private void CL_DeltaEntity(Q3HuffmanReader decoder, CLSnapshot frame, int newnum, EntityState old, bool unchanged) { EntityState state; // save the parsed entity state into the big circular buffer so // it can be used as the source for a later delta state = Ext2 <int, EntityState> .GetOrCreate(client.parseEntities, client.parseEntitiesNum& (Q3Const.MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES - 1)); if (unchanged) { state.copy(old); } else { decoder.readDeltaEntity(state, newnum); } if (state.number == (Q3Const.MAX_GENTITIES - 1)) { return; // entity was delta removed } client.parseEntitiesNum++; frame.numEntities++; }
static void Main(string[] args) { MyBaseClass ext1 = new Ext1(); ext1.DoSomething(); MyBaseClass ext2 = new Ext2(); ext2.DoSomething(); Console.ReadKey(true); }
private static void DetectFilesystem(BlockDevice aDevice) { #region Ext2 if (Ext2.BlockDeviceContainsExt2(aDevice)) { aDevice.Used = true; var xFS = new Ext2(aDevice); mFilesystems.Add(xFS); } #endregion }
private void parseGameState(Q3HuffmanReader reader) { reader.readLong(); while (true) { byte cmd = reader.readByte(); if (cmd == Q3_SVC.EOF) { break; } switch (cmd) { case Q3_SVC.CONFIGSTRING: short key = reader.readShort(); if (key < 0 || key > Q3Const.MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS) { return; } clc.configs[key] = reader.readBigString(); break; case Q3_SVC.BASELINE: long newnum = reader.readNumBits(Q3Const.GENTITYNUM_BITS); if (newnum < 0 || newnum >= Q3Const.MAX_GENTITIES) { Q3Utils.PrintDebug(clc.errors, "Baseline number out of range: {0}", newnum); return; } EntityState es = Ext2 <long, EntityState> .GetOrCreate(clc.entityBaselines, newnum); if (!reader.readDeltaEntity(es, (int)newnum)) { Q3Utils.PrintDebug(clc.errors, "unable to parse delta-entity state"); return; } break; default: Q3Utils.PrintDebug(clc.errors, "bad command in parseGameState"); return; } } //clc.clientNum clc.clientNum = reader.readLong(); //clc.checksumFeed clc.checksumFeed = reader.readLong(); }
internal static void Send_Ext2SuperBlock(Ext2.Ext2.SuperBlock aSuperBlock) { //Hardware2.DebugUtil.StartLogging(); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("<Ext2_SuperBlock "); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("INodesCount=\""); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aSuperBlock.INodesCount, 32); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" BlocksCount=\""); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aSuperBlock.BlockCount, 32); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" FreeBlockCount=\""); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aSuperBlock.FreeBlocksCount, 32); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" FreeINodesCount=\""); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aSuperBlock.FreeINodesCount, 32); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" FirstDataBlock=\""); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aSuperBlock.FirstDataBlock, 32); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" LogBlockSize=\""); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber((uint)aSuperBlock.LogBlockSize, 32); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" LogFragSize=\""); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aSuperBlock.LogFragSize, 32); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" BlocksPerGroup=\""); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aSuperBlock.BlocksPerGroup, 32); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" FragsPerGroup=\""); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aSuperBlock.FragsPerGroup, 32); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" INodesPerGroup=\""); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aSuperBlock.INodesPerGroup, 32); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" MTime=\""); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aSuperBlock.MTime, 32); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" WTime=\""); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aSuperBlock.WTime, 32); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" MountCount=\""); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aSuperBlock.MntCount, 16); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" MaxMountCount=\""); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aSuperBlock.MaxMntCount, 16); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" Magic=\""); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aSuperBlock.Magic, 16); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" State=\""); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aSuperBlock.State, 16); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" Errors=\""); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aSuperBlock.Errors, 16); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" MinorRevLevel=\""); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aSuperBlock.MinorRevLevel, 16); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" LastCheck=\""); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aSuperBlock.LastCheck, 32); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" CheckInterval=\""); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aSuperBlock.CheckInterval, 32); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" CreatorOS=\""); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aSuperBlock.CreatorOS, 32); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" RevLevel=\""); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aSuperBlock.RevLevel, 32); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\"/>\r\n"); //Hardware2.DebugUtil.EndLogging(); }
internal static void Send_Ext2GroupDescriptors(Ext2.Ext2.GroupDescriptor[] aDescriptors) { //Hardware2.DebugUtil.StartLogging(); //for(uint i = 0; i < aDescriptors.Length;i++) { // Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("<Ext2_GroupDescriptor Index=\""); // Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(i, 32); // Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" BlockBitmap=\""); // Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aDescriptors[i].BlockBitmap, 32); // Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" INodeBitmap=\""); // Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aDescriptors[i].INodeBitmap, 32); // Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" INodeTable=\""); // Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aDescriptors[i].INodeTable, 32); // Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" FreeBlocksCount=\""); // Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aDescriptors[i].FreeBlocksCount, 32); // Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" FreeINodesCount=\""); // Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aDescriptors[i].FreeINodesCount, 32); // Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\" UsedDirsCount=\""); // Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteNumber(aDescriptors[i].UsedDirsCount, 32); // Hardware2.DebugUtil.WriteSerialString("\"/>\r\n"); //} //Hardware2.DebugUtil.EndLogging(); }
public string FTP_FLMarion(string address, string assessment_id, string parcelNumber, string searchType, string orderNumber, string directParcel, string ownername) { GlobalClass.global_orderNo = orderNumber; HttpContext.Current.Session["orderNo"] = orderNumber; GlobalClass.global_parcelNo = parcelNumber; List <string> mcheck = new List <string>(); string StartTime = "", AssessmentTime = "", TaxTime = "", CitytaxTime = "", LastEndTime = ""; var driverService = PhantomJSDriverService.CreateDefaultService(); driverService.HideCommandPromptWindow = true; using (driver = new PhantomJSDriver()) { //driver = new ChromeDriver(); try { StartTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); if (searchType == "titleflex") { titleaddress = address; titleOwner = ownername; gc.TitleFlexSearch(orderNumber, "", ownername, titleaddress, "FL", "Marion"); if ((HttpContext.Current.Session["TitleFlex_Search"] != null && HttpContext.Current.Session["TitleFlex_Search"].ToString() == "Yes")) { driver.Quit(); return("MultiParcel"); } else if (HttpContext.Current.Session["titleparcel"].ToString() == "") { HttpContext.Current.Session["Nodata_FLMarion"] = "Yes"; driver.Quit(); return("No Data Found"); } parcelNumber = HttpContext.Current.Session["titleparcel"].ToString(); searchType = "parcel"; } if (searchType == "address") { driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(""); Thread.Sleep(2000); driver.FindElement(By.Id("MCPAMaster_MCPAContent_rblSearchBy_0")).Click(); Thread.Sleep(2000); driver.FindElement(By.Id("MCPAMaster_MCPAContent_txtParm")).SendKeys(address); driver.FindElement(By.Id("MCPAMaster_MCPAContent_btnWine")).SendKeys(Keys.Enter); gc.CreatePdf_WOP(orderNumber, "Address search", driver, "FL", "Marion"); Thread.Sleep(2000); try { IWebElement MultiAddressTB = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='srch']/table[1]/tbody")); IList <IWebElement> MultiAddressTR = MultiAddressTB.FindElements(By.TagName("tr")); IList <IWebElement> MultiAddressTD; gc.CreatePdf_WOP(orderNumber, "Multi Address search", driver, "FL", "Marion"); if (MultiAddressTR.Count == 1) { driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='srch']/table[1]/tbody/tr/td[1]/a")).Click(); Thread.Sleep(4000); } else { int AddressmaxCheck = 0; string xpath = ""; int m = 1; foreach (IWebElement MultiAddress in MultiAddressTR) { if (AddressmaxCheck <= 25) { MultiAddressTD = MultiAddress.FindElements(By.TagName("td")); if (MultiAddressTD.Count != 0 && MultiAddress.Text.Contains(address.ToUpper())) { IWebElement Parcelno1 = MultiAddressTD[0].FindElement(By.TagName("a")); Parcelno = Parcelno1.Text; Owner = MultiAddressTD[1].Text; Property_Address = MultiAddressTD[2].Text; MultiAddress_details = Owner + "~" + Property_Address; gc.insert_date(orderNumber, Parcelno, 672, MultiAddress_details, 1, DateTime.Now); xpath = "//*[@id='srch']/table[1]/tbody/tr[" + m + "]/td[1]/a"; mcheck.Add(MultiAddressTD[0].Text.Trim()); } m++; } AddressmaxCheck++; } if (mcheck.Count == 1) { driver.FindElement(By.XPath(xpath)).Click(); Thread.Sleep(4000); } else { if (MultiAddressTR.Count > 25) { HttpContext.Current.Session["multiParcel_FLMarion_Multicount"] = "Maximum"; driver.Quit(); return("Maximum"); } else { HttpContext.Current.Session["multiparcel_FLMarion"] = "Yes"; driver.Quit(); return("MultiParcel"); } } } } catch { } try { //No Data Found string nodata = driver.FindElement(By.Id("srch")).Text; if (nodata.Contains("0 records found. End of search reached.")) { HttpContext.Current.Session["Nodata_FLMarion"] = "Yes"; driver.Quit(); return("No Data Found"); } } catch { } } if (searchType == "parcel") { driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(""); Thread.Sleep(2000); driver.FindElement(By.Id("MCPAMaster_MCPAContent_rblSearchBy_2")).Click(); Thread.Sleep(2000); driver.FindElement(By.Id("MCPAMaster_MCPAContent_txtParm")).SendKeys(parcelNumber); driver.FindElement(By.Id("MCPAMaster_MCPAContent_btnWine")).SendKeys(Keys.Enter); gc.CreatePdf(orderNumber, parcelNumber, "ParcelSearch", driver, "FL", "Marion"); Thread.Sleep(2000); driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='srch']/table[1]/tbody/tr/td[1]/a")).Click(); Thread.Sleep(2000); try { //No Data Found string nodata = driver.FindElement(By.Id("srch'")).Text; if (nodata.Contains("0 records found. End of search reached.")) { HttpContext.Current.Session["Nodata_FLMarion"] = "Yes"; driver.Quit(); return("No Data Found"); } } catch { } } if (searchType == "ownername") { var chromeOptions = new ChromeOptions(); var chDriver = new ChromeDriver(chromeOptions); chDriver.Navigate().GoToUrl(""); Thread.Sleep(2000); chDriver.FindElement(By.Id("MCPAMaster_MCPAContent_rblSearchBy_1")).Click(); Thread.Sleep(2000); chDriver.FindElement(By.Id("MCPAMaster_MCPAContent_txtParm")).SendKeys(ownername); chDriver.FindElement(By.Id("MCPAMaster_MCPAContent_btnWine")).SendKeys(Keys.Enter); gc.CreatePdf_WOP(orderNumber, "Owner search", chDriver, "FL", "Marion"); Thread.Sleep(2000); try { IWebElement MultiOwnerTB = chDriver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='srch']/table[1]/tbody")); IList <IWebElement> MultiOwnerTR = MultiOwnerTB.FindElements(By.TagName("tr")); IList <IWebElement> MultiOwnerTD; gc.CreatePdf_WOP(orderNumber, "Multi Owner search", chDriver, "FL", "Marion"); if (MultiOwnerTR.Count == 1) { chDriver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='srch']/table[1]/tbody/tr/td[1]/a")).Click(); Thread.Sleep(2000); } else { int OwnermaxCheck = 0; foreach (IWebElement MultiOwner in MultiOwnerTR) { if (OwnermaxCheck <= 25) { MultiOwnerTD = MultiOwner.FindElements(By.TagName("td")); if (MultiOwnerTD.Count != 0) { IWebElement Parcelno1 = MultiOwnerTD[0].FindElement(By.TagName("a")); Parcelno = Parcelno1.Text; Owner = MultiOwnerTD[1].Text; Property_Address = MultiOwnerTD[2].Text; MultiOwner_details = Owner + "~" + Property_Address; gc.insert_date(orderNumber, Parcelno, 672, MultiOwner_details, 1, DateTime.Now); } OwnermaxCheck++; } } if (MultiOwnerTR.Count > 25) { HttpContext.Current.Session["multiParcel_FLMarion_Multicount"] = "Maximum"; } else { HttpContext.Current.Session["multiparcel_FLMarion"] = "Yes"; } chDriver.Quit(); return("MultiParcel"); } } catch { } try { //No Data Found string nodata = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='srch']/text()")).Text; if (nodata.Contains("0 records found. End of search reached.")) { HttpContext.Current.Session["Nodata_FLMarion"] = "Yes"; driver.Quit(); return("No Data Found"); } } catch { } chDriver.Quit(); } Thread.Sleep(3000); driver.SwitchTo().Window(driver.WindowHandles.Last()); Thread.Sleep(4000); //Property Details //try //{ // driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='prc']/div/a[1]")).Click(); // Thread.Sleep(6000); //} //catch //{ } try { ParcelID = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='prc']/table/tbody/tr/td/h1")).Text; Primary_Key = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='prc']/table/tbody/tr/td/table[1]/tbody/tr/td[1]")).Text; Primary_Key = WebDriverTest.After(Primary_Key, "Prime Key: "); Owner_Mailing = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='prc']/table/tbody/tr/td/table[2]/tbody/tr/td[1]")).Text; try { driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='prc']/div/a[2]")).Click(); Thread.Sleep(2000); full = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='prc']/table/tbody/tr/td/table[2]/tbody/tr/td[2]")).Text; Taxes_Assments = gc.Between(full, "Taxes / Assessments:", "Map ID:"); try { assess1 = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='prc']/table/tbody/tr/td/table[3]/tbody/tr/td[1]")).Text.Replace("\r\n", "~"); assess11 = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='prc']/table/tbody/tr/td/table[3]/tbody/tr/td[2]")).Text.Replace("\r\n", "~"); DBconnection dbconn = new DBconnection(); dbconn.ExecuteQuery("update data_field_master set Data_Fields_Text='" + assess1 + "' where Id = '" + 692 + "'"); gc.CreatePdf(orderNumber, ParcelID, "Assessment1 Details", driver, "FL", "Marion"); gc.insert_date(orderNumber, ParcelID, 692, assess11, 1, DateTime.Now); } catch { } //History Accessd Values try { IWebElement HistoryTB = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='prc']/table/tbody/tr/td/table[4]/tbody")); IList <IWebElement> HistoryTR = HistoryTB.FindElements(By.TagName("tr")); IList <IWebElement> HistoryTD; foreach (IWebElement History in HistoryTR) { HistoryTD = History.FindElements(By.TagName("td")); if (HistoryTD.Count != 0 && HistoryTR.Count != 1) { Year = HistoryTD[0].Text; Land_Just = HistoryTD[1].Text; Building = HistoryTD[2].Text; Misc_Value = HistoryTD[3].Text; Mkt_Just = HistoryTD[4].Text; Assed_Value = HistoryTD[5].Text; Exceptions = HistoryTD[6].Text; Taxabl_Val = HistoryTD[7].Text; History_details = Year + "~" + Land_Just + "~" + Building + "~" + Misc_Value + "~" + Mkt_Just + "~" + Assed_Value + "~" + Exceptions + "~" + Taxabl_Val; gc.insert_date(orderNumber, ParcelID, 693, History_details, 1, DateTime.Now); } } } catch { } driver.Navigate().Back(); Thread.Sleep(5000); } catch { } Map_Id = gc.Between(full, "Map ID:", "Millage:"); Millage = GlobalClass.After(full, "Millage:"); full1 = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='prc']/table/tbody/tr/td/table[2]/tbody/tr/td[3]")).Text; try { Acres = gc.Between(full1, "Acres: ", "Situs: ").Replace("More Situs", ""); Situs = WebDriverTest.After(full1, "Situs: "); } catch { } Proty_Desp = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='prc']/table/tbody/tr/td")).Text; Proty_Desp = gc.Between(Proty_Desp, "Property Description", "Land Data - Warning: Verify Zoning"); try { Improve1 = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='prc']/table/tbody/tr/td/table[6]/tbody/tr/td[1]/table/tbody/tr/td[2]")).Text.Replace("\r\n", "~"); string[] rowarrayname1 = Improve1.Split('~'); Improve = rowarrayname1[0]; Year_Built = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='prc']/table/tbody/tr/td/table[6]/tbody/tr/td[2]")).Text; Year_Built = gc.Between(Year_Built, "Year Built", "Physical Deterioration"); } catch { } property = Primary_Key + "~" + Owner_Mailing + "~" + Situs + "~" + Taxes_Assments + "~" + Map_Id + "~" + Millage + "~" + Acres + "~" + Proty_Desp + "~" + Improve + "~" + Year_Built; gc.CreatePdf(orderNumber, ParcelID, "Assessment11 Details", driver, "FL", "Marion"); gc.insert_date(orderNumber, ParcelID, 691, property, 1, DateTime.Now); } catch { } //try //{ // assess = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='prc']/table/tbody/tr/td/table[3]/tbody/tr/td[1]")).Text.Replace("\r\n", "~"); // assess1 = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='prc']/table/tbody/tr/td/table[3]/tbody/tr/td[2]")).Text.Replace("\r\n", "~"); // DBconnection dbconn = new DBconnection(); // dbconn.ExecuteQuery("update data_field_master set Data_Fields_Text='" + assess + "' where Id = '" + 692 + "'"); // gc.insert_date(orderNumber, ParcelID, 692, assess1, 1, DateTime.Now); //} //catch //{ } AssessmentTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); //Tax Details driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(""); Thread.Sleep(4000); driver.FindElement(By.Id("btnAgree")).Click(); Thread.Sleep(4000); driver.FindElement(By.Id("_ctl0_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtAccount")).SendKeys(ParcelID); gc.CreatePdf(orderNumber, ParcelID, "Tax Details", driver, "FL", "Marion"); driver.FindElement(By.Id("_ctl0_ContentPlaceHolder1_btnSearch")).SendKeys(Keys.Enter); Thread.Sleep(4000); gc.CreatePdf(orderNumber, ParcelID, "Tax Parcels Details", driver, "FL", "Marion"); driver.FindElement(By.Id("_ctl0_ContentPlaceHolder1_rptSummary__ctl0_lnkDetails1")).Click(); Thread.Sleep(4000); //Tax Payment History try { IWebElement BreakdownTB = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='_ctl0_ContentPlaceHolder1_tblSummary']/tbody")); IList <IWebElement> BreakdownTR = BreakdownTB.FindElements(By.TagName("tr")); IList <IWebElement> BreakdownTD; foreach (IWebElement Breakdown in BreakdownTR) { BreakdownTD = Breakdown.FindElements(By.TagName("td")); if (BreakdownTD.Count != 0 && !Breakdown.Text.Contains("Year")) { Tax_Year = BreakdownTD[0].Text; Roll = BreakdownTD[1].Text; Acc_Num = BreakdownTD[2].Text; Sta = BreakdownTD[3].Text; Date_Paid = BreakdownTD[4].Text; Amount_Paid = BreakdownTD[5].Text; Balnc_Due = BreakdownTD[6].Text; Payment_details = Tax_Year + "~" + Roll + "~" + Acc_Num + "~" + Sta + "~" + Date_Paid + "~" + Amount_Paid + "~" + Balnc_Due; gc.insert_date(orderNumber, ParcelID, 695, Payment_details, 1, DateTime.Now); } } } catch { } //Tax Information Acc_No = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='tbl1']/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]")).Text.Replace(" ", ""); Typ = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='tbl1']/tbody/tr[2]/td[4]/table/tbody/tr/td[1]")).Text; Add = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='tbl1']/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]")).Text; try { Deliquent = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='tbl3']/tbody/tr[4]/td")).Text; } catch { } try { Roll_Coment = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='_ctl0_ContentPlaceHolder1_tblSummary']/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]")).Text; } catch { } List <string> ParcelSearch = new List <string>(); try { IWebElement ParcelTB = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='_ctl0_ContentPlaceHolder1_tblSummary']/tbody")); IList <IWebElement> ParcelTR = ParcelTB.FindElements(By.TagName("tr")); ParcelTR.Reverse(); int rows_count = ParcelTR.Count; for (int row = 0; row < rows_count; row++) { if (row == rows_count - 1 || row == rows_count - 2 || row == rows_count - 3) { IList <IWebElement> Columns_row = ParcelTR[row].FindElements(By.TagName("td")); int columns_count = Columns_row.Count; for (int column = 0; column < columns_count; column++) { if (column == columns_count - 2) { IWebElement ParcelBill_link = Columns_row[0].FindElement(By.TagName("a")); string Parcelurl = ParcelBill_link.GetAttribute("href"); ParcelSearch.Add(Parcelurl); } } } } } catch { } foreach (string Parcelbill in ParcelSearch) { driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(Parcelbill); Thread.Sleep(3000); Taxy = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='_ctl0_ContentPlaceHolder1_lblDetTaxYear']")).Text; try { Pdes1 = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='Table2a']/tbody/tr[1]/td")).Text; Pdes2 = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='Table2a']/tbody/tr[2]/td")).Text; Pdes3 = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='Table2a']/tbody/tr[3]/td")).Text; Pdes4 = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='Table2a']/tbody/tr[4]/td")).Text; P_des = Pdes1 + " " + Pdes2 + " " + Pdes3 + " " + Pdes4; } catch { } try { OInfo1 = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='Table2b']/tbody/tr[1]/td")).Text; M_Addr1 = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='Table2b']/tbody/tr[2]/td")).Text; M_Addr2 = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='Table2b']/tbody/tr[3]/td")).Text; Owner_Mail = OInfo1 + " & " + M_Addr1 + " " + M_Addr2; } catch { } try { OInfo1 = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='Table2b']/tbody/tr[1]/td")).Text; OInfo2 = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='Table2b']/tbody/tr[2]/td")).Text; M_Addr1 = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='Table2b']/tbody/tr[3]/td")).Text; M_Addr2 = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='Table2b']/tbody/tr[4]/td")).Text; Owner_Mail = OInfo1 + " " + OInfo2 + " & " + M_Addr1 + " " + M_Addr2; } catch { } try { IWebElement tbmulti11 = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='Table2c']/tbody")); IList <IWebElement> TRmulti11 = tbmulti11.FindElements(By.TagName("tr")); IList <IWebElement> TDmulti11; foreach (IWebElement row in TRmulti11) { TDmulti11 = row.FindElements(By.TagName("td")); if (TDmulti11.Count != 0) { Mkt = TDmulti11[0].Text; if (Mkt.Contains("MARKET VALU")) { Markt_Value = TDmulti11[0].Text.Replace(" ", ""); Markt_Value = WebDriverTest.After(Markt_Value, "MARKETVALU"); } Asst = TDmulti11[0].Text; if (Asst.Contains("ASSESSMENT")) { ASSESSMENT = TDmulti11[0].Text.Replace(" ", ""); ASSESSMENT = WebDriverTest.After(ASSESSMENT, "ASSESSMENT"); } Txb = TDmulti11[0].Text; if (Txb.Contains("TAXABLE")) { TAXABLE = TDmulti11[0].Text.Replace(" ", ""); TAXABLE = WebDriverTest.After(TAXABLE, "TAXABLE"); } Ext = TDmulti11[0].Text; if (Ext.Contains("EXCD01")) { EXC = TDmulti11[0].Text.Replace(" ", ""); EXC = WebDriverTest.After(EXC, "EXCD01"); } Ext1 = TDmulti11[0].Text; if (Ext1.Contains("EXCD38")) { EXC1 = TDmulti11[0].Text.Replace(" ", ""); EXC1 = WebDriverTest.After(EXC1, "EXCD38"); } Ext2 = TDmulti11[0].Text; if (Ext2.Contains("EXCD02")) { EXC2 = TDmulti11[0].Text.Replace(" ", ""); EXC2 = WebDriverTest.After(EXC2, "EXCD02"); } Count_Asst = TDmulti11[0].Text; if (Count_Asst.Contains("COUNTY ASMT")) { County_ASMT = TDmulti11[0].Text.Replace(" ", ""); County_ASMT = WebDriverTest.After(County_ASMT, "COUNTYASMT"); } Count_txbl = TDmulti11[0].Text; if (Count_txbl.Contains("COUNTY TXBL")) { County_TXBL = TDmulti11[0].Text.Replace(" ", ""); County_TXBL = WebDriverTest.After(County_TXBL, "COUNTYTXBL"); } Tax_Asst = TDmulti11[0].Text; if (Tax_Asst.Contains("SCHOOL ASMT")) { Tax_ASMT = TDmulti11[0].Text.Replace(" ", ""); Tax_ASMT = WebDriverTest.After(Tax_ASMT, "SCHOOLASMT"); } Tax_txbl = TDmulti11[0].Text; if (Tax_txbl.Contains("SCHOOL TXBL")) { Tax_TXBL = TDmulti11[0].Text.Replace(" ", ""); Tax_TXBL = WebDriverTest.After(Tax_TXBL, "SCHOOLTXBL"); } } } IWebElement tbmulti1 = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='Table2d']/tbody")); IList <IWebElement> TRmulti1 = tbmulti1.FindElements(By.TagName("tr")); IList <IWebElement> TDmulti1; foreach (IWebElement row in TRmulti1) { TDmulti1 = row.FindElements(By.TagName("td")); if (TDmulti1.Count != 0) { txes = TDmulti1[0].Text; if (txes.Contains("TAXES")) { TAXES = TDmulti1[0].Text.Replace(" ", ""); TAXES = WebDriverTest.After(TAXES, "TAXES"); } sptxs = TDmulti1[0].Text; if (sptxs.Contains("SP. ASMT")) { SP_ASMT = TDmulti1[0].Text.Replace(" ", ""); SP_ASMT = WebDriverTest.After(SP_ASMT, "SP.ASMT"); } intt = TDmulti1[0].Text; if (intt.Contains("INT.")) { INT = TDmulti1[0].Text.Replace(" ", ""); INT = WebDriverTest.After(INT, "INT."); } Salet = TDmulti1[0].Text; if (Salet.Contains("SALE 5%")) { SALE = TDmulti1[0].Text.Replace(" ", ""); SALE = WebDriverTest.After(SALE, "SALE5%"); } Advt = TDmulti1[0].Text; if (Advt.Contains("ADV. FEE")) { ADV = TDmulti1[0].Text.Replace(" ", ""); ADV = WebDriverTest.After(ADV, "ADV.FEE"); } } } Tax_Info = Acc_No + "~" + Typ + "~" + Add + "~" + Taxy + "~" + P_des + "~" + Owner_Mail + "~" + Markt_Value + "~" + ASSESSMENT + "~" + TAXABLE + "~" + EXC + "~" + EXC1 + "~" + EXC2 + "~" + TAXES + "~" + SP_ASMT + "~" + INT + "~" + SALE + "~" + ADV + "~" + County_ASMT + "~" + County_TXBL + "~" + Tax_ASMT + "~" + Tax_TXBL; gc.insert_date(orderNumber, ParcelID, 697, Tax_Info, 1, DateTime.Now); Markt_Value = ""; ASSESSMENT = ""; TAXABLE = ""; EXC = ""; EXC1 = ""; EXC2 = ""; TAXES = ""; SP_ASMT = ""; INT = ""; SALE = ""; ADV = ""; County_ASMT = ""; County_TXBL = ""; Tax_ASMT = ""; Tax_TXBL = ""; } catch { } gc.CreatePdf(orderNumber, ParcelID, "Tax Payment Details" + Taxy, driver, "FL", "Marion"); Thread.Sleep(2000); //Tax Receipt try { Receipt = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='tbl5']/tbody/tr[4]/td")).Text.Replace(" ", ""); Commonreceipt = Receipt; if (Commonreceipt.Length == 58) { A = Receipt.Substring(0, 10); B = Receipt.Substring(10, 19); C = Receipt.Substring(29, 9); D = Receipt.Substring(38, 7); E = Receipt.Substring(45, 4); F = Receipt.Substring(49, 9); Receipt_Details5 = A + "~" + B + "~" + "~" + C + "~" + D + "~" + E + "~" + F; gc.insert_date(orderNumber, ParcelID, 698, Receipt_Details5, 1, DateTime.Now); } if (Commonreceipt.Length == 42) { A = Receipt.Substring(0, 10); B = Receipt.Substring(10, 19); C = Receipt.Substring(29, 4); D = Receipt.Substring(33, 9); Receipt_Details1 = A + "~" + B + "~" + C + "~" + D + "~" + "" + "~" + "" + "~" + ""; gc.insert_date(orderNumber, ParcelID, 698, Receipt_Details1, 1, DateTime.Now); } if (Commonreceipt.Length == 62) { A = Receipt.Substring(0, 10); B = Receipt.Substring(10, 19); C = Receipt.Substring(29, 4); D = Receipt.Substring(33, 9); E = Receipt.Substring(42, 7); F = Receipt.Substring(49, 4); G = Receipt.Substring(53, 9); Receipt_Details2 = A + "~" + B + "~" + C + "~" + D + "~" + E + "~" + F + "~" + G; gc.insert_date(orderNumber, ParcelID, 698, Receipt_Details2, 1, DateTime.Now); } if (Commonreceipt.Length == 61) { A = Receipt.Substring(0, 10); B = Receipt.Substring(10, 19); C = Receipt.Substring(29, 4); D = Receipt.Substring(33, 10); E = Receipt.Substring(43, 6); F = Receipt.Substring(49, 5); G = Receipt.Substring(54, 7); Receipt_Details3 = A + "~" + B + "~" + C + "~" + D + "~" + E + "~" + F + "~" + G; gc.insert_date(orderNumber, ParcelID, 698, Receipt_Details3, 1, DateTime.Now); } if (Commonreceipt.Length == 60) { A = Receipt.Substring(0, 10); B = Receipt.Substring(10, 19); C = Receipt.Substring(29, 4); D = Receipt.Substring(33, 9); E = Receipt.Substring(42, 7); F = Receipt.Substring(49, 4); G = Receipt.Substring(53, 7); Receipt_Details4 = A + "~" + B + "~" + C + "~" + D + "~" + E + "~" + F + "~" + G; gc.insert_date(orderNumber, ParcelID, 698, Receipt_Details4, 1, DateTime.Now); } if (Commonreceipt.Length == 56) { A = Receipt.Substring(0, 10); B = Receipt.Substring(10, 19); C = Receipt.Substring(29, 9); D = Receipt.Substring(38, 7); E = Receipt.Substring(45, 4); F = Receipt.Substring(49, 7); Receipt_Details4 = A + "~" + B + "~" + "" + "~" + C + "~" + D + "~" + E + "~" + F; gc.insert_date(orderNumber, ParcelID, 698, Receipt_Details4, 1, DateTime.Now); } if (Commonreceipt.Length == 64) { A = Receipt.Substring(0, 10); B = Receipt.Substring(10, 19); C = Receipt.Substring(29, 4); D = Receipt.Substring(33, 9); E = Receipt.Substring(42, 8); F = Receipt.Substring(50, 4); G = Receipt.Substring(54, 10); Receipt_Details9 = A + "~" + B + "~" + C + "~" + D + "~" + E + "~" + F + "~" + G; gc.insert_date(orderNumber, ParcelID, 698, Receipt_Details9, 1, DateTime.Now); } } catch { } //driver.Navigate().Back(); //Thread.Sleep(2000); } driver.FindElement(By.Id("_ctl0_ContentPlaceHolder1_lnkAcctBill2")).Click(); Thread.Sleep(3000); driver.SwitchTo().Window(driver.WindowHandles.Last()); Thread.Sleep(4000); //Ad-Valorem & Non-Ad Valorem IWebElement AdValoremTB = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='Table3']/tbody")); IList <IWebElement> AdValoremTR = AdValoremTB.FindElements(By.TagName("tr")); IList <IWebElement> AdValoremTD; foreach (IWebElement AdValorem in AdValoremTR) { AdValoremTD = AdValorem.FindElements(By.TagName("td")); if (AdValoremTD.Count != 0 && !AdValorem.Text.Contains("TAXING AUTHORITY") && AdValoremTD[0].Text != "" && !AdValorem.Text.Contains("*** PAID *** PAID *** PAID ***") && !AdValorem.Text.Contains("PERIOD")) { //if (AdValorem.Text.Contains("COMBINED TAXES & ASSESSMENTS TOTAL:")) //{ // break; //} string Output = AdValoremTD[0].Text; Output = Regex.Replace(Output, @"\s+", " ").TrimStart(); Output = Output.Replace(" ", "~"); string[] rowarrayname1 = Output.Split('~'); List <string> listname = new List <string>(); listname.AddRange(rowarrayname1); int count = listname.Count(); string name = "", millege = "", assessed = "", exemptions = "", taxable = "", taxes = ""; int k = 0; if (count == 2 && listname[0].Any(Char.IsDigit)) { Advalorem_details1 = "Total Millege" + "~" + listname[0] + "~" + "" + "~" + "" + "~" + "Total Ad Valorem Taxes" + "~" + listname[1]; gc.CreatePdf(orderNumber, ParcelID, "Ad-Valorem & Non-Ad Valorem Taxs Details" + Taxy, driver, "FL", "Marion"); gc.insert_date(orderNumber, ParcelID, 700, Advalorem_details1, 1, DateTime.Now); } else { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!listname[i].Any(Char.IsDigit)) { name = name + " " + listname[i]; } else { if (listname[i].Any(Char.IsDigit) && (k == 0)) { millege = listname[i]; } if (listname[i].Any(Char.IsDigit) && (k == 1)) { assessed = listname[i]; } if (listname[i].Any(Char.IsDigit) && (k == 2)) { exemptions = listname[i]; } if (listname[i].Any(Char.IsDigit) && (k == 3)) { taxable = listname[i]; } if (listname[i].Any(Char.IsDigit) && (k == 4)) { taxes = listname[i]; } k++; } } } Advalorem_details = name + "~" + millege + "~" + assessed + "~" + exemptions + "~" + taxable + "~" + taxes; gc.CreatePdf(orderNumber, ParcelID, "Ad-Valorem & Non-Ad Valorem Taxs Details" + Taxy, driver, "FL", "Marion"); gc.insert_date(orderNumber, ParcelID, 700, Advalorem_details, 1, DateTime.Now); } } //Taxing Authority driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(""); Thread.Sleep(2000); Deliquent_Comments = ""; CER_Comments = ""; try { Taxing_Authority = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='ss-block-container-1']/div/address[2]")).Text.Replace("\r\n", " "); } catch { } if (Deliquent == "DELINQUENT TAXES DUE ") { Deliquent_Comments = "For prior tax amount due, you must call the tax Collector's Office."; } if (Roll_Coment == "CER") { CER_Comments = "Tax Sale in property. Need to contact Tax Collector"; } Taxauthority_Details = Taxing_Authority + "~" + Deliquent_Comments + "~" + CER_Comments; gc.CreatePdf(orderNumber, ParcelID, "Tax Authority", driver, "FL", "Marion"); gc.insert_date(orderNumber, ParcelID, 704, Taxauthority_Details, 1, DateTime.Now); TaxTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); LastEndTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); gc.insert_TakenTime(orderNumber, "FL", "Marion", StartTime, AssessmentTime, TaxTime, CitytaxTime, LastEndTime); driver.Quit(); gc.mergpdf(orderNumber, "FL", "Marion"); return("Data Inserted Successfully"); } catch (Exception ex) { driver.Quit(); GlobalClass.LogError(ex, orderNumber); throw; } } }
private void parsePacketEntities(Q3HuffmanReader decoder, CLSnapshot oldframe, CLSnapshot newframe) { newframe.parseEntitiesNum = client.parseEntitiesNum; newframe.numEntities = 0; int newnum = 0; int oldindex = 0; int oldnum = 0; EntityState oldstate = null; if (oldframe == null) { oldnum = 99999; } else { if (oldindex >= oldframe.numEntities) { oldnum = 99999; } else { oldstate = Ext2 <int, EntityState> .GetOrCreate(client.parseEntities, (oldframe.parseEntitiesNum + oldindex)& (Q3Const.MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES - 1)); oldnum = oldstate.number; } } while (true) { newnum = (int)decoder.readNumBits(Q3Const.GENTITYNUM_BITS); if (newnum == (Q3Const.MAX_GENTITIES - 1)) { break; } if (decoder.isEOD()) { Q3Utils.PrintDebug(clc.errors, "ERR_DROP, CL_ParsePacketEntities: end of message"); return; } while (oldnum < newnum) { // one or more entities from the old packet are unchanged CL_DeltaEntity(decoder, newframe, oldnum, oldstate, true); oldindex++; if (oldindex >= oldframe.numEntities) { oldnum = 99999; } else { oldstate = Ext2 <int, EntityState> .GetOrCreate(client.parseEntities, (oldframe.parseEntitiesNum + oldindex)& (Q3Const.MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES - 1)); oldnum = oldstate.number; } } if (oldnum == newnum) { // delta from previous state CL_DeltaEntity(decoder, newframe, newnum, oldstate, false); oldindex++; if (oldindex >= oldframe.numEntities) { oldnum = 99999; } else { oldstate = Ext2 <int, EntityState> .GetOrCreate(client.parseEntities, (oldframe.parseEntitiesNum + oldindex)& (Q3Const.MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES - 1)); oldnum = oldstate.number; } continue; } if (oldnum > newnum) { // delta from baseline EntityState es = Ext2 <int, EntityState> .GetOrCreate(client.entityBaselines, newnum); CL_DeltaEntity(decoder, newframe, newnum, es, false); continue; } } // any remaining entities in the old frame are copied over while (oldnum != 99999) { // one or more entities from the old packet are unchanged CL_DeltaEntity(decoder, newframe, oldnum, oldstate, true); oldindex++; if (oldindex >= oldframe.numEntities) { oldnum = 99999; } else { oldstate = Ext2 <int, EntityState> .GetOrCreate(client.parseEntities, (oldframe.parseEntitiesNum + oldindex)& (Q3Const.MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES - 1)); oldnum = oldstate.number; } } }
private void parseSnapshot(Q3HuffmanReader decoder) { if (client.clientConfig == null) { client.clientConfig = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (clc.configs.ContainsKey(Q3Const.Q3_DEMO_CFG_FIELD_GAME)) { var gameConfig = Q3Utils.split_config(clc.configs[Q3Const.Q3_DEMO_CFG_FIELD_GAME]); client.isCheatsOn = Ext.GetOrZero(gameConfig, "sv_cheats") > 0; } if (clc.configs.ContainsKey(Q3Const.Q3_DEMO_CFG_FIELD_CLIENT)) { client.clientConfig = Q3Utils.split_config(clc.configs[Q3Const.Q3_DEMO_CFG_FIELD_CLIENT]); client.dfvers = Ext.GetOrZero(client.clientConfig, "defrag_vers"); client.mapname = Ext.GetOrNull(client.clientConfig, "mapname"); client.mapNameChecksum = getMapNameChecksum(client.mapname); client.isOnline = Ext.GetOrZero(client.clientConfig, "defrag_gametype") > 4; } } CLSnapshot newSnap = new CLSnapshot(); CLSnapshot old = null; newSnap.serverCommandNum = clc.serverCommandSequence; newSnap.serverTime = decoder.readLong(); newSnap.messageNum = clc.serverMessageSequence; int deltaNum = decoder.readByte(); if (deltaNum == 0) { newSnap.deltaNum = -1; } else { newSnap.deltaNum = newSnap.messageNum - deltaNum; } newSnap.snapFlags = decoder.readByte(); // If the frame is delta compressed from data that we // no longer have available, we must suck up the rest of // the frame, but not use it, then ask for a non-compressed // message if (newSnap.deltaNum <= 0) { newSnap.valid = true; // uncompressed frame old = null; clc.demowaiting = false; // we can start recording now } else { old = Ext2 <int, CLSnapshot> .GetOrCreate(client.snapshots, newSnap.deltaNum& Q3Const.PACKET_MASK); if (old == null || !old.valid) { // should never happen Q3Utils.PrintDebug(clc.errors, "Delta from invalid frame (not supposed to happen!)"); } else if (old.messageNum != newSnap.deltaNum) { // The frame that the server did the delta from // is too old, so we can't reconstruct it properly. Q3Utils.PrintDebug(clc.errors, "Delta frame too old."); } else if ((client.parseEntitiesNum - old.parseEntitiesNum) > (Q3Const.MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES - 128)) { Q3Utils.PrintDebug(clc.errors, "Delta parseEntitiesNum too old"); } else { newSnap.valid = true; // valid delta parse } } int len = decoder.readByte(); if (len > newSnap.areamask.Length) { Q3Utils.PrintDebug(clc.errors, "CL_ParseSnapshot: Invalid size {0} for areamask", len); return; } decoder.readData(newSnap.areamask, len); if (old != null) {; } decoder.readDeltaPlayerState(; parsePacketEntities(decoder, old, newSnap); // if not valid, dump the entire thing now that it has // been properly read if (!newSnap.valid) { return; } // clear the valid flags of any snapshots between the last // received and this one, so if there was a dropped packet // it won't look like something valid to delta from next // time we wrap around in the buffer int oldMessageNum = client.snap.messageNum + 1; if (newSnap.messageNum - oldMessageNum >= Q3Const.PACKET_BACKUP) { oldMessageNum = newSnap.messageNum - (Q3Const.PACKET_BACKUP - 1); } for (; oldMessageNum < newSnap.messageNum; oldMessageNum++) { CLSnapshot s; if (client.snapshots.TryGetValue(oldMessageNum & Q3Const.PACKET_MASK, out s)) { if (s != null) { s.valid = false; } } } // copy to the current good spot client.snap = newSnap; // skip ping calculations = 0; // save the frame off in the backup array for later delta comparisons client.snapshots[client.snap.messageNum & Q3Const.PACKET_MASK] = client.snap; client.newSnapshots = true; updateClientEvents(newSnap); }