public ViewModel() { this.Expenditure = new List <Model>(); Expenditure.Add(new Model() { Expense = "E-Mail", Amount = 20d }); Expenditure.Add(new Model() { Expense = "Skype", Amount = 23d }); Expenditure.Add(new Model() { Expense = "Phone", Amount = 12d }); Expenditure.Add(new Model() { Expense = "Sms", Amount = 19d }); Expenditure.Add(new Model() { Expense = "Facebook", Amount = 10d }); Expenditure.Add(new Model() { Expense = "Twitter", Amount = 10d }); Expenditure.Add(new Model() { Expense = "LinkedIn", Amount = 9d }); }
public PieChartViewModel() { this.Expenditure = new List <CompanyExpense>(); Expenditure.Add(new CompanyExpense() { Expense = "Seeds", Amount = 20d }); Expenditure.Add(new CompanyExpense() { Expense = "Fertilizers ", Amount = 23d }); Expenditure.Add(new CompanyExpense() { Expense = "Insurance", Amount = 12d }); Expenditure.Add(new CompanyExpense() { Expense = "Labor", Amount = 25d }); Expenditure.Add(new CompanyExpense() { Expense = "Warehousing", Amount = 10d }); Expenditure.Add(new CompanyExpense() { Expense = "Taxes", Amount = 10d }); Expenditure.Add(new CompanyExpense() { Expense = "Truck", Amount = 10d }); }
public ViewModel_4() { this.Expenditure = new List <Model_4>(); double total = 0; try { string conString = "Data Source=THEPUNISHER;Initial Catalog=OeuvresSociales2;Integrated Security=True"; SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(conString); if (connect.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { connect.Open(); } string Query = "SELECT count(*) AS 'Nombre Demandes'"; Query += " FROM DemandePrime D INNER JOIN TypePrime T"; Query += " ON D.CodePrime=T.CodePrime"; Query += " INNER JOIN PV P"; Query += " ON D.pv_codepv = P.CodePV"; Query += " WHERE D.EtatDem = 'A' AND P.DatePV BETWEEN "; Query += " '" + dateConvert(Diagram.DEBUT) + "' AND '" + dateConvert(Diagram.FIN) + "'"; Query += " GROUP BY T.CodePrime,T.désignationPrime"; SqlCommand mycommand = new SqlCommand(Query, connect); SqlDataReader reader = mycommand.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { total += double.Parse(reader["Nombre Demandes"].ToString()); } reader.Close(); Query = "SELECT T.CodePrime, T.DésignationPrime, count(*) AS 'Nombre Demandes'"; Query += " FROM DemandePrime D INNER JOIN TypePrime T"; Query += " ON D.CodePrime=T.CodePrime"; Query += " INNER JOIN PV P"; Query += " ON D.pv_codepv = P.CodePV"; Query += " WHERE D.EtatDem = 'A' AND P.DatePV BETWEEN "; Query += " '" + dateConvert(Diagram.DEBUT) + "' AND '" + dateConvert(Diagram.FIN) + "'"; Query += " GROUP BY T.CodePrime,T.désignationPrime"; mycommand = new SqlCommand(Query, connect); reader = mycommand.ExecuteReader(); int i = 1; while (reader.Read()) { Expenditure.Add(new Model_4() { Expense = getType(i), Amount = double.Parse(reader["Nombre Demandes"].ToString()) / total * 100 }); i++; } if (connect.State == ConnectionState.Open) { connect.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } //Expenditure.Add(new Model_4() { Expense = getType(1), Amount = nbLigne("DemandePrime", "CodePrime=1") / total * 100 }); //Expenditure.Add(new Model_4() { Expense = getType(2), Amount = nbLigne("DemandePrime", "CodePrime=2") / total * 100 }); //Expenditure.Add(new Model_4() { Expense = getType(3), Amount = nbLigne("DemandePrime", "CodePrime=3") / total * 100 }); //Expenditure.Add(new Model_4() { Expense = getType(4), Amount = nbLigne("DemandePrime", "CodePrime=4") / total * 100 }); //Expenditure.Add(new Model_4() { Expense = getType(5), Amount = nbLigne("DemandePrime", "CodePrime=5") / total * 100 }); //Expenditure.Add(new Model_4() { Expense = getType(6), Amount = nbLigne("DemandePrime", "CodePrime=6") / total * 100 }); //Expenditure.Add(new Model_4() { Expense = getType(7), Amount = nbLigne("DemandePrime", "CodePrime=7") / total * 100 }); }
public PieChartViewModel() { this.Expenditure = new List <CompanyExpense>(); Expenditure.Add(new CompanyExpense() { Expense = "Seeds", Amount = 7658d }); Expenditure.Add(new CompanyExpense() { Expense = "Fertilizers", Amount = 7090d }); Expenditure.Add(new CompanyExpense() { Expense = "Insurance", Amount = 3577d }); Expenditure.Add(new CompanyExpense() { Expense = "Labor", Amount = 1473d }); Expenditure.Add(new CompanyExpense() { Expense = "Warehousing", Amount = 820d }); Expenditure.Add(new CompanyExpense() { Expense = "Taxes", Amount = 571d }); Expenditure.Add(new CompanyExpense() { Expense = "Truck", Amount = 462d }); CompanyDetails = new List <CompanyDetail>(); CompanyDetails.Add(new CompanyDetail() { CompanyName = "Rolls Royce", CompanyTurnover = 750000 }); CompanyDetails.Add(new CompanyDetail() { CompanyName = "Benz", CompanyTurnover = 500000 }); CompanyDetails.Add(new CompanyDetail() { CompanyName = "Audi", CompanyTurnover = 450000 }); CompanyDetails.Add(new CompanyDetail() { CompanyName = "BMW", CompanyTurnover = 700000 }); CompanyDetails.Add(new CompanyDetail() { CompanyName = "Mahindra", CompanyTurnover = 350000 }); CompanyDetails.Add(new CompanyDetail() { CompanyName = "Jaguar", CompanyTurnover = 650000 }); CompanyDetails.Add(new CompanyDetail() { CompanyName = "Hero Honda", CompanyTurnover = 250000 }); Metric = new List <Metrics>(); Metric.Add(new Metrics() { ResponseTime = 43, Utilization = 32 }); Metric.Add(new Metrics() { ResponseTime = 20, Utilization = 34 }); Metric.Add(new Metrics() { ResponseTime = 67, Utilization = 41 }); Metric.Add(new Metrics() { ResponseTime = 52, Utilization = 42 }); Metric.Add(new Metrics() { ResponseTime = 71, Utilization = 48 }); Metric.Add(new Metrics() { ResponseTime = 30, Utilization = 45 }); this.Population = new List <Populations>(); Population.Add(new Populations() { Continent = "Asia", Countries = "China", States = "Taiwan", PopulationinContinents = 50.02, PopulationinCountries = 26.02, PopulationinStates = 18.02 }); Population.Add(new Populations() { Continent = "Africa", Countries = "India", States = "Shandong", PopulationinContinents = 20.81, PopulationinCountries = 24, PopulationinStates = 8 }); Population.Add(new Populations() { Continent = "Europe", Countries = "Nigeria", States = "UP", PopulationinContinents = 15.37, PopulationinCountries = 12.81, PopulationinStates = 14.5 }); Population.Add(new Populations() { Countries = "Ethiopia", States = "Maharashtra", PopulationinCountries = 8, PopulationinStates = 9.5 }); Population.Add(new Populations() { Countries = "Germany", States = "Kano", PopulationinCountries = 8.37, PopulationinStates = 7.81 }); Population.Add(new Populations() { Countries = "Turkey", States = "Lagos", PopulationinCountries = 7, PopulationinStates = 5 }); Population.Add(new Populations() { States = "Oromia", PopulationinStates = 5 }); Population.Add(new Populations() { States = "Amhara", PopulationinStates = 3 }); Population.Add(new Populations() { States = "Hessen", PopulationinStates = 5.37 }); Population.Add(new Populations() { States = "Bayern", PopulationinStates = 3 }); Population.Add(new Populations() { States = "Istanbul", PopulationinStates = 4.5 }); Population.Add(new Populations() { States = "Ankara", PopulationinStates = 2.5 }); AdornmentsFac = new ResourceFactory(); AdornmentInfo = new ChartAdornmentInfo(); AdornmentInfo1 = new ChartAdornmentInfo(); AdornmentInfo2 = new ChartAdornmentInfo(); AdornmentInfo3 = new ChartAdornmentInfo(); AdornmentInfo4 = new ChartAdornmentInfo(); AdornmentInfo5 = new ChartAdornmentInfo(); AdornmentInfo6 = new ChartAdornmentInfo(); AdornmentInfo7 = new ChartAdornmentInfo(); AdornmentInfo8 = new ChartAdornmentInfo(); AdornmentInfo9 = new ChartAdornmentInfo(); AdornmentInfo10 = new ChartAdornmentInfo(); AdornmentInfo11 = new ChartAdornmentInfo(); AdornmentInfo.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; AdornmentInfo.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; AdornmentInfo.ShowConnectorLine = true; AdornmentInfo.UseSeriesPalette = true; AdornmentInfo.ConnectorHeight = 30; AdornmentInfo.ShowLabel = true; AdornmentInfo.SegmentLabelContent = LabelContent.LabelContentPath; AdornmentInfo.LabelTemplate = AdornmentsFac.labelTemplate8; AdornmentInfo1.ShowLabel = true; AdornmentInfo1.FontSize = 10; AdornmentInfo1.SegmentLabelContent = LabelContent.LabelContentPath; AdornmentInfo1.LabelTemplate = AdornmentsFac.labelTemplate21; AdornmentInfo2.ShowLabel = true; AdornmentInfo2.FontSize = 10; AdornmentInfo2.SegmentLabelContent = LabelContent.LabelContentPath; AdornmentInfo2.LabelTemplate = AdornmentsFac.labelTemplate22; AdornmentInfo3.ShowLabel = true; AdornmentInfo3.FontSize = 10; AdornmentInfo3.SegmentLabelContent = LabelContent.LabelContentPath; AdornmentInfo3.LabelTemplate = AdornmentsFac.labelTemplate23; AdornmentInfo4.ShowLabel = true; AdornmentInfo4.SegmentLabelContent = LabelContent.Percentage; AdornmentInfo4.SegmentLabelFormat = "##.#"; AdornmentInfo4.AdornmentsPosition = AdornmentsPosition.Bottom; AdornmentInfo4.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; AdornmentInfo4.ConnectorHeight = 30; AdornmentInfo4.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; AdornmentInfo4.ShowConnectorLine = true; AdornmentInfo4.UseSeriesPalette = true; AdornmentInfo5.ShowLabel = true; AdornmentInfo5.UseSeriesPalette = true; AdornmentInfo6.ShowLabel = true; AdornmentInfo6.SegmentLabelContent = LabelContent.LabelContentPath; AdornmentInfo6.AdornmentsPosition = AdornmentsPosition.Bottom; AdornmentInfo6.LabelTemplate = AdornmentsFac.labelTemplate21; AdornmentInfo7.ShowLabel = true; AdornmentInfo7.SegmentLabelContent = LabelContent.LabelContentPath; AdornmentInfo7.AdornmentsPosition = AdornmentsPosition.Bottom; AdornmentInfo7.LabelTemplate = AdornmentsFac.labelTemplate22; AdornmentInfo8.ShowLabel = true; AdornmentInfo8.SegmentLabelContent = LabelContent.LabelContentPath; AdornmentInfo8.AdornmentsPosition = AdornmentsPosition.Bottom; AdornmentInfo8.LabelTemplate = AdornmentsFac.labelTemplate23; AdornmentInfo9.ShowLabel = true; AdornmentInfo9.ShowConnectorLine = true; AdornmentInfo9.UseSeriesPalette = true; AdornmentInfo9.ConnectorHeight = 17; AdornmentInfo10.ShowLabel = true; AdornmentInfo11.ShowLabel = true; }