Example #1
        public static void TestFieldDefined(IToken fieldName, ExpressionValue variable)
            FieldInfo fieldInfo = variable.GetType().GetField(fieldName.Text);

            if (fieldInfo == null)
                PropertyInfo propertyInfo = variable.GetType().GetProperty(fieldName.Text);
                if (propertyInfo == null)
                    throw new ParsingException(string.Format("Cannot find the field {0} in class {1}", fieldName.Text, variable.GetType().Name), fieldName);
Example #2
        public static void TestMethodDefined(IToken methodName, int size, ExpressionValue variable)
            MethodInfo methodInfo = variable.GetType().GetMethod(methodName.Text);

            if (methodInfo == null)
                throw new ParsingException(string.Format(Resources.Can_NOT_find_the_method__0__with__1__parameters_in_class__2__, methodName.Text, size, variable.GetType().Name), methodName);
        public bool Evaluate(Object o)
            object propertyValue = GetPropertyValue(o);

            if (propertyValue == null)
                throw new Exception($"Property '{PropertyName}' not found on object '{o.ToString()}'");

            TypeCode expressionValueTypeCode = Type.GetTypeCode(ExpressionValue.GetType());
            TypeCode propertyValueTypeCode   = Type.GetTypeCode(propertyValue.GetType());
            bool     typeCodesMatch          = expressionValueTypeCode == propertyValueTypeCode;

            string propertyValueAsString   = propertyValue.ToString();
            string expressionValueAsString = ExpressionValue.ToString();

            if (CaseSensitive)
                propertyValueAsString   = propertyValueAsString.ToLower();
                expressionValueAsString = expressionValueAsString.ToLower();

            switch (ComparisonConditionCodes.GetEnumFromText(ComparisonCondition))
            case ComparisonConditionEnum.EqualTo:
                return(propertyValueAsString.IsEqualTo(expressionValueAsString, CaseSensitive));

            case ComparisonConditionEnum.EqualToAny:
                return(propertyValueAsString.IsEqualToAnyOfTheFollowing(expressionValueAsString.Split(';'), CaseSensitive));

            case ComparisonConditionEnum.NotEqual:
                return(!propertyValueAsString.IsEqualTo(expressionValueAsString, CaseSensitive));

            case ComparisonConditionEnum.NotEqualToAny:
                return(!propertyValueAsString.IsEqualToAnyOfTheFollowing(expressionValueAsString.Split(';'), CaseSensitive));

            case ComparisonConditionEnum.Contains:
                return(propertyValueAsString.Contains(expressionValueAsString, CaseSensitive));

            case ComparisonConditionEnum.ContainsAny:
                return(propertyValueAsString.ContainsAnyOfTheFollowing(expressionValueAsString.Split(';'), CaseSensitive));

            case ComparisonConditionEnum.DoesNotContain:
                return(!propertyValueAsString.Contains(expressionValueAsString, CaseSensitive));

            case ComparisonConditionEnum.DoesNotContainAny:
                return(propertyValueAsString.ContainsAnyOfTheFollowing(expressionValueAsString.Split(';'), CaseSensitive));

            case ComparisonConditionEnum.StartsWith:
                return(propertyValueAsString.StartsWith(expressionValueAsString, CaseSensitive));

            case ComparisonConditionEnum.StartWithAny:
                return(propertyValueAsString.StartsWithAnyOfTheFollowing(expressionValueAsString.Split(';'), CaseSensitive));

            case ComparisonConditionEnum.DoesNotStartWith:
                return(!propertyValueAsString.StartsWith(expressionValueAsString, CaseSensitive));

            case ComparisonConditionEnum.DoesNotStartWithAny:
                return(!propertyValueAsString.StartsWithAnyOfTheFollowing(expressionValueAsString.Split(';'), CaseSensitive));

            case ComparisonConditionEnum.EndsWith:
                return(propertyValueAsString.EndsWith(expressionValueAsString, CaseSensitive));

            case ComparisonConditionEnum.EndsWithAny:
                return(propertyValueAsString.EndsWithAnyOfTheFollowing(expressionValueAsString.Split(';'), CaseSensitive));

            case ComparisonConditionEnum.DoesNotEndWith:
                return(!propertyValueAsString.EndsWith(expressionValueAsString, CaseSensitive));

            case ComparisonConditionEnum.DoesNotEndWithAny:
                return(!propertyValueAsString.EndsWithAnyOfTheFollowing(expressionValueAsString.Split(';'), CaseSensitive));

            case ComparisonConditionEnum.GreaterThan:
                if (typeCodesMatch)
                    switch (propertyValueTypeCode)
                    case TypeCode.Boolean:

                    case TypeCode.Byte:

                    case TypeCode.Char:

                    case TypeCode.DateTime:

                    case TypeCode.DBNull:

                    case TypeCode.Decimal:

                    case TypeCode.Double:

                    case TypeCode.Empty:

                    case TypeCode.Int16:
                    case TypeCode.Int32:
                    case TypeCode.Int64:
                    case TypeCode.UInt16:
                    case TypeCode.UInt32:
                    case TypeCode.UInt64:
                        return(System.Convert.ToInt64(propertyValue) > System.Convert.ToInt64(ExpressionValue));

                    case TypeCode.Object:

                    case TypeCode.SByte:

                    case TypeCode.Single:

                    case TypeCode.String:



            case ComparisonConditionEnum.GreaterThanOrEqualTo:

            case ComparisonConditionEnum.GreaterThanAny:

            case ComparisonConditionEnum.GreaterThanOrEqualToAny:
                return(propertyValueAsString.IsGreaterThanOrEqualToAnyOfTheFollowing(expressionValueAsString.Split(';'), CaseSensitive));

            case ComparisonConditionEnum.LessThan:
                if (typeCodesMatch)
                    switch (propertyValueTypeCode)
                    case TypeCode.Boolean:

                    case TypeCode.Byte:

                    case TypeCode.Char:

                    case TypeCode.DateTime:

                    case TypeCode.DBNull:

                    case TypeCode.Decimal:

                    case TypeCode.Double:

                    case TypeCode.Empty:

                    case TypeCode.Int16:
                    case TypeCode.Int32:
                    case TypeCode.Int64:
                    case TypeCode.UInt16:
                    case TypeCode.UInt32:
                    case TypeCode.UInt64:
                        return(System.Convert.ToInt64(propertyValue) < System.Convert.ToInt64(ExpressionValue));

                    case TypeCode.Object:

                    case TypeCode.SByte:

                    case TypeCode.Single:

                    case TypeCode.String:


            //less than any
            case ComparisonConditionEnum.LessThanAny:

            //less than or equal to any
            case ComparisonConditionEnum.LessThanOrEqualToAny:
                return(propertyValueAsString.IsLessThanOrEqualToAnyOfTheFollowing(expressionValueAsString.Split(';'), CaseSensitive));

                throw new Exception("Invalid comparison condition code");
        // evaluate starts evaluation with fresh environment
        public static ExpressionValue Evaluate(Expression exp, Valuation env)
            switch (exp.ExpressionType)
            case ExpressionType.Constant:
                return(exp as ExpressionValue);

            case ExpressionType.Variable:
                // Look up variable in environment; we assume
                // that value is found
                catch (KeyNotFoundException)
                    throw new EvaluatingException("Access the non existing variable: " + exp.expressionID);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new EvaluatingException("Variable evaluation exception for variable '" + exp.expressionID + "':" + ex.Message);

            case ExpressionType.Record:
                Expression[]      ass    = ((Record)exp).Associations;
                ExpressionValue[] values = new ExpressionValue[ass.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < ass.Length; i++)
                    //rv.Put(association.Property, store.Extend(Eval(association.Expression, env)));
                    //rv.Put(Eval(association, env));
                    values[i] = Evaluate(ass[i], env);
                    if (values[i] == null)
                        throw new RuntimeException("Invalid expression assignment: " + exp);
                RecordValue rv = new RecordValue(values);

            case ExpressionType.PrimitiveApplication:
                // First evaluate the first argument, then the second, and
                // then evaluate using evalPrimAppl.
                PrimitiveApplication newexp = exp as PrimitiveApplication;

                ExpressionValue x1 = Evaluate(newexp.Argument1, env);
                Debug.Assert(x1 != null);
                if (x1 == null)
                    throw new RuntimeException("Invalid expression assignment: " + exp);
                return(EvalPrimAppl(newexp, x1, newexp.Argument2, env));

            case ExpressionType.Assignment:
                //Assign the rhs to lhs
                String          lhs  = ((Assignment)exp).LeftHandSide;
                Expression      rhs  = ((Assignment)exp).RightHandSide;
                ExpressionValue rhsV = Evaluate(rhs, env);
                if (rhsV == null)
                    throw new RuntimeException("Invalid expression assignment: " + exp);

                Valuation.CheckVariableRange(lhs, rhsV);

                env.Variables[lhs] = rhsV;

            case ExpressionType.PropertyAssignment:
                    PropertyAssignment pa  = (PropertyAssignment)exp;
                    RecordValue        rec = (RecordValue)Evaluate(pa.RecordExpression, env);
                    IntConstant        pro = (IntConstant)Evaluate(pa.PropertyExpression, env);
                    ExpressionValue    rhs = Evaluate(pa.RightHandExpression, env);

                    //rec.Put(pro.PropertyName, store.Extend(rhs));
                    int index = pro.Value;
                    if (index < 0)
                        throw new NegativeArraySizeException("Access negative index " + index + " for variable " + pa.RecordExpression.ToString());
                    else if (index >= rec.Associations.Length)
                        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index " + index + " is out of range for variable " + pa.RecordExpression.ToString());
                    if (rhs == null)
                        throw new RuntimeException("Invalid expression assignment: " + exp);

                    Valuation.CheckVariableRange(pa.RecordExpression.ToString(), rhs);

                    rec.Associations[index] = rhs;

                    //Note:Important!!! must recalculate the ID here, otherwise ID is obsolete and the verification result is wrong

                catch (InvalidCastException ex)
                    throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Cast Exception for " + exp + ": " + ex.Message.Replace("PAT.Common.Classes.Expressions.ExpressionClass.", ""));

            case ExpressionType.If:
                // Conditionals are evaluated by evaluating the then-part or
                // else-part depending of the result of evaluating the condition.
                ExpressionValue cond = Evaluate(((If)exp).Condition, env);
                if (((BoolConstant)cond).Value)
                    return(Evaluate(((If)exp).ThenPart, env));
                else if (((If)exp).ElsePart != null)
                    return(Evaluate(((If)exp).ElsePart, env));

            case ExpressionType.Sequence:

                // firstPart;secondPart
                Expression fP = ((Sequence)exp).FirstPart;
                Expression sP = ((Sequence)exp).SecondPart;

                Evaluate(fP, env);
                return(Evaluate(sP, env));

            case ExpressionType.While:

                Expression test = ((While)exp).Test;
                Expression body = ((While)exp).Body;

                // the value of test may not be a Value.
                // here we assume it is always a Value, which
                // may cause run time exception due to non-Value.
                if (((BoolConstant)Evaluate(test, env)).Value)
                    // test is ture
                    Evaluate(body, env);        // body serves to change the store
                    return(Evaluate(exp, env)); // evaluate the While again

            case ExpressionType.StaticMethodCall:
                    StaticMethodCall methodCall = (StaticMethodCall)exp;

                    if (methodCall.Arguments.Length > 0)
                        ChannelQueue queue;
                        string       cname = null;

                        if ((methodCall.Arguments[0] is Variable))
                            cname = (methodCall.Arguments[0] as Variable).ExpressionID;
                        else if (methodCall.Arguments[0] is PrimitiveApplication)
                            PrimitiveApplication pa  = (methodCall.Arguments[0] as PrimitiveApplication);
                            ExpressionValue      ind = Evaluate(pa.Argument2, env);
                            cname = pa.Argument1 + "[" + ind + "]";

                        switch (methodCall.MethodName)
                        case Common.Classes.Ultility.Constants.cfull:
                            if (env.Channels.TryGetValue(cname, out queue))
                                return(new BoolConstant(queue.IsFull()));
                                throw new RuntimeException("Channel " + cname +
                                                           " is not used in the model. Therefore it is meaningless to query channel information using " +
                                                           methodCall + ".");

                        case Common.Classes.Ultility.Constants.cempty:

                            if (env.Channels.TryGetValue(cname, out queue))
                                return(new BoolConstant(queue.IsEmpty()));
                                throw new RuntimeException("Channel " + cname +
                                                           " is not used in the model. Therefore it is meaningless to query channel information using " +
                                                           methodCall + ".");

                        case Common.Classes.Ultility.Constants.ccount:
                            if (env.Channels.TryGetValue(cname, out queue))
                                return(new IntConstant(queue.Count));
                                throw new RuntimeException("Channel " + cname +
                                                           " is not used in the model. Therefore it is meaningless to query channel information using " +
                                                           methodCall + ".");

                        case Common.Classes.Ultility.Constants.csize:
                            if (env.Channels.TryGetValue(cname, out queue))
                                return(new IntConstant(queue.Size));
                                throw new RuntimeException("Channel " + cname +
                                                           " is not used in the model. Therefore it is meaningless to query channel information using " +
                                                           methodCall + ".");

                        case Common.Classes.Ultility.Constants.cpeek:
                            if (env.Channels.TryGetValue(cname, out queue))
                                if (queue.Count == 0)
                                    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Channel " + cname +
                                                                        "'s buffer is empty!");

                                return(new RecordValue(queue.Peek()));
                                throw new RuntimeException("Channel " + cname +
                                                           " is not used in the model. Therefore it is meaningless to query channel information using " +
                                                           methodCall + ".");

                    object[] paras = new object[methodCall.Arguments.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < paras.Length; i++)
                        ExpressionValue x1 = Evaluate(methodCall.Arguments[i], env);
                        paras[i] = GetValueFromExpression(x1);

                    string key = methodCall.MethodName + paras.Length;
                    if (Common.Utility.Utilities.CSharpMethods.ContainsKey(key))
                        object resultv = Common.Utility.Utilities.CSharpMethods[key].Invoke(null, paras);

                        if (Common.Utility.Utilities.CSharpMethods[key].ReturnType.Name == "Void")

                        if (resultv is bool)
                            return(new BoolConstant((bool)resultv));
                        else if (resultv is int || resultv is short || resultv is byte || resultv is double)
                            return(new IntConstant(Convert.ToInt32(resultv)));
                        else if (resultv is int[])
                            int[]             list = resultv as int[];
                            ExpressionValue[] vals = new ExpressionValue[list.Length];

                            for (int i = 0; i < vals.Length; i++)
                                vals[i] = new IntConstant(list[i]);
                            return(new RecordValue(vals));
                        else if (resultv is ExpressionValue)
                            return(resultv as ExpressionValue);

                        return(new NullConstant());
                        //the following check is not necessary, since we will only keep bool, int and int[] methods
                        //     throw new Expressions.ExpressionClass.RuntimeException("Call expression can only return int, short, byte, bool or int[] types. Please check your methods.");

                    throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Method Call: " + methodCall + "! Make sure you have defined the method in the library.");
                catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
                    if (ex.InnerException != null)
                        RuntimeException exception =
                            new RuntimeException("Exception happened at expression " + exp + ": " +
                        exception.InnerStackTrace = ex.InnerException.StackTrace;
                        throw exception;
                        throw new RuntimeException("Exception happened at expression " + exp + ": " + ex.Message);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new RuntimeException("Exception happened at expression " + exp + ": " + ex.Message);

            case ExpressionType.ClassMethodCall:
                    ClassMethodCall methodCall = (ClassMethodCall)exp;
                    ExpressionValue variable   = env.Variables[methodCall.Variable];

                    if (variable == null)
                        throw new RuntimeException("Exception happened at expression " + exp + ": variable " + methodCall.Variable + "'s value is null");

                    object[] paras = new object[methodCall.Arguments.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < paras.Length; i++)
                        ExpressionValue x1 = Evaluate(methodCall.Arguments[i], env);
                        paras[i] = GetValueFromExpression(x1);

                    MethodInfo methodInfo = variable.GetType().GetMethod(methodCall.MethodName);

                    if (methodInfo != null)
                        object resultv = methodInfo.Invoke(variable, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, paras, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        if (methodInfo.ReturnType.Name == "Void")

                        if (resultv is bool)
                            return(new BoolConstant((bool)resultv));
                        else if (resultv is int || resultv is short || resultv is byte || resultv is double)
                            return(new IntConstant(Convert.ToInt32(resultv)));
                        else if (resultv is int[])
                            int[]             list = resultv as int[];
                            ExpressionValue[] vals = new ExpressionValue[list.Length];

                            for (int i = 0; i < vals.Length; i++)
                                vals[i] = new IntConstant(list[i]);
                            return(new RecordValue(vals));
                        else if (resultv is ExpressionValue)
                            return(resultv as ExpressionValue);
                        else if (resultv == null)
                            return(new NullConstant());

                        //return null;

                        //the following check is not necessary, since we will only keep bool, int and int[] methods
                        throw new RuntimeException("Call expression can only return int, short, byte, bool or int[] types. Please check your statement: " + methodCall.ToString() + ".");

                    throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Method Call: " + methodCall + "! Make sure you have defined the method in the library.");
                catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
                    if (ex.InnerException != null)
                        RuntimeException exception =
                            new RuntimeException("Exception happened at expression " + exp + ": " +
                        exception.InnerStackTrace = ex.InnerException.StackTrace;
                        throw exception;
                        throw new RuntimeException("Exception happened at expression " + exp + ": " + ex.Message);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new RuntimeException("Exception happened at expression " + exp + ": " + ex.Message);

            case ExpressionType.ClassMethodCallInstance:
                    ClassMethodCallInstance methodCall = (ClassMethodCallInstance)exp;
                    ExpressionValue         variable   = Evaluate(methodCall.Variable, env);

                    object[] paras = new object[methodCall.Arguments.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < paras.Length; i++)
                        ExpressionValue x1 = Evaluate(methodCall.Arguments[i], env);
                        paras[i] = GetValueFromExpression(x1);

                    MethodInfo methodInfo = variable.GetType().GetMethod(methodCall.MethodName);

                    if (methodInfo != null)
                        object resultv = methodInfo.Invoke(variable, paras);

                        if (methodInfo.ReturnType.Name == "Void")

                        if (resultv is bool)
                            return(new BoolConstant((bool)resultv));
                        else if (resultv is int || resultv is short || resultv is byte || resultv is double)
                            return(new IntConstant(Convert.ToInt32(resultv)));
                        else if (resultv is int[])
                            int[]             list = resultv as int[];
                            ExpressionValue[] vals = new ExpressionValue[list.Length];

                            for (int i = 0; i < vals.Length; i++)
                                vals[i] = new IntConstant(list[i]);
                            return(new RecordValue(vals));
                        else if (resultv is ExpressionValue)
                            return(resultv as ExpressionValue);
                        else if (resultv == null)
                            return(new NullConstant());

                        //return null;

                        //the following check is not necessary, since we will only keep bool, int and int[] methods
                        throw new RuntimeException("Call expression can only return int, short, byte, bool or int[] types. Please check your statement: " + methodCall.ToString() + ".");

                    throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Method Call: " + methodCall + "! Make sure you have defined the method in the library.");
                catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
                    if (ex.InnerException != null)
                        RuntimeException exception =
                            new RuntimeException("Exception happened at expression " + exp + ": " +
                        exception.InnerStackTrace = ex.InnerException.StackTrace;
                        throw exception;
                        throw new RuntimeException("Exception happened at expression " + exp + ": " + ex.Message);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new RuntimeException("Exception happened at expression " + exp + ": " + ex.Message);

            case ExpressionType.ClassProperty:
                    ClassProperty   property = (ClassProperty)exp;
                    ExpressionValue variable = Evaluate(property.Variable, env);

                    PropertyInfo propertyInfo = variable.GetType().GetProperty(property.PropertyName);

                    object resultv = null;
                    if (propertyInfo != null)
                        resultv = propertyInfo.GetValue(variable, null);
                        FieldInfo fieldInfo = variable.GetType().GetField(property.PropertyName);
                        if (fieldInfo != null)
                            resultv = fieldInfo.GetValue(variable);

                    if (resultv != null)
                        if (resultv is bool)
                            return(new BoolConstant((bool)resultv));
                        else if (resultv is int || resultv is short || resultv is byte || resultv is double)
                            return(new IntConstant(Convert.ToInt32(resultv)));
                        else if (resultv is int[])
                            int[]             list = resultv as int[];
                            ExpressionValue[] vals = new ExpressionValue[list.Length];

                            for (int i = 0; i < vals.Length; i++)
                                vals[i] = new IntConstant(list[i]);
                            return(new RecordValue(vals));
                        else if (resultv is ExpressionValue)
                            return(resultv as ExpressionValue);
                        //else if (resultv == null)
                        //    return new NullConstant();

                        //return null;

                        //the following check is not necessary, since we will only keep bool, int and int[] methods
                        throw new RuntimeException("Call expression can only return int, short, byte, bool or int[] types. Please check your statement: " + property.ToString() + ".");

                    throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Property Accessing: " + property + "! Make sure you have defined the method in the library.");
                catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
                    if (ex.InnerException != null)
                        RuntimeException exception =
                            new RuntimeException("Exception happened at expression " + exp + ": " +
                        exception.InnerStackTrace = ex.InnerException.StackTrace;
                        throw exception;
                        throw new RuntimeException("Exception happened at expression " + exp + ": " + ex.Message);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new RuntimeException("Exception happened at expression " + exp + ": " + ex.Message);

            case ExpressionType.ClassPropertyAssignment:
                    ClassPropertyAssignment pa  = (ClassPropertyAssignment)exp;
                    ExpressionValue         rhs = Evaluate(pa.RightHandExpression, env);
                    if (rhs == null)
                        throw new RuntimeException("Invalid expression assignment: " + exp);
                    ClassProperty   property = pa.ClassProperty;
                    ExpressionValue variable = Evaluate(property.Variable, env);

                    PropertyInfo propertyInfo = variable.GetType().GetProperty(property.PropertyName);

                    if (propertyInfo != null)
                        propertyInfo.SetValue(variable, GetValueFromExpression(rhs), null);
                        FieldInfo fieldInfo = variable.GetType().GetField(property.PropertyName);
                        if (fieldInfo != null)
                            fieldInfo.SetValue(variable, GetValueFromExpression(rhs));
                            throw new RuntimeException("Invalid expression assignment: " + exp);

                catch (InvalidCastException ex)
                    throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Cast Exception for " + exp + ": " + ex.Message.Replace("PAT.Common.Classes.Expressions.ExpressionClass.", ""));

            case ExpressionType.Let:
                LetDefinition   definition = exp as LetDefinition;
                ExpressionValue rhv        = Evaluate(definition.RightHandExpression, env);
                env.ExtendDestructive(definition.Variable, rhv);

            case ExpressionType.NewObjectCreation:
                    NewObjectCreation methodCall = (NewObjectCreation)exp;

                    object[] paras = new object[methodCall.Arguments.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < paras.Length; i++)
                        ExpressionValue x1 = Evaluate(methodCall.Arguments[i], env);
                        paras[i] = GetValueFromExpression(x1);

                    Type classType;

                    if (Common.Utility.Utilities.CSharpDataType.TryGetValue(methodCall.ClassName, out classType))
                        object resultv = Activator.CreateInstance(classType, paras);

                        if (resultv is ExpressionValue)
                            return(resultv as ExpressionValue);

                        //return null;

                        //the following check is not necessary, since we will only keep bool, int and int[] methods
                        throw new RuntimeException("Only object of class inheriting from ExpressionValue can be created. Please check your statement: " + methodCall.ToString() + ".");

                    throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Object Creation: " + methodCall + "! Make sure you have defined the class in the library.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new RuntimeException("Exception happened at expression " + exp + ": " + ex.Message);
                //case ExpressionType.UserDefinedDataType:
                //   return exp as ;

                /* case ExpressionType.Let:
                 * // Evaluate body with respect to environment extended by binding of leftHand to rightHand
                 * {
                 * Valuation newenv = env.GetVariableClone();
                 * foreach (LetDefinition def in ((Let) exp).Definitions)
                 * {
                 *   Value rhv = Evaluate(def.RightHandExpression, env);
                 *   //newenv = Extend(newenv, def.Variable, rhv);
                 *   //newenv = newenv.Extend(def.Variable, rhv);
                 *   newenv.ExtendDestructive(def.Variable, rhv);
                 * }
                 * return Evaluate(((Let) exp).Body, newenv);
                 * }
                 * case ExpressionType.Fun:
                 * return new FunValue(env, ((Fun) exp).Formals, ((Fun) exp).Body);
                 * case ExpressionType.RecFun:
                 * // For recursive functions, we need to place an environment
                 * // in the function that has a binding of the function variable
                 * // to the function itself. For this, we obtain a clone of the
                 * // environment, making sure that a destructive change will
                 * // not have any effect on the original environment. Then, we
                 * // place the clone in the function value. After that, we
                 * // destructively change the environment by a binding of the
                 * // function variable to the constructed function value.
                 * {
                 * Valuation newEnv = env.GetVariableClone(); // (Valuation)env.Clone();
                 * Value result = new FunValue(newEnv, ((RecFun) exp).Formals, ((RecFun) exp).body);
                 * //ExtendDestructive(newEnv, ((RecFun)exp).FunVar, result);
                 * newEnv.ExtendDestructive(((RecFun) exp).FunVar, result);
                 * return result;
                 * }
                 * case ExpressionType.Application:
                 * // Apply the function value resulting from evaluating the operator
                 * // (we assume that this is a function value) to
                 * // the value resulting from evaluating the operand.
                 * // Note that we do not need to distinguish functions from
                 * // recursive functions. Both are represented by function values,
                 * // recursive functions have a binding of their function variable
                 * // to themselves in their environment.
                 * {
                 * FunValue fun = (FunValue) Evaluate(((Application) exp).Operator, env);
                 * Valuation newenv = (Valuation) fun.Valuation;
                 * List<Expression> ops = ((Application) exp).Operands;
                 * List<string> fe = fun.Formals;
                 * for (int i = 0; i < ops.Count; i++)
                 * {
                 *   Value argvalue = Evaluate(ops[i], env);
                 *   //newenv = Extend(newenv, fe[i], argvalue);
                 *   newenv = newenv.Extend((String) fe[i], argvalue);
                 * }
                 * return Evaluate(fun.Body, newenv);
                 * }*/

            // (exp instanceof NotUsed)
            // NotUsed is used as argument2 of PrimitiveApplication.
            // We assume the resulting value will not be used,
            // thus any value will do, here.

            return(new BoolConstant(true));