededList[1].Amount && !isDistributedFinish)
                        totalInHand = totalInHand - neededList[1].Amount;
                        //currentNeeded = currentNeeded - neededList[1].Amount;
                        totalDistributed = totalDistributed + neededList[1].Amount;
                        Message = Message + String.Format("Go to {0} Branch , and distribute {1}. ", neededList[1].BranchName, neededList[1].Amount);
                        //j = j + 1;

                    if (neededList.Count > 0)
                else if (neededList.Count > 0 && totalInHand >= neededList[0].Amount)//if (Cost(neededList[0].BranchId, neededList[1].BranchId) > Cost(neededList[0].BranchId, surplusList[0].BranchId) || totalInHand < currentNeeded)
                    //j = j + 1;


            for (int i = 0; i < visitedBranches.Count - 1; i++)
                if (i < visitedBranches.Count - 1)
                    costForTransport = costForTransport + Convert.ToInt32(Cost(visitedBranches[i], visitedBranches[i + 1]));

            previousWastageCost = -averageItemCost * totalSurplus;
            algorithmTotalGain = averageItemCost * totalDistributed - costForTransport - (totalSurplus - totalDistributed) * averageItemCost;
            int algorithmEffectiveGain = algorithmTotalGain - previousWastageCost;

            //Adding the efficiency
            Message = Message + String.Format(" Previous wastage cost {0}", previousWastageCost.ToString());
            Message = Message + String.Format("</br> Algorithm gain {0}", algorithmTotalGain.ToString());
            Message = Message + String.Format("</br> Algorithm Effective gain {0}", algorithmEffectiveGain.ToString());
            return Message;