Example #1
 public static ExpressionOpObj Find(ExpressionOp symbol)
     return(Operators.FirstOrDefault(op => op.Symbol == symbol));
		protected override void UnpackageData(ReadingContext SR, UInt32 Length)
			if (Length > 0)
				UInt32 ExpressionVal = SR.ReadUInt32();
				if (ExpressionVal == kReqExpression)
					Expression = ExpressionOp.ReadOperand(SR);
		protected void InitializeFromCert(X509Certificate2 SigningCert, string Bundle, ExpressionOp OldReq = null)
			BundleIdentifier = Bundle;
			int StartIndex = SigningCert.SubjectName.Name.IndexOf("CN=");
			int EndIndex = -1;
			CertificateName = "";
			if (StartIndex > -1)
				// find the next attribute
				StartIndex += 3;
				char SearchChar = ',';
				if (SigningCert.SubjectName.Name[StartIndex] == '\"')
					// quotes are around the string because of special characters
					SearchChar = '\"';
				EndIndex = SigningCert.SubjectName.Name.IndexOf(SearchChar, StartIndex);
				if (EndIndex == -1)
					// must be at the end, so go to the end
					EndIndex = SigningCert.SubjectName.Name.Length;
					if (SearchChar == '\"')
				// get the string
				CertificateName = SigningCert.SubjectName.Name.Substring(StartIndex, EndIndex - StartIndex);
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CertificateName))
				CertificateName = SigningCert.FriendlyName;

			// always use the new  requirements when initializing from cert
			Expression = new AndOp();
			(Expression as AndOp).Op1 = new IdentOp();
			((Expression as AndOp).Op1 as IdentOp).BundleIdentifier = BundleIdentifier;
			(Expression as AndOp).Op2 = new AndOp();
			((Expression as AndOp).Op2 as AndOp).Op1 = new ExpressionOp(kOpGenericAnchor);
			((Expression as AndOp).Op2 as AndOp).Op2 = new AndOp();
			(((Expression as AndOp).Op2 as AndOp).Op2 as AndOp).Op1 = new CertFieldOp();
			(((Expression as AndOp).Op2 as AndOp).Op2 as AndOp).Op2 = new CertGenericOp();
		public static RequirementBlob CreateFromCertificate(X509Certificate2 SigningCert, string Bundle, ExpressionOp OldReq = null)
			RequirementBlob Blob = new RequirementBlob();
			Blob.InitializeFromCert(SigningCert, Bundle, OldReq);
			return Blob;
			public override void ReadData(ReadingContext SR)
				Op1 = ExpressionOp.ReadOperand(SR);
				Op2 = ExpressionOp.ReadOperand(SR);
			static public ExpressionOp ReadOperand(ReadingContext SR)
				UInt32 OpVal = SR.ReadUInt32();
				ExpressionOp Op = null;
				switch (OpVal)
					case kOpAnd:
						Op = new AndOp();

					case kOpIdent:
						Op = new IdentOp();

					case kOpGenericAnchor:
						Op = new ExpressionOp(OpVal);

					case kOpCertField:
						Op = new CertFieldOp();

					case kOpCertGeneric:
						Op = new CertGenericOp();

					case kOpAnchorHash:
						Op = new AnchorHashOp();

						throw new Exception("Unknown Expression Operand: " + OpVal.ToString());

				return Op;