}         // AddOwners

        private CompanyScoreModel BuildLimitedScoreModel(ExperianLtdActionResult oExperianLtd)
            SortedDictionary <string, CompanyScoreModelItem> oDataset = oExperianLtd.Value.ToCompanyScoreModel();

            return(new CompanyScoreModel {
                result = CompanyScoreModel.Ok,
                dataset = oDataset,
                dataset_display_order = ms_DisplayOrder,
                company_name = oExperianLtd.Value.CompanyName,
                company_ref_num = oExperianLtd.Value.RegisteredNumber,
                Data = null,
                DashboardModel = BuildLimitedDashboardModel(oExperianLtd),
                CompaniesHouseModel = oExperianLtd.CompaniesHouse
        }         // BuildLimitedScoreModel
        }         // LoadExperianLtd

        public ExperianLtd CheckLtdCompanyCache(int userId, string sCompanyRefNum)
            ExperianLtdActionResult ar = m_oServiceClient.Instance.CheckLtdCompanyCache(userId, sCompanyRefNum);

        }         // CheckLtdCompanyCache
        public ComapanyDashboardModel BuildLimitedDashboardModel(ExperianLtdActionResult data, ComapanyDashboardModel oModel = null)
            if (oModel == null)
                oModel = new ComapanyDashboardModel {
                    FinDataHistories = new List <FinDataModel>(),
                    LastFinData      = new FinDataModel(),
                    IsLimited        = true,
                    CompanyHistories = new List <CompanyHistory>()
            }             // if
            var oExperianLtd = data.Value;

            oModel.CompanyName   = oExperianLtd.CompanyName;
            oModel.CompanyRefNum = oExperianLtd.RegisteredNumber;

            oModel.Score      = oExperianLtd.GetCommercialDelphiScore();
            oModel.ScoreColor = CreditBureauModelBuilder.GetScorePositionAndColor(oModel.Score, 100, 0).Color;

            oModel.CcjMonths = oExperianLtd.GetAgeOfMostRecentCCJDecreeMonths();

            oModel.Ccjs            = oExperianLtd.GetNumberOfCcjsInLast24Months();
            oModel.CcjValue        = oExperianLtd.GetSumOfCcjsInLast24Months();
            oModel.OriginationDate = oExperianLtd.GetOriginationDate();
            if (data.History != null)
                foreach (ScoreAtDate scoreAtDate in data.History)
                    oModel.CompanyHistories.Add(new CompanyHistory {
                        Score        = scoreAtDate.Score,
                        Date         = scoreAtDate.Date,
                        ServiceLogId = scoreAtDate.ServiceLogId,
                        Balance      = scoreAtDate.Balance

            List <ExperianLtdDL97> oDL97List = new List <ExperianLtdDL97>();
            List <ExperianLtdDL99> oDL99List = new List <ExperianLtdDL99>();

            foreach (var oKid in oExperianLtd.Children)
                if (typeof(ExperianLtdDL97) == oKid.GetType())
                else if (typeof(ExperianLtdDL99) == oKid.GetType())
                    ExperianLtdDL99 dl99 = (ExperianLtdDL99)oKid;

                    if (dl99.Date.HasValue)
                }         // if
            }             // for each

            string worstStatusAll = "0";

            //Calc and add Cais Balance

            oModel.CaisBalance = 0;

            foreach (var cais in oDL97List)
                var state   = cais.AccountState;
                var balance = cais.CurrentBalance ?? 0;

                // Sum all accounts balance that are not settled
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(state) && state[0] != 'S')
                    oModel.CaisBalance += balance;
                }                 // if

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(state) && state[0] == 'D')
                    oModel.DefaultAmount += cais.DefaultBalance ?? 0;
                    var status      = cais.AccountStatusLast12AccountStatuses ?? string.Empty;
                    var worstStatus = CreditBureauModelBuilder.GetWorstStatus(Regex.Split(status, string.Empty));
                    if (worstStatus != "0")
                        worstStatusAll = CreditBureauModelBuilder.GetWorstStatus(worstStatusAll, worstStatus);
                    }     // if
                }         // if
            }             // for each

            string date;

            oModel.LateStatus = CreditBureauModelBuilder.GetAccountStatusString(worstStatusAll, out date, true);

            // Calc and add tangible equity and adjusted profit

            if (oDL99List.Count > 0)
                // ReSharper disable PossibleInvalidOperationException
                oDL99List.Sort((a, b) => b.Date.Value.CompareTo(a.Date.Value));
                // ReSharper restore PossibleInvalidOperationException

                for (var i = 0; i < oDL99List.Count - 1; i++)
                    ExperianLtdDL99 oCurItem = oDL99List[i];

                    decimal totalShareFund  = oCurItem.TotalShareFund ?? 0;
                    decimal inTngblAssets   = oCurItem.InTngblAssets ?? 0;
                    decimal debtorsDirLoans = oCurItem.DebtorsDirLoans ?? 0;
                    decimal credDirLoans    = oCurItem.CredDirLoans ?? 0;
                    decimal onClDirLoans    = oCurItem.OnClDirLoans ?? 0;

                    decimal tangibleEquity = totalShareFund - inTngblAssets - debtorsDirLoans + credDirLoans + onClDirLoans;

                    if (oDL99List.Count > 1)
                        var oNextItem = oDL99List[i + 1];

                        decimal retainedEarnings     = oCurItem.RetainedEarnings ?? 0;
                        decimal retainedEarningsPrev = oNextItem.RetainedEarnings ?? 0;
                        decimal fixedAssetsPrev      = oNextItem.TngblAssets ?? 0;

                        decimal adjustedProfit = retainedEarnings - retainedEarningsPrev + fixedAssetsPrev / 5;

                        var fin = new FinDataModel {
                            TangibleEquity = tangibleEquity,
                            AdjustedProfit = adjustedProfit,

                        if (i == 0)
                            oModel.LastFinData = fin;
                    }     // if
                }         // for each
            }             // if DL99 has data

        }         // BuildLimitedDashboardModel
        }         // ParseExperianLtd

        public ExperianLtd LoadExperianLtd(long nServiceLogID)
            ExperianLtdActionResult ar = m_oServiceClient.Instance.LoadExperianLtd(nServiceLogID);

        }         // LoadExperianLtd