public void OpenStream()
            long exeSize  = ExeUtils.GetCurrentExeVirtualSize();
            long fileSize = ExeUtils.GetCurrentExeDiskSize();

            // Validate size
            if ((exeSize + _cOffsetToken.Length) > fileSize)
                Globals.Throw("Installer exe file size was too short.  It appears the installer did not pack any data. (0094812).");

            byte[] buffer  = new byte[_cOffsetToken.Length];
            string exePath = ExeUtils.GetCurrentExePath();

            // Create stream
            _objFileStream = new System.IO.FileStream(exePath, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read);
            _objReader     = new System.IO.BinaryReader(_objFileStream);

            //_objReader.BaseStream.Seek(exeSize, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
            //Read the binary.
            _binaryData = new byte[exeSize];
            _objReader.Read(_binaryData, 0, _binaryData.Length);

            //Read the token
            _objReader.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

            // Validate Token
            string strToken = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer);

            if (!strToken.Equals(_cOffsetToken))
                //**This is no longer valid.  The uninstaller MUST have the file table and the config (just no files)
                //Globals.Logger.LogError("Installer data token was invalid.  The installer exe computed size may be wrong. OR the user has tried to run the uninstaller without the /u switdch.  App will now exit.", false, true);

                //This will throw
                Globals.Logger.LogError("Error installing/Uninstalling, Invalid binary Token. (01903)", true, true);