Example #1
		public static void ExecuteAction(ExecuteResultSet rlt, WcfAction action)
			ActionExecutor exe = GetExecutor(action);
			if (exe != null)
Example #2
		public static ExecuteResultSet ExecuteActions(Collection<WcfAction> actions)
			ExecuteResultSet rlt = new ExecuteResultSet();
			if (actions != null)
				foreach (WcfAction action in actions)
					ExecuteAction(rlt, action);
			return rlt;
        private async Task FetchJobNextResultAsync()
            var fetchResponse = await Connection.SqlSession.FetchResultAsync(_jobId, ++_token);

            if (fetchResponse is null)
                throw new FlinkSqlException("fetch result failed");

            _nextResultUri = fetchResponse.NextResultUri;

            _currentResultSet = fetchResponse.Results is null ? null : fetchResponse.Results[0];
            _currentReadIndex = -1;
        private FlinkSqlDataReader(FlinkSqlCommand sqlCommand, CommandBehavior behavior, string jobId, ExecuteResultSet resultSet)
            Command  = sqlCommand ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sqlCommand));
            Behavior = behavior;

            _jobId            = jobId;
            _currentResultSet = resultSet;

            // with jobId fetch the first result to get column infos
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(jobId))
                Func <Task> fetchJobFirstResultFunc = () => FetchJobNextResultAsync();
