public void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
            int version = reader.ReadInt();

            switch (version)
            case 3:
                LockWithdrawalAmount = reader.ReadBool();
                goto case 2;

            case 2:
                Insured = reader.ReadBool();
                goto case 1;

            //case 1: added reference for loottype of parent object, as well as columns to display on gump
            case 1:
                LootType       = (LootType)reader.ReadInt();
                DisplayColumns = reader.ReadInt();
                goto case 0;

            case 0:
                Label      = reader.ReadString();
                Dynamic    = reader.ReadBool();
                OfferDeeds = reader.ReadBool();

                WithdrawAmount    = reader.ReadInt();
                MinWithdrawAmount = reader.ReadInt();

                int entrycount = reader.ReadInt();

                //read in the active items
                if (entrycount > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < entrycount; i++)
                        //dynamically create store entries, ore derived ones, based on the type name stored in the serial data, then add it to the serial data reader

                        //WARNING... this is very delicate!!  if an improper type name was saved to the serial data (eg. if a tool or resource used to belong to a tool, and was removed from the shard) then an exception will be thrown here.
                        //be sure to remove any and all tool types from keys, and cycle a world load/save before taking that class out

                        StoreEntry entry = (StoreEntry)Activator.CreateInstance(ScriptCompiler.FindTypeByName(reader.ReadString()), new object[] { reader });

                        //register this store with the entry for refresh purposes
                        entry.Store = this;

                //read in the expelled items

                entrycount = reader.ReadInt();

                if (entrycount > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < entrycount; i++)
                        StoreEntry entry = (StoreEntry)Activator.CreateInstance(ScriptCompiler.FindTypeByName(reader.ReadString()), new object[] { reader });
                        //register this store with the entry for refresh purposes
                        entry.Store = this;

        }        //deserialize
        //this synchronizes the item store with a specified list of item entries.  this is done to allow a scripter to on-the-fly
        //modify the contents of any object containing an item store without having to manually reorganize the data entries of all
        //instanced objects in the world save data
        public void SynchronizeStore(List <StoreEntry> synchentries)
            //Idea: stick current active store entry list in a temporary location, and rebuild the list using the
            //synchentries list data.  Pull amount info from the temporary list (if it exists there) and remove that entry
            //from the temporary list.  Finally, put any leftover entries in the temporary list into the expel list, to
            //be claimed externally the next time the device implementing this list is used.

            //store the current world loaded list into a temporary list
            List <StoreEntry> templist = StoreEntry.CloneList(_StoreEntries);

            //clear the current list so it's ready to be written to
            _StoreEntries = new List <StoreEntry>();

            //begin generating new list based on synch entries parameter
            foreach (StoreEntry entry in synchentries)
                //use clone constructor
                StoreEntry newentry = entry.Clone();

                //find a matching item entry in the temporary list
                int matchingindex = StoreEntry.IndexOfType(templist, entry.Type);

                if (matchingindex > -1)
                    //special treatment: if the entry is a list entry, then transfer the contained list too
                    if (entry is ListEntry && templist[matchingindex] is ListEntry)
                        //transfer over a clone copy of all item list entries
                    //special treatment: if the entry is a stash entry, then transfer the contained list too
                    else if (entry is StashEntry && templist[matchingindex] is StashEntry)
                        //transfer over a clone copy of all the item stash entries
                        //transfer over the amount into the new listing
                        entry.Amount = templist[matchingindex].Amount;


                //add this to the finished product list
                //register entry with this store for refresh purposes
                entry.Store = this;

            //finally, store the leftovers in the expel list
            foreach (StoreEntry entry in templist)
                if (entry.Amount > 0)                           //note, this will automatically ignore all column separators
                    int matchingindex = StoreEntry.IndexOfType(ExpelStoreEntries, entry.Type);
                    if (matchingindex > -1)
                        //append amount to existing entry in expel list
                        ExpelStoreEntries[matchingindex].Amount += entry.Amount;
                        //add new entry to the expel list
