private bool ReplaceInvocations(ClassesProcessor.ClassNode caller, MethodWrapper meth, Exprent exprent) { bool res = false; foreach (Exprent expr in exprent.GetAllExprents()) { res |= ReplaceInvocations(caller, meth, expr); } while (true) { bool found = false; foreach (Exprent expr in exprent.GetAllExprents()) { if (expr.type == Exprent.Exprent_Invocation) { Exprent newexpr = ReplaceAccessExprent(caller, meth, (InvocationExprent)expr); if (newexpr != null) { exprent.ReplaceExprent(expr, newexpr); found = true; res = true; break; } } } if (!found) { break; } } return(res); }
private static Exprent IsSimpleConstructorInvocation(Exprent exprent) { List <Exprent> lst = exprent.GetAllExprents(); foreach (Exprent expr in lst) { Exprent ret = IsSimpleConstructorInvocation(expr); if (ret != null) { exprent.ReplaceExprent(expr, ret); } } if (exprent.type == Exprent.Exprent_Invocation) { InvocationExprent @in = (InvocationExprent)exprent; if (@in.GetFunctype() == InvocationExprent.Typ_Init && @in.GetInstance().type == Exprent.Exprent_New) { NewExprent newExpr = (NewExprent)@in.GetInstance(); newExpr.SetConstructor(@in); @in.SetInstance(null); return(newExpr); } } return(null); }
private static bool IsQualifiedNewGetClass(Exprent first, Exprent second) { if (first.type == Exprent.Exprent_Invocation) { InvocationExprent invocation = (InvocationExprent)first; if (!invocation.IsStatic() && invocation.GetInstance().type == Exprent.Exprent_Var && invocation.GetName().Equals("getClass") && invocation.GetStringDescriptor(). Equals("()Ljava/lang/Class;")) { List <Exprent> lstExprents = second.GetAllExprents(); lstExprents.Add(second); foreach (Exprent expr in lstExprents) { if (expr.type == Exprent.Exprent_New) { NewExprent newExpr = (NewExprent)expr; if (newExpr.GetConstructor() != null && !(newExpr.GetConstructor().GetLstParameters ().Count == 0) && newExpr.GetConstructor().GetLstParameters()[0].Equals(invocation .GetInstance())) { string classname = newExpr.GetNewType().value; ClassesProcessor.ClassNode node = DecompilerContext.GetClassProcessor().GetMapRootClasses ().GetOrNull(classname); if (node != null && node.type != ClassesProcessor.ClassNode.Class_Root) { return(true); } } } } } } return(false); }
private static bool ReplaceInvocations(Exprent exprent, ClassWrapper wrapper, MethodWrapper meth) { bool res = false; while (true) { bool found = false; foreach (Exprent expr in exprent.GetAllExprents()) { string cl = IsClass14Invocation(expr, wrapper, meth); if (cl != null) { exprent.ReplaceExprent(expr, new ConstExprent(VarType.Vartype_Class, cl.Replace('.' , '/'), expr.bytecode)); found = true; res = true; break; } res |= ReplaceInvocations(expr, wrapper, meth); } if (!found) { break; } } return(res); }
private static bool IsExprentIndependent(Exprent exprent, MethodWrapper method) { List <Exprent> lst = exprent.GetAllExprents(true); lst.Add(exprent); foreach (Exprent expr in lst) { switch (expr.type) { case Exprent.Exprent_Var: { VarVersionPair varPair = new VarVersionPair((VarExprent)expr); if (!method.varproc.GetExternalVars().Contains(varPair)) { string varName = method.varproc.GetVarName(varPair); if (!varName.Equals("this") && !varName.EndsWith(".this")) { // FIXME: remove direct comparison with strings return(false); } } break; } case Exprent.Exprent_Field: { return(false); } } } return(true); }
private static Exprent IsLambda(Exprent exprent, StructClass cl) { List <Exprent> lst = exprent.GetAllExprents(); foreach (Exprent expr in lst) { Exprent ret = IsLambda(expr, cl); if (ret != null) { exprent.ReplaceExprent(expr, ret); } } if (exprent.type == Exprent.Exprent_Invocation) { InvocationExprent @in = (InvocationExprent)exprent; if (@in.GetInvocationTyp() == InvocationExprent.Invoke_Dynamic) { string lambda_class_name = cl.qualifiedName + @in.GetInvokeDynamicClassSuffix(); ClassesProcessor.ClassNode lambda_class = DecompilerContext.GetClassProcessor().GetMapRootClasses ().GetOrNull(lambda_class_name); if (lambda_class != null) { // real lambda class found, replace invocation with an anonymous class NewExprent newExpr = new NewExprent(new VarType(lambda_class_name, true), null, 0 , @in.bytecode); newExpr.SetConstructor(@in); // note: we don't set the instance to null with in.setInstance(null) like it is done for a common constructor invocation // lambda can also be a reference to a virtual method (e.g. String x; ...(x::toString);) // in this case instance will hold the corresponding object return(newExpr); } } } return(null); }
private static Dictionary <int, HashSet <VarVersionPair> > GetAllVarVersions(VarVersionPair leftvar, Exprent exprent, SSAUConstructorSparseEx ssau) { Dictionary <int, HashSet <VarVersionPair> > map = new Dictionary <int, HashSet <VarVersionPair > >(); SFormsFastMapDirect mapLiveVars = ssau.GetLiveVarVersionsMap(leftvar); List <Exprent> lst = exprent.GetAllExprents(true); lst.Add(exprent); foreach (Exprent expr in lst) { if (expr.type == Exprent.Exprent_Var) { int varindex = ((VarExprent)expr).GetIndex(); if (leftvar.var != varindex) { if (mapLiveVars.ContainsKey(varindex)) { HashSet <VarVersionPair> verset = new HashSet <VarVersionPair>(); foreach (int vers in mapLiveVars.Get(varindex)) { verset.Add(new VarVersionPair(varindex, vers)); } Sharpen.Collections.Put(map, varindex, verset); } else { throw new Exception("inkonsistent live map!"); } } else { Sharpen.Collections.Put(map, varindex, null); } } else if (expr.type == Exprent.Exprent_Field) { if (ssau.GetMapFieldVars().ContainsKey( { int?varindex = ssau.GetMapFieldVars().GetOrNullable(; if (mapLiveVars.ContainsKey(varindex.Value)) { HashSet <VarVersionPair> verset = new HashSet <VarVersionPair>(); foreach (int vers in mapLiveVars.Get(varindex.Value)) { verset.Add(new VarVersionPair(varindex.Value, vers)); } Sharpen.Collections.Put(map, varindex.Value, verset); } } } } return(map); }
private static void SetExprentVersionsToNull(Exprent exprent) { List <Exprent> lst = exprent.GetAllExprents(true); lst.Add(exprent); foreach (Exprent expr in lst) { if (expr.type == Exprent.Exprent_Var) { ((VarExprent)expr).SetVersion(0); } } }
private static HashSet <VarVersionPair> GetAllVersions(Exprent exprent) { HashSet <VarVersionPair> res = new HashSet <VarVersionPair>(); List <Exprent> listTemp = new List <Exprent>(exprent.GetAllExprents(true)); listTemp.Add(exprent); foreach (Exprent expr in listTemp) { if (expr.type == Exprent.Exprent_Var) { VarExprent var = (VarExprent)expr; res.Add(new VarVersionPair(var)); } } return(res); }
private bool CheckTypeExprent(Exprent exprent) { foreach (Exprent expr in exprent.GetAllExprents()) { if (!CheckTypeExprent(expr)) { return(false); } } if (exprent.type == Exprent.Exprent_Const) { ConstExprent constExpr = (ConstExprent)exprent; if (constExpr.GetConstType().typeFamily <= ICodeConstants.Type_Family_Integer) { // boolean or integer VarVersionPair pair = new VarVersionPair(, -1); if (!mapExprentMinTypes.ContainsKey(pair)) { Sharpen.Collections.Put(mapExprentMinTypes, pair, constExpr.GetConstType()); } } } CheckTypesResult result = exprent.CheckExprTypeBounds(); bool res = true; if (result != null) { foreach (CheckTypesResult.ExprentTypePair entry in result.GetLstMaxTypeExprents()) { if (entry.type.typeFamily != ICodeConstants.Type_Family_Object) { ChangeExprentType(entry.exprent, entry.type, 1); } } foreach (CheckTypesResult.ExprentTypePair entry in result.GetLstMinTypeExprents()) { res &= ChangeExprentType(entry.exprent, entry.type, 0); } } return(res); }
private static object[] IterateChildExprent(Exprent exprent, Exprent parent, Exprent next, Dictionary <VarVersionPair, Exprent> mapVarValues, SSAUConstructorSparseEx ssau) { bool changed = false; foreach (Exprent expr in exprent.GetAllExprents()) { var oldExpr = expr; while (true) { object[] arr = IterateChildExprent(oldExpr, parent, next, mapVarValues, ssau); Exprent retexpr = (Exprent)arr[0]; changed |= (bool)arr[1]; bool isReplaceable = (bool)arr[2]; if (retexpr != null) { if (isReplaceable) { ReplaceSingleVar(exprent, (VarExprent)oldExpr, retexpr, ssau); oldExpr = retexpr; } else { exprent.ReplaceExprent(oldExpr, retexpr); } changed = true; } if (!isReplaceable) { break; } } } Exprent dest = IsReplaceableVar(exprent, mapVarValues); if (dest != null) { return(new object[] { dest, true, true }); } VarExprent left = null; Exprent right = null; if (exprent.type == Exprent.Exprent_Assignment) { AssignmentExprent @as = (AssignmentExprent)exprent; if (@as.GetLeft().type == Exprent.Exprent_Var) { left = (VarExprent)@as.GetLeft(); right = @as.GetRight(); } } if (left == null) { return(new object[] { null, changed, false }); } bool isHeadSynchronized = false; if (next == null && parent.type == Exprent.Exprent_Monitor) { MonitorExprent monexpr = (MonitorExprent)parent; if (monexpr.GetMonType() == MonitorExprent.Monitor_Enter && exprent.Equals(monexpr .GetValue())) { isHeadSynchronized = true; } } // stack variable or synchronized head exprent if (!left.IsStack() && !isHeadSynchronized) { return(new object[] { null, changed, false }); } VarVersionPair leftpaar = new VarVersionPair(left); List <VarVersionNode> usedVers = new List <VarVersionNode>(); bool notdom = GetUsedVersions(ssau, leftpaar, usedVers); if (!notdom && (usedVers.Count == 0)) { return(new object[] { right, changed, false }); } // stack variables only if (!left.IsStack()) { return(new object[] { null, changed, false }); } int useflags = right.GetExprentUse(); if ((useflags & Exprent.Both_Flags) != Exprent.Both_Flags) { return(new object[] { null, changed, false }); } Dictionary <int, HashSet <VarVersionPair> > mapVars = GetAllVarVersions(leftpaar, right , ssau); if (mapVars.ContainsKey(leftpaar.var) && notdom) { return(new object[] { null, changed, false }); } Sharpen.Collections.Remove(mapVars, leftpaar.var); HashSet <VarVersionPair> setAllowedVars = GetAllVersions(parent); if (next != null) { Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(setAllowedVars, GetAllVersions(next)); } bool vernotreplaced = false; HashSet <VarVersionPair> setTempUsedVers = new HashSet <VarVersionPair>(); foreach (VarVersionNode usedvar in usedVers) { VarVersionPair usedver = new VarVersionPair(usedvar.var, usedvar.version); if (IsVersionToBeReplaced(usedver, mapVars, ssau, leftpaar) && (right.type == Exprent .Exprent_Var || setAllowedVars.Contains(usedver))) { setTempUsedVers.Add(usedver); } else { vernotreplaced = true; } } if (!notdom && !vernotreplaced) { foreach (VarVersionPair usedver in setTempUsedVers) { Exprent copy = right.Copy(); if (right.type == Exprent.Exprent_Field && ssau.GetMapFieldVars().ContainsKey(right .id)) { Sharpen.Collections.Put(ssau.GetMapFieldVars(),, ssau.GetMapFieldVars().GetOrNullable (; } Sharpen.Collections.Put(mapVarValues, usedver, copy); } // remove assignment return(new object[] { right, changed, false }); } return(new object[] { null, changed, false }); }
private int[] IterateExprent(List <Exprent> lstExprents, int index, Exprent next, Dictionary <VarVersionPair, Exprent> mapVarValues, SSAUConstructorSparseEx ssau) { Exprent exprent = lstExprents[index]; int changed = 0; foreach (Exprent expr in exprent.GetAllExprents()) { var oldExpr = expr; while (true) { object[] arr = IterateChildExprent(oldExpr, exprent, next, mapVarValues, ssau); Exprent retexpr = (Exprent)arr[0]; changed |= (bool)arr[1] ? 1 : 0; bool isReplaceable = (bool)arr[2]; if (retexpr != null) { if (isReplaceable) { ReplaceSingleVar(exprent, (VarExprent)oldExpr, retexpr, ssau); oldExpr = retexpr; } else { exprent.ReplaceExprent(oldExpr, retexpr); } changed = 1; } if (!isReplaceable) { break; } } } // no var on the highest level, so no replacing VarExprent left = null; Exprent right = null; if (exprent.type == Exprent.Exprent_Assignment) { AssignmentExprent @as = (AssignmentExprent)exprent; if (@as.GetLeft().type == Exprent.Exprent_Var) { left = (VarExprent)@as.GetLeft(); right = @as.GetRight(); } } if (left == null) { return(new int[] { -1, changed }); } VarVersionPair leftpaar = new VarVersionPair(left); List <VarVersionNode> usedVers = new List <VarVersionNode>(); bool notdom = GetUsedVersions(ssau, leftpaar, usedVers); if (!notdom && (usedVers.Count == 0)) { if (left.IsStack() && (right.type == Exprent.Exprent_Invocation || right.type == Exprent.Exprent_Assignment || right.type == Exprent.Exprent_New)) { if (right.type == Exprent.Exprent_New) { // new Object(); permitted NewExprent nexpr = (NewExprent)right; if (nexpr.IsAnonymous() || nexpr.GetNewType().arrayDim > 0 || nexpr.GetNewType(). type != ICodeConstants.Type_Object) { return(new int[] { -1, changed }); } } lstExprents[index] = right; return(new int[] { index + 1, 1 }); } else if (right.type == Exprent.Exprent_Var) { lstExprents.RemoveAtReturningValue(index); return(new int[] { index, 1 }); } else { return(new int[] { -1, changed }); } } int useflags = right.GetExprentUse(); // stack variables only if (!left.IsStack() && (right.type != Exprent.Exprent_Var || ((VarExprent)right). IsStack())) { // special case catch(... ex) return(new int[] { -1, changed }); } if ((useflags & Exprent.Multiple_Uses) == 0 && (notdom || usedVers.Count > 1)) { return(new int[] { -1, changed }); } Dictionary <int, HashSet <VarVersionPair> > mapVars = GetAllVarVersions(leftpaar, right , ssau); bool isSelfReference = mapVars.ContainsKey(leftpaar.var); if (isSelfReference && notdom) { return(new int[] { -1, changed }); } HashSet <VarVersionPair> setNextVars = next == null ? null : GetAllVersions(next); // FIXME: fix the entire method! if (right.type != Exprent.Exprent_Const && right.type != Exprent.Exprent_Var && setNextVars != null && mapVars.ContainsKey(leftpaar.var)) { foreach (VarVersionNode usedvar in usedVers) { if (!setNextVars.Contains(new VarVersionPair(usedvar.var, usedvar.version))) { return(new int[] { -1, changed }); } } } Sharpen.Collections.Remove(mapVars, leftpaar.var); bool vernotreplaced = false; bool verreplaced = false; HashSet <VarVersionPair> setTempUsedVers = new HashSet <VarVersionPair>(); foreach (VarVersionNode usedvar in usedVers) { VarVersionPair usedver = new VarVersionPair(usedvar.var, usedvar.version); if (IsVersionToBeReplaced(usedver, mapVars, ssau, leftpaar) && (right.type == Exprent .Exprent_Const || right.type == Exprent.Exprent_Var || right.type == Exprent.Exprent_Field || setNextVars == null || setNextVars.Contains(usedver))) { setTempUsedVers.Add(usedver); verreplaced = true; } else { vernotreplaced = true; } } if (isSelfReference && vernotreplaced) { return(new int[] { -1, changed }); } else { foreach (VarVersionPair usedver in setTempUsedVers) { Exprent copy = right.Copy(); if (right.type == Exprent.Exprent_Field && ssau.GetMapFieldVars().ContainsKey(right .id)) { Sharpen.Collections.Put(ssau.GetMapFieldVars(),, ssau.GetMapFieldVars().GetOrNullable (; } Sharpen.Collections.Put(mapVarValues, usedver, copy); } } if (!notdom && !vernotreplaced) { // remove assignment lstExprents.RemoveAtReturningValue(index); return(new int[] { index, 1 }); } else if (verreplaced) { return(new int[] { index + 1, changed }); } else { return(new int[] { -1, changed }); } }
private void ProcessExprent(Exprent expr, SFormsFastMapDirect[] varmaparr) { if (expr == null) { return; } VarExprent varassign = null; bool finished = false; switch (expr.type) { case Exprent.Exprent_Assignment: { AssignmentExprent assexpr = (AssignmentExprent)expr; if (assexpr.GetCondType() == AssignmentExprent.Condition_None) { Exprent dest = assexpr.GetLeft(); if (dest.type == Exprent.Exprent_Var) { varassign = (VarExprent)dest; } } break; } case Exprent.Exprent_Function: { FunctionExprent func = (FunctionExprent)expr; switch (func.GetFuncType()) { case FunctionExprent.Function_Iif: { ProcessExprent(func.GetLstOperands()[0], varmaparr); SFormsFastMapDirect varmapFalse; if (varmaparr[1] == null) { varmapFalse = new SFormsFastMapDirect(varmaparr[0]); } else { varmapFalse = varmaparr[1]; varmaparr[1] = null; } ProcessExprent(func.GetLstOperands()[1], varmaparr); SFormsFastMapDirect[] varmaparrNeg = new SFormsFastMapDirect[] { varmapFalse, null }; ProcessExprent(func.GetLstOperands()[2], varmaparrNeg); MergeMaps(varmaparr[0], varmaparrNeg[0]); varmaparr[1] = null; finished = true; break; } case FunctionExprent.Function_Cadd: { ProcessExprent(func.GetLstOperands()[0], varmaparr); SFormsFastMapDirect[] varmaparrAnd = new SFormsFastMapDirect[] { new SFormsFastMapDirect (varmaparr[0]), null }; ProcessExprent(func.GetLstOperands()[1], varmaparrAnd); // false map varmaparr[1] = MergeMaps(varmaparr[varmaparr[1] == null ? 0 : 1], varmaparrAnd[varmaparrAnd [1] == null ? 0 : 1]); // true map varmaparr[0] = varmaparrAnd[0]; finished = true; break; } case FunctionExprent.Function_Cor: { ProcessExprent(func.GetLstOperands()[0], varmaparr); SFormsFastMapDirect[] varmaparrOr = new SFormsFastMapDirect[] { new SFormsFastMapDirect (varmaparr[varmaparr[1] == null ? 0 : 1]), null }; ProcessExprent(func.GetLstOperands()[1], varmaparrOr); // false map varmaparr[1] = varmaparrOr[varmaparrOr[1] == null ? 0 : 1]; // true map varmaparr[0] = MergeMaps(varmaparr[0], varmaparrOr[0]); finished = true; break; } } break; } } if (finished) { return; } List <Exprent> lst = expr.GetAllExprents(); lst.Remove(varassign); foreach (Exprent ex in lst) { ProcessExprent(ex, varmaparr); } SFormsFastMapDirect varmap = varmaparr[0]; if (varassign != null) { int varindex = varassign.GetIndex(); if (varassign.GetVersion() == 0) { // get next version int nextver = GetNextFreeVersion(varindex); // set version varassign.SetVersion(nextver); SetCurrentVar(varmap, varindex, nextver); } else { SetCurrentVar(varmap, varindex, varassign.GetVersion()); } } else if (expr.type == Exprent.Exprent_Var) { VarExprent vardest = (VarExprent)expr; int varindex = vardest.GetIndex(); FastSparseSetFactory <int> .FastSparseSet <int> vers = varmap.Get(varindex); int cardinality = vers.GetCardinality(); if (cardinality == 1) { // == 1 // set version int it = new Sharpen.EnumeratorAdapter <int>(vers.GetEnumerator()).Next(); vardest.SetVersion(it); } else if (cardinality == 2) { // size > 1 int current_vers = vardest.GetVersion(); VarVersionPair currpaar = new VarVersionPair(varindex, current_vers); if (current_vers != 0 && phi.ContainsKey(currpaar)) { SetCurrentVar(varmap, varindex, current_vers); // update phi node phi.GetOrNull(currpaar).Union(vers); } else { // increase version int nextver = GetNextFreeVersion(varindex); // set version vardest.SetVersion(nextver); SetCurrentVar(varmap, varindex, nextver); // create new phi node Sharpen.Collections.Put(phi, new VarVersionPair(varindex, nextver), vers); } } } }
private FinallyProcessor.Record GetFinallyInformation(StructMethod mt, RootStatement root, CatchAllStatement fstat) { Dictionary <BasicBlock, bool> mapLast = new Dictionary <BasicBlock, bool>(); BasicBlockStatement firstBlockStatement = fstat.GetHandler().GetBasichead(); BasicBlock firstBasicBlock = firstBlockStatement.GetBlock(); Instruction instrFirst = firstBasicBlock.GetInstruction(0); int firstcode = 0; switch (instrFirst.opcode) { case ICodeConstants.opc_pop: { firstcode = 1; break; } case ICodeConstants.opc_astore: { firstcode = 2; break; } } ExprProcessor proc = new ExprProcessor(methodDescriptor, varProcessor); proc.ProcessStatement(root, mt.GetClassStruct()); SSAConstructorSparseEx ssa = new SSAConstructorSparseEx(); ssa.SplitVariables(root, mt); List <Exprent> lstExprents = firstBlockStatement.GetExprents(); VarVersionPair varpaar = new VarVersionPair((VarExprent)((AssignmentExprent)lstExprents [firstcode == 2 ? 1 : 0]).GetLeft()); FlattenStatementsHelper flatthelper = new FlattenStatementsHelper(); DirectGraph dgraph = flatthelper.BuildDirectGraph(root); LinkedList <DirectNode> stack = new LinkedList <DirectNode>(); stack.AddLast(dgraph.first); HashSet <DirectNode> setVisited = new HashSet <DirectNode>(); while (!(stack.Count == 0)) { DirectNode node = Sharpen.Collections.RemoveFirst(stack); if (setVisited.Contains(node)) { continue; } setVisited.Add(node); BasicBlockStatement blockStatement = null; if (node.block != null) { blockStatement = node.block; } else if (node.preds.Count == 1) { blockStatement = node.preds[0].block; } bool isTrueExit = true; if (firstcode != 1) { isTrueExit = false; for (int i = 0; i < node.exprents.Count; i++) { Exprent exprent = node.exprents[i]; if (firstcode == 0) { List <Exprent> lst = exprent.GetAllExprents(); lst.Add(exprent); bool found = false; foreach (Exprent expr in lst) { if (expr.type == Exprent.Exprent_Var && new VarVersionPair((VarExprent)expr).Equals (varpaar)) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { found = false; if (exprent.type == Exprent.Exprent_Exit) { ExitExprent exexpr = (ExitExprent)exprent; if (exexpr.GetExitType() == ExitExprent.Exit_Throw && exexpr.GetValue().type == Exprent .Exprent_Var) { found = true; } } if (!found) { return(null); } else { isTrueExit = true; } } } else if (firstcode == 2) { // search for a load instruction if (exprent.type == Exprent.Exprent_Assignment) { AssignmentExprent assexpr = (AssignmentExprent)exprent; if (assexpr.GetRight().type == Exprent.Exprent_Var && new VarVersionPair((VarExprent )assexpr.GetRight()).Equals(varpaar)) { Exprent next = null; if (i == node.exprents.Count - 1) { if (node.succs.Count == 1) { DirectNode nd = node.succs[0]; if (!(nd.exprents.Count == 0)) { next = nd.exprents[0]; } } } else { next = node.exprents[i + 1]; } bool found = false; if (next != null && next.type == Exprent.Exprent_Exit) { ExitExprent exexpr = (ExitExprent)next; if (exexpr.GetExitType() == ExitExprent.Exit_Throw && exexpr.GetValue().type == Exprent .Exprent_Var && assexpr.GetLeft().Equals(exexpr.GetValue())) { found = true; } } if (!found) { return(null); } else { isTrueExit = true; } } } } } } // find finally exits if (blockStatement != null && blockStatement.GetBlock() != null) { Statement handler = fstat.GetHandler(); foreach (StatEdge edge in blockStatement.GetSuccessorEdges(Statement.Statedge_Direct_All )) { if (edge.GetType() != StatEdge.Type_Regular && handler.ContainsStatement(blockStatement ) && !handler.ContainsStatement(edge.GetDestination())) { bool?existingFlag = mapLast.GetOrNullable(blockStatement.GetBlock()); // note: the dummy node is also processed! if (existingFlag == null || !existingFlag.Value) { Sharpen.Collections.Put(mapLast, blockStatement.GetBlock(), isTrueExit); break; } } } } Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(stack, node.succs); } // empty finally block? if (fstat.GetHandler().type == Statement.Type_Basicblock) { bool isEmpty = false; bool isFirstLast = mapLast.ContainsKey(firstBasicBlock); InstructionSequence seq = firstBasicBlock.GetSeq(); switch (firstcode) { case 0: { isEmpty = isFirstLast && seq.Length() == 1; break; } case 1: { isEmpty = seq.Length() == 1; break; } case 2: { isEmpty = isFirstLast ? seq.Length() == 3 : seq.Length() == 1; break; } } if (isEmpty) { firstcode = 3; } } return(new FinallyProcessor.Record(firstcode, mapLast)); }
private Exprent ProcessExprentRecursive(Exprent exprent) { bool replaced = true; while (replaced) { replaced = false; foreach (Exprent expr in exprent.GetAllExprents()) { Exprent retexpr = ProcessExprentRecursive(expr); if (retexpr != null) { exprent.ReplaceExprent(expr, retexpr); replaced = true; exprentReplaced = true; break; } } } if (exprent.type == Exprent.Exprent_Assignment) { AssignmentExprent @as = (AssignmentExprent)exprent; if (@as.GetRight().type == Exprent.Exprent_Function) { FunctionExprent func = (FunctionExprent)@as.GetRight(); VarType midlayer = null; if (func.GetFuncType() >= FunctionExprent.Function_I2l && func.GetFuncType() <= FunctionExprent .Function_I2s) { midlayer = func.GetSimpleCastType(); if (func.GetLstOperands()[0].type == Exprent.Exprent_Function) { func = (FunctionExprent)func.GetLstOperands()[0]; } else { return(null); } } if (func.GetFuncType() == FunctionExprent.Function_Add || func.GetFuncType() == FunctionExprent .Function_Sub) { Exprent econd = func.GetLstOperands()[0]; Exprent econst = func.GetLstOperands()[1]; if (econst.type != Exprent.Exprent_Const && econd.type == Exprent.Exprent_Const && func.GetFuncType() == FunctionExprent.Function_Add) { econd = econst; econst = func.GetLstOperands()[0]; } if (econst.type == Exprent.Exprent_Const && ((ConstExprent)econst).HasValueOne()) { Exprent left = @as.GetLeft(); VarType condtype = econd.GetExprType(); if (left.Equals(econd) && (midlayer == null || midlayer.Equals(condtype))) { FunctionExprent ret = new FunctionExprent(func.GetFuncType() == FunctionExprent.Function_Add ? FunctionExprent.Function_Ppi : FunctionExprent.Function_Mmi, econd, func.bytecode ); ret.SetImplicitType(condtype); exprentReplaced = true; return(ret); } } } } } return(null); }
private void ProcessExprent(Exprent expr, SFormsFastMapDirect[] varmaparr, Statement stat, bool calcLiveVars) { if (expr == null) { return; } VarExprent varassign = null; bool finished = false; switch (expr.type) { case Exprent.Exprent_Assignment: { AssignmentExprent assexpr = (AssignmentExprent)expr; if (assexpr.GetCondType() == AssignmentExprent.Condition_None) { Exprent dest = assexpr.GetLeft(); if (dest.type == Exprent.Exprent_Var) { varassign = (VarExprent)dest; } } break; } case Exprent.Exprent_Function: { FunctionExprent func = (FunctionExprent)expr; switch (func.GetFuncType()) { case FunctionExprent.Function_Iif: { ProcessExprent(func.GetLstOperands()[0], varmaparr, stat, calcLiveVars); SFormsFastMapDirect varmapFalse; if (varmaparr[1] == null) { varmapFalse = new SFormsFastMapDirect(varmaparr[0]); } else { varmapFalse = varmaparr[1]; varmaparr[1] = null; } ProcessExprent(func.GetLstOperands()[1], varmaparr, stat, calcLiveVars); SFormsFastMapDirect[] varmaparrNeg = new SFormsFastMapDirect[] { varmapFalse, null }; ProcessExprent(func.GetLstOperands()[2], varmaparrNeg, stat, calcLiveVars); MergeMaps(varmaparr[0], varmaparrNeg[0]); varmaparr[1] = null; finished = true; break; } case FunctionExprent.Function_Cadd: { ProcessExprent(func.GetLstOperands()[0], varmaparr, stat, calcLiveVars); SFormsFastMapDirect[] varmaparrAnd = new SFormsFastMapDirect[] { new SFormsFastMapDirect (varmaparr[0]), null }; ProcessExprent(func.GetLstOperands()[1], varmaparrAnd, stat, calcLiveVars); // false map varmaparr[1] = MergeMaps(varmaparr[varmaparr[1] == null ? 0 : 1], varmaparrAnd[varmaparrAnd [1] == null ? 0 : 1]); // true map varmaparr[0] = varmaparrAnd[0]; finished = true; break; } case FunctionExprent.Function_Cor: { ProcessExprent(func.GetLstOperands()[0], varmaparr, stat, calcLiveVars); SFormsFastMapDirect[] varmaparrOr = new SFormsFastMapDirect[] { new SFormsFastMapDirect (varmaparr[varmaparr[1] == null ? 0 : 1]), null }; ProcessExprent(func.GetLstOperands()[1], varmaparrOr, stat, calcLiveVars); // false map varmaparr[1] = varmaparrOr[varmaparrOr[1] == null ? 0 : 1]; // true map varmaparr[0] = MergeMaps(varmaparr[0], varmaparrOr[0]); finished = true; break; } } break; } } if (!finished) { List <Exprent> lst = expr.GetAllExprents(); lst.Remove(varassign); foreach (Exprent ex in lst) { ProcessExprent(ex, varmaparr, stat, calcLiveVars); } } SFormsFastMapDirect varmap = varmaparr[0]; // field access if (expr.type == Exprent.Exprent_Field) { int?index; if (mapFieldVars.ContainsKey( { index = mapFieldVars.GetOrNullable(; } else { index = fieldvarcounter--; Sharpen.Collections.Put(mapFieldVars,, index); // ssu graph ssuversions.CreateNode(new VarVersionPair(index, 1)); } SetCurrentVar(varmap, index, 1); } else if (expr.type == Exprent.Exprent_Invocation || (expr.type == Exprent.Exprent_Assignment && ((AssignmentExprent)expr).GetLeft().type == Exprent.Exprent_Field) || (expr. type == Exprent.Exprent_New && ((NewExprent)expr).GetNewType().type == ICodeConstants .Type_Object) || expr.type == Exprent.Exprent_Function) { bool ismmpp = true; if (expr.type == Exprent.Exprent_Function) { ismmpp = false; FunctionExprent fexpr = (FunctionExprent)expr; if (fexpr.GetFuncType() >= FunctionExprent.Function_Imm && fexpr.GetFuncType() <= FunctionExprent.Function_Ppi) { if (fexpr.GetLstOperands()[0].type == Exprent.Exprent_Field) { ismmpp = true; } } } if (ismmpp) { varmap.RemoveAllFields(); } } if (varassign != null) { int varindex = varassign.GetIndex(); if (varassign.GetVersion() == 0) { // get next version int nextver = GetNextFreeVersion(varindex, stat); // set version varassign.SetVersion(nextver); // ssu graph ssuversions.CreateNode(new VarVersionPair(varindex, nextver)); SetCurrentVar(varmap, varindex, nextver); } else { if (calcLiveVars) { VarMapToGraph(new VarVersionPair(varindex, varassign.GetVersion()), varmap); } SetCurrentVar(varmap, varindex, varassign.GetVersion()); } } else if (expr.type == Exprent.Exprent_Function) { // MM or PP function FunctionExprent func_1 = (FunctionExprent)expr; switch (func_1.GetFuncType()) { case FunctionExprent.Function_Imm: case FunctionExprent.Function_Mmi: case FunctionExprent.Function_Ipp: case FunctionExprent.Function_Ppi: { if (func_1.GetLstOperands()[0].type == Exprent.Exprent_Var) { VarExprent var = (VarExprent)func_1.GetLstOperands()[0]; int varindex = var.GetIndex(); VarVersionPair varpaar = new VarVersionPair(varindex, var.GetVersion()); // ssu graph VarVersionPair phantomver = phantomppnodes.GetOrNull(varpaar); if (phantomver == null) { // get next version int nextver = GetNextFreeVersion(varindex, null); phantomver = new VarVersionPair(varindex, nextver); //ssuversions.createOrGetNode(phantomver); ssuversions.CreateNode(phantomver); VarVersionNode vernode = ssuversions.nodes.GetWithKey(varpaar); FastSparseSetFactory <int> .FastSparseSet <int> vers = factory.SpawnEmptySet(); if (vernode.preds.Count == 1) { vers.Add(new Sharpen.EnumeratorAdapter <VarVersionEdge>(vernode.preds.GetEnumerator()).Next().source.version); } else { foreach (VarVersionEdge edge in vernode.preds) { vers.Add(new Sharpen.EnumeratorAdapter <VarVersionEdge>(edge.source.preds.GetEnumerator()).Next().source.version); } } vers.Add(nextver); CreateOrUpdatePhiNode(varpaar, vers, stat); Sharpen.Collections.Put(phantomppnodes, varpaar, phantomver); } if (calcLiveVars) { VarMapToGraph(varpaar, varmap); } SetCurrentVar(varmap, varindex, var.GetVersion()); } break; } } } else if (expr.type == Exprent.Exprent_Var) { VarExprent vardest = (VarExprent)expr; int varindex = vardest.GetIndex(); int current_vers = vardest.GetVersion(); FastSparseSetFactory <int> .FastSparseSet <int> vers = varmap.Get(varindex); int cardinality = vers.GetCardinality(); if (cardinality == 1) { // size == 1 if (current_vers != 0) { if (calcLiveVars) { VarMapToGraph(new VarVersionPair(varindex, current_vers), varmap); } SetCurrentVar(varmap, varindex, current_vers); } else { // split last version int usever = GetNextFreeVersion(varindex, stat); // set version vardest.SetVersion(usever); SetCurrentVar(varmap, varindex, usever); // ssu graph int lastver = new Sharpen.EnumeratorAdapter <int>(vers.GetEnumerator()).Next(); VarVersionNode prenode = ssuversions.nodes.GetWithKey(new VarVersionPair(varindex , lastver)); VarVersionNode usenode = ssuversions.CreateNode(new VarVersionPair(varindex, usever )); VarVersionEdge edge = new VarVersionEdge(VarVersionEdge.Edge_General, prenode, usenode ); prenode.AddSuccessor(edge); usenode.AddPredecessor(edge); } } else if (cardinality == 2) { // size > 1 if (current_vers != 0) { if (calcLiveVars) { VarMapToGraph(new VarVersionPair(varindex, current_vers), varmap); } SetCurrentVar(varmap, varindex, current_vers); } else { // split version int usever = GetNextFreeVersion(varindex, stat); // set version vardest.SetVersion(usever); // ssu node ssuversions.CreateNode(new VarVersionPair(varindex, usever)); SetCurrentVar(varmap, varindex, usever); current_vers = usever; } CreateOrUpdatePhiNode(new VarVersionPair(varindex, current_vers), vers, stat); } } }
private static Exprent IdentifySecondaryFunctions(Exprent exprent, bool statement_level , VarProcessor varProc) { if (exprent.type == Exprent.Exprent_Function) { FunctionExprent fexpr = (FunctionExprent)exprent; switch (fexpr.GetFuncType()) { case FunctionExprent.Function_Bool_Not: { Exprent retparam = PropagateBoolNot(fexpr); if (retparam != null) { return(retparam); } break; } case FunctionExprent.Function_Eq: case FunctionExprent.Function_Ne: case FunctionExprent.Function_Gt: case FunctionExprent.Function_Ge: case FunctionExprent.Function_Lt: case FunctionExprent.Function_Le: { Exprent expr1 = fexpr.GetLstOperands()[0]; Exprent expr2 = fexpr.GetLstOperands()[1]; if (expr1.type == Exprent.Exprent_Const) { expr2 = expr1; expr1 = fexpr.GetLstOperands()[1]; } if (expr1.type == Exprent.Exprent_Function && expr2.type == Exprent.Exprent_Const) { FunctionExprent funcexpr = (FunctionExprent)expr1; ConstExprent cexpr = (ConstExprent)expr2; int functype = funcexpr.GetFuncType(); if (functype == FunctionExprent.Function_Lcmp || functype == FunctionExprent.Function_Fcmpg || functype == FunctionExprent.Function_Fcmpl || functype == FunctionExprent.Function_Dcmpg || functype == FunctionExprent.Function_Dcmpl) { int desttype = -1; int?[] destcons = mapNumComparisons.GetOrNull(fexpr.GetFuncType()); if (destcons != null) { int index = cexpr.GetIntValue() + 1; if (index >= 0 && index <= 2) { int?destcon = destcons[index]; if (destcon != null) { desttype = destcon.Value; } } } if (desttype >= 0) { return(new FunctionExprent(desttype, funcexpr.GetLstOperands(), funcexpr.bytecode )); } } } break; } } } bool replaced = true; while (replaced) { replaced = false; foreach (Exprent expr in exprent.GetAllExprents()) { Exprent retexpr = IdentifySecondaryFunctions(expr, false, varProc); if (retexpr != null) { exprent.ReplaceExprent(expr, retexpr); replaced = true; break; } } } switch (exprent.type) { case Exprent.Exprent_Function: { FunctionExprent fexpr_1 = (FunctionExprent)exprent; List <Exprent> lstOperands = fexpr_1.GetLstOperands(); switch (fexpr_1.GetFuncType()) { case FunctionExprent.Function_Xor: { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Exprent operand = lstOperands[i]; VarType operandtype = operand.GetExprType(); if (operand.type == Exprent.Exprent_Const && operandtype.type != ICodeConstants.Type_Boolean) { ConstExprent cexpr = (ConstExprent)operand; long val; if (operandtype.type == ICodeConstants.Type_Long) { val = (long)cexpr.GetValue(); } else { val = (int)cexpr.GetValue(); } if (val == -1) { List <Exprent> lstBitNotOperand = new List <Exprent>(); lstBitNotOperand.Add(lstOperands[1 - i]); return(new FunctionExprent(FunctionExprent.Function_Bit_Not, lstBitNotOperand, fexpr_1 .bytecode)); } } } break; } case FunctionExprent.Function_Eq: case FunctionExprent.Function_Ne: { if (lstOperands[0].GetExprType().type == ICodeConstants.Type_Boolean && lstOperands [1].GetExprType().type == ICodeConstants.Type_Boolean) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (lstOperands[i].type == Exprent.Exprent_Const) { ConstExprent cexpr = (ConstExprent)lstOperands[i]; int val = (int)cexpr.GetValue(); if ((fexpr_1.GetFuncType() == FunctionExprent.Function_Eq && val == 1) || (fexpr_1 .GetFuncType() == FunctionExprent.Function_Ne && val == 0)) { return(lstOperands[1 - i]); } else { List <Exprent> lstNotOperand = new List <Exprent>(); lstNotOperand.Add(lstOperands[1 - i]); return(new FunctionExprent(FunctionExprent.Function_Bool_Not, lstNotOperand, fexpr_1 .bytecode)); } } } } break; } case FunctionExprent.Function_Bool_Not: { if (lstOperands[0].type == Exprent.Exprent_Const) { int val = ((ConstExprent)lstOperands[0]).GetIntValue(); if (val == 0) { return(new ConstExprent(VarType.Vartype_Boolean, 1, fexpr_1.bytecode)); } else { return(new ConstExprent(VarType.Vartype_Boolean, 0, fexpr_1.bytecode)); } } break; } case FunctionExprent.Function_Iif: { Exprent expr1_1 = lstOperands[1]; Exprent expr2_1 = lstOperands[2]; if (expr1_1.type == Exprent.Exprent_Const && expr2_1.type == Exprent.Exprent_Const) { ConstExprent cexpr1 = (ConstExprent)expr1_1; ConstExprent cexpr2 = (ConstExprent)expr2_1; if (cexpr1.GetExprType().type == ICodeConstants.Type_Boolean && cexpr2.GetExprType ().type == ICodeConstants.Type_Boolean) { if (cexpr1.GetIntValue() == 0 && cexpr2.GetIntValue() != 0) { return(new FunctionExprent(FunctionExprent.Function_Bool_Not, lstOperands[0], fexpr_1 .bytecode)); } else if (cexpr1.GetIntValue() != 0 && cexpr2.GetIntValue() == 0) { return(lstOperands[0]); } } } break; } case FunctionExprent.Function_Lcmp: case FunctionExprent.Function_Fcmpl: case FunctionExprent.Function_Fcmpg: case FunctionExprent.Function_Dcmpl: case FunctionExprent.Function_Dcmpg: { int var = DecompilerContext.GetCounterContainer().GetCounterAndIncrement(CounterContainer .Var_Counter); VarType type = lstOperands[0].GetExprType(); FunctionExprent iff = new FunctionExprent(FunctionExprent.Function_Iif, Sharpen.Arrays.AsList <Exprent> (new FunctionExprent(FunctionExprent.Function_Lt, Sharpen.Arrays.AsList <Exprent>(new VarExprent (var, type, varProc), ConstExprent.GetZeroConstant(type.type)), null), new ConstExprent (VarType.Vartype_Int, -1, null), new ConstExprent(VarType.Vartype_Int, 1, null)) , null); FunctionExprent head = new FunctionExprent(FunctionExprent.Function_Eq, Sharpen.Arrays.AsList <Exprent> (new AssignmentExprent(new VarExprent(var, type, varProc), new FunctionExprent(FunctionExprent .Function_Sub, Sharpen.Arrays.AsList(lstOperands[0], lstOperands[1]), null), null ), ConstExprent.GetZeroConstant(type.type)), null); varProc.SetVarType(new VarVersionPair(var, 0), type); return(new FunctionExprent(FunctionExprent.Function_Iif, Sharpen.Arrays.AsList <Exprent>(head , new ConstExprent(VarType.Vartype_Int, 0, null), iff), fexpr_1.bytecode)); } } break; } case Exprent.Exprent_Assignment: { // check for conditional assignment AssignmentExprent asexpr = (AssignmentExprent)exprent; Exprent right = asexpr.GetRight(); Exprent left = asexpr.GetLeft(); if (right.type == Exprent.Exprent_Function) { FunctionExprent func = (FunctionExprent)right; VarType midlayer = null; if (func.GetFuncType() >= FunctionExprent.Function_I2l && func.GetFuncType() <= FunctionExprent .Function_I2s) { right = func.GetLstOperands()[0]; midlayer = func.GetSimpleCastType(); if (right.type == Exprent.Exprent_Function) { func = (FunctionExprent)right; } else { return(null); } } List <Exprent> lstFuncOperands = func.GetLstOperands(); Exprent cond = null; switch (func.GetFuncType()) { case FunctionExprent.Function_Add: case FunctionExprent.Function_And: case FunctionExprent.Function_Or: case FunctionExprent.Function_Xor: { if (left.Equals(lstFuncOperands[1])) { cond = lstFuncOperands[0]; break; } goto case FunctionExprent.Function_Sub; } case FunctionExprent.Function_Sub: case FunctionExprent.Function_Mul: case FunctionExprent.Function_Div: case FunctionExprent.Function_Rem: case FunctionExprent.Function_Shl: case FunctionExprent.Function_Shr: case FunctionExprent.Function_Ushr: { if (left.Equals(lstFuncOperands[0])) { cond = lstFuncOperands[1]; } break; } } if (cond != null && (midlayer == null || midlayer.Equals(cond.GetExprType()))) { asexpr.SetRight(cond); asexpr.SetCondType(func.GetFuncType()); } } break; } case Exprent.Exprent_Invocation: { if (!statement_level) { // simplify if exprent is a real expression. The opposite case is pretty absurd, can still happen however (and happened at least once). Exprent retexpr = ConcatenationHelper.ContractStringConcat(exprent); if (!exprent.Equals(retexpr)) { return(retexpr); } } break; } } return(null); }