Example #1
         * Does the precomputation for WTNAF multiplication.
         * @param p The <code>ECPoint</code> for which to do the precomputation.
         * @param a The parameter <code>a</code> of the elliptic curve.
         * @return The precomputation array for <code>p</code>.
        public static F2MPoint[] GetPreComp(F2MPoint p, sbyte a)
            F2MPoint[] pu;
            pu    = new F2MPoint[16];
            pu[1] = p;
            sbyte[][] alphaTnaf;
            if (a == 0)
                alphaTnaf = Tnaf.Alpha0Tnaf;
                // a == 1
                alphaTnaf = Tnaf.Alpha1Tnaf;

            int precompLen = alphaTnaf.Length;

            for (int i = 3; i < precompLen; i = i + 2)
                pu[i] = Tnaf.MultiplyFromTnaf(p, alphaTnaf[i]);

         * Test encoding with and without point compression.
         * @param p
         *            The point to be encoded and decoded.
        private void implTestEncoding(ECPoint p)
            // Not Point Compression
            ECPoint unCompP;

            // Point compression
            ECPoint compP;

            if (p is FPPoint)
                unCompP = new FPPoint(p.Curve, p.X, p.Y, false);
                compP   = new FPPoint(p.Curve, p.X, p.Y, true);
                unCompP = new F2MPoint(p.Curve, p.X, p.Y, false);
                compP   = new F2MPoint(p.Curve, p.X, p.Y, true);

            byte[]  unCompBarr = unCompP.GetEncoded();
            ECPoint decUnComp  = p.Curve.DecodePoint(unCompBarr);

            Assert.AreEqual(p, decUnComp, "Error decoding uncompressed point");

            byte[]  compBarr = compP.GetEncoded();
            ECPoint decComp  = p.Curve.DecodePoint(compBarr);

            Assert.AreEqual(p, decComp, "Error decoding compressed point");
  * Creates the points on the curve with literature values.
 internal static void CreatePoints()
     for (var i = 0; i < PointSource.Length / 2; i++)
         var x = new F2MFieldElement(M, K1, new BigInteger(PointSource[2 * i], 16));
         var y = new F2MFieldElement(M, K1, new BigInteger(PointSource[2 * i + 1], 16));
         P[i] = new F2MPoint(Curve, x, y);
Example #4
         * Multiplies a {@link org.bouncycastle.math.ec.F2mPoint F2mPoint}
         * by an element <code>&#955;</code> of <code><b>Z</b>[&#964;]</code>
         * using the <code>&#964;</code>-adic NAF (TNAF) method.
         * @param p The F2mPoint to Multiply.
         * @param lambda The element <code>&#955;</code> of
         * <code><b>Z</b>[&#964;]</code>.
         * @return <code>&#955; * p</code>
        public static F2MPoint MultiplyTnaf(F2MPoint p, ZTauElement lambda)
            F2MCurve curve = (F2MCurve)p.Curve;
            sbyte    mu    = curve.GetMu();

            sbyte[] u = TauAdicNaf(mu, lambda);

            F2MPoint q = MultiplyFromTnaf(p, u);

Example #5
         * Applies the operation <code>&#964;()</code> to an
         * <code>F2mPoint</code>.
         * @param p The F2mPoint to which <code>&#964;()</code> is applied.
         * @return <code>&#964;(p)</code>
        public static F2MPoint Tau(F2MPoint p)
            if (p.IsInfinity)

            ECFieldElement x = p.X;
            ECFieldElement y = p.Y;

            return(new F2MPoint(p.Curve, x.Square(), y.Square(), p.IsCompressed));
Example #6
         * Multiplies a {@link org.bouncycastle.math.ec.F2mPoint F2mPoint}
         * by a <code>BigInteger</code> using the reduced <code>&#964;</code>-adic
         * NAF (RTNAF) method.
         * @param p The F2mPoint to Multiply.
         * @param k The <code>BigInteger</code> by which to Multiply <code>p</code>.
         * @return <code>k * p</code>
        public static F2MPoint MultiplyRTnaf(F2MPoint p, IBigInteger k)
            F2MCurve curve = (F2MCurve)p.Curve;
            int      m     = curve.M;
            sbyte    a     = (sbyte)curve.A.ToBigInteger().IntValue;
            sbyte    mu    = curve.GetMu();

            IBigInteger[] s   = curve.GetSi();
            ZTauElement   rho = PartModReduction(k, m, a, s, mu, (sbyte)10);

            return(MultiplyTnaf(p, rho));
        public void TestPointCreationConsistency()
                var bad = new FPPoint(Fp.Curve, new FPFieldElement(
                                          Fp.Q, new BigInteger("12")), null);
            catch (ArgumentException)
                // Expected

                var bad = new FPPoint(Fp.Curve, null,
                                      new FPFieldElement(Fp.Q, new BigInteger("12")));
            catch (ArgumentException)
                // Expected

                var bad = new F2MPoint(F2M.Curve, new F2MFieldElement(
                                           F2M.M, F2M.K1, new BigInteger("1011")), null);
            catch (ArgumentException)
                // Expected

                var bad = new F2MPoint(F2M.Curve, null,
                                       new F2MFieldElement(F2M.M, F2M.K1,
                                                           new BigInteger("1011")));
            catch (ArgumentException)
                // Expected
Example #8
         * Multiplies a {@link org.bouncycastle.math.ec.F2mPoint F2mPoint}
         * by an element <code>&#955;</code> of <code><b>Z</b>[&#964;]</code>
         * using the <code>&#964;</code>-adic NAF (TNAF) method, given the TNAF
         * of <code>&#955;</code>.
         * @param p The F2mPoint to Multiply.
         * @param u The the TNAF of <code>&#955;</code>..
         * @return <code>&#955; * p</code>
        public static F2MPoint MultiplyFromTnaf(F2MPoint p, sbyte[] u)
            F2MCurve curve = (F2MCurve)p.Curve;
            F2MPoint q     = (F2MPoint)curve.Infinity;

            for (int i = u.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                q = Tau(q);
                if (u[i] == 1)
                    q = (F2MPoint)q.AddSimple(p);
                else if (u[i] == -1)
                    q = (F2MPoint)q.SubtractSimple(p);
         * Multiplies a {@link org.bouncycastle.math.ec.F2mPoint F2mPoint}
         * by <code>k</code> using the reduced <code>&#964;</code>-adic NAF (RTNAF)
         * method.
         * @param p The F2mPoint to multiply.
         * @param k The integer by which to multiply <code>k</code>.
         * @return <code>p</code> multiplied by <code>k</code>.
        public ECPoint Multiply(ECPoint point, IBigInteger k, IPreCompInfo preCompInfo)
            if (!(point is F2MPoint))
                throw new ArgumentException("Only F2mPoint can be used in WTauNafMultiplier");

            F2MPoint p = (F2MPoint)point;

            F2MCurve curve = (F2MCurve)p.Curve;
            int      m     = curve.M;
            sbyte    a     = (sbyte)curve.A.ToBigInteger().IntValue;
            sbyte    mu    = curve.GetMu();

            IBigInteger[] s = curve.GetSi();

            ZTauElement rho = Tnaf.PartModReduction(k, m, a, s, mu, (sbyte)10);

            return(MultiplyWTnaf(p, rho, preCompInfo, a, mu));
         * Multiplies a {@link org.bouncycastle.math.ec.F2mPoint F2mPoint}
         * by an element <code>&#955;</code> of <code><b>Z</b>[&#964;]</code> using
         * the <code>&#964;</code>-adic NAF (TNAF) method.
         * @param p The F2mPoint to multiply.
         * @param lambda The element <code>&#955;</code> of
         * <code><b>Z</b>[&#964;]</code> of which to compute the
         * <code>[&#964;]</code>-adic NAF.
         * @return <code>p</code> multiplied by <code>&#955;</code>.
        private F2MPoint MultiplyWTnaf(F2MPoint p, ZTauElement lambda,
                                       IPreCompInfo preCompInfo, sbyte a, sbyte mu)
            ZTauElement[] alpha;
            if (a == 0)
                alpha = Tnaf.Alpha0;
                // a == 1
                alpha = Tnaf.Alpha1;

            IBigInteger tw = Tnaf.GetTw(mu, Tnaf.Width);

            sbyte[] u = Tnaf.TauAdicWNaf(mu, lambda, Tnaf.Width,
                                         BigInteger.ValueOf(Tnaf.Pow2Width), tw, alpha);

            return(MultiplyFromWTnaf(p, u, preCompInfo));
         * Multiplies a {@link org.bouncycastle.math.ec.F2mPoint F2mPoint}
         * by an element <code>&#955;</code> of <code><b>Z</b>[&#964;]</code>
         * using the window <code>&#964;</code>-adic NAF (TNAF) method, given the
         * WTNAF of <code>&#955;</code>.
         * @param p The F2mPoint to multiply.
         * @param u The the WTNAF of <code>&#955;</code>..
         * @return <code>&#955; * p</code>
        private static F2MPoint MultiplyFromWTnaf(F2MPoint p, sbyte[] u,
                                                  IPreCompInfo preCompInfo)
            F2MCurve curve = (F2MCurve)p.Curve;
            sbyte    a     = (sbyte)curve.A.ToBigInteger().IntValue;

            F2MPoint[] pu;
            if ((preCompInfo == null) || !(preCompInfo is WTauNafPreCompInfo))
                pu            = Tnaf.GetPreComp(p, a);
                p.PreCompInfo = new WTauNafPreCompInfo(pu);
                pu = ((WTauNafPreCompInfo)preCompInfo).GetPreComp();

            // q = infinity
            F2MPoint q = (F2MPoint)p.Curve.Infinity;

            for (int i = u.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                q = Tnaf.Tau(q);
                if (u[i] != 0)
                    if (u[i] > 0)
                        q = q.AddSimple(pu[u[i]]);
                        // u[i] < 0
                        q = q.SubtractSimple(pu[-u[i]]);

        * Multiplies a {@link org.bouncycastle.math.ec.F2mPoint F2mPoint}
        * by an element <code>&#955;</code> of <code><b>Z</b>[&#964;]</code>
        * using the window <code>&#964;</code>-adic NAF (TNAF) method, given the
        * WTNAF of <code>&#955;</code>.
        * @param p The F2mPoint to multiply.
        * @param u The the WTNAF of <code>&#955;</code>..
        * @return <code>&#955; * p</code>
        private static F2MPoint MultiplyFromWTnaf(F2MPoint p, sbyte[] u,
			IPreCompInfo preCompInfo)
            F2MCurve curve = (F2MCurve)p.Curve;
            sbyte a = (sbyte) curve.A.ToBigInteger().IntValue;

            F2MPoint[] pu;
            if ((preCompInfo == null) || !(preCompInfo is WTauNafPreCompInfo))
                pu = Tnaf.GetPreComp(p, a);
                p.PreCompInfo = new WTauNafPreCompInfo(pu);
                pu = ((WTauNafPreCompInfo)preCompInfo).GetPreComp();

            // q = infinity
            F2MPoint q = (F2MPoint) p.Curve.Infinity;
            for (int i = u.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                q = Tnaf.Tau(q);
                if (u[i] != 0)
                    if (u[i] > 0)
                        q = q.AddSimple(pu[u[i]]);
                        // u[i] < 0
                        q = q.SubtractSimple(pu[-u[i]]);

            return q;
 * Constructor for <code>WTauNafPreCompInfo</code>
 * @param preComp Array holding the precomputed <code>F2mPoint</code>s
 * used for the WTNAF multiplication in <code>
 * {@link org.bouncycastle.math.ec.multiplier.WTauNafMultiplier.multiply()
 * WTauNafMultiplier.multiply()}</code>.
 internal WTauNafPreCompInfo(F2MPoint[] preComp)
     _preComp = preComp;
        * Multiplies a {@link org.bouncycastle.math.ec.F2mPoint F2mPoint}
        * by an element <code>&#955;</code> of <code><b>Z</b>[&#964;]</code> using
        * the <code>&#964;</code>-adic NAF (TNAF) method.
        * @param p The F2mPoint to multiply.
        * @param lambda The element <code>&#955;</code> of
        * <code><b>Z</b>[&#964;]</code> of which to compute the
        * <code>[&#964;]</code>-adic NAF.
        * @return <code>p</code> multiplied by <code>&#955;</code>.
        private F2MPoint MultiplyWTnaf(F2MPoint p, ZTauElement lambda,
			IPreCompInfo preCompInfo, sbyte a, sbyte mu)
            ZTauElement[] alpha;
            if (a == 0)
                alpha = Tnaf.Alpha0;
                // a == 1
                alpha = Tnaf.Alpha1;

            IBigInteger tw = Tnaf.GetTw(mu, Tnaf.Width);

            sbyte[]u = Tnaf.TauAdicWNaf(mu, lambda, Tnaf.Width,
                BigInteger.ValueOf(Tnaf.Pow2Width), tw, alpha);

            return MultiplyFromWTnaf(p, u, preCompInfo);
        * Applies the operation <code>&#964;()</code> to an
        * <code>F2mPoint</code>.
        * @param p The F2mPoint to which <code>&#964;()</code> is applied.
        * @return <code>&#964;(p)</code>
        public static F2MPoint Tau(F2MPoint p)
            if (p.IsInfinity)
                return p;

            ECFieldElement x = p.X;
            ECFieldElement y = p.Y;

            return new F2MPoint(p.Curve, x.Square(), y.Square(), p.IsCompressed);
        * Multiplies a {@link org.bouncycastle.math.ec.F2mPoint F2mPoint}
        * by an element <code>&#955;</code> of <code><b>Z</b>[&#964;]</code>
        * using the <code>&#964;</code>-adic NAF (TNAF) method.
        * @param p The F2mPoint to Multiply.
        * @param lambda The element <code>&#955;</code> of
        * <code><b>Z</b>[&#964;]</code>.
        * @return <code>&#955; * p</code>
        public static F2MPoint MultiplyTnaf(F2MPoint p, ZTauElement lambda)
            F2MCurve curve = (F2MCurve)p.Curve;
            sbyte mu = curve.GetMu();
            sbyte[] u = TauAdicNaf(mu, lambda);

            F2MPoint q = MultiplyFromTnaf(p, u);

            return q;
        * Multiplies a {@link org.bouncycastle.math.ec.F2mPoint F2mPoint}
        * by a <code>BigInteger</code> using the reduced <code>&#964;</code>-adic
        * NAF (RTNAF) method.
        * @param p The F2mPoint to Multiply.
        * @param k The <code>BigInteger</code> by which to Multiply <code>p</code>.
        * @return <code>k * p</code>
        public static F2MPoint MultiplyRTnaf(F2MPoint p, IBigInteger k)
            F2MCurve curve = (F2MCurve) p.Curve;
            int m = curve.M;
            sbyte a = (sbyte) curve.A.ToBigInteger().IntValue;
            sbyte mu = curve.GetMu();
            IBigInteger[] s = curve.GetSi();
            ZTauElement rho = PartModReduction(k, m, a, s, mu, (sbyte)10);

            return MultiplyTnaf(p, rho);
 * Multiplies a {@link org.bouncycastle.math.ec.F2mPoint F2mPoint}
 * by an element <code>&#955;</code> of <code><b>Z</b>[&#964;]</code>
 * using the <code>&#964;</code>-adic NAF (TNAF) method, given the TNAF
 * of <code>&#955;</code>.
 * @param p The F2mPoint to Multiply.
 * @param u The the TNAF of <code>&#955;</code>..
 * @return <code>&#955; * p</code>
 public static F2MPoint MultiplyFromTnaf(F2MPoint p, sbyte[] u)
     F2MCurve curve = (F2MCurve)p.Curve;
     F2MPoint q = (F2MPoint) curve.Infinity;
     for (int i = u.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
         q = Tau(q);
         if (u[i] == 1)
             q = (F2MPoint)q.AddSimple(p);
         else if (u[i] == -1)
             q = (F2MPoint)q.SubtractSimple(p);
     return q;
        * Does the precomputation for WTNAF multiplication.
        * @param p The <code>ECPoint</code> for which to do the precomputation.
        * @param a The parameter <code>a</code> of the elliptic curve.
        * @return The precomputation array for <code>p</code>.
        public static F2MPoint[] GetPreComp(F2MPoint p, sbyte a)
            F2MPoint[] pu;
            pu = new F2MPoint[16];
            pu[1] = p;
            sbyte[][] alphaTnaf;
            if (a == 0)
                alphaTnaf = Tnaf.Alpha0Tnaf;
                // a == 1
                alphaTnaf = Tnaf.Alpha1Tnaf;

            int precompLen = alphaTnaf.Length;
            for (int i = 3; i < precompLen; i = i + 2)
                pu[i] = Tnaf.MultiplyFromTnaf(p, alphaTnaf[i]);

            return pu;