Example #1
        private void placePrototypeOncePositionClosed(Bar bar)
            bool isBacktesting = this.Executor.Backtester.IsBacktestingNow;

            //WHATS_THE_DIFFERENCE? if (isBacktesting) return;

            if (bar.ParentBarsIndex == 138)

            if (base.HasPositionsOpenNow)

            if (base.HasAlertsPending)
                // only kill pending entries, but leave activated SL & TP for an open position UNTOUCHED !!!!
                ExecutionDataSnapshot snap     = this.Executor.ExecutionDataSnapshot;
                List <Alert>          pendings = snap.AlertsPendingSafeCopy;
                if (pendings.Count > 0)
                    string msg = pendings.Count + " last AlertsPending[" + snap.AlertsPending[pendings.Count - 1] + "]";
                    foreach (Alert alert in pendings)
                        int wasntFilledDuringPastNbars = bar.ParentBarsIndex - alert.PlacedBarIndex;
                        if (wasntFilledDuringPastNbars >= 30)
                            //if (alert.PositionAffected.Prototype != null) {}

            double protoPlacementOffsetPct = 1;
            double TPpct  = 2;
            double SLpct  = -1;
            double SLApct = -0.8;

            double protoPlacement = bar.Close + bar.Close * protoPlacementOffsetPct / 100;
            double TP             = bar.Close * TPpct / 100;
            double SL             = bar.Close * SLpct / 100;
            double SLactivation   = bar.Close * SLApct / 100;

            SLactivation = 0;                   // when SLactivation == 0 Prototype generates Stop alert instead of StopLoss

            PositionPrototype protoLong  = new PositionPrototype(this.Bars.Symbol, PositionLongShort.Long, protoPlacement, TP, SL, SLactivation);
            PositionPrototype protoShort = new PositionPrototype(this.Bars.Symbol, PositionLongShort.Short, -protoPlacement, TP, SL, SLactivation);
            //PositionPrototype protoFixed = new PositionPrototype(this.Bars.Symbol, PositionLongShort.Long, 158000, +150.0, -50.0, -40.0);

            //PositionPrototype proto = barNewStaticArrived.Close < 158000 ? protoLong : protoShort;
            PositionPrototype proto = protoLong;

        public void ConsumeQuoteOfStreamingBar(Quote quote)
            //Bar barLastFormed = quoteToReach.ParentStreamingBar;
            ExecutionDataSnapshot snap = this.backtester.Executor.ExecutionDataSnapshot;

            foreach (Indicator indicator in snap.Indicators.Values)
                try {
                } catch (Exception ex) {

            if (snap.AlertsPending.Count > 0)
                var dumped = snap.DumpPendingAlertsIntoPendingHistoryByBar();
                if (dumped > 0)
                    //string msg = "here is at least one reason why dumping on fresh quoteToReach makes sense"
                    //    + " if we never reach this breakpoint the remove dump() from here"
                    //    + " but I don't see a need to invoke it since we dumped pendings already after OnNewBarCallback";
                    string msg = "DUMPED_BEFORE_SCRIPT_EXECUTION_ON_NEW_BAR_OR_QUOTE";
                int pendingCountPre = this.backtester.Executor.ExecutionDataSnapshot.AlertsPending.Count;
                int pendingFilled   = this.backtester.Executor.MarketSimStreaming.SimulatePendingFill(quote);
                int pendingCountNow = this.backtester.Executor.ExecutionDataSnapshot.AlertsPending.Count;
                if (pendingCountNow != pendingCountPre - pendingFilled)
                    string msg = "NOT_ONLY it looks like AnnihilateCounterparty worked out!";
                if (pendingCountNow > 0)
                    string msg = "pending=[" + pendingCountNow + "], it must be prototype-induced 2 closing TP & SL";
            ReporterPokeUnit pokeUnit = this.backtester.Executor.ExecuteOnNewBarOrNewQuote(quote);
        public void ConsumeBarLastStraticJustFormedWhileStreamingBarWithOneQuoteAlreadyAppended(Bar barLastFormed)
            if (barLastFormed == null)
                string msg = "Backtester starts generating quotes => first StreamingBar is added; for first four Quotes there's no static barsFormed yet!! Isi";
            //INVOCATION_WONT_DO_ANY_JOB this.simulatePendingFillPreExecuteEveryTick(null);
            ExecutionDataSnapshot snap = this.backtester.Executor.ExecutionDataSnapshot;

            foreach (Indicator indicator in snap.Indicators.Values)
                if (indicator.NotOnChartBarsKey == null)
                    string msg = "Generate quotes for the Non-Chart-Bars and feed them into your indicators!";

        public override void OnBarStaticLastFormedWhileStreamingBarWithOneQuoteAlreadyAppendedCallback(Bar barStaticFormed)
            Bar barStreaming = base.Bars.BarStreaming;

            if (this.Executor.Backtester.IsBacktestingNow == false)
            if (barStaticFormed.ParentBarsIndex <= 2)
            if (barStaticFormed.IsBarStreaming)
                string msg = "SHOULD_NEVER_HAPPEN [email protected][" + barStaticFormed + "] while Streaming[" + barStreaming + "]";

            Position lastPos = base.LastPosition;
            bool     isLastPositionNotClosedYet = base.IsLastPositionNotClosedYet;

            if (isLastPositionNotClosedYet)
                if (lastPos.EntryFilledBarIndex > barStaticFormed.ParentBarsIndex)
                    string msg1 = "prev bar you placed on streaming, now that streaming is static and positionEntry is still in the future but you have it filled?...";

                if (lastPos.ExitAlert != null)
                    string msg1 = "you want to avoid POSITION_ALREADY_HAS_AN_EXIT_ALERT_REPLACE_INSTEAD_OF_ADDING_SECOND"
                                  + " ExitAtMarket by throwing [can't have two closing alerts for one positionExit] Strategy[" + this.Strategy.ToString() + "]";

                if (barStaticFormed.ParentBarsIndex == 163)
                    StreamingDataSnapshot streaming = this.Executor.DataSource.StreamingProvider.StreamingDataSnapshot;
                    Quote  lastQuote           = streaming.LastQuoteGetForSymbol(barStaticFormed.Symbol);
                    double priceForMarketOrder = streaming.LastQuoteGetPriceForMarketOrder(barStaticFormed.Symbol);

                string msg        = "ExitAtMarket@" + barStaticFormed.ParentBarsIdent;
                Alert  exitPlaced = ExitAtMarket(barStreaming, lastPos, msg);
                log("Execute(): " + msg);

            ExecutionDataSnapshot snap = base.Executor.ExecutionDataSnapshot;
            int alertsPendingCount     = snap.AlertsPending.Count;
            int positionsOpenNowCount  = snap.PositionsOpenNow.Count;

            bool hasAlertsPendingOrPositionsOpenNow = base.HasAlertsPendingOrPositionsOpenNow;

            if (hasAlertsPendingOrPositionsOpenNow)
                if (alertsPendingCount > 0)
                    if (snap.AlertsPending[0] == lastPos.EntryAlert)
                        string msg = "EXPECTED: I don't have open positions but I have an unfilled alert from lastPosition.EntryAlert=alertsPending[0]";
                    else if (snap.AlertsPending[0] == lastPos.ExitAlert)
                        string msg = "EXPECTED: I have and open lastPosition with .ExitAlert=alertsPending[0]";
                        string msg = "UNEXPECTED: pending alert doesn't relate to lastPosition; who is here?";
                if (positionsOpenNowCount > 1)
                    string msg = "EXPECTED: I got multiple positions[" + positionsOpenNowCount + "]";
                    if (snap.PositionsOpenNow[0] == lastPos)
                        msg += "50/50: positionsMaster.Last = positionsOpenNow.First";

            if (barStaticFormed.ParentBarsIndex == 30)
                StreamingDataSnapshot streaming = this.Executor.DataSource.StreamingProvider.StreamingDataSnapshot;
                Quote  lastQuote           = streaming.LastQuoteGetForSymbol(barStaticFormed.Symbol);
                double priceForMarketOrder = streaming.LastQuoteGetPriceForMarketOrder(barStaticFormed.Symbol);

            if (barStaticFormed.Close > barStaticFormed.Open)
                string   msg       = "BuyAtMarket@" + barStaticFormed.ParentBarsIdent;
                Position buyPlaced = BuyAtMarket(barStreaming, msg);
                string   msg         = "ShortAtMarket@" + barStaticFormed.ParentBarsIdent;
                Position shortPlaced = ShortAtMarket(barStreaming, msg);