static void Main(string[] args) { // Date and Time handling DateTimeExamples DTE = new DateTimeExamples(); //DateTimeExamples.OutputCurrentTime(); // Array handling ArrayExamples AE = new ArrayExamples(); ArrayExamples.ArrayFunc(); // Collections handling CollectionExamples CE = new CollectionExamples(); CollectionExamples.CollectionFunc(); // Classes 101 ClassExamples1 CE1 = new ClassExamples1(); ClassExamples1.ClassExamples1Func(); // Classes 102 ClassExamples2 CE2 = new ClassExamples2(); ClassExamples2.ClassExamples2Func(); // Classes 103 ClassExamples3 CE3 = new ClassExamples3(); ClassExamples3.ClassExamples3Func(); // Extension Methods ExtensionMethods EM1 = new ExtensionMethods(); ExtensionMethods.ExtensionMethodsFunc(); Environment.ExitCode = 1; }
// remove to GinngerRunner.SetBFOfflineData public bool OfflineBusinessFlowExecutionLog(BusinessFlow businessFlow, string logFolderPath) { try { //handle root directory if (Directory.Exists(logFolderPath)) { executionLoggerHelper.CleanDirectory(logFolderPath); } else { Directory.CreateDirectory(logFolderPath); } GingerRunner Gr = new GingerRunner(); mCurrentBusinessFlow = businessFlow; businessFlow.OffilinePropertiesPrep(logFolderPath); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(businessFlow.ExecutionLogFolder); foreach (Activity activity in businessFlow.Activities) { ActivitiesGroup currentActivityGroup = businessFlow.ActivitiesGroups.Where(x => x.ActivitiesIdentifiers.Select(z => z.ActivityGuid).ToList().Contains(activity.Guid)).FirstOrDefault(); if (currentActivityGroup != null) { currentActivityGroup.ExecutionLogFolder = logFolderPath; switch (currentActivityGroup.ExecutionLoggerStatus) { case executionLoggerStatus.NotStartedYet: ActivityGroupStart(meventtime, currentActivityGroup); break; } } Gr.CalculateActivityFinalStatus(activity); if (activity.GetType() == typeof(IErrorHandler)) { continue; } if (activity.Status != Amdocs.Ginger.CoreNET.Execution.eRunStatus.Passed && activity.Status != Amdocs.Ginger.CoreNET.Execution.eRunStatus.Failed && activity.Status != Amdocs.Ginger.CoreNET.Execution.eRunStatus.Stopped) { continue; } mCurrentActivity = activity; activity.OfflinePropertiesPrep(businessFlow.ExecutionLogFolder, businessFlow.ExecutionLogActivityCounter, ExtensionMethods.folderNameNormalazing(activity.ActivityName)); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(activity.ExecutionLogFolder); foreach (Act action in activity.Acts) { if (action.Status != Amdocs.Ginger.CoreNET.Execution.eRunStatus.Passed && action.Status != Amdocs.Ginger.CoreNET.Execution.eRunStatus.Failed && action.Status != Amdocs.Ginger.CoreNET.Execution.eRunStatus.Stopped && action.Status != Amdocs.Ginger.CoreNET.Execution.eRunStatus.FailIgnored) { continue; } activity.ExecutionLogActionCounter++; action.ExecutionLogFolder = Path.Combine(activity.ExecutionLogFolder, activity.ExecutionLogActionCounter + " " + ExtensionMethods.folderNameNormalazing(action.Description)); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(action.ExecutionLogFolder); ActionEnd(meventtime, action, true); } ActivityEnd(meventtime, activity, true); businessFlow.ExecutionLogActivityCounter++; } Gr.SetActivityGroupsExecutionStatus(businessFlow, true); Gr.CalculateBusinessFlowFinalStatus(businessFlow); BusinessFlowEnd(meventtime, businessFlow, true); businessFlow.ExecutionLogFolder = string.Empty; return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Reporter.ToLog(eLogLevel.ERROR, "Execution Logger Failed to do Offline BusinessFlow Execution Log", ex); return(false); } }
public void Should_work_for_nullables() { Assert.AreEqual(ExtensionMethods.GetUnderlyingType(typeof(int?)), typeof(int)); Assert.AreEqual(ExtensionMethods.GetUnderlyingType(typeof(DateTime?)), typeof(DateTime)); Assert.AreEqual(ExtensionMethods.GetUnderlyingType(typeof(Guid?)), typeof(Guid)); }
public void Should_identify_unmatched_types() { Assert.IsFalse(ExtensionMethods.AreMatchingSimpleTypes("string", "Int")); }
public static void PrintExtension() { ExtensionMethods cityExtention = new ExtensionMethods(); cityExtention.QueryCities(); }
public Task <string> CreateBackupAsync(string backupLocation, string databaseName, char reason) { ExtensionMethods.PublishEvent <EventAggregator>(EventServiceFactory.EventService, "Reset Cache", true); ExtensionMethods.PublishEvent <EventAggregator>(EventServiceFactory.EventService, "CloseManagementTabs", true); return(_backupService.CreateDatabaseBackupAsync(backupLocation, databaseName, reason)); }
public JsonResult Guardar(ClienteModel model) { var rm = new ResponseModel(); if (!ModelState.IsValid) { rm.message = "Hubo un problema verifique sus datos e intente de nuevo."; rm.message += ExtensionMethods.GetAllErrorsFromModelState(this); return(Json(rm, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } try { ClienteDAO dao = new ClienteDAO(); var entity = dao.GetById(model.idCliente, db); bool nuevo = false; string error = ""; if (entity == null) { if (!validarInsersion(ref model, ref error)) { rm.message = error; return(Json(rm, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } entity = new cliente(); entity.direccion = new direccion(); nuevo = true; } else { if (!validarModificacion(ref model, ref entity, ref error)) { rm.message = error; return(Json(rm, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } if (model.esPersonaFisica) { entity.TIPO_PERSONA = "Fisica"; entity.NOMBRE = ExtensionMethods.Trim(model.nombrePersona); entity.APELLIDO_PATERNO = ExtensionMethods.Trim(model.apellidoPaterno); entity.APELLIDO_MATERNO = ExtensionMethods.Trim(model.apellidoMaterno); entity.EMPRESA = null; entity.RAZON_SOCIAL = null; } else { entity.TIPO_PERSONA = "Moral"; entity.EMPRESA = ExtensionMethods.Trim(model.nombreEmpresa); entity.RAZON_SOCIAL = ExtensionMethods.Trim(model.razonSocial); entity.NOMBRE = null; entity.APELLIDO_PATERNO = null; entity.APELLIDO_MATERNO = null; } entity.TELEFONO = model.telefono; entity.CELULAR = model.celular; entity.EMAIL = model.correo; entity.RFC = model.rfc; entity.REFERENCIA_BANCARIA = model.referencia; entity.ACTIVO = model.Activo; entity.CLABE = model.Clabe; entity.REFERENCIA_BANCARIA_2 = model.referencia2; entity.ES_CLIENTE_CREDITO = model.esClienteCredito; if (model.esClienteCredito) { entity.SALDO = ExtensionMethods.ConverToDecimalFormat(model.saldo); entity.MONTO_CREDITO = ExtensionMethods.ConverToDecimalFormat(model.creditoMaximo); } entity.ACTIVO = model.Activo; //Agregar persona contacto si la hay var contacto = entity.persona_contacto != null ? entity.persona_contacto : new persona_contacto(); if (model.nombreContacto != null && model.nombreContacto != string.Empty) { contacto.NOMBRE = model.nombreContacto; contacto.EMAIL = model.correoContacto; contacto.TELEFONO = model.telefonoContacto; entity.persona_contacto = contacto; } else { entity.persona_contacto = null; } //Agregar persona contacto #2 si la hay var contacto2 = entity.persona_contacto1 != null ? entity.persona_contacto1: new persona_contacto(); if (model.nombreContacto2 != null && model.nombreContacto2 != string.Empty) { contacto2.NOMBRE = model.nombreContacto2; contacto2.EMAIL = model.correoContacto2; contacto2.TELEFONO = model.telefonoContacto2; entity.persona_contacto1 = contacto2; } else { entity.persona_contacto1 = null; } //agregar direccion entity.direccion.CALLE = model.calle; entity.direccion.NUM_EXTERIOR = model.numExterior; entity.direccion.NUM_INTERIOR = model.numInterior; entity.direccion.COLONIA = model.colonia; entity.direccion.CIUDAD = model.ciudad; entity.direccion.MUNICIPIO = model.municipio; entity.direccion.ID_ESTADO = model.estado; entity.direccion.ID_PAIS = model.pais; entity.direccion.CP = model.codigoPostal; //datos de cuenta if (model.cuenta != null && model.cuenta != "") { entity.cuenta = entity.cuenta == null ? new cuenta() : entity.cuenta; entity.cuenta.NUMERO_CUENTA = model.cuenta; entity.cuenta.ID_BANCO = model.banco; entity.cuenta.TIPO = model.tipoCuenta; } else { entity.cuenta = null; } if (nuevo) { db.cliente.Add(entity); } if (db.SaveChanges() > 0 || db.Entry(entity).State == EntityState.Unchanged) { rm.response = true; rm.message = null; //"Sus datos se guardaron correctamente"; if (nuevo) { rm.href = "Index"; } else { rm.href = "self"; } TempData["message"] = "success,Sus datos se guardaron correctamente"; } } catch (Exception e) { rm.SetResponse(false, e.Message); // LogUtil.ExceptionLog(e); } return(Json(rm, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
private void C_GotFocus(object sender, EventArgs e) { ExtensionMethods.DisableAllTextBoxAndComboBox(this, (Control)sender); return; }
protected void proceedtoUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var tenantId = long.Parse(SessionHelper.GetTenantID(HttpContext.Current.Session)); string fId = FileID.Value; //long preaId = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fId)) { string ext = EXT.Value; var data = File.ReadAllBytes(fId); ImportFromExcel import = new ImportFromExcel(); if (ext == ".xls") { import.LoadXls(data); } else if (ext == ".xlsx") { import.LoadXlsx(data); } //first parameter it's the sheet number in the excel workbook //second paramter it's the number of rows to skip at the start(we have an header in the file) List <QuestionUploadModel> all = import.ExcelToList <QuestionUploadModel>(0, 1); if (all.Count() < 1) { resultLbl.Text = "Either you uploaded an empty file or you provided wrong file type. Only allowed file type is .csv, .xls or.xlsx!"; } else { resultLbl.Text = ""; var Qtype = DropDownList1.SelectedValue; var ex = 0; var obj = new List <object>(); foreach (var s in all) { ex += _db.SearchQuestion(s.Question.ToLower()).Where(x => x.TypeId == long.Parse(Qtype)).Count(); T_Question q = new T_Question { PreambleId = 0, TypeId = long.Parse(Qtype), OptionType = (long)ErecruitHelper.OptionType.Single, IsActive = true, Details = s.Question, Section = s.Section, TenantId = tenantId, AddedBy = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session), DateAdded = DateTime.Now }; _db.T_Question.Add(q); _db.SaveChanges(); var opts = new List <T_Option>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.A)) { opts.Add(new T_Option { Q_Id = q.Id, Details = s.A, Answer = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.A.ToString(), AddedBy = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session), DateAdded = DateTime.Now }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.B)) { opts.Add(new T_Option { Q_Id = q.Id, Details = s.B, Answer = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.B.ToString(), AddedBy = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session), DateAdded = DateTime.Now }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.C)) { opts.Add(new T_Option { Q_Id = q.Id, Details = s.C, Answer = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.C.ToString(), AddedBy = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session), DateAdded = DateTime.Now }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.D)) { opts.Add(new T_Option { Q_Id = q.Id, Details = s.D, Answer = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.D.ToString(), AddedBy = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session), DateAdded = DateTime.Now }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.E)) { opts.Add(new T_Option { Q_Id = q.Id, Details = s.E, Answer = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.E.ToString(), AddedBy = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session), DateAdded = DateTime.Now }); } ExtensionMethods.InsertAllOnSubmit(_db.T_Option, opts); //_db.T_Option.InsertAllOnSubmit(opts); _db.SaveChanges(); } if (ex > 0) { resultLbl.Text = "Some Question(s) already exist in the system therefore were skipped."; } else { resultLbl.Text = "Questions Uploaded"; } } } else { resultLbl.Text = "No file to upload. Kindly chose a file."; } }
protected void Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // var all = new List<string[]>(); var tenantId = long.Parse(SessionHelper.GetTenantID(HttpContext.Current.Session)); string fId = FileID.Value; //long preaId = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fId)) { string ext = EXT.Value; //all = ErecruitHelper.GetLinesFromFile(fId, ext); var data = File.ReadAllBytes(fId); ImportFromExcel import = new ImportFromExcel(); if (ext == ".xls") { import.LoadXls(data); } else if (ext == ".xlsx") { import.LoadXlsx(data); } //first parameter it's the sheet number in the excel workbook //second paramter it's the number of rows to skip at the start(we have an header in the file) List <QuestionUploadModel> all = import.ExcelToList <QuestionUploadModel>(0, 1); if (all.Count() < 1) { resultLbl.Text = "Either you uploaded an empty file or you provided wrong file type. Only allowed file type is .csv, .xls or.xlsx!"; } else { resultLbl.Text = ""; var Qtype = DropDownList1.SelectedValue; var ex = 0; var obj = new List <object>(); foreach (var s in all) { ex += _db.SearchQuestion(s.Question.ToLower()).Where(x => x.TypeId == long.Parse(Qtype)).Count(); T_Question q = new T_Question { PreambleId = 0, TypeId = long.Parse(Qtype), OptionType = (long)ErecruitHelper.OptionType.Single, IsActive = true, Details = s.Question, TenantId = tenantId, Section = s.Section, AddedBy = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session), DateAdded = DateTime.Now }; _db.T_Question.Add(q); _db.SaveChanges(); var opts = new List <T_Option>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.A)) { opts.Add(new T_Option { Q_Id = q.Id, Details = s.A, Answer = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.A.ToString(), AddedBy = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session), DateAdded = DateTime.Now }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.B)) { opts.Add(new T_Option { Q_Id = q.Id, Details = s.B, Answer = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.B.ToString(), AddedBy = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session), DateAdded = DateTime.Now }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.C)) { opts.Add(new T_Option { Q_Id = q.Id, Details = s.C, Answer = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.C.ToString(), AddedBy = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session), DateAdded = DateTime.Now }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.D)) { opts.Add(new T_Option { Q_Id = q.Id, Details = s.D, Answer = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.D.ToString(), AddedBy = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session), DateAdded = DateTime.Now }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.E)) { opts.Add(new T_Option { Q_Id = q.Id, Details = s.E, Answer = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.E.ToString(), AddedBy = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session), DateAdded = DateTime.Now }); } // _db.T_Option.InsertAllOnSubmit(opts); ExtensionMethods.InsertAllOnSubmit(_db.T_Option, opts); _db.SaveChanges(); } if (ex > 0) { resultLbl.Text = "Some Question(s) already exist in the system therefore were skipped."; } else { resultLbl.Text = "Questions Uploaded"; } } } else { HttpPostedFile file = QuestionFile.PostedFile; if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { string fname = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName); string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); string fileID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string path = ""; // var all = new List<string[]>(); if (Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/UploadedQuestions/"))) { path = Server.MapPath(Path.Combine("~/UploadedQuestions/", fileID + ext)); // PPath = Path.Combine("~/Passports/", cand.Code + ext); file.SaveAs(path); } else { Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath("~/UploadedQuestions/")); path = Server.MapPath(Path.Combine("~/UploadedQuestions/", fileID + ext)); // PPath = Path.Combine("~/Passports/", cand.Code + ext); file.SaveAs(path); } var data = File.ReadAllBytes(path); ImportFromExcel import = new ImportFromExcel(); if (ext == ".xls") { import.LoadXls(data); } else if (ext == ".xlsx") { import.LoadXlsx(data); } //first parameter it's the sheet number in the excel workbook //second paramter it's the number of rows to skip at the start(we have an header in the file) List <QuestionUploadModel> all = import.ExcelToList <QuestionUploadModel>(0, 1); if (all.Count() < 1) { resultLbl.Text = "Either you uploaded an empty file or you provided wrong file type. Only allowed file type is .csv, .xls or.xlsx!"; } else { resultLbl.Text = ""; var Qtype = DropDownList1.SelectedValue; var ex = 0; var obj = new List <object>(); foreach (var s in all) { ex += _db.SearchQuestion(s.Question.ToLower()).Where(x => x.TypeId == long.Parse(Qtype)).Count(); T_Question q = new T_Question { PreambleId = 0, TypeId = long.Parse(Qtype), OptionType = (long)ErecruitHelper.OptionType.Single, IsActive = true, Details = s.Question, Section = s.Section, TenantId = tenantId, AddedBy = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session), DateAdded = DateTime.Now }; _db.T_Question.Add(q); _db.SaveChanges(); var opts = new List <T_Option>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.A)) { opts.Add(new T_Option { Q_Id = q.Id, Details = s.A, Answer = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.A.ToString(), AddedBy = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session), DateAdded = DateTime.Now }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.B)) { opts.Add(new T_Option { Q_Id = q.Id, Details = s.B, Answer = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.B.ToString(), AddedBy = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session), DateAdded = DateTime.Now }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.C)) { opts.Add(new T_Option { Q_Id = q.Id, Details = s.C, Answer = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.C.ToString(), AddedBy = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session), DateAdded = DateTime.Now }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.D)) { opts.Add(new T_Option { Q_Id = q.Id, Details = s.D, Answer = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.D.ToString(), AddedBy = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session), DateAdded = DateTime.Now }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.E)) { opts.Add(new T_Option { Q_Id = q.Id, Details = s.E, Answer = s.Answer == ErecruitHelper.OptionIndex.E.ToString(), AddedBy = SessionHelper.FetchEmail(Session), DateAdded = DateTime.Now }); } ExtensionMethods.InsertAllOnSubmit(_db.T_Option, opts); //_db.T_Option.InsertAllOnSubmit(opts); _db.SaveChanges(); } if (ex > 0) { resultLbl.Text = "Some Question(s) already exist in the system therefore were skipped."; } else { resultLbl.Text = "Questions Uploaded"; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ErecruitHelper.SetErrorData(ex, Session); Response.Redirect("ErrorPage.aspx", false); } }
private void SetSliderValue(float value) { FireStatus.value = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0.0f, 1.0f); FireStatusBackground.color = ExtensionMethods.FromHSV((1.0f - FireStatus.value) * 100.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); FireStatusForeground.color = FireStatusBackground.color; }
public void GetSmallestElementFromPointTest_NoElementsProvided() { Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentException>(() => ExtensionMethods.GetSmallestElementFromPoint(new Dictionary <int, ICoreA11yElement>(), System.Drawing.Point.Empty)); }
public void GetSmallestElementFromPointTest_NullArgument() { Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentNullException>(() => ExtensionMethods.GetSmallestElementFromPoint(null, System.Drawing.Point.Empty)); }
public ActionResult GetTaskRemarks() { var remarks = ExtensionMethods.ToSelectList <TaskRemarks>(); return(Json(remarks, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
/// <summary> /// Copies the user type permissions for single user. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The user.</param> public void CopyPermissionsForSingleUser(IUser user) { if (!user.IsAdmin() && !user.Disabled()) { // Variables. var permissions = GetUserTypePermissions(user.UserType); var contentService = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.ContentService; var nodesById = new Dictionary<int, IContent>(); var node = default(IContent); var userId = new [] { user.Id }; // Apply each permission. foreach (var permission in permissions) { // Get node (try cache first). if (!nodesById.TryGetValue(permission.NodeId, out node)) { node = contentService.GetById(permission.NodeId); nodesById[permission.NodeId] = node; } // Apply permission to node. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(permission.PermissionId) && node != null) { var permissionId = permission.PermissionId[0]; contentService.AssignContentPermission(node, permissionId, userId); } } } }
public ActionResult GetTaskStatus() { var status = ExtensionMethods.ToSelectList <TaskStatus>(); return(Json(status, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public async Task Attack([Remainder] string Input = null) { try { string[] lol = ExtensionMethods.GenericSplit(Input, " "); int val = 0; if (lol.Length > 1 && int.Parse(lol[1]) > 0) { val = int.Parse(lol[1]); } if (lol[0].ToLower() == "help") { await Context.User.SendMessageAsync("Attack an enemy! Type !nep enemies to get a list of what you can attack. Example type !nep attack wolf (number). You can perform multiple attacks in a row (up to 10 attacks) but your HP will not recover after each fight. If you die, you lose all gained exp so " + "use this wisely!"); return; } if (!Program.IsOnPlayerData(Context)) { Program.PlayerData.Add(new PlayerData(Context.User.Id)); } PlayerData pd = PlayerD(Context.User.Id); UserData ud = ExtensionMethods.FindPerson(Context.User.Id); int atkAmt = ud.NonLevel / 2; if (atkAmt < 1) { atkAmt = 1; } if (val > atkAmt) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"You can only attack {atkAmt} times in a row. This is your ooc chat level / 2 rounded down."); return; } lol[0] = lol[0].ToLower(); CreateEntity enemy = null; foreach (CreateEntity x in CreateEntity.Enemies) { if (x.ReturnAIName.ToLower() == lol[0]) { enemy = x.SpawnEnemy; break; } } if (enemy == null) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Null"); } if (pd.combat != null && pd.combat.inCombat) { await Context.User.SendMessageAsync("You're already in a battle. Please wait until it's done."); return; } Combat c = new Combat(enemy, pd, Context.User.Username, Context, ud, val); c = null; } catch (Exception m) { ExtensionMethods.WriteToLog(ExtensionMethods.LogType.ErrorLog, m, "from attack method"); } //await Context.User.SendMessageAsync("Here are your combat results:\n" + c.ReportLog); }
private void frmPaymentToSupplier_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { ExtensionMethods.RemoveTransactionFormToPanel(this, ExtensionMethods.MainPanel); }
private void InjectTailCall() { for (var i = 0; i < IL.Index; i++) { var instr = IL[i]; BufferedILInstruction call = null; if (instr.IsInstruction == OpCodes.Ret) { int callIx = -1; for (var j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) { var atJ = IL[j]; if (atJ.MarksLabel != null) { break; } if (atJ.IsInstruction.HasValue) { if (ExtensionMethods.IsTailableCall(atJ.IsInstruction.Value)) { callIx = j; call = atJ; } break; } } if (callIx == -1) { continue; } if (call.TakesManagedPointer()) { continue; } #if !COREFX // see item 4 if (call.TakesTypedReference()) { continue; } #endif if (call.TakesByRefArgs()) { continue; } var callReturns = call.MethodReturnType; var delegateReturns = ReturnType.Type; // the method's return types not matching // means we can't just turn the call into a jump // since _something_ has to preceed or survive the call to // make the ret legal if (!ExtensionMethods.IsAssignableFrom(delegateReturns, callReturns)) { continue; } // there's one case not being handled explicitly here, // which is the call must consume the _entire_ stack. // we don't have to asset it because the return type // comparison is sufficient: // - if the types match, the stack must be empty // or the following ret will fail to verify (since // there's an extra item of the corret type on the stack) // - if the types _don't_ match, we've already bailed on the // tail injection InsertInstruction(callIx, OpCodes.Tailcall); i++; } } }
private void CopiarEntidadModelo(ref ClienteModel model, cliente entity, ArtexConnection db) { try { model = new ClienteModel(); model.idCliente = entity.ID; model.bancosList = BancoDAO.GetAlls(); model.saldo = ExtensionMethods.ToMoneyFormat(entity.SALDO); model.creditoMaximo = ExtensionMethods.ToMoneyFormat(entity.MONTO_CREDITO); model.esClienteCredito = entity.ES_CLIENTE_CREDITO; model.rfc = entity.RFC; model.referencia = entity.REFERENCIA_BANCARIA; model.correo = entity.EMAIL; model.celular = entity.CELULAR; model.telefono = entity.TELEFONO; model.Activo = entity.ACTIVO; model.referencia2 = entity.REFERENCIA_BANCARIA_2; model.Clabe = entity.CLABE; if (entity.TIPO_PERSONA == "Fisica") { model.esPersonaFisica = true; model.nombrePersona = entity.NOMBRE; model.apellidoPaterno = entity.APELLIDO_PATERNO; model.apellidoMaterno = entity.APELLIDO_MATERNO; } else { model.esPersonaFisica = false; model.nombreEmpresa = entity.EMPRESA; model.razonSocial = entity.RAZON_SOCIAL; } //datos de cuenta var cuenta = entity.cuenta; if (cuenta != null) { model.cuenta = cuenta.NUMERO_CUENTA; model.tipoCuenta = cuenta.TIPO; model.banco = cuenta.ID_BANCO; } //datos de contacto var contacto = entity.persona_contacto; if (contacto != null) { model.nombreContacto = contacto.NOMBRE; model.apellidoPaternoContacto = contacto.APELLIDO_PATERNO; model.apellidoMaternoContacto = contacto.APELLIDO_MATERNO; model.correoContacto = contacto.EMAIL; model.telefonoContacto = contacto.TELEFONO; } var contacto2 = entity.persona_contacto1; if (contacto2 != null) { model.nombreContacto2 = contacto2.NOMBRE; model.apellidoPaternoContacto2 = contacto2.APELLIDO_PATERNO; model.apellidoMaternoContacto2 = contacto2.APELLIDO_MATERNO; model.correoContacto2 = contacto2.EMAIL; model.telefonoContacto2 = contacto2.TELEFONO; } //datos de direccion var direccion = entity.direccion; if (direccion != null) { model.calle = direccion.CALLE; model.numExterior = direccion.NUM_EXTERIOR; model.numInterior = direccion.NUM_INTERIOR; model.colonia = direccion.COLONIA; model.ciudad = direccion.CIUDAD; model.municipio = direccion.MUNICIPIO; model.estado = direccion.ID_ESTADO; model.pais = direccion.ID_PAIS; model.paisList = PaisDAO.GetAlls(db); model.estadoList = direccion.ID_PAIS != null?EstadoDAO.GetByIdPais((int)direccion.ID_PAIS, db) : EstadoDAO.GetAlls(db); model.codigoPostal = direccion.CP; } } catch (Exception e) { LogUtil.ExceptionLog(e); model = null; } }
public IActionResult GetSortBys() { return(Ok(ExtensionMethods.GetKeyValuePairsFromEnum <SortBys>())); }
/// <summary> /// Collider for selection with the mouse. Fill with vertices from TunnelData-form. /// </summary> public static void InitMouseCollider() { MeshRef.inst.mouseColllider.points = ExtensionMethods.Vector3ToVector2(TunnelData.vertices); MeshUpdate.SetMouseColliderSize(VisualController.inst.mouseColliderSize_play); }
public IActionResult GetCategories() { return(Ok(ExtensionMethods.GetKeyValuePairsFromEnum <Categories>())); }
public void Should_match_overlapping_types() { Assert.IsTrue(ExtensionMethods.AreMatchingSimpleTypes("string", "String")); Assert.IsTrue(ExtensionMethods.AreMatchingSimpleTypes("string", "Token")); }
private StringBuilder WriteOutputToDatabaseOracle(List <Row> rows) { _Job.PerformanceCounter.Start(_Job.JobIdentifier, JobPerformanceTaskNames.OutputWriterOracle); ExtensionMethods.TraceInformation("Starting oracle bulk insert..."); IDal dal = new DataAccessLayer(DatabaseTypes.Oracle).Instance; IDbConnection connection = dal.CreateConnection(ConnectionStringKey.Value); connection.Open(); IDbCommand command = dal.CreateCommand(); command.GetType().GetProperty("ArrayBindCount").SetValue(command, rows.Count, null); command.Connection = connection; ExtensionMethods.TraceInformation("Communication objects initialized. Creating arrays..."); int counter = 0; //creating arrays & insert statement string insertStatementPart1 = string.Format("insert into {0} (", DatabaseMap.TargetTableName); string insertStatementPart2 = "values ("; foreach (ColumnMapInfo columnMapInfo in DatabaseMap) { if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(columnMapInfo.InputColumn)) && (columnMapInfo.InputColumn != ColumnMapInfo.DatabaseDefault)) { counter++; insertStatementPart1 += "\"" + columnMapInfo.OutputColumn + "\","; if (columnMapInfo.InputColumn == ColumnMapInfo.CustomDefined) { insertStatementPart2 += string.Format("\"Customer_Id_Seq\".nextval,", counter); continue; } else { insertStatementPart2 += string.Format(":{0},", counter); } SreAttribute attributeAvailable = _Job.DataSource.AcceptableAttributesSystem.Where(a => a.Name == columnMapInfo.InputColumn).SingleOrDefault(); if (attributeAvailable == null) { continue; } Type attributeType = attributeAvailable.ConvertSreTypeIntoDotNetType(DatabaseTypes.Oracle); string[] strList = rows.Select(row => GetAttributeValue(row.ColumnsSystem[columnMapInfo.InputColumn], true)).ToArray(); if (attributeType == typeof(int)) { List <int?> list = strList.Select(s => s.GetValueOrNull <int>()).ToList(); command.AddParameterWithValue(columnMapInfo.OutputColumn, list.ToArray(), true); } else if (attributeType == typeof(long)) { List <long?> list = strList.Select(s => s.GetValueOrNull <long>()).ToList(); command.AddParameterWithValue(columnMapInfo.OutputColumn, list.ToArray(), true); } else if (attributeType == typeof(double)) { List <double?> list = strList.Select(s => s.GetValueOrNull <double>()).ToList(); command.AddParameterWithValue(columnMapInfo.OutputColumn, list.ToArray(), true); } else if (attributeType == typeof(bool)) { List <bool?> list = strList.Select(s => s.GetValueOrNull <bool>()).ToList(); command.AddParameterWithValue(columnMapInfo.OutputColumn, list.ToArray(), true); } else if (attributeType == typeof(DateTime)) { List <DateTime?> list = strList.Select(s => s.GetValueOrNull <DateTime>()).ToList(); command.AddParameterWithValue(columnMapInfo.OutputColumn, list.ToArray(), true); } else { command.AddParameterWithValue(columnMapInfo.OutputColumn, strList, true); } } } if (insertStatementPart1.Length > 1) { insertStatementPart1 = insertStatementPart1.Substring(0, insertStatementPart1.Length - 1); } if (insertStatementPart2.Length > 1) { insertStatementPart2 = insertStatementPart2.Substring(0, insertStatementPart2.Length - 1); } command.CommandText = string.Format("{0}) {1})", insertStatementPart1, insertStatementPart2); ExtensionMethods.TraceInformation("Arrays created. Executing statement - '{0}'", command.CommandText); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close(); connection.Dispose(); ExtensionMethods.TraceInformation("Oracle bulk insert finished."); Trace.Flush(); _Job.PerformanceCounter.Stop(_Job.JobIdentifier, JobPerformanceTaskNames.OutputWriterOracle); return(new StringBuilder()); }
public void Should_not_match_simple_to_complex_types() { Assert.IsFalse(ExtensionMethods.AreMatchingSimpleTypes("string", "ComplexType")); }
/// <summary>Retrieve multiple attributes by web id or path.</summary> public ApiResponsePIItemsItemAttribute GetMultipleWithHttpInfo(bool asParallel, string includeMode = null, string paths = null, string selectedFields = null, string webIds = null) { List <string> path = ExtensionMethods.ConvertToList(paths); List <string> webId = ExtensionMethods.ConvertToList(webIds); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(includeMode) == true) { includeMode = null; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedFields) == true) { selectedFields = null; } var localVarPath = "/attributes/multiple"; var localVarPathParams = new Dictionary <String, String>(); var localVarQueryParams = new CustomDictionaryForQueryString(); var localVarHeaderParams = new Dictionary <String, String>(Configuration.DefaultHeader); var localVarFormParams = new Dictionary <String, String>(); var localVarFileParams = new Dictionary <String, FileParameter>(); Object localVarPostBody = null; String[] localVarHttpContentTypes = new String[] { }; String localVarHttpContentType = Configuration.ApiClient.SelectHeaderContentType(localVarHttpContentTypes); String[] localVarHttpHeaderAccepts = new String[] { "application/json", "text/json", "text/xml" }; String localVarHttpHeaderAccept = Configuration.ApiClient.SelectHeaderAccept(localVarHttpHeaderAccepts); if (localVarHttpHeaderAccept != null) { localVarHeaderParams.Add("Accept", localVarHttpHeaderAccept); } localVarPathParams.Add("format", "json"); localVarQueryParams.Add("asParallel", Configuration.ApiClient.ParameterToString(asParallel)); if (includeMode != null) { localVarQueryParams.Add("includeMode", Configuration.ApiClient.ParameterToString(includeMode)); } localVarQueryParams.Add("path", Configuration.ApiClient.ParameterToString(path)); if (selectedFields != null) { localVarQueryParams.Add("selectedFields", Configuration.ApiClient.ParameterToString(selectedFields)); } localVarQueryParams.Add("webId", Configuration.ApiClient.ParameterToString(webId)); IRestResponse localVarResponse = (IRestResponse)Configuration.ApiClient.CallApi(localVarPath, Method.GET, localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarFileParams, localVarPathParams, localVarHttpContentType); int localVarStatusCode = (int)localVarResponse.StatusCode; if (ExceptionFactory != null) { Exception exception = ExceptionFactory("GetMultiple", localVarResponse); if (exception != null) { throw exception; } } return(new ApiResponsePIItemsItemAttribute(localVarStatusCode, localVarResponse.Headers.ToDictionary(x => x.Name, x => x.Value.ToString()), (PIItemsItemAttribute)Configuration.ApiClient.Deserialize(localVarResponse, typeof(PIItemsItemAttribute)))); }
void Update() { if (startGame) { Game(); } if (!startGame) { UpdateTexts(); UpdateIcons(); collectedItems = 0; healthCollectableItems = 0; coinCollectableItems = 0; coinItemsAtStart = 0; disableSun = false; minutesTime = 0; secondsTime = 0; scoreNum = 0; currentScoreCount = 0; timerCount = 0; health = 100; gameOver = "idle"; //ScoreBoardPanel.SetActive(true); //if (GameObject.Find("Canvas").GetComponent<ScoreLeaderboard>().currentPlayerIcon != null && (Input.GetButton ("PS4_Options") || Input.GetButton ("360_Start") || Input.GetKeyDown ("space"))) { // currentPlayer = GameObject.Find ("Canvas/ScoreBoardPanel/SelectedPlayer").GetComponent<Text> ().text; ScoreBoardPanel.SetActive(false); GameObject.Find("Craft").GetComponent <CharacterMovement>().enabled = true; startGame = true; //print ("select object is active"); //} } if (Input.GetKeyDown("3") || Input.GetButton("PS4_Square") || Input.GetButton("360_X") || Input.GetButton("360PC_X")) { Color rand = ExtensionMethods.RandomColor(); interfaceColor = rand; } if (Input.GetKeyDown("4") || Input.GetButton("PS4_Triangle") || Input.GetButton("360_Y") || Input.GetButton("360PC_Y")) { Color skyRand = ExtensionMethods.RandomColor(); if (Camera.main.gameObject != null) { Camera.main.gameObject.GetComponent <Skybox> ().topColor = skyRand; Camera.main.gameObject.GetComponent <Skybox> ().midColor = skyRand; } } if (Input.GetKeyDown("5") || Input.GetButton("PS4_O") || Input.GetButton("360_B") || Input.GetButton("360PC_B")) { Color buildingsRand = ExtensionMethods.RandomColor(); GameObject.Find("City").GetComponent <GenerateCity> ().buildingsTopColor = buildingsRand; } if (Input.GetKeyDown("6") || Input.GetButton("PS4_X") || Input.GetButton("360_A") || Input.GetButton("360_A")) { Color bottomRand = ExtensionMethods.RandomColor(); Camera.main.gameObject.GetComponent <Skybox> ().bottomColor = bottomRand; } //print (startGame); }
public frmPaymentToSupplier() { InitializeComponent(); ExtensionMethods.SetFormProperties(this); applicationFacade = new ApplicationFacade(ExtensionMethods.LoggedInUser); }
/// <summary> /// Get the adjacent field ID to a given ID. /// </summary> public static int NextFieldID(int curID, int direction) { int nextID = ExtensionMethods.Modulo(curID + direction, TunnelData.FieldsCount); return(nextID); }
private void Grid_CellNextlAction() { int rowIndex = dgvPaymentToSupplier.CurrentRow.Index; string columnName = dgvPaymentToSupplier.Columns[dgvPaymentToSupplier.SelectedCells[0].ColumnIndex].Name; if (columnName == "LedgerTypeCode") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(dgvPaymentToSupplier.CurrentCell.Value))) { frmSupplierLedger formSupplierLedgerMaster = new frmSupplierLedger(); formSupplierLedgerMaster.IsInChildMode = true; //Set Child UI ExtensionMethods.AddChildFormToPanel(this, formSupplierLedgerMaster, ExtensionMethods.MainPanel); formSupplierLedgerMaster.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; formSupplierLedgerMaster.FormClosed += FormSupplierLedgerMaster_FormClosed; formSupplierLedgerMaster.Show(); } else { dgvPaymentToSupplier.CurrentCell = dgvPaymentToSupplier.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["ChequeNumber"]; } } else if (columnName == "LedgerTypeName") { dgvPaymentToSupplier.CurrentCell = dgvPaymentToSupplier.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["ChequeNumber"]; } else if (columnName == "ChequeNumber") { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Convert.ToString(dgvPaymentToSupplier.CurrentCell.Value))) { dgvPaymentToSupplier.CurrentCell.Value = Constants.PaymentMode.CASHTEXT; dgvPaymentToSupplier.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["PaymentMode"].Value = Constants.PaymentMode.CASH; dgvPaymentToSupplier.CurrentCell = dgvPaymentToSupplier.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["Amount"]; } else { if (Convert.ToString(dgvPaymentToSupplier.CurrentCell.Value).Length > 10) { dgvPaymentToSupplier.CurrentCell.ErrorText = Constants.Messages.InValidCheque; } else { dgvPaymentToSupplier.CurrentCell.ErrorText = string.Empty; dgvPaymentToSupplier.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["PaymentMode"].Value = Constants.PaymentMode.CHEQUE; dgvPaymentToSupplier.CurrentCell = dgvPaymentToSupplier.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["ChequeDate"]; } } } else if (columnName == "ChequeDate") { string chequeDate = Convert.ToString(dgvPaymentToSupplier.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["ChequeDate"].Value); if (ExtensionMethods.IsValidDate(chequeDate)) { dgvPaymentToSupplier.CurrentCell = dgvPaymentToSupplier.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["Amount"]; dgvPaymentToSupplier.CurrentRow.Cells["ChequeDate"].ErrorText = String.Empty; } else { dgvPaymentToSupplier.CurrentCell = dgvPaymentToSupplier.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["ChequeDate"]; dgvPaymentToSupplier.CurrentRow.Cells["ChequeDate"].ErrorText = Constants.Messages.InValidDate; } } else if (columnName == "Amount") { RaisePaymentModeCalculations(); decimal enteredAmount = ExtensionMethods.SafeConversionDecimal(Convert.ToString(dgvPaymentToSupplier.CurrentRow.Cells["Amount"].Value)) ?? default(decimal); decimal unadjustedAmount = ExtensionMethods.SafeConversionDecimal(Convert.ToString(dgvPaymentToSupplier.CurrentRow.Cells["UnadjustedAmount"].Value)) ?? default(decimal); decimal consumedAmount = ExtensionMethods.SafeConversionDecimal(Convert.ToString(dgvPaymentToSupplier.CurrentRow.Cells["ConsumedAmount"].Value)) ?? default(decimal); if (enteredAmount != 0) { frmReceiptPaymentAdjustment formReceiptPaymentAdjustment = new frmReceiptPaymentAdjustment(rowIndex); TransactionEntity transactionEntity = new TransactionEntity() { ReceiptPaymentID = (long)dgvPaymentToSupplier.CurrentRow.Cells["ReceiptPaymentID"].Value, EntityType = Constants.TransactionEntityType.SupplierLedger, EntityCode = Convert.ToString(dgvPaymentToSupplier.CurrentRow.Cells["LedgerTypeCode"].Value), EntityName = Convert.ToString(dgvPaymentToSupplier.CurrentRow.Cells["LedgerTypeName"].Value), EntityTotalAmount = enteredAmount, EntityBalAmount = enteredAmount - consumedAmount }; formReceiptPaymentAdjustment.ConfigureReceiptPaymentAdjustment(transactionEntity); formReceiptPaymentAdjustment.FormClosed += FormReceiptPaymentAdjustment_FormClosed; formReceiptPaymentAdjustment.Show(); } dgvPaymentToSupplier.CurrentCell = dgvPaymentToSupplier.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["Amount"]; } //else if (columnName == "UnadjustedAmount") //{ // AddNewRowToGrid(); // if (!IsInEditMode) // { // dgvSupplierBillOS.DataSource = null; // dgvSupplierBillAdjusted.DataSource = null; // lblAmtOSVal.Text = String.Empty; // lblAmtAdjVal.Text = String.Empty; // dgvPaymentToSupplier.CurrentCell = dgvPaymentToSupplier.Rows[rowIndex + 1].Cells["LedgerTypeCode"]; // // dgvPaymentToSupplier.BeginEdit(true); // } //} }
private void UpdateReceiptPaymentRow(ReceiptPaymentItem receiptPayment) { int rowIndex = -1; int colIndex = -1; if (dgvPaymentToSupplier.SelectedCells.Count > 0) { rowIndex = dgvPaymentToSupplier.SelectedCells[0].RowIndex; colIndex = dgvPaymentToSupplier.SelectedCells[0].ColumnIndex; receiptPayment.ReceiptPaymentID = applicationFacade.InsertUpdateTempReceiptPayment(receiptPayment); dgvPaymentToSupplier.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["ReceiptPaymentID"].Value = receiptPayment.ReceiptPaymentID; dgvPaymentToSupplier.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["LedgerTypeCode"].Value = receiptPayment.LedgerTypeCode; dgvPaymentToSupplier.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["LedgerTypeName"].Value = receiptPayment.LedgerTypeName; dgvPaymentToSupplier.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["PaymentMode"].Value = receiptPayment.PaymentMode; dgvPaymentToSupplier.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["ChequeNumber"].Value = receiptPayment.ChequeNumber; dgvPaymentToSupplier.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["BankAccountLedgerTypeName"].Value = receiptPayment.BankAccountLedgerTypeName; dgvPaymentToSupplier.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["BankAccountLedgerTypeCode"].Value = receiptPayment.BankAccountLedgerTypeCode; dgvPaymentToSupplier.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["ChequeDate"].Value = receiptPayment.ChequeDate == null ? String.Empty : ExtensionMethods.ConvertToAppDateFormat((DateTime)receiptPayment.ChequeDate); dgvPaymentToSupplier.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["Amount"].Value = receiptPayment.Amount; dgvPaymentToSupplier.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["ConsumedAmount"].Value = receiptPayment.Amount - receiptPayment.UnadjustedAmount; dgvPaymentToSupplier.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["UnadjustedAmount"].Value = receiptPayment.UnadjustedAmount; dgvPaymentToSupplier.Rows[rowIndex].Cells["OldReceiptPaymentID"].Value = receiptPayment.OldReceiptPaymentID; } }
public void DriftCheck() { //Drift if (Input.GetButtonUp("Jump") && drifting) { drifting = false; driftPower = 0; } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && !drifting && Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") != 0) { drifting = true; driftDirection = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") > 0 ? 1 : -1; } if (drifting) { AddDriftPoints(); brakeLights.enabled = true; if (!sparksPlaying) { foreach (ParticleSystem i in sparks) { if (!i.isPlaying) { i.Play(); } } sparksPlaying = true; } float tempControl; if (driftDirection == 1) { tempControl = ExtensionMethods.Remap(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), -1, 1, -1, 2); anim.SetBool("DriftR", true); } else { anim.SetBool("DriftL", true); tempControl = ExtensionMethods.Remap(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), -1, 1, 2, -1); } float tempPowerControl; if (driftDirection == 1) { tempPowerControl = ExtensionMethods.Remap(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), -1, 1, .2f, 1); } else { tempPowerControl = ExtensionMethods.Remap(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), -1, 1, 1, .2f); } Brake(); Steer(driftDirection, tempControl); driftPower += tempPowerControl; } else { if (Input.GetAxisRaw("LeftTrigger") == 0) { brakeLights.enabled = false; } anim.SetBool("DriftR", false); anim.SetBool("DriftL", false); if (sparksPlaying) { foreach (ParticleSystem i in sparks) { if (i.isPlaying) { i.Stop(); } } sparksPlaying = false; } } }