public ActionResult ExportFile(string selectedColumns, string className)// { var removeColumns = selectedColumns.Split(',').ToList(); switch (className) { case "Member": return(this.File(m_export.Export(removeColumns).ToArray(), "application/", className + ".xlsx")); case "Infor": return(this.File(i_export.Export(removeColumns).ToArray(), "application/", className + ".xlsx")); case "LogRecord": return(this.File(l_export.Export(removeColumns).ToArray(), "application/", className + ".xlsx")); case "Feature": return(this.File(f_export.Export(removeColumns).ToArray(), "application/", className + ".xlsx")); default: return(Content("<script>history.back()</scrpit>")); } /**/ } /**/ }
public void Exports_With_User_Defined_KeyValues_When_Available() { var service = new ExportService() as IExportService; var product = new Product { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "My Product", }; var license = new License { LicenseType = LicenseType.Standard, OwnerName = "License Owner", ExpirationDate = null, }; license.Data.Add(new UserData { Key = "KeyOne", Value = "ValueOne" }); license.Data.Add(new UserData { Key = "KeyTwo", Value = "ValueTwo" }); var path = Path.GetTempFileName(); var file = new FileInfo(path); service.Export(product, license, file); var reader = file.OpenText(); var content = reader.ReadToEnd(); Assert.NotNull(content); Assert.Contains("KeyOne=\"ValueOne\"", content); Assert.Contains("KeyTwo=\"ValueTwo\"", content); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (!new CliParser().Parse(args, out var product, out var license)) { return; } var exportService = new ExportService(); try { Console.WriteLine(exportService.Export(product, license)); } catch (Exception e) { if (e is System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException) { Console.WriteLine("The key is not complete\n" + "\tMaybe the public key was provided!"); } else if (e is System.Xml.XmlException) { Console.WriteLine("The key is not a valid RSA xml key!"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Unknown error\nError message:\n{e.Message}"); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { AskInformation(ref appId, "Please provide your application id or EXIT:"); AskInformation(ref appKey, "Please provide your application key or EXIT:"); AskInformation(ref appVersion, "Please provide your app version or EXIT:"); AskInformation(ref filePath, "Please provide your csv file path or EXIT:"); var exportService = new ExportService(appId, appKey, appVersion); var data = exportService.Export().Result; var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("intent;utterance"); data.ForEach(item => { sb.AppendLine($"{item.Item1};{item.Item2}".Replace("\n", "")); }); using (var writer = new StreamWriter(filePath, false, Encoding.UTF8)) { writer.Write(sb.ToString()); } System.Console.WriteLine($"{data.Count} lines wrote in {filePath}"); System.Console.ReadLine(); }
public ActionResult ExportAllAndReturn <TEntity, TModel, TModelSearch>([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, TModelSearch model, string storeName) where TEntity : class { model.SetPropertyValue("IsExport", true); string fullPath = string.Empty, status = string.Empty; var listModel = GetListData <TModel, TEntity, TModelSearch>(request, model, storeName, ref status); if (status == NotificationType.Success.ToString()) { status = ExportService.Export(listModel, model.GetPropertyValue("ValueFields").TryGetValue <string>().Split(',')); } return(Json(status)); }
public ActionResult ExportLaudryRecordList([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, Lau_LaundryRecordSearchNewModel model) { var listModel = GetListData <Lau_LaundryRecordModel, LMS_LaundryRecordEntity, Lau_LaundryRecordSearchNewModel>(request, model, ConstantSql.hrm_lau_sp_get_LaundryRecord, ref status); Dictionary <string, string> formatFields = new Dictionary <string, string>(); formatFields.Add(Lau_LaundryRecordModel.FieldNames.TimeLog, ConstantFormat.HRM_Format_DayMonthYear); formatFields.Add(Lau_LaundryRecordModel.FieldNames.Hour, ConstantFormat.HRM_Format_Grid_ShortTime); formatFields.Add(Lau_LaundryRecordModel.FieldNames.Amount, ConstantFormat.HRM_Format_Money); status = ExportService.Export(listModel, model.GetPropertyValue("ValueFields").TryGetValue <string>().Split(','), formatFields); return(Json(status)); //return ExportAllAndReturn<Lau_LaundryRecordEntity, Lau_LaundryRecordModel, Lau_LaundryRecordSearchNewModel>(request, model, ConstantSql.hrm_lau_sp_get_LaundryRecord); }
/// <summary> /// [Tam.Le] - Xuất các dòng dữ liệu được chọn của LaudryRecord ra file Excel /// </summary> /// <param name="selectedIds"></param> /// <param name="valueFields"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult ExportLaudryRecordSelected(string selectedIds, string valueFields) { selectedIds = Common.DotNetToOracle(selectedIds); var listModel = GetData <Lau_LaundryRecordModel, LMS_LaundryRecordEntity>(selectedIds, ConstantSql.hrm_lau_sp_get_LaundryRecord_ByIds); Dictionary <string, string> formatFields = new Dictionary <string, string>(); formatFields.Add(Lau_LaundryRecordModel.FieldNames.TimeLog, ConstantFormat.HRM_Format_DayMonthYear); formatFields.Add(Lau_LaundryRecordModel.FieldNames.Hour, ConstantFormat.HRM_Format_Grid_ShortTime); formatFields.Add(Lau_LaundryRecordModel.FieldNames.Amount, ConstantFormat.HRM_Format_Money); status = ExportService.Export(listModel, valueFields.Split(','), formatFields); return(Json(status)); // return ExportSelectedAndReturn<Lau_LaundryRecordEntity, Lau_LaundryRecordModel>(selectedIds, valueFields, ConstantSql.hrm_lau_sp_get_LaundryRecord_ByIds); }
/// <summary> /// [Chuc.Nguyen] - Xuất các dòng dữ liệu được chọn của một đối tượng bất kỳ ra file Excel /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TEntity"></typeparam> /// <typeparam name="TModel"></typeparam> /// <param name="selectedIds"></param> /// <param name="valueFields"></param> /// <param name="storeName"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult ExportSelectedAndReturn <TEntity, TModel>(Guid templateID, string selectedIds, string valueFields, string storeName) where TEntity : class { selectedIds = Common.DotNetToOracle(selectedIds); var service = new BaseService(); var status = string.Empty; var listModel = new List <TModel>(); var listEntity = service.GetData <TEntity>(selectedIds, storeName, UserLogin, ref status); if (listEntity != null && status == NotificationType.Success.ToString()) { listModel = listEntity.Translate <TModel>(); status = ExportService.Export(templateID, listModel, valueFields.Split(','), null); } return(Json(status)); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Export(int competitionId, int phaseId, [FromBody] string fileName) { try { using (var exportService = new ExportService()) { exportService.Export(competitionId, phaseId, fileName); return(Ok()); } } catch (Exception e) { return(BadRequest()); } }
private void SavePDF(object parameter) { try { SaveFileDialog openFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); openFileDialog.FileName = "Mystery"; openFileDialog.Filter = "Pdf Files|*.pdf"; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { ExportService.Export(Mystery, openFileDialog.FileName); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Fehler beim Speichern", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }
public JsonResult MakeCsv() { try { if (!Security.CanExport(User.Identity.Name)) { return(Json(new { error = true, message = "You do not have permission for this action." })); } using (var export = new ExportService(_data)) { var success = export.Export(); return(Json(new { error = !success, message = success ? "Export Successfull" : "Export Failed" })); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { error = true, message = ex.Message })); } }
public void Exports_With_MaxDate_If_No_Expiration_Date_Is_Set() { var service = new ExportService() as IExportService; var product = new Product { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "My Product", }; var license = new License { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LicenseType = LicenseType.Standard, OwnerName = "License Owner", ExpirationDate = null }; var path = Path.GetTempFileName(); var file = new FileInfo(path); service.Export(product, license, file); var reader = file.OpenText(); var content = reader.ReadToEnd(); Assert.NotNull(content); Assert.Contains("expiration=\"9999-12-31T23:59:59.9999999\"", content); }
public void Exports_LicenseInfo_To_File() { var service = new ExportService() as IExportService; var product = new Product { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; var license = new License { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LicenseType = LicenseType.Standard, OwnerName = "License Owner", ExpirationDate = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1) }; var path = Path.GetTempFileName(); var file = new FileInfo(path); service.Export(product, license, file); var reader = file.OpenText(); var content = reader.ReadToEnd(); Assert.NotNull(content); Assert.Contains("<name>License Owner</name>", content); Assert.Contains("type=\"Standard\"", content); Assert.Contains("expiration=\"2020-01-01T00:00:00.0000000\"", content); }
public ActionResult ExportHistoryApproveECLAIMByTemplate([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, FIN_HistoryApproveECLAIMSearchModel model) { string status = string.Empty; var baseService = new BaseService(); var isDataTable = false; object obj = new FIN_HistoryApproveECLAIMModel(); ListQueryModel lstModel = new ListQueryModel { PageSize = int.MaxValue - 1, PageIndex = 1, Filters = ExtractFilterAttributes(request), Sorts = ExtractSortAttributes(request), AdvanceFilters = ExtractAdvanceFilterAttributes(model) }; var result = baseService.GetData <FIN_HistoryApproveECLAIMModel>(lstModel, ConstantSql.hrm_hr_sp_get_HistoryApprovedClaim, UserLogin, ref status); if (model != null && model.IsCreateTemplate) { var path = Common.GetPath("Templates"); ExportService exportService = new ExportService(); ConfigExport cfgExport = new ConfigExport() { Object = new FIN_HistoryApproveECLAIMModel(), FileName = "FIN_HistoryApproveECLAIM", OutPutPath = path, DownloadPath = Hrm_Main_Web + "Templates", IsDataTable = isDataTable }; var str = exportService.CreateTemplate(cfgExport); return(Json(str)); } if (model.ExportId != Guid.Empty) { var fullPath = ExportService.Export(model.ExportId, result, null, model.ExportType); return(Json(fullPath)); } return(Json(result.ToDataSourceResult(request))); }
public ActionResult GetClaimApprovedList([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, FIN_ApprovedClaimSearchModel model) { var baseService = new BaseService(); FIN_ClaimService service = new FIN_ClaimService(); var result = service.GetClaimApprovedList(model.UserApproveID.Value); if (model.IsExport) { var fullPath = ExportService.Export(result, model.ValueFields.Split(',')); return(Json(fullPath)); } request.Page = 1; var dataSourceResult = result.ToDataSourceResult(request); dataSourceResult.Total = result.Count() <= 0 ? 0 : result.FirstOrDefault().TotalRow; return(new JsonResult { Data = dataSourceResult, MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue }); }
public void ExportTest() { string tmpFilename = Path.GetTempFileName(); MysteryCreator mysteryCreator = new MysteryCreator(); mysteryCreator.NumberOfColumns = 7; mysteryCreator.NumberOfRows = 7; mysteryCreator.NumberOfShips = 12; Mystery mystery = mysteryCreator.Create(); ExportService.Export(mystery, tmpFilename); if (File.Exists(tmpFilename)) { Assert.IsTrue(true); File.Delete(tmpFilename); } else { Assert.IsTrue(false); } }
private void DoExport() { exportService.Export(new List <ResultDicomFile>(MatchedFileList)); }
private void Export(object obj) { SortedListsOfImagesNames imagesCollectionType = (SortedListsOfImagesNames)obj; ExportService exportService = ExportServiceFactory.GetExportService(ExportTypes.ExportToZip); switch (imagesCollectionType) { case SortedListsOfImagesNames.BeachesSeaside: exportService.Export(BeachesSeaside, imagesCollectionType.ToString()); BeachesSeaside.Clear(); break; case SortedListsOfImagesNames.CarsVehicles: exportService.Export(CarsVehicles, imagesCollectionType.ToString()); CarsVehicles.Clear(); break; case SortedListsOfImagesNames.EventsParties: exportService.Export(EventsParties, imagesCollectionType.ToString()); EventsParties.Clear(); break; case SortedListsOfImagesNames.FoodDrinks: exportService.Export(FoodDrinks, imagesCollectionType.ToString()); FoodDrinks.Clear(); break; case SortedListsOfImagesNames.InteriorObjects: exportService.Export(InteriorObjects, imagesCollectionType.ToString()); InteriorObjects.Clear(); break; case SortedListsOfImagesNames.MacroFlowers: exportService.Export(MacroFlowers, imagesCollectionType.ToString()); MacroFlowers.Clear(); break; case SortedListsOfImagesNames.NatureLandscape: exportService.Export(NatureLandscape, imagesCollectionType.ToString()); NatureLandscape.Clear(); break; case SortedListsOfImagesNames.PaintingsArt: exportService.Export(PaintingsArt, imagesCollectionType.ToString()); PaintingsArt.Clear(); break; case SortedListsOfImagesNames.PeoplePortraits: exportService.Export(PeoplePortraits, imagesCollectionType.ToString()); PeoplePortraits.Clear(); break; case SortedListsOfImagesNames.PetsAnimals: exportService.Export(PetsAnimals, imagesCollectionType.ToString()); PetsAnimals.Clear(); break; case SortedListsOfImagesNames.StreetviewArchitecture: exportService.Export(StreetviewArchitecture, imagesCollectionType.ToString()); StreetviewArchitecture.Clear(); break; case SortedListsOfImagesNames.SunrisesSunsets: exportService.Export(SunrisesSunsets, imagesCollectionType.ToString()); SunrisesSunsets.Clear(); break; case SortedListsOfImagesNames.TextVisuals: exportService.Export(TextVisuals, imagesCollectionType.ToString()); TextVisuals.Clear(); break; default: throw new NoSuchCategoryException("There is no such images category! Contact the application manufacturer!"); } }
public void ExportJpg(InkCanvas canvas) { ExportService.Export(canvas, ImageFormat.Jpeg); }
public void ExportPng(InkCanvas canvas) { ExportService.Export(canvas, ImageFormat.Png); }
/// <summary> /// [Hieu.Van] Tồng hợp dữ liệu ăn /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns></returns> //[HttpPost] public ActionResult GetLaundryRecordSummary([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, Lau_LaundryRecordSearchModel model) { Lau_LaundryRecordServices LauService = new Lau_LaundryRecordServices(); var baseService = new BaseService(); var Actionservices = new ActionService(UserLogin); #region xử lý dateStart - dateEnd DateTime dateStart = DateTime.Now; DateTime dateEnd = DateTime.Now; if (model.DateFrom != null) { dateStart = model.DateFrom.Value; } if (model.DateTo != null) { dateEnd = model.DateTo.Value; } #endregion #region xử lý lấy lstProfileIds theo OrgStructureID List <Hre_ProfileEntity> lstProfileIDs = new List <Hre_ProfileEntity>(); string status = string.Empty; List <object> lstObj = new List <object>(); lstObj.Add(model.OrgStructureID); lstObj.Add(null); lstObj.Add(null); List <Hre_ProfileEntity> _temp = new List <Hre_ProfileEntity>(); Hre_ProfileEntity t = new Hre_ProfileEntity(); List <Hre_ProfileEntity> _profileIDs = new List <Hre_ProfileEntity>(); var baseServices = new ActionService(UserLogin); if (model.ProfileIDs != null) { var lst = model.ProfileIDs.Split(','); foreach (var item in lst) { t = new Hre_ProfileEntity(); Guid _Id = new Guid(item); t.ID = _Id; _temp.Add(t); } if (model.OrgStructureID != null) { lstProfileIDs = Actionservices.GetData <Hre_ProfileEntity>(lstObj, ConstantSql.hrm_hr_sp_get_ProfileIdsByOrg, ref status).ToList(); _profileIDs = lstProfileIDs.Where(m => !_temp.Contains(m)).ToList(); lstProfileIDs.AddRange(_profileIDs); } else { lstProfileIDs = _temp; } } else { lstProfileIDs = Actionservices.GetData <Hre_ProfileEntity>(lstObj, ConstantSql.hrm_hr_sp_get_ProfileIdsByOrg, ref status).ToList(); } #endregion // Hàm xử lý tổng hợp var result = LauService.GetLaundryRecordSummary(model.LineID, model.LockerID, model.MarkerID, dateStart, dateEnd, lstProfileIDs, UserLogin).ToList().Translate <Lau_LaundryRecordModel>(); if (result != null) { var submit = ConstantDisplay.HRM_Enum_Submit.TranslateString(); var auto = ConstantDisplay.HRM_Enum_Auto.TranslateString(); result.Where(s => s.Status == LaundryRecordStatus.E_SUBMIT.ToString()).Select(s => s.Status = submit).ToList(); result.Where(s => s.Type == LaundryRecordType.E_AUTO.ToString()).Select(s => s.Type = auto).ToList(); } #region xử lý xuất áo cáo if (model.IsExport) { var fullPath = ExportService.Export(result, model.ValueFields.Split(',')); return(Json(fullPath)); } if (model.selectedIDs != null) { var strSelect = model.selectedIDs.Split(','); List <Guid> lstSelect = new List <Guid>(); foreach (var item in strSelect) { lstSelect.Add(new Guid(item)); } var resultSelect = result.Where(m => lstSelect.Contains(m.ID)).ToList(); var fullPath = ExportService.Export(resultSelect, model.ValueFields.Split(',')); return(Json(fullPath)); } #endregion request.Page = 1; var dataSourceResult = result.ToDataSourceResult(request); //dataSourceResult.Total = result.Count() <= 0 ? 0 : result.FirstOrDefault().TotalRow; return(Json(result.ToDataSourceResult(request))); }
/// <summary> /// HieuVan /// Hàm xử lý tự động send mail hợp đồng đến hạn /// </summary> public static void SendMailContract() { BaseService _base = new BaseService(); string status = string.Empty; string fullPath = string.Empty; List <Hre_ContractSendMailEntity> lstProbation = new List <Hre_ContractSendMailEntity>(); List <Hre_ContractEntity> lstAttach = new List <Hre_ContractEntity>(); Hre_ContractEntity attach = new Hre_ContractEntity(); DateTime DS = DateTime.Now; DateTime DE = DateTime.Now; List <object> lstParam = new List <object>(); lstParam.AddRange(new object[3]); var dataProfile = _base.GetData <Hre_ProfileEntity>(lstParam, ConstantSql.hrm_hr_sp_get_ProfileIdsByOrg, string.Empty, ref status); using (var context = new VnrHrmDataContext()) { var unitOfWork = (IUnitOfWork)(new UnitOfWork(context)); var repoHre_Contract = new CustomBaseRepository <Hre_Contract>(unitOfWork); var repoCat_ContractType = new CustomBaseRepository <Cat_ContractType>(unitOfWork); var repoCat_Export = new CustomBaseRepository <Cat_Export>(unitOfWork); var repoCat_OrgStructure = new CustomBaseRepository <Cat_OrgStructure>(unitOfWork); var repoCat_OrgStructureType = new CustomBaseRepository <Cat_OrgStructureType>(unitOfWork); var repoSys_TemplateSendMail = new CustomBaseRepository <Sys_TemplateSendMail>(unitOfWork); string _typeTemplate = EnumDropDown.EmailType.E_WARNINGCONTRACT.ToString(); var template = repoSys_TemplateSendMail.FindBy(s => s.Type == _typeTemplate).FirstOrDefault(); if (template == null) { return; } var dataContractType = repoCat_ContractType.FindBy(s => s.ID != null).ToList(); var dataContract = repoHre_Contract.FindBy(s => s.IsDelete == null).ToList(); var dataOrgStructure = repoCat_OrgStructure.FindBy(s => s.IsDelete == null).ToList(); var dataOrgStructureType = repoCat_OrgStructureType.FindBy(s => s.IsDelete == null).ToList(); // lọc từng hợp đồng, kiểm tra những hợp đồng nào đến hạn Hre_ContractSendMailEntity entity = new Hre_ContractSendMailEntity(); List <string> lstTemp = new List <string>(); foreach (var item in dataContract) { lstTemp = new List <string>(); entity = new Hre_ContractSendMailEntity(); if (item.DateEnd == null) { continue; } var contractType = dataContractType.Where(s => s.ID == item.ContractTypeID).FirstOrDefault(); int loop = contractType.ExpiryContractLoop != null ? contractType.ExpiryContractLoop.Value : 0; int dbd = contractType.ExpiryContractDayByDay != null ? contractType.ExpiryContractDayByDay.Value : 0; DateTime loopStart = DateTime.Now.AddDays(loop); DateTime dbdStart = DateTime.Now.AddDays(dbd); if ((dbdStart >= item.DateEnd.Value || item.DateEnd.Value <= DateTime.Now) && item.ContractResult == null) { attach = item.Copy <Hre_ContractEntity>(); var profile = dataProfile.Where(s => s.ID == item.ProfileID).FirstOrDefault(); entity.ContractID = item.ID; entity.DayDue = item.DateEnd; entity.ProfileName = profile.ProfileName; attach.ProfileName = profile.ProfileName; attach.CodeEmp = profile.CodeEmp; entity.Type = EnumDropDown.ExpiredContractType.E_DayByDay.ToString(); if (contractType.EmailToList != null) { var lstCodeOrg = contractType.EmailToList.Split(',').ToList(); foreach (var itemCO in lstCodeOrg) { var temp = LibraryService.GetNearestParent(profile.OrgStructureID, (OrgUnit)Enum.Parse(typeof(OrgUnit), itemCO, true), dataOrgStructure, dataOrgStructureType); if (temp == null || temp.Email == null) { continue; } var mailOfOrg = temp.Email.Split(',').ToList(); lstTemp.AddRange(mailOfOrg); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contractType.EmailOther)) { var lstEmailOther = contractType.EmailOther.Split(',').ToList(); lstTemp.AddRange(lstEmailOther); } if (lstTemp != null) { entity.lstEmail = lstTemp; } lstAttach.Add(attach); lstProbation.Add(entity); } else if ((loopStart >= item.DateEnd.Value || item.DateEnd.Value <= DateTime.Now) && item.ContractResult == null) { attach = item.Copy <Hre_ContractEntity>(); if (DateTime.Now.Day != contractType.DayInMonthLoop1 && DateTime.Now.Day != contractType.DayInMonthLoop2 && DateTime.Now.Day != contractType.DayInMonthLoop3) { continue; } var profile = dataProfile.Where(s => s.ID == item.ProfileID).FirstOrDefault(); entity.ContractID = item.ID; entity.DayDue = item.DateEnd; entity.ProfileName = profile.ProfileName; attach.ProfileName = profile.ProfileName; attach.CodeEmp = profile.CodeEmp; entity.Type = EnumDropDown.ExpiredContractType.E_Loop.ToString(); if (contractType.EmailToList != null) { var lstCodeOrg = contractType.EmailToList.Split(',').ToList(); foreach (var itemCO in lstCodeOrg) { var temp = LibraryService.GetNearestParent(profile.OrgStructureID, (OrgUnit)Enum.Parse(typeof(OrgUnit), itemCO, true), dataOrgStructure, dataOrgStructureType); if (temp == null || temp.Email == null) { continue; } var mailOfOrg = temp.Email.Split(',').ToList(); lstTemp.AddRange(mailOfOrg); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contractType.EmailOther)) { var lstEmailOther = contractType.EmailOther.Split(',').ToList(); lstTemp.AddRange(lstEmailOther); } if (lstTemp != null) { entity.lstEmail = lstTemp; } lstAttach.Add(attach); lstProbation.Add(entity); } } if (lstAttach.Count > 0) { var lstExport = repoCat_Export.FindBy(s => s.IsDelete == null && s.ScreenName == EnumDropDown.EmailType.E_WARNINGCONTRACT.ToString()).ToList(); if (lstExport.Count > 0) { var export = lstExport.FirstOrDefault(); fullPath = ExportService.Export(export.ID, lstAttach, null, ExportFileType.Excel); } } List <Hre_ContractBodyEntity> lstSM = new List <Hre_ContractBodyEntity>(); Hre_ContractBodyEntity SM = new Hre_ContractBodyEntity(); List <Guid> lstGC = new List <Guid>(); foreach (var item in lstProbation) { string _type = "Theo Chu Kỳ"; if (item.Type == EnumDropDown.ExpiredContractType.E_DayByDay.ToString()) { _type = "Hàng Ngày"; } if (item.lstEmail == null) { continue; } string value = "<tr><td> " + item.ProfileName + " </td><td> " + item.DayDue + "</td><td> " + _type + "</td></tr>"; foreach (var email in item.lstEmail) { lstGC = new List <Guid>(); SM = new Hre_ContractBodyEntity(); var exits = lstSM.Where(m => m.Email == email).FirstOrDefault(); if (exits != null && !exits.lstGContract.Contains(item.ContractID)) { if (SM.lstGContract != null) { lstGC = SM.lstGContract; } lstGC.Add(item.ContractID); exits.lstGContract = lstGC; exits.Body += value; } else if (exits == null || !exits.lstGContract.Contains(item.ContractID)) { if (SM.lstGContract != null) { lstGC = SM.lstGContract; } lstGC.Add(item.ContractID); SM.lstGContract = lstGC; SM.Email = email; SM.Body = value; lstSM.Add(SM); } } } foreach (var item in lstSM) { string title = template.Subject; var name = item.Email.Split('@'); #region magreData string[] strsParaKey = null; string[] strsParaValues = null; strsParaKey = new string[] { EnumDropDown.EmailType_WARNINGCONTRACT.E_PROFILENAME.ToString(), EnumDropDown.EmailType_WARNINGCONTRACT.E_TABLECONTENT.ToString(), }; strsParaValues = new string[] { name[0].ToString(), item.Body }; string body = LibraryService.ReplaceContentFile(template.Content, strsParaKey, strsParaValues); #endregion //string body = "<html><head><title></title></head><body class='scayt-enabled'>Dear " + name[0].ToString() + " ,<br /><br />" // + "This is email warning about contract probation:<br /> <br /><table border='1' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' style='width: 500px;'>" // + "<tr><td> Nhân Viên </td><td> Ngày Hết Hạn </td><td> Loại Hết Hạn </td></tr>" // + item.Body // + "</tbody></table><tbody>" // + "</body></html>"; _base.SendMail(title, item.Email, body, fullPath); } } }
public ActionResult GetReportEmpDetail([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, Lau_ReportSearchModel model) { Lau_ReportServices service = new Lau_ReportServices(); BaseService baseService = new BaseService(); var Actionservices = new ActionService(UserLogin); bool isIncludeQuitEmp = model.isIncludeQuitEmp ? true : false; #region xử lý dateStart - dateEnd DateTime dateStart = DateTime.Now; DateTime dateEnd = DateTime.Now; if (model.DateFrom != null) { dateStart = model.DateFrom.Value; } if (model.DateTo != null) { dateEnd = model.DateTo.Value; } #endregion #region xử lý line - locker - marker List <Guid?> lstLine = new List <Guid?>(); List <Guid?> lstLocker = new List <Guid?>(); List <Guid?> lstMarker = new List <Guid?>(); if (model.LineID != null) { foreach (var line in model.LineID.Split(',')) { lstLine.Add(new Guid(line)); } } if (model.LockerID != null) { foreach (var locker in model.LockerID.Split(',')) { lstLocker.Add(new Guid(locker)); } } if (model.MarkerID != null) { foreach (var marker in model.MarkerID.Split(',')) { lstMarker.Add(new Guid(marker)); } } #endregion #region xử lý lấy lstProfileIds theo OrgStructureID List <Guid> lstProfileIDs = new List <Guid>(); string status = string.Empty; List <object> lstObj = new List <object>(); lstObj.Add(model.OrgStructureID); lstObj.Add(null); lstObj.Add(null); List <Guid> _temp = new List <Guid>(); List <Guid> _profileIDs = new List <Guid>(); if (model.ProfileIDs != null) { var lst = model.ProfileIDs.Split(','); foreach (var item in lst) { Guid _Id = new Guid(item); _temp.Add(_Id); } //_temp = lst.Select(int.Parse).ToList(); if (model.OrgStructureID != null) { lstProfileIDs = Actionservices.GetData <Hre_ProfileIdEntity>(lstObj, ConstantSql.hrm_hr_sp_get_ProfileIdsByOrg, ref status).Select(m => m.ID).ToList(); _profileIDs = lstProfileIDs.Where(m => !_temp.Contains(m)).ToList(); lstProfileIDs.AddRange(_profileIDs); } else { lstProfileIDs = _temp; } } else { lstProfileIDs = Actionservices.GetData <Hre_ProfileIdEntity>(lstObj, ConstantSql.hrm_hr_sp_get_ProfileIdsByOrg, ref status).Select(m => m.ID).ToList(); } #endregion var result = service.GetReportEmpDetail(lstLine, lstLocker, lstMarker, lstProfileIDs, dateStart, dateEnd, isIncludeQuitEmp, model.CodeEmp, UserLogin); var rs = result.Translate <Lau_ReportEmpDetailModel>(); #region xử lý xuất báo cáo if (model.ExportID != Guid.Empty) { var fullPath = ExportService.Export(model.ExportID, rs); return(Json(fullPath)); } #endregion var dataSourceResult = result.ToDataSourceResult(request); return(Json(rs.ToDataSourceResult(request))); }
private static int Main(string[] args) { CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; var app = new CommandLineApplication(); app.HelpOption("-h | --help"); app.Command("template", (command) => { command.HelpOption("-h | --help"); command.Description = "Create mapping file template from the Source Tenant model."; var tenantOption = command.Option("-t | --tenant", "Export template tenant", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var connectionStringOption = command.Option("-c | --connection-string", "Export template connection string", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); command.OnExecute(() => { var service = new TemplateService(tenantOption.Value(), connectionStringOption.Value()); service.GenerateTemplate().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); Console.ReadKey(); return(0); }); }); app.Command("export", (command) => { command.HelpOption("-h | --help"); command.Description = "Export data from source system."; var tenantOption = command.Option("-t | --tenant", "Tenant to export", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var mappingOption = command.Option("-m | --mapping", "Mapping file", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var connectionStringOption = command.Option("-c | --connection-string", "Connection string", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); command.OnExecute(() => { var tenant = tenantOption.Value(); var jsonSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver() }; var mappings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <EntityMapDefinition> >(File.ReadAllText(mappingOption.Value()), jsonSettings); var seriesProcessor = new SeriesProcessor(mappings, tenant, jsonSettings, _correlationId, _eventMetadata); var service = new ExportService(tenant, connectionStringOption.Value(), _correlationId, _eventMetadata, mappings, seriesProcessor, jsonSettings); service.Export().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); Console.ReadKey(); return(0); }); }); app.Command("import", (command) => { command.HelpOption("-h | --help"); command.Description = "Import data to destination system."; var folderOption = command.Option("-f | --folder", "Import folder path", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var tenantOption = command.Option("-t | --tenant", "Import to tenant", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var connectionStringOption = command.Option("-c | --connection-string", "Connection string", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); command.OnExecute(() => { var service = new ImportService(folderOption.Value(), tenantOption.Value(), connectionStringOption.Value()); service.Import().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); Console.WriteLine("Import finished successfully."); Console.ReadKey(); return(0); }); }); app.Command("export-files", (command) => { command.HelpOption("-h | --help"); command.Description = "Export files from source system."; var tenantOption = command.Option("-t | --tenant", "Tenant", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var connectionStringOption = command.Option("-c | --connection-string", "Blob storage Connection string", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var encryptionKeyOption = command.Option("-ek | --encryption-key", "Export storage Encryption Key", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); command.OnExecute(() => { var service = new ExportBlobsService(tenantOption.Value(), connectionStringOption.Value(), encryptionKeyOption.Value()); service.Export().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); Console.ReadKey(); return(0); }); }); app.Command("export-users", (command) => { command.HelpOption("-h | --help"); command.Description = "Export users data from source system."; var tenantOption = command.Option("-t | --tenant", "Tenant", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var connectionStringOption = command.Option("-c | --connection-string", "Connection string", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); command.OnExecute(() => { var service = new ExportUsersService(tenantOption.Value(), connectionStringOption.Value()); service.Export().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); Console.ReadKey(); return(0); }); }); app.Command("import-users", (command) => { command.HelpOption("-h | --help"); command.Description = "Import users data from source system."; var folderOption = command.Option("-f | --folder", "Import folder path", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var tenantOption = command.Option("-t | --tenant", "Import to tenant", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var apiAddressOption = command.Option("-e | --endpoint", "Import API endpoint", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var clientIdOption = command.Option("-ci | --client-id", "API Client's ID", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var clientSecretOption = command.Option("-cs | --client-secret ", "API Client's Secret", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); command.OnExecute(() => { var service = new ImportUsersService(folderOption.Value(), tenantOption.Value(), apiAddressOption.Value(), clientIdOption.Value(), clientSecretOption.Value()); service.Import().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); Console.ReadKey(); return(0); }); }); app.Command("import-files", (command) => { command.HelpOption("-h | --help"); command.Description = "Export files from source system."; var mappingsFolderOption = command.Option("-m | --mappings", "Mappings folder where the file_mapping.csv was stored", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var filesFolderOption = command.Option("-f | --folder", "Files folder", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var tenantOption = command.Option("-t | --tenant", "Import to tenant", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var connectionStringOption = command.Option("-c | --connection-string", "Blob storage connection string", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); command.OnExecute(() => { var service = new ImportBlobsService(mappingsFolderOption.Value(), filesFolderOption.Value(), tenantOption.Value(), connectionStringOption.Value()); service.Import().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); Console.ReadKey(); return(0); }); }); return(app.Execute(args)); }