Example #1
        private decimal GetExtraPayment(ExtraPayment extraPayment, DateTime currentServicingDate)
            if (extraPayment != null && // do we need to return 0 if extraPayment.DateApplied < historicPayments.Last().PaymentDate ?
                // check if extra payment amount is valid relative to current date. if yes, return value. if not, return 0.

Example #2
        public AmortizationSchedule Calculate(decimal loanAmount, decimal interestRate, int termInMonths, DateTime startDate, decimal?monthlyPayment = null, ExtraPayment extraPayment = null)
            if (termInMonths <= 0)
                throw new Exception($"Loan term in months must be greater than zero.  Term received was {termInMonths}.");

            var monthlyInterestRate = interestRate / MonthsInYear;

            // calculate estimated monthly payment if calling code does not send an amount or valid amount
            if (monthlyPayment <= 0m || monthlyPayment == null)
                monthlyPayment = loanAmount * (decimal)((double)monthlyInterestRate / (1 - Math.Pow(1 + (double)monthlyInterestRate, -termInMonths)));

            var      remainingBalance     = loanAmount;
            var      interestPaidToDate   = 0m;
            DateTime maturityDate         = startDate.AddMonths(termInMonths);
            var      currentServicingDate = startDate;
            var      amortizationPayments = new List <AmortizationPayment>();

            var monthCount = 0; // month count will result in remaining balance > 0 by end of term if we account for missed payments

            while (monthCount < termInMonths || Math.Round(remainingBalance, 2) > MinimumBalanceLeft)
                if (monthCount > 0)                                           // added if to prevent adding of month if it is the first month
                    currentServicingDate = currentServicingDate.AddMonths(1); // assuming monthly intervals for payments


                // while loop will always continue to end of term so that we can calculate relative total interest if actual balance is completed before end of term
                if (Math.Round(remainingBalance, 2) <= MinimumBalanceLeft) // can this remaining balance <= 0 be checked against 0.00 e.g. Math.Round(remainingBalance, 2) <= 0 currently there are scenarios where the remaining balance may be 0.00000001

                // set base interest and principal for month
                var interestForMonth  = remainingBalance * monthlyInterestRate;
                var principalForMonth = monthlyPayment.Value - interestForMonth;

                // checks if current term will contain last payment
                if (remainingBalance < monthlyPayment.Value)
                    // updates principal for month since that will be the only value affected by the last payment
                    principalForMonth = (monthlyInterestRate + 1) * remainingBalance - interestForMonth; // above is equal to principalForMonth = remainingBalance when you simplify.

                // get any additional or historical payments
                var extraPaymentForMonth = GetExtraPayment(extraPayment, currentServicingDate);

                // calculate any left over extra payment. currently just stored in local variable
                if (remainingBalance < principalForMonth + extraPaymentForMonth)                              // moved remaining balance to the front for readibility
                    var leftoverExtraPayment = (principalForMonth + extraPaymentForMonth) - remainingBalance; // this equation works for both when principal < remaining balance and principal > remaining balance
                    extraPaymentForMonth -= leftoverExtraPayment;

                remainingBalance   -= principalForMonth + extraPaymentForMonth;
                interestPaidToDate += interestForMonth;

                // apply payments saved and maturity date current iteration is last payment
                if (Math.Round(remainingBalance, 2) <= MinimumBalanceLeft)
                    // moved this setting of data out of previous if blocks because there are multiple ways to end a loan
                    // remaining balance < monthly payment or remaining balance < principal for month + extra payment for month (if an extra payment is made on the last term)
                    maturityDate = currentServicingDate;

                // create amort payment and add to schedule (no rounding)
                amortizationPayments.Add(new AmortizationPayment()
                    PaymentDate         = currentServicingDate,
                    PaymentInterest     = interestForMonth,
                    PaymentPrincipal    = principalForMonth,
                    PaymentAmount       = principalForMonth + interestForMonth,
                    AdditionalPrincipal = extraPaymentForMonth,
                    InterestPaidToDate  = interestPaidToDate,
                    BalanceToDate       = remainingBalance

            var amortizationSchedule = new AmortizationSchedule()
                InterestPaid       = interestPaidToDate,
                ExtraPrincipalPaid = amortizationPayments.Sum(x => x.AdditionalPrincipal),
                MonthlyPayment     = monthlyPayment.Value,
                MaturityDate       = maturityDate,
                Schedule           = amortizationPayments
