public async Task <List <Balance> > GetBalances() { var exchanges = new Exchanges(); var balances = await exchanges.GetBalances(); return(balances); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> public Order(bool error) { if (error == true) { cryptoTrader = new My_CryptoTrader.My_CryptoTrader(); = Exchanges.BITTREX; this.side = OrderType.BUY; = OrderStyle.LIMIT; this.success = false; this.ccyPair = MainCryptos.USDT; this.ccyBase = MainCryptos.BTC; this.amount = 0; this.orderPrice = new Price(error: true); this.message = "ERROR"; this.ID = "ERROR"; this.valueBTC = 0; this.valueUSD = 0; } else { cryptoTrader = new My_CryptoTrader.My_CryptoTrader(); = Exchanges.BITTREX; this.side = OrderType.BUY; = OrderStyle.LIMIT; this.success = false; this.ccyPair = MainCryptos.USDT; this.ccyBase = MainCryptos.BTC; this.amount = 0; this.orderPrice = new Price(error: true); this.message = ""; this.ID = ""; this.valueBTC = 0; this.valueUSD = 0; } }
public static void SaveExchange(Exchanges exc, string value) { dc = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings; switch (exc) { case Exchanges.EurPnd: dc.Values[KEY_EURPND] = value; break; case Exchanges.EurDol: dc.Values[KEY_EURDOL] = value; break; case Exchanges.EurYen: dc.Values[KEY_EURYEN] = value; break; case Exchanges.PndDol: dc.Values[KEY_PNDDOL] = value; break; case Exchanges.DolYen: dc.Values[KEY_DOLYEN] = value; break; case Exchanges.PndYen: dc.Values[KEY_PNDYEN] = value; break; } }
public async Task <Dictionary <string, Yield> > GetCoinYield() { var exchanges = new Exchanges(); var yield = await exchanges.GetCoinYield(); return(yield); }
public async Task <decimal> GetEntryValue() { var exchanges = new Exchanges(); var value = await exchanges.GetEntryValue(); return(value); }
public void addIndicator(Exchanges selectedExchange, Coins selectedCoin, Coins selectedPairing, CandleWidth selectedWidth, Indicators selectedIndicator, IndicatorConditions selectedCondition, double value) { foreach (AlertLayout l in listCellCoin.Children) //in every current layout { if (l.Coin == selectedCoin && l.Pair == selectedPairing && l.Exchange == selectedExchange) // if layout exists with params { foreach (AlertCard c in l.CardGrid.Children) //search for card with same indicator exists { if (c.Indicator == selectedIndicator && c.CandleWidth == selectedWidth) //if card with same indicator and candle width exists { c.addCondition(selectedCondition, value); //just needed to add condition, else it is a new card return; } } //indicator was not found in card list, need to create new one AlertCard _card = new AlertCard(l, selectedWidth, selectedExchange, selectedCoin, selectedPairing, selectedIndicator); _card.addCondition(selectedCondition, value); l.addTo(_card); return; } } AlertLayout alert = new AlertLayout(selectedExchange, selectedCoin, selectedPairing); AlertCard card = new AlertCard(alert, selectedWidth, selectedExchange, selectedCoin, selectedPairing, selectedIndicator); card.addCondition(selectedCondition, value); alert.addTo(card); listCellCoin.Children.Add(alert); reSize(); }
public async Task <List <Transaction> > RecentTransactions() { var exchanges = new Exchanges(); var transactions = await exchanges.GetRecentBinanceTransactions(); return(transactions); }
/// <summary> /// Function that cancel an order placed on bittrex markets, /// identified with its <paramref name="orderId"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="orderId">the ID of the order to cancel.</param> /// <returns> /// a <see cref="Order"/> object, representing the cancelled order /// </returns> override public Order CancelOrder(string currency, string orderId) { BittrexSharp.ResponseWrapper <object> responseCancelOrder; object canceledOrder; OrderType oneOrderType = OrderType.CANCEL; OrderStyle oneOrderStyle = OrderStyle.CANCELLATION; Exchanges oneExchange = Exchanges.BINANCE; MainCryptos ccyBase = (MainCryptos)Enum.Parse(typeof(MainCryptos), currency.ToUpper()); MainCryptos ccyPair = (MainCryptos)Enum.Parse(typeof(MainCryptos), currency.ToUpper());; Order oneNewOrder = new Order(oneExchange, oneOrderType, oneOrderStyle, false, ccyBase, ccyPair, 0, 0); try { responseCancelOrder = this.my_bittrex.CancelOrder(orderId).Result; canceledOrder = this.my_bittrex.CancelOrder(orderId).Result; oneNewOrder.message = responseCancelOrder.Message; oneNewOrder.success = responseCancelOrder.Success; return(oneNewOrder); } catch (Exception exc) { Console.WriteLine(exc.Message); oneNewOrder.message = "ERROR"; oneNewOrder.success = false; return(oneNewOrder); } }
private void listExchange_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (((ListBox)e.Source).SelectedItem != null) { Exchanges ex = (Exchanges)Enum.Parse(typeof(Exchanges), (string)((ImageTextItem)((ListBox)e.Source).SelectedItem).text.Content); if (ex == Exchanges.Binance) { selectedExchange = ex; exchange = binance; } List <ImageTextItem> list = null; if (list == null || list.Count == 0) { list = exchange.GetPairList(); } listPairing.ItemsSource = null; listPairing.ItemsSource = list; gridPairing.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; initSelectionCondition(); } }
/// <summary> /// Function that send an order to <paramref name="side"/>. /// The order is for <paramref name="amount"/> <paramref name="currency"/>, /// at a limit price of <paramref name="price"/>, to bitfinex market /// <paramref name="currency"/> have to be in <see cref="MainCryptos"/> /// <paramref name="amount"/> have to be positive /// <paramref name="price"/> have to be positive /// </summary> /// <param name="currency">the name of the cryptocurrency.</param> /// <param name="amount">amount to buy.</param> /// <param name="price">limit price of the order.</param> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="Order"/> object, representing the new order that has been send to Bitfinex market /// </returns> override public Order NewOrder(string currency, double amount, double price, string side) { OrderType oneOrderType = (OrderType)Enum.Parse(typeof(OrderType), side.ToUpper()); OrderStyle oneOrderStyle = OrderStyle.LIMIT; Exchanges oneExchange = Exchanges.BITFINEX; MainCryptos ccyBase = (MainCryptos)Enum.Parse(typeof(MainCryptos), currency.ToUpper()); MainCryptos ccyPair; Order oneNewOrder; string message = ""; string completeUrl; string market; this.nonce = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds().ToString(); this.endpoint = "order/new"; completeUrl = this.apiV1 + this.endpoint; this.request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, completeUrl); if (ccyBase != MainCryptos.BTC) { market = currency.ToUpper() + "BTC"; ccyPair = MainCryptos.BTC; } else { market = currency.ToUpper() + "USD"; ccyPair = MainCryptos.USDT; } oneNewOrder = new Order(oneExchange, oneOrderType, oneOrderStyle, false, ccyBase, ccyPair, amount, price); this.body.Clear(); this.body.Add("request", "/v1/order/new"); this.body.Add("nonce", nonce.ToString()); this.body.Add("symbol", market); this.body.Add("amount", oneNewOrder.amount.ToString()); this.body.Add("price", oneNewOrder.orderPrice.price.ToString("F5")); this.body.Add("exchange",; this.body.Add("side", oneNewOrder.side.ToString().ToLower()); this.body.Add("type", "exchange market"); this.setRequestHeaders(this.body); this.response = this.client.SendAsync(this.request).Result; this.jStringResponse = this.response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; this.requestResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <dynamic, dynamic> >(this.jStringResponse); if (this.requestResponse.ContainsKey("message")) { message = this.requestResponse["message"]; oneNewOrder.success = false; oneNewOrder.message = message; } else { oneNewOrder.success = true; } return(oneNewOrder); }
public async Task <Dictionary <string, List <Trade> > > GetTrades() { var exchanges = new Exchanges(); var trades = await exchanges.GetTrades(); return(trades); }
public async Task <BinanceAccountInfo> AccountInfo() { var exchanges = new Exchanges(); var accountInfo = await exchanges.GetAccountInfo(); return(accountInfo); }
public void Produce(Exchanges exchangeName, string message, string bindingKey) { if (!Connect()) { throw new Exception("Connection failed!"); } var exName = exchangeName.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(exName)) { Channel.ExchangeDeclare(exName, ExchangeTypeName, false, false, null); } var properties = Channel.CreateBasicProperties(); properties.DeliveryMode = 2; properties.ContentType = "application/json"; var binaryMessage = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message); lock (Channel) { Channel.BasicPublish(exName, bindingKey, properties, binaryMessage); } }
public void Consume(Exchanges exchangeName, Action <object, string> messageHandler, params string[] bindingKeys) { if (!Connect()) { throw new Exception("Connection failed!"); } string exName = exchangeName.ToString(); Channel.ExchangeDeclare(exName, ExchangeTypeName, false, false, null); string queueName = $"{exchangeName.ToString()}_{string.Join("_", bindingKeys)}_{Guid.NewGuid()}"; queueName = (queueName.Length > 255 ? queueName.Substring(0, 254) : queueName); var queue = Channel.QueueDeclare(queueName, false, false, true, _args); string[] strArrays = bindingKeys; for (int i = 0; i < (int)strArrays.Length; i++) { string bindingKey = strArrays[i]; Channel.QueueBind(queue.QueueName, exName, bindingKey, null); } var consumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(Channel); Channel.ContinuationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20); consumer.Received += (model, ea) => messageHandler(model, Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ea.Body)); Channel.BasicConsume(queue.QueueName, true, consumer); }
public ExchangesViewModel() { Exchanges = DbContext.Exchanges.ToList(); FilteredExchanges = new ReactiveList <Exchange>(Exchanges.OrderBy(x => x.Name)); SelectedExchange = Exchanges.First(); var canExecute = this.WhenAny(x => x.SelectedExchange, x => x.Value != null); AddCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(Add); DeleteCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(Delete, canExecute); EditCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(Modify, canExecute); var canSearch = this.WhenAny(x => x.SearchBoxText, x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Value)); this.WhenAnyObservable(x => x.FilteredExchanges.ItemsAdded) .Subscribe(async item => { await ItemsAddedTask(item); }); this.WhenAnyObservable(x => x.FilteredExchanges.ItemsRemoved) .Subscribe(async item => { await ItemsRemovedTask(item); }); DeleteCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => { FilteredExchanges.Remove(SelectedExchange); }); SearchCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(Search, canSearch); this.WhenAny(x => x.SearchBoxText, x => x.Value) .Subscribe(text => { SearchCommand.Execute(); }); }
protected virtual void InitializeExchangesEdit() { Exchanges.Add(new FondExchangeInfo() { Name = "NYSE", Currency = TickerCurrency.USD }); Exchanges.Add(new FondExchangeInfo() { Name = "NASDAQ", Currency = TickerCurrency.USD }); Exchanges.Add(new FondExchangeInfo() { Name = "Xetra", Currency = TickerCurrency.EURO }); Exchanges.Add(new FondExchangeInfo() { Name = "MOEX", Currency = TickerCurrency.RUB }); Exchanges.Add(new FondExchangeInfo() { Name = "SPB", Currency = TickerCurrency.RUB }); ExchangeTextEdit.Properties.DisplayMember = "Name"; ExchangeTextEdit.Properties.ValueMember = "Name"; ExchangeTextEdit.Properties.DataSource = Exchanges; ExchangeTextEdit.EditValueChanged += ExchangeTextEdit_EditValueChanged; }
public AlertLayout(Exchanges Exchange, Coins Coin, Coins Pair) { childList = new List <AlertCard>(); InitializeComponent(); this.Exchange = Exchange; this.Coin = Coin; this.Pair = Pair; Header.alert = this; Header.Exchange = Exchange; Header.Symbol = Coin.ToString() + Pair.ToString(); if (Exchange == Exchanges.Binance) { Binance b = Binance.Instance; exchangeIF = b; } /*AlertCard card = new AlertCard(); * card.KlineWidth = KLineWidth.m5; * card.Indicator = Indicators.RSI; * card.Coin = Coins.ETH; * card.Pair = Coins.BTC; * this.addTo(card);*/ }
public void Initialize(List <string> exchanges) { foreach (var exchange in exchanges) { Exchanges.Add(exchange); } }
public AccountBalancesForm(Exchange exchange) { InitializeComponent(); Text = exchange.Name + " Account Balances"; Exchange = exchange; Exchanges.Add(Exchange); UpdateFilter(); }
public static string ToDescriptionString(this Exchanges val) { DescriptionAttribute[] attributes = (DescriptionAttribute[])val .GetType() .GetField(val.ToString()) .GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false); return(attributes.Length > 0 ? attributes[0].Description : string.Empty); }
public Publisher(IBus bus, ILogger <Publisher> logger, IOptions <Exchanges> exchanges, IOptions <Routings> routings) { _advancedBus = bus.Advanced; _logger = logger; _exchanges = exchanges.Value; _routings = routings.Value; }
public ICryptoExchange this [CryptoExchangeId index] { get { Exchanges.TryGetValue(index, out var exchange); return(exchange); } }
/// <summary> /// Function that cancel an order placed on cex.IO markets, /// identified with its <paramref name="orderId"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="orderId">the ID of the order to cancel.</param> /// <returns> /// a <see cref="Order"/> object, representing the cancelled order /// </returns> override public Order CancelOrder(string currency, string orderId) { string queryJson = ""; string stringResponse; OrderType oneOrderType = OrderType.CANCEL; OrderStyle oneOrderStyle = OrderStyle.CANCELLATION; Exchanges oneExchange = Exchanges.BINANCE; MainCryptos ccyBase = (MainCryptos)Enum.Parse(typeof(MainCryptos), currency.ToUpper()); MainCryptos ccyPair = (MainCryptos)Enum.Parse(typeof(MainCryptos), currency.ToUpper());; Order oneNewOrder = new Order(oneExchange, oneOrderType, oneOrderStyle, false, ccyBase, ccyPair, 0, 0); this.nonce = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds(); this.endpoint = "cancel_order/"; this.httpRequest = new System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage(System.Net.Http.HttpMethod.Post, this.api + this.endpoint); this.hexHash = this.getSignature(this.nonce); this.bodyRequest.Clear(); this.bodyRequest.Add("key", this.apiKey); this.bodyRequest.Add("signature", this.hexHash); this.bodyRequest.Add("nonce", this.nonce.ToString()); this.bodyRequest.Add("id", orderId); queryJson = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this.bodyRequest); this.httpRequest.Content = new System.Net.Http.StringContent(queryJson, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); this.httpRequest.Content.Headers.Add("key", this.apiKey); this.httpRequest.Content.Headers.Add("signature", this.hexHash); this.httpRequest.Content.Headers.Add("nonce", this.nonce.ToString()); this.httpRequest.Content.Headers.Add("currency", currency); this.httpResponse = this.httpClient.SendAsync(this.httpRequest).Result; stringResponse = this.httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; try { this.responseRequest = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <dynamic, dynamic> >(stringResponse); oneNewOrder.message = this.responseRequest["data"]; oneNewOrder.success = true; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); this.responseRequest = new Dictionary <dynamic, dynamic>() { { "ERROR", "ERROR" } }; oneNewOrder.message = "ERROR"; oneNewOrder.success = false; } return(oneNewOrder); }
/// <summary> /// Function that send <paramref name="amount"/> <paramref name="currency"/>, /// to the specified <paramref name="adress"/> /// <paramref name="currency"/> have to be in <see cref="MainCryptos"/> /// <paramref name="amount"/> have to be positive /// </summary> /// <param name="currency">the name of the cryptocurrency.</param> /// <param name="amount">amount to buy.</param> /// <param name="currency">the crypto currency to send.</param> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="Order"/> object representing the sending. /// </returns> override public Order SendCryptos(string adress, string currency, double amount) { OrderType oneOrderType = OrderType.SEND; OrderStyle oneOrderStyle = OrderStyle.WITHDRAWAL; Exchanges oneExchange = Exchanges.BINANCE; MainCryptos ccyBase = (MainCryptos)Enum.Parse(typeof(MainCryptos), currency.ToUpper()); MainCryptos ccyPair = (MainCryptos)Enum.Parse(typeof(MainCryptos), currency.ToUpper()); Order oneNewOrder; string stringResponse = ""; oneNewOrder = new Order(oneExchange, oneOrderType, oneOrderStyle, false, ccyBase, ccyPair, amount, 0); this.endpoint = "wapi/v3/withdraw.html"; this.queryString = ""; this.bodyRequest.Clear(); this.bodyRequest.Add("asset", currency); this.bodyRequest.Add("address", adress); this.bodyRequest.Add("amount", amount.ToString()); this.bodyRequest.Add("recvWindow", 1000000.ToString()); this.bodyRequest.Add("timestamp", (DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds()).ToString()); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> row in this.bodyRequest) { this.queryString += row.Key + "=" + row.Value + "&"; } this.queryString = this.queryString.Substring(0, this.queryString.Length - 1); this.hexHash = Tools.byteToString(hasher.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(queryString))).ToLower(); this.queryString += "&signature=" + this.hexHash; this.httpRequest = new System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage(System.Net.Http.HttpMethod.Post, this.api + this.endpoint + "?" + this.queryString); this.httpRequest.Headers.Add("X-MBX-APIKEY", this.api_key); this.httpResponse = this.httpClient.SendAsync(this.httpRequest).Result; stringResponse = this.httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; this.responseRequest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <dynamic, dynamic> >(stringResponse); if (this.responseRequest.ContainsKey("success")) { oneNewOrder.success = this.responseRequest["success"]; } else { oneNewOrder.success = false; } if (this.responseRequest.ContainsKey("msg")) { oneNewOrder.message = this.responseRequest["msg"]; } return(oneNewOrder); }
public async Task <Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, decimal> > > GetPriceAtTime([FromQuery] string symbol, [FromQuery] int timestamp) { var time = epoch.AddSeconds(timestamp); DateTimeOffset offset = DateTime.SpecifyKind(time, DateTimeKind.Utc); var exchanges = new Exchanges(); var price = await exchanges.GetPriceAtTime(symbol, offset); return(price); }
public QueueProvider(IBus bus, ILogger <QueueProvider> logger, IOptions <Exchanges> exchanges, IOptions <Queues> queues, IOptions <Routings> routings) { _advancedBus = bus.Advanced; _logger = logger; _exchanges = exchanges.Value; _queues = queues.Value; _routings = routings.Value; }
private async Task HandleSubscribe(Message message, IList <string> @params) { // Check exchange name var chosen = @params .Where(x => GetExchangeBase(x) != null) .Select(GetExchangeBase) .FirstOrDefault( ); if (chosen == null) { await SendBlockText(message, "No exchanges provided.").ConfigureAwait(false); await SendBlockText(message, "Supported Exchanges:\n" + $"{Exchanges.Select ( e => e.Value.Name ).Join ( "\n" )}" ).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } // Check threshold value var threshold = 0.05m; var thresholdString = @params .FirstOrDefault(x => decimal.TryParse(x.Trim('%'), out var _)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(thresholdString)) { threshold = decimal.Parse(thresholdString) / 100m; } else { await SendBlockText(message, $"No threshold provided, setting to default {threshold:P}") .ConfigureAwait(false); } // Check coin symbols var supported = CryptoTickerBotCore.SupportedCoins; var coinIds = supported .Where(x => @params.Any( c => c.Equals(x.Symbol, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ) ) .Select(x => x.Id) .ToList( ); if (coinIds.Count == 0) { await SendBlockText( message, "No coin symbols provided. Subscribing to all coin notifications." ).ConfigureAwait(false); coinIds = supported.Select(x => x.Id).ToList( ); } await AddSubscription(message, chosen, threshold, coinIds).ConfigureAwait(false); }
/// <summary> /// Function returning all open orders (BUY or SELL) placed on any crypto currencies /// <paramref name="currency"/> have to be in <see cref="MainCryptos"/> /// </summary> /// <returns> /// a List of <see cref="Order"/>, representing all open orders /// </returns> override public List <Order> GetOpenOrders(string currency) { OrderType oneOrderType; OrderStyle oneOrderStyle = OrderStyle.LIMIT; Exchanges oneExchange = Exchanges.BITFINEX; MainCryptos ccyBase; MainCryptos ccyPair; double amount; double orderPrice; List <Order> orderList = new List <Order>(); Order oneNewOrder; Dictionary <dynamic, dynamic> newBody = new Dictionary <dynamic, dynamic>(); this.endpoint = "orders"; string completeUrl = this.apiV1 + this.endpoint; this.request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, completeUrl); this.nonce = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds().ToString(); this.request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, completeUrl); this.body.Clear(); this.body.Add("request", "/v1/" + this.endpoint); this.body.Add("nonce", nonce.ToString()); this.setRequestHeaders(this.body); this.response = this.client.SendAsync(this.request).Result; this.jStringResponse = this.response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; try { if (this.jStringResponse != "[]") { this.requestResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <dynamic, dynamic> >(this.jStringResponse); if (this.requestResponse.ContainsKey("message")) { oneNewOrder = new Order(error: true); oneNewOrder.message = this.requestResponse["message"]; } } else { oneNewOrder = new Order(error: true); oneNewOrder.message = "NO OPEN ORDERS"; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); oneNewOrder = new Order(error: true); } return(orderList); }
public async Task <IActionResult> SVGIntercept(string filename) { var symbol = filename.ToLower().Replace(".svg", "").ToUpper(); var exchanges = new Exchanges(); var chart = await exchanges.GetChart(symbol); return(File(chart, "image/svg+xml")); }
private void LoadSymbols() { var symbols = Serializer.GetConfiguration <List <string> >(ConfigurationFileNames.ValidStocks); var groupy = symbols.GroupBy(s => s.Split(':')[0]); _allInstruments = groupy.ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Select(s => s.Split(':')[1]).OrderBy(s => s).ToList()); Exchanges = _allInstruments.Select(s => s.Key).ToList(); Exchange = Exchanges.FirstOrDefault(); }
public object Get(Exchanges request) { return request.UserIds.IsEmpty() ? Repository.GetAll() : Repository.GetByUserIds(request.UserIds); }