/// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of the <see cref="AgentManager"/> class./>
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The agent should be constructed as early as possible in order to perform
        /// initialization of the logging system.
        /// </remarks>
        private AgentManager()
            _container = AgentServices.GetContainer();

            // Resolve IConfigurationService (so that it starts listening to config changes) before loading newrelic.config
            _container.Resolve <IConfigurationService>();
            var config = ConfigurationLoader.Initialize();



            EventBus <KillAgentEvent> .Subscribe(OnShutdownAgent);

            //Initialize the extensions loader with extensions folder based on the the install path

            // Resolve all services once we've ensured that the agent is enabled
            // The AgentApiImplementation needs to be resolved before the WrapperService, because
            // resolving the WrapperService triggers an agent connect but it doesn't instantiate
            // the CustomEventAggregator, so we need to resolve the AgentApiImplementation to
            // get the CustomEventAggregator instantiated before the connect process is triggered.
            // If that doesn't happen the CustomEventAggregator will not start its harvest timer
            // when the agent connect response comes back. The agent DI, startup, and connect
            // process really needs to be refactored so that it's more explicit in its behavior.
            var agentApi = _container.Resolve <IAgentApi>();

            _wrapperService = _container.Resolve <IWrapperService>();

            //We need to attempt to auto start the agent once all services have resolved
            _container.Resolve <IConnectionManager>().AttemptAutoStart();


            // Setup the internal API first so that AgentApi can use it.
            AgentApi.SetSupportabilityMetricCounters(_container.Resolve <IApiSupportabilityMetricCounters>());

            _isInitialized = true;