public ILoginExtraFactor FindLoginExtraFactor(IEntitySession session, ExtraFactorTypes factorType, string factor) { var entFactor = session.EntitySet <ILoginExtraFactor>() .FirstOrDefault(ef => ef.FactorType == factorType && ef.FactorValue == factor); VerifyExpirationSuspensionDates(entFactor.Login); return(entFactor); }
private string GetMediaType(ExtraFactorTypes factorType) { switch (factorType) { case ExtraFactorTypes.Email: return NotificationMediaTypes.Email; case ExtraFactorTypes.Phone: return NotificationMediaTypes.Sms; default: return null; } }
private string GetMediaType(ExtraFactorTypes factorType) { switch (factorType) { case ExtraFactorTypes.Email: return(NotificationMediaTypes.Email); case ExtraFactorTypes.Phone: return(NotificationMediaTypes.Sms); default: return(null); } }
public string FindLoginFactor(ILogin login, ExtraFactorTypes factorType) { var session = EntityHelper.GetSession(login); var factor = session.EntitySet <ILoginExtraFactor>().Where(f => f.Login == login && f.FactorType == factorType).FirstOrDefault(); if (factor == null) { return(null); } return(factor.FactorValue); }
public LoginExtraFactor AddFactor(ILogin login, ExtraFactorTypes type, string value) { var session = EntityHelper.GetSession(login); if (type == ExtraFactorTypes.GoogleAuthenticator) value = GoogleAuthenticator.GoogleAuthenticatorUtil.GenerateSecret(); var factor = session.NewEntity<ILoginExtraFactor>(); factor.Login = login; factor.FactorType = type; factor.Info = session.NewOrUpdate(factor.Info, value, _settings.EncryptionChannelName); factor.InfoHash = Util.StableHash(value); if (type == ExtraFactorTypes.GoogleAuthenticator) factor.SetVerified(App.TimeService.UtcNow); return ToModel(factor); }
protected virtual void SendPin(ILoginProcess process, ExtraFactorTypes factorType, string factor, string pin) { var session = EntityHelper.GetSession(process); string mediaType = GetMediaType(factorType); Util.CheckNotEmpty(mediaType, "Cannot send pin, unsupported factor type: {0}.", factorType); var notificationType = GetPinNotificationType(process.ProcessType); var userId = process.Login.UserId; var msg = new NotificationMessage() { Type = notificationType, MediaType = mediaType, Recipients = factor, MainRecipientUserId = userId, Culture = session.Context.UserCulture }; msg.From = _settings.DefaultEmailFrom; msg.Parameters[LoginNotificationKeys.BackHitUrlBase] = _settings.BackHitUrlBase; msg.Parameters[LoginNotificationKeys.Pin] = pin; msg.Parameters[LoginNotificationKeys.ProcessToken] = process.Token; msg.Parameters[LoginNotificationKeys.UserName] = process.Login.UserName; _notificationService.Send(session.Context, msg); }
private bool FactorSetupCompleted(ILogin login, ExtraFactorTypes type) { switch (type) { case ExtraFactorTypes.SecretQuestions: return(login.SecretQuestionAnswers.Count >= _settings.MinQuestionsCount); case ExtraFactorTypes.Email: case ExtraFactorTypes.Phone: var factor = login.ExtraFactors.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FactorType == type && f.VerifiedOn != null); return(factor != null); default: return(false); //never happens } }
public ILoginExtraFactor FindLoginExtraFactor(OperationContext context, ExtraFactorTypes factorType, string factor) { //We search by hash first, then decrypt and compare value var hash = Util.StableHash(factor); var session = context.OpenSystemSession(); var hashMatches = session.EntitySet <ILoginExtraFactor>().Where(ef => ef.FactorType == factorType && ef.FactorValueHash == hash).ToList(); foreach (var match in hashMatches) { var recFactor = match.FactorValue; if (recFactor == factor) { VerifyExpirationSuspensionDates(match.Login); return(match); } } return(null); }
public LoginExtraFactor AddFactor(ILogin login, ExtraFactorTypes type, string value) { var session = EntityHelper.GetSession(login); if (type == ExtraFactorTypes.GoogleAuthenticator) { value = GoogleAuthenticator.GoogleAuthenticatorUtil.GenerateSecret(); } var factor = session.NewEntity <ILoginExtraFactor>(); factor.Login = login; factor.FactorType = type; factor.FactorValue = value; if (type == ExtraFactorTypes.GoogleAuthenticator) { factor.SetVerified(App.TimeService.UtcNow); } return(ToModel(factor)); }
public static bool HasExtraFactor(this ILogin login, ExtraFactorTypes factorType) { return login.ExtraFactors.Any(f => f.FactorType == factorType); }
public static bool IsSet(this ExtraFactorTypes factors, ExtraFactorTypes factor) { return (factors & factor) != 0; }
public void SendPinForMultiFactor(string token, ExtraFactorTypes factorType) { var process = GetActiveProcess(token); Context.ThrowIf(process.CurrentFactor != null, ClientFaultCodes.InvalidAction, "token", "Factor verification pending, the previous process step is not completed."); var pendingFactorTypes = process.PendingFactors; Context.ThrowIf(!pendingFactorTypes.IsSet(factorType), ClientFaultCodes.InvalidValue, "factortype", "Factor type is not pending in login process"); var factor = process.Login.ExtraFactors.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FactorType == factorType); Context.ThrowIfNull(factor, ClientFaultCodes.ObjectNotFound, "factor", "Login factor (email or phone) not setup in user account; factor type: {0}", factorType); _processService.SendPin(process, factor); }
public ILoginExtraFactor FindLoginExtraFactor(OperationContext context, ExtraFactorTypes factorType, string factor) { //We search by hash first, then decrypt and compare value var hash = Util.StableHash(factor); var session = context.OpenSystemSession(); var hashMatches = session.EntitySet<ILoginExtraFactor>().Where(ef => ef.FactorType == factorType && ef.InfoHash == hash).ToList(); foreach(var match in hashMatches) { var recFactor = match.Info.DecryptString(_settings.EncryptionChannelName); if(recFactor == factor) { VerifyExpirationSuspensionDates(match.Login); return match; } } return null; }
public static bool IsSet(this ExtraFactorTypes factors, ExtraFactorTypes factor) { return((factors & factor) != 0); }
public ILoginExtraFactor FindLoginFactor(ILogin login, ExtraFactorTypes factorType) { return(login.ExtraFactors.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FactorType == factorType)); }
private bool FactorSetupCompleted(ILogin login, ExtraFactorTypes type) { switch(type) { case ExtraFactorTypes.SecretQuestions: return login.SecretQuestionAnswers.Count >= _settings.MinQuestionsCount; case ExtraFactorTypes.Email: case ExtraFactorTypes.Phone: var factor = login.ExtraFactors.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FactorType == type && f.VerifiedOn != null); return factor != null; default: return false; //never happens } }
public string FindLoginFactor(ILogin login, ExtraFactorTypes factorType) { var session = EntityHelper.GetSession(login); var factor = session.EntitySet<ILoginExtraFactor>().Where(f => f.Login == login && f.FactorType == factorType).FirstOrDefault(); if (factor == null) return null; var strFactor = factor.Info.DecryptString(_settings.EncryptionChannelName); return strFactor; }
public static bool HasExtraFactor(this ILogin login, ExtraFactorTypes factorType) { return(login.ExtraFactors.Any(f => f.FactorType == factorType)); }