public void AddRoom(int x, int y, int w, int h) { for (int i = x; i < x + w; i++) { FEntity wall = Instantiate(objectEntityPrefab); wall.Setup(); = "Wall"; wall.GetComponent <RenderComponent>().SetData("wall_bottom", new Color32(146, 126, 106, 255)); wall.AddComponent("MovementBlockComponent"); wall.AddComponent("BlockVisionComponent"); entityList.Add(wall); map.PutEntityAt(wall, i, y); map.ClearFloorAt(i, y); wall.PropagateEvent(new FEvent(FEventCodes.ENTITY_SPAWN, "x", i, "y", y)); wall = Instantiate(objectEntityPrefab); wall.Setup(); = "Wall"; wall.GetComponent <RenderComponent>().SetData("wall_bottom", new Color32(146, 126, 106, 255)); wall.AddComponent("MovementBlockComponent"); wall.AddComponent("BlockVisionComponent"); entityList.Add(wall); map.PutEntityAt(wall, i, y + h - 1); map.ClearFloorAt(i, y + h - 1); wall.PropagateEvent(new FEvent(FEventCodes.ENTITY_SPAWN, "x", i, "y", y + h - 1)); } for (int i = y; i < y + h; i++) { FEntity wall = Instantiate(objectEntityPrefab); wall.Setup(); = "Wall"; wall.GetComponent <RenderComponent>().SetData("wall_bottom", new Color32(146, 126, 106, 255)); wall.AddComponent("MovementBlockComponent"); wall.AddComponent("BlockVisionComponent"); entityList.Add(wall); map.PutEntityAt(wall, x, i); map.ClearFloorAt(x, i); wall.PropagateEvent(new FEvent(FEventCodes.ENTITY_SPAWN, "x", x, "y", i)); wall = Instantiate(objectEntityPrefab); wall.Setup(); = "Wall"; wall.GetComponent <RenderComponent>().SetData("wall_bottom", new Color32(146, 126, 106, 255)); wall.AddComponent("MovementBlockComponent"); wall.AddComponent("BlockVisionComponent"); entityList.Add(wall); map.PutEntityAt(wall, x + w - 1, i); map.ClearFloorAt(x + w - 1, i); wall.PropagateEvent(new FEvent(FEventCodes.ENTITY_SPAWN, "x", x + w - 1, "y", i)); } }
public void CAMap(float irand, int iter, int min, int max) { bool[,] bmap = new bool[worldWidth, worldHeight]; for (int i = 0; i < worldWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < worldHeight; j++) { bmap[i, j] = Random.Range(0f, 1f) < irand; } } for (int it = 0; it < iter; it++) { bool[,] nmap = new bool[worldWidth, worldHeight]; for (int i = 0; i < worldWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < worldHeight; j++) { int n = cnt_nbs(bmap, i, j); if (!bmap[i, j]) { nmap[i, j] = n > 4; } else { nmap[i, j] = n >= 4; } } } bmap = nmap; } for (int i = 0; i < worldWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < worldHeight; j++) { if (bmap[i, j] || i == 0 || j == 0 || i == worldWidth - 1 || j == worldHeight - 1) { bmap[i, j] = true; FEntity wall = Instantiate(objectEntityPrefab); wall.Setup(); = "Wall"; string spr = "wall_main"; if (j > 0 && !bmap[i, j - 1]) { spr = "rockwall" + Random.Range(1, 4); } if (i == 0 || i == worldWidth - 1) { spr = "wall_main"; } wall.GetComponent <RenderComponent>().SetData(spr, new Color32(146, 126, 106, 255)); wall.AddComponent("MovementBlockComponent"); wall.AddComponent("BlockVisionComponent"); entityList.Add(wall); map.PutEntityAt(wall, i, j); map.ClearFloorAt(i, j); wall.PropagateEvent(new FEvent(FEventCodes.ENTITY_SPAWN, "x", i, "y", j)); } } } map_draft = bmap; }
/* * Brian Bucklew's talk on ECS shows how objects are built from simple prototypes, and I've seen similar in * Roguelike Celebration talks about ADOM and other RLs. My original idea was not to use Unity's built-in ECS, * which would've let me use proper constructors and stuff, but since I use MonoBehaviours I can't really do * that, so we have this somehwat clumsier approach to prototyping. * * I imagine there's a nicer way of doing this - ScriptableObjects maybe, that MonoBehaviour-but-not class Unity * has that I forget about all the time. This works fine here. If you wanted to make your thing bigger, you'd * probably want a nicer way of defining these (one of the nice things about Brian's approach is that prototypes * can be specified in XML and thus edited outside of code mode). */ public FEntity SpawnPrototype(string name, int x, int y) { FEntity res = null; GameObject go = new GameObject(name); go.tag = "Entity"; res = go.AddComponent <FEntity>(); res.Setup(); if (name == "blood_spatter") { res.AddComponent("RenderComponent", "splatter_" + Random.Range(1, 4), new Color32(126, 37, 83, 255)); res.GetComponent <RenderComponent>().SetSpriteLayer("Stage BG", 2); res.AddComponent("LocationComponent", x, y); } if (name == "fire") { res.AddComponent("RenderComponent", "fire", new Color32(255, 163, 0, 255)); res.GetComponent <RenderComponent>().SetSpriteLayer("Stage BG", 5); res.AddComponent("LocationComponent", x, y); res.AddComponent("FireComponent"); } if (name == "grass") { res.AddComponent("RenderComponent", "grass" + Random.Range(1, 4), new Color32(0, 135, 81, 255)); res.GetComponent <RenderComponent>().SetSpriteLayer("Stage BG", 0); res.AddComponent("LocationComponent", x, y); res.AddComponent("Flammable"); } if (name == "armor") { res.AddComponent("NameComponent", "leather armor", "ffffff"); res.AddComponent(res.gameObject.AddComponent <ArmorComponent>()); res.AddComponent(res.gameObject.AddComponent <CanCarry>()); res.AddComponent(res.gameObject.AddComponent <Equippable>()); res.AddComponent("LocationComponent", x, y); } if (name == "sword") { res.AddComponent("NameComponent", "short sword", "ffffff"); res.AddComponent(res.gameObject.AddComponent <MeleeWeaponComponent>()); res.AddComponent(res.gameObject.AddComponent <CanCarry>()); res.AddComponent(res.gameObject.AddComponent <Equippable>()); res.AddComponent(res.gameObject.AddComponent <Throwable>()); res.AddComponent("RenderComponent", "sword", new Color32(150, 150, 150, 255)); res.AddComponent("LocationComponent", x, y); } if (name == "healingpotion") { res.Setup(); res.AddComponent("LocationComponent", x, y); res.AddComponent("NameComponent", "healing potion", "FF77A8"); res.AddComponent("RenderComponent", "potion", new Color32(57, 87, 28, 255), 5); res.AddComponent("Throwable"); res.AddComponent("CanCarry"); res.AddComponent("LocationComponent"); res.AddComponent("Drinkable"); res.AddComponent("HealingPotionEffect"); res.AddComponent("PotionComponent"); } if (name == "skeleton_fighter") { = "Skeleton"; res.AddComponent("RenderComponent", "skeleton", (Color32) new Color(0.764f, 0.639f, 0.541f, 1f)); res.AddComponent("LocationComponent", x, y); res.AddComponent(res.gameObject.AddComponent <MonsterComponent>()); res.gameObject.GetComponent <MonsterComponent>().deathSpriteName = "pile_of_bones"; res.AddComponent("NameComponent", "skeleton warrior", "997577"); res.AddComponent(res.gameObject.AddComponent <MeleeCombatComponent>()); res.AddComponent(res.gameObject.AddComponent <MonsterAIComponent>()); res.AddComponent("EquipSlotsComponent"); res.AddComponent("InventoryComponent"); res.AddComponent("StatBlockComponent"); GameObject swordObj = new GameObject("Sword"); swordObj.tag = "Entity"; FEntity sword = swordObj.AddComponent <FEntity>(); sword.Setup(); sword.AddComponent("NameComponent", "short sword", "ffffff"); sword.AddComponent("RenderComponent", "sword", new Color32(150, 150, 150, 255)); sword.AddComponent("LocationComponent"); sword.AddComponent("CanCarry"); sword.AddComponent("MeleeWeaponComponent"); sword.AddComponent("RustyWeaponComponent"); sword.AddComponent("Equippable"); EquipSlotsComponent esc = res.GetComponent <EquipSlotsComponent>(); esc.AddSlot("LeftHand"); sword.PropagateEvent(new FEvent(FEventCodes.PICKED_UP, "carrier", res)); res.PropagateEvent(new FEvent(FEventCodes.RECEIVE_ITEM, "item", sword)); // res.PropagateEvent(new FEvent(FEventCodes.EQUIP_ITEM, "item", sword, "slotName", "LeftHand")); } return(res); }