/// <summary> /// Expands the GroupBox</summary> public void Expand() { if (!IsCollapsed) { return; } Expanding.Raise(this, EventArgs.Empty); foreach (Control child in Controls) { if (ReferenceEquals(child, m_btn)) { continue; } child.Show(); } MinimumSize = new Size(m_prevMinSize.Width, m_prevMinSize.Height); base.Height = LastHeight; LastHeight = CollapseHeight; IsCollapsed = false; Invalidate(); m_btn.Invalidate(); Expanded.Raise(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
public override void Initialize() { Speed = 1f; EndSize = 10f; movementFunction = Linear; DamagePerFrame = 1f; HalfLoopDuration = 0.5f; Expanding.Initialize(this); animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); }
private void OnNodeExpanding(TreeViewNode sender, object args) { var treeViewExpandingEventArgs = new TreeViewExpandingEventArgs(sender); if (ListControl != null) { if (ContainerFromNode(sender) is TreeViewItem expandingTvi) { if (!expandingTvi.IsExpanded) { expandingTvi.IsExpanded = true; } //Update TemplateSettings properties var templateSettings = expandingTvi.TreeViewItemTemplateSettings; templateSettings.ExpandedGlyphVisibility = Visibility.Visible; templateSettings.CollapsedGlyphVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } Expanding?.Invoke(this, treeViewExpandingEventArgs); } }
protected void RaiseExpandingEvent(Expander container) { Expanding?.Invoke(this, new ExpanderExpandingEventArgs()); // Uno Doc: We won't use null for args like WinUI }
/// <summary> /// Common native callback for Task Dialogs. /// Will route events to the user event handler. /// </summary> /// <param name="refData">TODO: Currently unused, would need complex marshaling of data.</param> internal IntPtr CommonCallbackProc(IntPtr hWnd, uint uEvent, UIntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, IntPtr refData) { _hwnd = hWnd; //Handle event switch ((NativeMethods.TaskDialogNotification)uEvent) { case NativeMethods.TaskDialogNotification.TDN_CREATED: //Dispatch buffered messages DispatchMessageQueue(); Created?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); break; case NativeMethods.TaskDialogNotification.TDN_NAVIGATED: //Dispatch buffered messages (copied in from the new task dialog we are navigating to) DispatchMessageQueue(); Navigating?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); break; case NativeMethods.TaskDialogNotification.TDN_BUTTON_CLICKED: var evtButtonClick = ButtonClick; if (evtButtonClick != null) { ClickEventArgs args = new ClickEventArgs((int)wParam); evtButtonClick(this, args); //Return value given by user to prevent closing (false will close) return((IntPtr)((args.PreventClosing) ? 1 : 0)); } break; case NativeMethods.TaskDialogNotification.TDN_HYPERLINK_CLICKED: HyperlinkClick?.Invoke(this, new HyperlinkEventArgs(Marshal.PtrToStringUni(lParam))); break; case NativeMethods.TaskDialogNotification.TDN_TIMER: var evtTick = Tick; if (evtTick != null) { var args = new TimerEventArgs((long)wParam); evtTick(this, args); //Return value given by user to reset timer ticks return((IntPtr)((args.ResetCount) ? 1 : 0)); } break; case NativeMethods.TaskDialogNotification.TDN_DESTROYED: //Set dialog as not "showing" and drop handle to window _hwnd = IntPtr.Zero; Destroyed?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); break; case NativeMethods.TaskDialogNotification.TDN_RADIO_BUTTON_CLICKED: RadioButtonClick?.Invoke(this, new ClickEventArgs((int)wParam)); break; case NativeMethods.TaskDialogNotification.TDN_DIALOG_CONSTRUCTED: Constructed?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); break; case NativeMethods.TaskDialogNotification.TDN_VERIFICATION_CLICKED: VerificationClick?.Invoke(this, new CheckEventArgs((uint)wParam == 1)); break; case NativeMethods.TaskDialogNotification.TDN_HELP: Help?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); break; case NativeMethods.TaskDialogNotification.TDN_EXPANDO_BUTTON_CLICKED: Expanding?.Invoke(this, new ExpandEventArgs((uint)wParam != 0)); break; } return(IntPtr.Zero); }