Example #1
 protected internal override void ParseRow(Key key)
     if (opCount > 0)
         throw new AerospikeException.Parse("Received bins that were not requested!");
     listener.OnExists(key, resultCode == 0);
        protected internal override void ParseRow(Key key)
            if (opCount > 0)
                throw new AerospikeException.Parse("Received bins that were not requested!");

            Key keyOrig = keys[batchIndex];

            if (Util.ByteArrayEquals(key.digest, keyOrig.digest))
                listener.OnExists(keyOrig, resultCode == 0);
                throw new AerospikeException.Parse("Unexpected batch key returned: " + key.ns + ',' + ByteUtil.BytesToHexString(key.digest) + ',' + batchIndex);