Example #1
        void CreateCondition( Group g , string initialfname = null , string initialcond = null, string initialvalue = null )
            ExtendedControls.ComboBoxCustom fname = new ExtendedControls.ComboBoxCustom();
            fname.Size = new Size(140, 24);
            fname.DropDownHeight = 400;
            fname.Name = "Field";
            if (g.fieldnames != null)
            fname.Items.Add("User Defined");

            if (initialfname != null)
                if (fname.Items.IndexOf(initialfname) < 0)

                fname.SelectedItem = initialfname;

            fname.SelectedIndexChanged += Fname_SelectedIndexChanged;

            g.panel.Controls.Add(fname);                                                // 1st control

            ExtendedControls.ComboBoxCustom cond = new ExtendedControls.ComboBoxCustom();
            cond.SelectedIndex = 0;
            cond.Size = new Size(130, 24);
            cond.DropDownHeight = 400;

            if (initialcond != null)
                cond.Text = Tools.SplitCapsWord(initialcond);

            g.panel.Controls.Add(cond);         // must be next

            ExtendedControls.TextBoxBorder value = new ExtendedControls.TextBoxBorder();
            value.Size = new Size(190, 24);

            if (initialvalue != null)
                value.Text = initialvalue;

            g.panel.Controls.Add(value);         // must be next

            ExtendedControls.ButtonExt del = new ExtendedControls.ButtonExt();
            del.Size = new Size(24, 24);
            del.Text = "X";
            del.Click += ConditionDelClick;
            del.Tag = g;

            ExtendedControls.ButtonExt more = new ExtendedControls.ButtonExt();
            more.Size = new Size(24, 24);
            more.Text = "+";
            more.Click += ConditionClick;
            more.Tag = g;

Example #2
        Group CreateGroup(string initialev = null, string initialaction = null, 
            string initialcondinner = null , string initialcondouter = null)
            Panel p = new Panel();
            p.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

            ExtendedControls.ComboBoxCustom evliste = new ExtendedControls.ComboBoxCustom();
            evliste.Location = new Point(panelmargin, panelmargin);
            evliste.Size = new Size(140, 24);
            evliste.DropDownHeight = 400;
            evliste.Name = "EVList";
            if (initialev != null)
                evliste.Text = initialev;
            evliste.SelectedIndexChanged += Evlist_SelectedIndexChanged;

            ExtendedControls.ComboBoxCustom aclist = new ExtendedControls.ComboBoxCustom();
            string[] actions = actionlist.Split(';');
            aclist.Location = new Point(evliste.Location.X+evliste.Width+8, panelmargin);
            aclist.DropDownHeight = 400;
            aclist.Size = new Size(120, 24);
            aclist.Name = "ActionList";
            aclist.Enabled = actions.Count() > 1;           // 1 item, indicate disabled.. won't be displayed
            if (initialaction != null)
                aclist.Text = initialaction;
                aclist.SelectedIndex = 0;
            aclist.Visible = false;

            ExtendedControls.ComboBoxCustom cond = new ExtendedControls.ComboBoxCustom();
            cond.SelectedIndex = 0;
            cond.Size = new Size(60, 24);
            cond.Visible = false;
            cond.Name = "InnerCond";
            if ( initialcondinner != null)
                cond.Text = initialcondinner;

            ExtendedControls.ComboBoxCustom condouter = new ExtendedControls.ComboBoxCustom();
            condouter.SelectedIndex = 0;
            condouter.Location = new Point(evliste.Location.X , panelmargin + conditionhoff);
            condouter.Size = new Size(60, 24);
            condouter.Enabled = condouter.Visible = false;
            if (initialcondouter != null)
                condouter.Text = initialcondouter;
            cond.Name = "OuterCond";

            Label lab = new Label();
            lab.Text = " with group(s) above";
            lab.Location = new Point(condouter.Location.X + condouter.Width + 4, condouter.Location.Y + 3);
            lab.AutoSize = true;
            lab.Visible = false;

            ExtendedControls.ButtonExt up = new ExtendedControls.ButtonExt();
            up.Size = new Size(24, 24);
            up.Text = "^";
            up.Click += Up_Click;

            int hoff = (aclist.Enabled) ? (aclist.Location.X + aclist.Width + 50) : (evliste.Location.X + evliste.Width + 50);

            Group g = new Group()
                panel = p,
                evlist = evliste,
                upbutton = up,
                actionlist = aclist,
                outercond = condouter,
                innercond = cond,
                outerlabel = lab

            p.Size = new Size(panelwidth, panelmargin + conditionhoff);
            up.Location = new Point(panelwidth - 20 - panelmargin - 4, panelmargin);


            if (initialev != null)

            up.Tag = g;
            evliste.Tag = g;


            return g;
Example #3
        // lab sets the items, def can be less or null
        public static List <string> ShowDialog(Form p, string caption, Icon ic, string[] lab, string[] def, bool multiline = false, string[] tooltips = null)
            ITheme theme = ThemeableFormsInstance.Instance;

            int vstart   = theme.WindowsFrame ? 20 : 40;
            int vspacing = multiline ? 80 : 40;
            int lw       = 100;
            int lx       = 10;
            int tx       = 10 + lw + 8;

            Form prompt = new Form()
                Width           = 600,
                Height          = 90 + vspacing * lab.Length + (theme.WindowsFrame ? 20 : 0),
                FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog,
                Text            = caption,
                StartPosition   = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen,
                Icon            = ic

            Panel outer = new Panel()
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill, BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle


            Label textLabel = new Label()
                Left = lx, Top = 8, Width = prompt.Width - 50, Text = caption

            if (!theme.WindowsFrame)

            Label[] lbs = new Label[lab.Length];
            ExtendedControls.TextBoxBorder[] tbs = new ExtendedControls.TextBoxBorder[lab.Length];

            ToolTip tt = new ToolTip();

            tt.ShowAlways = true;

            int y = vstart;

            for (int i = 0; i < lab.Length; i++)
                lbs[i] = new Label()
                    Left = lx, Top = y, Width = lw, Text = lab[i]
                tbs[i] = new ExtendedControls.TextBoxBorder()
                    Left       = tx,
                    Top        = y,
                    Width      = prompt.Width - 50 - tx,
                    Text       = (def != null && i < def.Length) ? def[i] : "",
                    Multiline  = multiline,     // set before height!
                    Height     = vspacing - 20,
                    ScrollBars = (multiline) ? ScrollBars.Vertical : ScrollBars.None,
                    WordWrap   = multiline

                if (tooltips != null && i < tooltips.Length)
                    tt.SetToolTip(lbs[i], tooltips[i]);
                    tbs[i].SetTipDynamically(tt, tooltips[i]);      // no container here, set tool tip on text boxes using this

                y += vspacing;

            ExtendedControls.ButtonExt confirmation = new ExtendedControls.ButtonExt()
                Text = "Ok".Tx(), Left = tbs[0].Right - 80, Width = 80, Top = y, DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
            confirmation.Click += (sender, e) => { prompt.Close(); };

            ExtendedControls.ButtonExt cancel = new ExtendedControls.ButtonExt()
                Text = "Cancel".Tx(), Left = confirmation.Location.X - 90, Width = 80, Top = confirmation.Top, DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
            cancel.Click += (sender, e) => { prompt.Close(); };

            if (!multiline)
                prompt.AcceptButton = confirmation;

            prompt.CancelButton  = cancel;
            prompt.ShowInTaskbar = false;


            if (prompt.ShowDialog(p) == DialogResult.OK)
                var r = (from ExtendedControls.TextBoxBorder t in tbs select t.Text).ToList();
        public void Init(ActionFile af, Condition c, ActionCoreController ac, string apf, Icon i, ToolTip toolTip,
                         ActionProgram.ProgramConditionClass cls)
            cd                   = c; // point at common condition, we never new it, just update action data/action
            actionfile           = af;
            actioncorecontroller = ac;
            applicationfolder    = apf;
            Icon                 = i;
            classifier           = cls;

            progmajortype = new ExtendedControls.PanelSelectionList();
            progmajortype.Items.AddRange(new string[] { "Key", "Say", "Key+Say", "Full Program" });
            indextoclassifier = new ActionProgram.ProgramConditionClass[] { ActionProgram.ProgramConditionClass.Key, ActionProgram.ProgramConditionClass.Say,
                                                                            ActionProgram.ProgramConditionClass.KeySay, ActionProgram.ProgramConditionClass.Full };
            progmajortype.Location              = new Point(0, 0);
            progmajortype.Size                  = new Size(this.Width, this.Height); // outer panel aligns with this UC
            progmajortype.SelectedIndexChanged += PanelType_SelectedIndexChanged;
            toolTip.SetToolTip(progmajortype, "Use the selector (click on bottom right arrow) to select program class type");

            proglist = new ExtendedControls.ComboBoxCustom();
            proglist.Location              = new Point(panelxmargin, panelymargin);
            proglist.Size                  = new Size((this.Width - 24 - 8 - 8 - 8 - panelxmargin * 2) / 2, 24); // 24 button, 8+8 gaps, 8 for selector
            proglist.DropDownHeight        = 400;
            proglist.DropDownWidth         = proglist.Width * 3 / 2;
            proglist.SelectedIndexChanged += Proglist_SelectedIndexChanged;
            proglist.SetTipDynamically(toolTip, "Select program to associate with this event");

            progedit          = new ExtendedControls.ButtonExt();
            progedit.Text     = "P";
            progedit.Location = new Point(proglist.Right + 8, panelymargin);
            progedit.Size     = new Size(24, 24);
            progedit.Click   += Progedit_Click;
            toolTip.SetToolTip(progedit, "Edit associated program");

            paras          = new ExtendedControls.TextBoxBorder();
            paras.Text     = (cd.actiondata != null) ? cd.actiondata : "";
            paras.Location = new Point(progedit.Right + 8, panelymargin + 2);
            paras.Size     = proglist.Size;
            paras.ReadOnly = true;
            paras.Click   += Paras_Click;
            paras.SetTipDynamically(toolTip, "Click to enter parameters to pass to program");

            buttonKeys          = new ExtendedControls.ButtonExt();
            buttonKeys.Location = proglist.Location;
            buttonKeys.Size     = new Size((this.Width - 8 - 8 - panelxmargin * 2) / 2, 24);
            buttonKeys.Click   += Keypress_Click;
            toolTip.SetToolTip(buttonKeys, "Click to define keystrokes to send");

            buttonSay          = new ExtendedControls.ButtonExt();
            buttonSay.Location = new Point(buttonKeys.Right + 8, buttonKeys.Top);
            buttonSay.Size     = buttonKeys.Size;
            buttonSay.Click   += Saypress_Click;
            toolTip.SetToolTip(buttonSay, "Click to set speech to say");



Example #5
        private void Show(Icon icon, System.Drawing.Size size, System.Drawing.Point pos, string caption, string lname, Object callertag)
            this.logicalname = lname;     // passed back to caller via trigger
            this.callertag   = callertag; // passed back to caller via trigger

            ITheme theme = ThemeableFormsInstance.Instance;

            FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;

            if (theme.WindowsFrame)
                size.Height += 50;

            Size = size;

            if (pos.X == -999)
                StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
                Location      = pos;
                StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;

            Panel outer = new Panel()
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill, BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle

            outer.MouseDown += FormMouseDown;
            outer.MouseUp   += FormMouseUp;


            this.Text = caption;

            Label textLabel = new Label()
                Left = 4, Top = 8, Width = Width - 50, Text = caption

            textLabel.MouseDown += FormMouseDown;
            textLabel.MouseUp   += FormMouseUp;

            if (!theme.WindowsFrame)

            ToolTip tt = new ToolTip(components);

            tt.ShowAlways = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < entries.Count; i++)
                Entry   ent = entries[i];
                Control c   = ent.controltype != null ? (Control)Activator.CreateInstance(ent.controltype) : ent.control;
                ent.control = c;
                c.Size      = ent.size;
                c.Location  = ent.pos;
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Control " + c.GetType().ToString() + " at " + c.Location + " " + c.Size);
                if (!(ent.controltype == null || c is ExtendedControls.ComboBoxCustom || c is ExtendedControls.CustomDateTimePicker || c is ExtendedControls.NumberBoxDouble || c is ExtendedControls.NumberBoxLong))         // everything but get text
                    c.Text = ent.text;
                c.Tag = ent;     // point control tag at ent structure
                if (ent.tooltip != null)
                    tt.SetToolTip(c, ent.tooltip);

                if (c is ExtendedControls.ButtonExt)
                    ExtendedControls.ButtonExt b = c as ExtendedControls.ButtonExt;
                    b.Click += (sender, ev) =>
                        Entry en = (Entry)(((Control)sender).Tag);
                        Trigger?.Invoke(logicalname, en.controlname, this.callertag);       // pass back the logical name of dialog, the name of the control, the caller tag
                else if (c is ExtendedControls.NumberBoxDouble)
                    ExtendedControls.NumberBoxDouble cb = c as ExtendedControls.NumberBoxDouble;
                    cb.Minimum = ent.numberboxdoubleminimum;
                    cb.Maximum = ent.numberboxdoublemaximum;
                    double?v = ent.text.InvariantParseDoubleNull();
                    cb.Value = v.HasValue ? v.Value : cb.Minimum;
                    if (ent.numberboxformat != null)
                        cb.Format = ent.numberboxformat;
                    cb.ReturnPressed += (box) =>
                        Entry en = (Entry)(box.Tag);
                        Trigger?.Invoke(logicalname, en.controlname + ":Return", this.callertag);       // pass back the logical name of dialog, the name of the control, the caller tag
                else if (c is ExtendedControls.NumberBoxLong)
                    ExtendedControls.NumberBoxLong cb = c as ExtendedControls.NumberBoxLong;
                    cb.Minimum = ent.numberboxlongminimum;
                    cb.Maximum = ent.numberboxlongmaximum;
                    long?v = ent.text.InvariantParseLongNull();
                    cb.Value = v.HasValue ? v.Value : cb.Minimum;
                    if (ent.numberboxformat != null)
                        cb.Format = ent.numberboxformat;
                    cb.ReturnPressed += (box) =>
                        Entry en = (Entry)(box.Tag);
                        Trigger?.Invoke(logicalname, en.controlname + ":Return", this.callertag);       // pass back the logical name of dialog, the name of the control, the caller tag
                else if (c is ExtendedControls.TextBoxBorder)
                    ExtendedControls.TextBoxBorder tb = c as ExtendedControls.TextBoxBorder;
                    tb.Multiline        = tb.WordWrap = ent.textboxmultiline;
                    tb.ClearOnFirstChar = ent.clearonfirstchar;
                    tb.ReturnPressed   += (box) =>
                        Entry en = (Entry)(box.Tag);
                        Trigger?.Invoke(logicalname, en.controlname + ":Return", this.callertag);       // pass back the logical name of dialog, the name of the control, the caller tag
                else if (c is ExtendedControls.CheckBoxCustom)
                    ExtendedControls.CheckBoxCustom cb = c as ExtendedControls.CheckBoxCustom;
                    cb.Checked = ent.checkboxchecked;
                    cb.Click  += (sender, ev) =>
                        Entry en = (Entry)(((Control)sender).Tag);
                        Trigger?.Invoke(logicalname, en.controlname, this.callertag);       // pass back the logical name of dialog, the name of the control, the caller tag

                if (c is ExtendedControls.CustomDateTimePicker)
                    ExtendedControls.CustomDateTimePicker dt = c as ExtendedControls.CustomDateTimePicker;
                    DateTime t;
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(ent.text, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal, out t))     // assume local, so no conversion
                        dt.Value = t;

                    switch (ent.customdateformat.ToLowerInvariant())
                    case "short":
                        dt.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Short;

                    case "long":
                        dt.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Long;

                    case "time":
                        dt.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Time;

                        dt.CustomFormat = ent.customdateformat;

                if (c is ExtendedControls.ComboBoxCustom)
                    ExtendedControls.ComboBoxCustom cb = c as ExtendedControls.ComboBoxCustom;
                    if (ent.comboboxdropdownsize != null)
                        cb.DropDownHeight = ent.comboboxdropdownsize.Value.Height;
                        cb.DropDownWidth  = ent.comboboxdropdownsize.Value.Width;

                    if (cb.Items.Contains(ent.text))
                        cb.SelectedItem = ent.text;
                    cb.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, ev) =>
                        Control ctr = (Control)sender;
                        if (ctr.Enabled)
                            Entry en = (Entry)(ctr.Tag);
                            Trigger?.Invoke(logicalname, en.controlname, this.callertag);       // pass back the logical name of dialog, the name of the control, the caller tag

            ShowInTaskbar = false;

            this.Icon = icon;


            //foreach( Control c in Controls[0].Controls )   System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Control " + c.GetType().ToString() + " at " + c.Location + " " + c.Size);
Example #6
        private void Show(Icon icon, System.Drawing.Size size, System.Drawing.Point pos, string caption, string lname, Object callertag)
            this.logicalname = lname;     // passed back to caller via trigger
            this.callertag   = callertag; // passed back to caller via trigger

            ITheme theme = ThemeableFormsInstance.Instance;

            FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;

            if (theme.WindowsFrame)
                size.Height += 50;

            Size = size;

            if (pos.X == -999)
                StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
                Location      = pos;
                StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;

            Panel outer = new Panel()
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill, BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle

            outer.MouseDown += FormMouseDown;
            outer.MouseUp   += FormMouseUp;


            this.Text = caption;

            Label textLabel = new Label()
                Left = 4, Top = 8, Width = Width - 50, Text = caption

            textLabel.MouseDown += FormMouseDown;
            textLabel.MouseUp   += FormMouseUp;

            if (!theme.WindowsFrame)

            ToolTip tt = new ToolTip(components);

            tt.ShowAlways = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < entries.Count; i++)
                Entry   ent = entries[i];
                Control c   = (Control)Activator.CreateInstance(ent.controltype);
                ent.control = c;
                c.Size      = ent.size;
                c.Location  = ent.pos;
                if (!(c is ExtendedControls.ComboBoxCustom))        // everything but get text
                    c.Text = ent.text;
                c.Tag = ent;     // point control tag at ent structure
                if (ent.tooltip != null)
                    tt.SetToolTip(c, ent.tooltip);

                if (c is ExtendedControls.ButtonExt)
                    ExtendedControls.ButtonExt b = c as ExtendedControls.ButtonExt;
                    b.Click += (sender, ev) =>
                        Entry en = (Entry)(((Control)sender).Tag);
                        Trigger?.Invoke(logicalname, en.controlname, this.callertag);       // pass back the logical name of dialog, the name of the control, the caller tag

                if (c is ExtendedControls.TextBoxBorder)
                    ExtendedControls.TextBoxBorder tb = c as ExtendedControls.TextBoxBorder;
                    tb.Multiline = tb.WordWrap = ent.textboxmultiline;

                if (c is ExtendedControls.CheckBoxCustom)
                    ExtendedControls.CheckBoxCustom cb = c as ExtendedControls.CheckBoxCustom;
                    cb.Checked = ent.checkboxchecked;
                    cb.Click  += (sender, ev) =>
                        Entry en = (Entry)(((Control)sender).Tag);
                        Trigger?.Invoke(logicalname, en.controlname, this.callertag);       // pass back the logical name of dialog, the name of the control, the caller tag

                if (c is ExtendedControls.ComboBoxCustom)
                    ExtendedControls.ComboBoxCustom cb = c as ExtendedControls.ComboBoxCustom;
                    if (ent.comboboxdropdownsize != null)
                        cb.DropDownHeight = ent.comboboxdropdownsize.Value.Height;
                        cb.DropDownWidth  = ent.comboboxdropdownsize.Value.Width;

                    if (cb.Items.Contains(ent.text))
                        cb.SelectedItem = ent.text;
                    cb.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, ev) =>
                        Control ctr = (Control)sender;
                        if (ctr.Enabled)
                            Entry en = (Entry)(ctr.Tag);
                            Trigger?.Invoke(logicalname, en.controlname, this.callertag);       // pass back the logical name of dialog, the name of the control, the caller tag

            ShowInTaskbar = false;

            this.Icon = icon;

            theme.ApplyToForm(this, System.Drawing.SystemFonts.DefaultFont);
Example #7
        public void Show(Form p, string lname, System.Drawing.Size size, string caption, Entry[] e, Object t)
            logicalname = lname;
            entries     = e;
            tag         = t;

            EDDiscovery.EDDTheme theme = EDDiscovery.EDDTheme.Instance;

            Size            = size;
            FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;
            Text            = caption;
            StartPosition   = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;

            Panel outer = new Panel()
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill, BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle


            Label textLabel = new Label()
                Left = 4, Top = 8, Width = Width - 50, Text = caption

            if (!theme.WindowsFrame)

            ToolTip tt = new ToolTip();

            tt.ShowAlways = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < entries.Length; i++)
                Control c = (Control)Activator.CreateInstance(entries[i].controltype);
                entries[i].control = c;
                c.Size             = entries[i].size;
                c.Location         = entries[i].pos;
                c.Text             = entries[i].text;
                c.Tag = entries[i];
                if (entries[i].tooltip != null)
                    tt.SetToolTip(c, entries[i].tooltip);

                if (c is ExtendedControls.ButtonExt)
                    ExtendedControls.ButtonExt b = c as ExtendedControls.ButtonExt;
                    b.Click += (sender, ev) =>
                        Entry en = (Entry)(((Control)sender).Tag);
                        if (Trigger != null)
                            Trigger(logicalname, en.name, tag);

                if (c is ExtendedControls.TextBoxBorder)
                    ExtendedControls.TextBoxBorder tb = c as ExtendedControls.TextBoxBorder;
                    tb.Multiline = tb.WordWrap = entries[i].textboxmultiline;

                if (c is ExtendedControls.CheckBoxCustom)
                    ExtendedControls.CheckBoxCustom cb = c as ExtendedControls.CheckBoxCustom;
                    cb.Checked = entries[i].checkboxchecked;
                    cb.Click  += (sender, ev) =>
                        Entry en = (Entry)(((Control)sender).Tag);
                        if (Trigger != null)
                            Trigger(logicalname, en.name, tag);

            ShowInTaskbar = false;

            theme.ApplyToForm(this, System.Drawing.SystemFonts.DefaultFont);
