} // TestGetDataUsingDataContract private static void TestShutdown(EzServiceClient proxy) { Console.WriteLine("Shutdown()..."); string s = proxy.Shutdown(); Console.WriteLine("Shutdown() = {0}", s); } // TestShutdown
} // TestOneAction private static void TestGetData(EzServiceClient proxy) { Console.WriteLine("GetData(12)..."); string s = proxy.GetData(12); Console.WriteLine("GetData(12) = {0}", s); } // TestGetData
private static void Main(string[] args) { var c = new EzServiceClient(); var check = c.FraudChecker(25, FraudMode.FullCheck); xmlHelper.SerializeObject(check, "FraudChecker"); }
} // TestGetData private static void TestGetDataUsingDataContract(EzServiceClient proxy) { Console.WriteLine("GetDataUsingDataContract({ true, 'str' })..."); CompositeType ct = proxy.GetDataUsingDataContract(new CompositeType { BoolValue = true, StringValue = "str" }); Console.WriteLine("GetDataUsingDataContract({{ true, 'str' }}) = {{ {0}, {1} }}", ct.BoolValue, ct.StringValue); } // TestGetDataUsingDataContract
} // Main private static EzServiceClient TestOneAction(EzServiceClient proxy, Action <EzServiceClient> oAction) { if (proxy == null) { Console.WriteLine("Creating a proxy object..."); proxy = new EzServiceClient(); Console.WriteLine("Connecting a proxy object to service..."); try { proxy.Open(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to connect to the service: exception of type {1} caught: {0}", e.Message, e.GetType()); return(null); } // try } // if if (proxy.InnerChannel.State != CommunicationState.Opened) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot call the service: its state is {0}", proxy.InnerChannel.State); return(null); } // if try { oAction(proxy); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("GetData: exception of type {1} caught: {0}", e.Message, e.GetType()); } // try Console.WriteLine("After the call service state is {0}", proxy.InnerChannel.State); if (proxy.InnerChannel.State != CommunicationState.Opened) { return(null); } return(proxy); } // TestOneAction
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var service = new EzServiceClient(); Type type = typeof(EzServiceClient); System.Reflection.MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods(); var methodsStr = new List <string>(30); methodsStr.AddRange(methods.Select(method => method.Name)); methodsStr.Sort(); ddlMethods.DataSource = methodsStr; // ddlMethods.Text = "Name"; // ddlMethods.ValueMember = "Name"; ddlMethods.PerformLayout(); AutoCompleteStringCollection AutoCompleteMethods = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++) { AutoCompleteMethods.Add(methods[i].Name); } ddlMethods.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend; ddlMethods.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems; ddlMethods.AutoCompleteCustomSource = AutoCompleteMethods; SelectedMethod = ddlMethods.SelectedValue.ToString(); //lblFbnclient.Text = TestMethod.Fbnclient.Endpoint.ListenUri.ToString(); imgLoader.Visible = true; pictureBox1.Visible = false; imgLoader.Text = ""; imgLoader.Refresh(); var endpoints = LoadWindowHelper.LoadEndpointsFromConfig(); EndPoint.Text = DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_IP_TEXT + endpoints[0].EndPointPath.Host; }
static void Main(string[] args) { EzServiceClient proxy = null; var aryActions = new Action <EzServiceClient>[] { TestGetData, TestGetDataUsingDataContract, TestGetData, TestGetDataUsingDataContract }; foreach (Action <EzServiceClient> oAction in aryActions) { proxy = TestOneAction(proxy, oAction); } Console.WriteLine("Strike Enter to quit or 'exit' to shutdown the service..."); string sResponse = Console.ReadLine(); if (sResponse == "exit") { TestOneAction(proxy, TestShutdown); Console.WriteLine("Strike Enter when ready..."); Console.ReadLine(); } // if } // Main