void Handle(Input.InsTrgr Action) { //TrhX girilmediginde 00:00:00 geliyor. DateTime'a convert edince Gunun tarihi geliyor! //When only the time is present, the date portion uses the current date. //When only the date is present, the time portion is midnight. //When the year isn't specified in a date, the current year is used. //When the day of the month isn't specified, the first of the month is used. //How to set only time part of a DateTime variable //var newDate = oldDate.Date + new TimeSpan(11, 30, 55); var r = Root as MasterPage; var p = this.Parent as FFsRpr; Msj = FF.InsertRec(p.PPId, HHId, TTId, $"{TrhX} {ZmnX}", Ad, TutTur, Tut, r.CUId); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Msj)) { Action.Cancelled = true; return; } Id = 0; Opened = false; p.Data = null; Session.RunTaskForAll((s, sId) => { var cp = (s.Store[nameof(MasterPage)] as MasterPage).CurrentPage; if (cp is FFsPage) { (s.Store[nameof(MasterPage)] as MasterPage).CurrentPage.Data = null; s.CalculatePatchAndPushOnWebSocket(); } }); }