/// <summary> /// Adds the executing action with the specified ID to the schedule. /// </summary> /// <param name="action">The ID of the action that should be added.</param> /// <returns>The vertex that contains the information about the given action.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// Thrown if <paramref name="action"/> is <see langword="null" />. /// </exception> public ExecutingActionVertex AddExecutingAction(ScheduleElementId action) { { Lokad.Enforce.Argument(() => action); } var result = new ExecutingActionVertex(m_Schedule.VertexCount, action); m_Schedule.AddVertex(result); return(result); }
private static Schedule CreateScheduleGraphWithOuterAndInnerLoop( ScheduleConditionInformation outerLoopConditionInfo, ScheduleConditionInformation innerLoopConditionInfo, ScheduleActionInformation outerLoopInfo, ScheduleActionInformation innerLoopInfo) { var graph = new BidirectionalGraph <IScheduleVertex, ScheduleEdge>(); var start = new StartVertex(1); graph.AddVertex(start); var end = new EndVertex(2); graph.AddVertex(end); var vertex1 = new InsertVertex(3); graph.AddVertex(vertex1); var vertex2 = new InsertVertex(4); graph.AddVertex(vertex2); var vertex3 = new ExecutingActionVertex(5, outerLoopInfo.Id); graph.AddVertex(vertex3); var vertex4 = new InsertVertex(6); graph.AddVertex(vertex4); var vertex5 = new ExecutingActionVertex(7, innerLoopInfo.Id); graph.AddVertex(vertex5); graph.AddEdge(new ScheduleEdge(start, vertex1)); graph.AddEdge(new ScheduleEdge(vertex1, vertex2)); graph.AddEdge(new ScheduleEdge(vertex2, end, outerLoopConditionInfo.Id)); graph.AddEdge(new ScheduleEdge(vertex2, vertex3)); graph.AddEdge(new ScheduleEdge(vertex3, vertex1, innerLoopConditionInfo.Id)); graph.AddEdge(new ScheduleEdge(vertex3, vertex4)); graph.AddEdge(new ScheduleEdge(vertex4, vertex5)); graph.AddEdge(new ScheduleEdge(vertex5, vertex3)); return(new Schedule(graph, start, end)); }
public void RunWithLoop() { bool passThrough = false; var condition = new Mock <IScheduleCondition>(); { condition.Setup(c => c.CanTraverse(It.IsAny <CancellationToken>())) .Returns(() => passThrough); } var conditionStorage = ScheduleConditionStorage.CreateInstanceWithoutTimeline(); var conditionInfo = conditionStorage.Add(condition.Object, "a", "b"); var action = new Mock <IScheduleAction>(); { action.Setup(a => a.Execute(It.IsAny <CancellationToken>())) .Callback(() => passThrough = true); } var collection = ScheduleActionStorage.CreateInstanceWithoutTimeline(); var info = collection.Add( action.Object, "a", "b"); // Making a schedule that looks like: // start -> node1 --> node2 -> end // ^ | // |-- node3 <-| Schedule schedule; { var graph = new BidirectionalGraph <IScheduleVertex, ScheduleEdge>(); var start = new StartVertex(1); graph.AddVertex(start); var end = new EndVertex(2); graph.AddVertex(end); var vertex1 = new InsertVertex(3); graph.AddVertex(vertex1); var vertex2 = new InsertVertex(4); graph.AddVertex(vertex2); var vertex3 = new ExecutingActionVertex(5, info.Id); graph.AddVertex(vertex3); graph.AddEdge(new ScheduleEdge(start, vertex1)); graph.AddEdge(new ScheduleEdge(vertex1, vertex2)); graph.AddEdge(new ScheduleEdge(vertex2, end, conditionInfo.Id)); graph.AddEdge(new ScheduleEdge(vertex2, vertex3)); graph.AddEdge(new ScheduleEdge(vertex3, vertex1)); schedule = new Schedule(graph, start, end); } using (var executionInfo = new ScheduleExecutionInfo(new CurrentThreadTaskScheduler())) { using (var executor = new ScheduleExecutor( new List <IProcesExecutableScheduleVertices> { new StartVertexProcessor(), new EndVertexProcessor(), new InsertVertexProcessor(), new ActionVertexProcessor(collection), }, conditionStorage, schedule, new ScheduleId(), executionInfo)) { var executionOrder = new List <int>(); executor.OnVertexProcess += (s, e) => executionOrder.Add(e.Vertex); executor.Start(); Assert.That(executionOrder, Is.EquivalentTo(new[] { 1, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 2 })); } } }
private static Schedule BuildSchedule( ScheduleElementId action1, ScheduleElementId action2, ScheduleId scheduleId, ScheduleElementId exitCondition, ScheduleElementId passThroughCondition) { var variable = new Mock <IScheduleVariable>(); // Making a schedule that looks like: // start --> node1 -----------------------> node2 -> end // ^ | // |-- node5 <-- node4 <-- node3<-| // ^ | // node7--| |-> node6 // ^ | // |--------------| Schedule schedule = null; { var graph = new BidirectionalGraph <IScheduleVertex, ScheduleEdge>(); var start = new StartVertex(1); graph.AddVertex(start); var end = new EndVertex(2); graph.AddVertex(end); var vertex1 = new ExecutingActionVertex(3, action1); graph.AddVertex(vertex1); var vertex2 = new ExecutingActionVertex(4, action2); graph.AddVertex(vertex2); var vertex3 = new SynchronizationStartVertex(5, new IScheduleVariable[] { variable.Object }); graph.AddVertex(vertex3); var vertex4 = new ExecutingActionVertex(6, action2); graph.AddVertex(vertex4); var vertex5 = new SynchronizationEndVertex(7); graph.AddVertex(vertex5); var vertex6 = new SubScheduleVertex(8, scheduleId); graph.AddVertex(vertex6); var vertex7 = new InsertVertex(9); graph.AddVertex(vertex7); graph.AddEdge(new ScheduleEdge(start, vertex1)); graph.AddEdge(new ScheduleEdge(vertex1, vertex2)); graph.AddEdge(new ScheduleEdge(vertex2, end, exitCondition)); graph.AddEdge(new ScheduleEdge(vertex2, vertex3)); graph.AddEdge(new ScheduleEdge(vertex3, vertex4)); graph.AddEdge(new ScheduleEdge(vertex4, vertex5, passThroughCondition)); graph.AddEdge(new ScheduleEdge(vertex4, vertex6)); graph.AddEdge(new ScheduleEdge(vertex5, vertex1)); graph.AddEdge(new ScheduleEdge(vertex6, vertex7)); graph.AddEdge(new ScheduleEdge(vertex7, vertex4)); schedule = new Schedule(graph, start, end); } return(schedule); }